Emotions – Part 1 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

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Emotions – Part 1 |  Enjoying Everyday Life

Strong emotions are hard to control. On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer shares truths from God’s Word to help you stay grounded when your feelings are up in the air.

“We don’t have faith so we can never have a problem. We have faith so we can have a problem and not let it have us.” —Joyce

It’s not too late to join Joyce at the Love Life Women’s Conference, October 19th to 21st.
Register now for your online ticket and join us from the comfort of own home.
Enjoy a power pack lineup of dynamic speakers who will help take your faith to a whole new level.
Register now for your online ticket at joycemeyer.org/wclop.
Emotional stability.
Some people have it, and then there’s the rest of us.
But Joyce Meyer wants to take you on a 90 day journey to emotional health in her newest devotion managing your emotions.
Experience an emotionally healthy life.
One day, and one decision at a time.
Today, we’re offering Joyce’s newest devotional, managing your emotions, along with the confident woman journal, for your donation of $30 or more.
Contact us now at joycemeyer.org or call toll free 180709 to 895.
This program has been made possible by
the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries.
You know, the great thing about God is no matter many mistakes you’ve made in the past, you don’t have to keep making them.
And the more we choose the right thing, the more we get out of the messes that we’re in.
I do what I do because I’ve seen god’s power transform my own life and he will do it for you.
The key to everything is found in god’s word.
I’m Joyce Meyer, and I believe that god can heal you everywhere you hurt.
Everybody has emotions, Well, at least most people do.
Some people you think could use having a few more, but, um, we’re gonna start with the people who just have an abundance of them, and they tend to be led and guided by them rather than being guided by the spirit.
So our emotions do not tell us the truth.
They tell us how we feel.
Your mind doesn’t necessarily tell you the truth unless it’s been totally renewed by the word of god.
Your mind, in my mind, tells us what we think.
And so probably more than anything else, people tell me and they tell you.
And when you’re talking to each other, you talk about, and I talk about what we want, what we think, and how we feel.
I want, I think I feel.
Well, interestingly enough, all of that unless it’s closely guided by the Holy Spirit is part of what the Bible calls the flesh.
What I think doesn’t necessarily tell me what god thinks or what his words says, what I feel doesn’t necessarily tell me what god would have me do in a situation, and what I want may not be what god wants.
Now We improve in those areas, the more we study the word, and the more we learn to walk according to the word, But I can tell you, even after being in church many, many years back in the seventies when I got into what I call a more serious relationship with god, And I love to talk about that because, to be honest, you can be a Christian, and you can go to church a couple times a week, And you might read your Bible a little bit and still not be real serious in your walk with god.
When people get serious about their relationship with god, they’re not just interested in what god can do for them, but they’re interested in what they can do for god.
They want to be the kind of person that god can use that god is working through them to help other people.
You know, I love doing things for my kids, and I will always do things for my kids.
But I’ll tell you, I reached a point where I just thought I’d like you to do something for me.
And you’ll get to now all my kids are great, and they do a lot of stuff for us, but it’s just the truth.
You don’t you know, that baby stage of Christianity is all about me me me me me me.
What can you do for me?
But maturity begins to see that it has a responsibility, and it begins to want to know what it can do then for the one who’s helped them so much.
So the Bible says that We have emotions. We have thoughts. We have a will.
And what god’s desire is for us is that we use our will to choose his will.
He’s not gonna make us do what’s right.
He’s given us free choice because he doesn’t want robots who have no choice but to serve him, he wants us to come to the point where we could even say, you know, god, this is what I want But if it’s not what you want, then please don’t give it to me.
Has anybody started praying like that yet? Okay. That’s the wise way to pray.
And and we also grow to the point where even though we have our own thoughts and we have our own feelings, we know that we can’t be led and guided by that if they don’t agree with the word of god.
So let me just say that you’re never gonna not have feelings. You’re going to have feelings.
You’re going to have emotions. And sometimes they’re good, and sometimes they’re not Sometimes they’re there when you need them, they did or they’re there.
When you need them, sometimes they’re there when you They’re there when you want them, sometimes they’re there.
When you don’t want them, you may feel like doing something when you go to bed at night, get up to the next morning, and not feel like doing it anymore.
And so we have to learn that we have feelings, but we cannot let them have us.
There’s a difference. We have to learn how to manage our emotions.
And because emotions are so prevalent, I read and study in that area a fair amount.
And I recently have been reading a book by a gentleman who’s probably gone home to be with the lord a 100 years ago, but I love the fact that the word never gets old.
Matter of fact, a lot of the most important things I’ve learned, I’ve learned from people that left the planet years years years ago.
So that’s one of the reasons why I wanted to write so many books and lead that legacy and that heritage to people that will come after me because I know that the things that I’m teaching now will be just as valuable a 100 years from now as they are right now.
And so but one of the things that this man said, and it’s not anything that I don’t know, but it just was something that I needed to be reminded of.
And maybe you need to be reminded of this too today.
He said, watch your emotions and notice how easily they are affected by so many different things.
If you don’t sleep well, you’re likely to be more emotional the next day.
If you don’t feel well, you’re likely to be more emotional the next day.
If the weather doesn’t suit you.
My point is is that things that people do or don’t do can affect us emotionally, how other people behave can affect us emotionally.
What kind of appreciation people give you or don’t give you? Can affect us emotionally.
So because our feelings seem to be so a affected by so many different things, I think it would be just a good little study class to take a week and just maybe pay a little bit of attention to when they’re up and when they’re down and what seems to be causing both.
Some people are more emotional than others. Some have, you know, more control over their emotions than others.
They say that women are a lot more emotional than men.
You know, that’s true in mine and Dave’s case. It’s not always true in every situation.
What god wants us to do is learn to live deeper. Everybody say deeper. Shrill.
Because the flesh what I think, what I want and what I feel is more part of my exterior life, and it doesn’t really or doesn’t have to have that much to do with my deeper life, which is my life in Christ.
But it takes us quite a while to learn that.
How many of you, if you’ve been walking with God, now let’s say 10 years, you are less affected by your circumstances now than you were 10 years ago.
Okay. See? And the longer you walk with god, the more that’s going to be the case.
You know why? Because although you you are a spirit, you have a flesh, which is your soul and your body, the Bible tells us that if we walk by the spirit, we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
Galatians 5 16, the less we will follow our submit to the lust of our flesh.
Your flesh is always gonna be screaming at you.
Was gonna be screaming at me, but we can make decisions that we’re gonna do what god wants us to do.
Now deeper, The Bible says to be rooted deep in god’s love.
Do you know, you can come to a place where you are so convinced that god loves you?
That nothing can ever take that away from you.
Nothing could take that away from you.
But how many years of my life and perhaps in years too?
And thankfully, I don’t do this anymore.
But how many years of my life did every time I have trouble that was long lasting would say, well, god, don’t you love me?
Yeah. Don’t you love me?
You know, we think that if god loves us and everything should turn up roses all the time, But the Bible actually says that when god chastises us, it’s a sign of his love.
In revelations, it says we should be enthusiastic and full of zeal when god corrects us and shows us what’s wrong with us.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve thought sometimes, god, you could just load me a little bit less today.
I really I I don’t wanna know anything else that’s wrong with me right now.
Just be feel free to go over to somebody else. Amen?
But when you when you’re rooted deep in that love, then you know that you know that you know, and nothing can ever take that away from it the Bible says it were to be rooted and grounded in Christ.
And that means that you grow to a point where you you your identity is so established in who you are in Christ.
That although you don’t wanna be rejected, if a person rejects you, you can still be okay because you know god never rejects you.
If you get turned down for a position at work that you wanted or a promotion you wanted, you don’t have to feel insecure and feel like you’re no good because you can go back to your relationship with god and say if that was what god had for me, then it woulda happened.
And if it didn’t happen, then god’s got another plan for me.
And my worth and value is not tied up in the title I have at my company.
I think one of the best things that happens as a result of our relationship with god is that we can become secure.
And who we are in him.
Do you know what a nightmare it is when you’re insecure and everything about how you feel about yourself is affected by how other people treat you and what your circumstances are.
The Bible says, deep, caliph, unto deep. I wanna just ask you a couple of questions.
How many of you maybe are at a point in your home where you need to do some deep cleaning.
Okay. We’re gonna talk about that for a minute.
And we’re gonna get a little analogy.
So are you the kind of person that just when somebody is gonna come over, you just quickly straighten up.
Oh, this is a good example.
Oh, we got company coming. Come on.
All the kids have to get in gear. We’re throwing everything in closets. We’re shoveling everything in drawers.
We’re picking everything up. The dishes are thrown in the dishwasher, and the company comes in and we’re busy like impressing them with our lovely house.
But we know what’s hidden behind the drawers and the doors.
Okay. Well, you know what? The same thing can be true in our lives.
When somebody comes around that we know and we want to impress, are we quick to straighten up?
Or have we invited god to come into our life and do a lot of deep coining on the inside of us?
know, Well,
let’s just say this. If you would behave at home all the time, the way you would behave, if I showed up at your front door, Come on.
Wake up. I’m tired too. See, our big excuse is, well, I just can’t help it.
I just can’t help it. I just lose my temper I’m just an emotional person.
I just can’t help. That’s
one excuse that we need to get rid of. The I can’t help it.
Excuse. It’s just hard. This is so hard.
Well, yeah. It’s hard for everybody.
We all just think being out of control is great, but that’s not the way god wants us to be.
So you know, I did a lot of screaming and yelling at my kids and my frustrated years.
I mean, I I wasn’t abusive to them, but I just was I was upset a lot, you know, all to I know none of you were like that, but I was. I always got along with everybody till somebody came home, and then it was a different story.
And, honestly, I had this happen to me one time, and it taught me a great lesson.
I share it often in my teachings when I’m teaching along these lines.
One day I was upset with my kids and they’d made a mess and you know, back then, I would say go play, and then they’d get their toys out.
And I’d say, clean up men’s side.
So people that are unhappy inside kinda led by their emotions, and they blame a lot of their unhappiness on other people.
Like, I’m gonna be happy. Now if you go play, well, now I’m gonna be happy if you clean your mess up.
And so I was having one of my upset spells, and The doorbell rang, and I peeked down, and it was my pastor.
I’ll tell you what, I got control of myself so fast.
I mean, I still remember.
Oh, pastor. Wow.
It’s so nice of you to stop by.
Oh, they can’t tell
you how they’re playing. They’re The little darlings. They’re just in their room playing.
And you know what?
It’s amazing when there’s somebody around that we want to impress.
How fast we can get control.
Well, That would be worth you coming if that’s all I said, but I’m a say some other stuff.
Because you know what?
Until we take responsibility, and stop just saying, well, that’s just the way I am. I just can’t help it.
You know, we’ve all got excuses But all they are is reason stuffed with a lie.
They’re not the truth of god’s word, and god has given us a spirit of self control, And it may take a while to get it developed and to learn how to walk in it, but there’s no point in me or you or anybody else saying, I just can’t help it.
Because god is never gonna tell us to do or not to do something and leave us without the ability to do it.
We cannot have spiritual maturity.
We don’t learn how to live deeper in god.
And what that means is we don’t we have feelings. We don’t live by them. We have thoughts.
We don’t live by them. We have things we want or don’t want, but we don’t live by them.
I think too many of us, we’re going to church all the time trying to find a way that we can get what we want.
And that’s not exactly god’s plan for our lives. Amen?
What if I said to you today, and I will just pretend because would never say this because you’d probably never come back if I did.
But so we’ll just pretend that what if I said to you today, you know, the things that you want in your life, you’re never gonna get them.
So will you love god just as much and serve him anyway?
I think that’s the question we all need to ask ourselves.
Am I serving god for what he can do for me?
Am I just willing to serve him when I’m on the mountain tops in my life, or am I willing to serve him when just nothing in my life is making sense?
And I see other people getting what I want, and I don’t think they’re nearly as spiritual as I am.
And so I know why god is not giving it to me and giving it to them.
Well, it may be that attitude that he’s after. Why are you giving it to them?
God, they’re not nearly as spiritual as me. I am so spiritual. Alright.
Romans 8 verse 8.
So then those who are living the life of the flesh And I like the amplified Bible, obviously.
I’ve used it for years. Those who are living a life with a flesh catering to the appetites and impulses are of their carnal nature.
So He’s saying that living the life of the flesh means that we cater to our flesh, whatever it wants, that’s what we try to give it.
Now I don’t know if you have ever hosted a catered event, but it’s so much fun when the event’s going on.
I mean, you got all kinds of people waiting on you.
You know, you go to a a really, like, top notch restaurant you might have 3 waiters or waitresses that are just assigned to your table.
I mean, every time you get a crumb on the table, they’re coming in wiping it up and anything you want, they’re gonna get it.
Uh, yes, ma’am. No, ma’am. They know your name. I mean, it’s just awesome. But you know what?
You will get the bill. Come on.
And maybe some of you are in a place right now where you’ve gotten the bill vercadia into your flesh in the past, and god wants you to know that that can turn around so you’re not continuing to pay that price in the future.
You know, the great thing about god is no matter how many mistakes you’ve made in the past, you don’t have to keep making them.
And the more we choose the right thing, the more we get out of the messes that we’re in.
You know, we get in trouble.
We get in trouble one decision at a time.
Every time we make a decision that takes us further away from god, Things get worse and worse.
And maybe you’ve spent 40 years making a mess in your life.
Well, don’t get mad at god if he hasn’t fixed it in a week.
You may not be where you wanna be, but if you’re starting to make right decisions in your life now, things are getting better and better.
And even like choosing to be here this weekend, it’s going to make your life better.
You may not feel zippy different when you walk out of here, but I can tell you that next week or the week after or the month after, you’re gonna remember something that was said, and it’s gonna keep you from getting in trouble on that day.
And so we don’t always we don’t always reap immediately the moment that we sow, but if we sow, we will reap in due season and at the right time.
So we gotta be careful about catering to our appetites and impulses. 1st Corinthians 33.
Paul said, you are still unspiritual, and he was talking to Christians.
You know, we there’s carnal Christians and they’re spiritual Christians.
And our goal should be not to be a carnal christian because carnal Christians are those who walk in the flesh.
They are the ones who do everything they feel like doing.
Go after everything they think they should have and do what they want.
How many of you are with me? You’re you’re you’re still tracking here with me.
He says an unspiritual Christian is somebody who is under the control of ordinary impulses.
I like that. You know, that’s what emotions can come across like sometimes like a you say something I don’t like, I feel like telling you off, so I do.
You say something I don’t like?
I decide to shut you out of my life, and I’m not ever gonna talk to you again.
Well, you know, sometimes when people offend me, I still feel that way, but now I’ve learned I don’t get to do what I feel like.
I have to do what the word tells me to do if I wanna have the life that Jesus wants me to have.
Shall I say that again? Alright.
Now here’s one of the symptoms of being a baby Christian a carnal, unspiritual Christian.
As long as there is envy and jealousy, and wranglings and factions, which is strife among you, are you not unspiritual and of the flesh behaving yourselves after a mere human standard like unchanged men.
Do you know how much strife there is in the church?
How many people go to church and listen to some man or some woman preach every week and then leave and go to lunch with their friends and do nothing but gossip about him.
Come on. Don’t look at me like that.
There can be strife on the worship team.
Strive among the nursery staff, strife on the church staff, and see where there’s strife. God can’t bless us.
But we’re to agree about anything and everything, whatever they ask for, god can do it.
Emotional stability. Some people have it, and then there’s the rest of us.
But Joyce Meyer wants to take you on a 90 day health and her newest devotional managing your emotions.
We have feelings, but we cannot let them have us.
Experience an emotionally healthy life. One day, and one decision a time.
Today, we’re offering Joyce’s newest devotional, managing your emotions, along with the confident women journal for your donation of $30 or more.
Contact us now at joycemeyer.org or call toll free 1807092895.
At the 2023 lovelife women’s comp I’ll teach you how to trust god and find calm in the chaos.
Featuring Joyce and her guests, Bishop TD Jakes, Sady Robertson Hoff, Lisa Brevere, Natalie Grant, and Danny Gokey.
October 19th through 21st in San Antonio, Texas. Register today at joycemeyer.org.
We all go through hard times, and it’s so easy in those moments to focus on the problem.
But what if you were able to see the trials of your life, the way god sees them, and respond to them
the way he teaches us in his word.
Joyce Meyer wants to show you how in her new book, blessed in the mess, even in the middle life’s difficulties, god’s kindness shines through, blessed in the mess from Joyce Meyer.
Order your copy today.
You know what? God is a big god.
He can do miraculous things even when we don’t see any way possible.
I want to read an email from Joe in Canada that we received recently.
Joe writes, I’ve been thinking off and on about killing myself.
I was preparing to write letters to my family explaining why. Nothing in life had ever gone right.
I’d never gotten married, never had any children, I was struggling just to do the basic things in life.
I was channel surfing before I was going to write those letters, and I came upon your program.
I listened to Joyce’s teaching and something she said caused me to get up off my bed, drop down to my knees, and pray.
After my short prayer, I got up and I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing.
The suicidal thoughts are very distant in my mind.
If it wasn’t for your program and what god did in my life, there would be no letter right now saying thank you.
That is who god is. God did something miraculous in Joe’s life that day, and his life was saved.
And those suicidal thoughts left his mind. Now that doesn’t mean that his life was perfect after that.
It means that when he did have troubles, He had someone to turn to.
He had the help that he needed, and that help comes from a truly miraculous god. It’s a miracle.
And you know what? God loves you that much too.
Whatever you’re dealing with today, whatever is happening in your mind, when you call on him, he is there.
There is hope for you. Hold on to that today.
Here at Joyce Meyer Ministries, we exist to make sure people know that truth.
And as a partner with us, you’re right there with us telling people at their lowest point that there is hope.
We are joined together in the work of the gospel, and it is so rewarding.
So if you’re a partner, thank you for being there for people like Joe and so many others every day.
And if you’ve never partnered with us before, please consider becoming a partner today. Partnership is easy.
It’s making an ongoing monthly commitment to financially give toward everything we do here.
And that means whatever we do, you do it too. Wherever we go, you’re right there with us too.
And if you are a partner with us already, maybe today, god is tugging on your heart to increase your partnership.
You see, your partnership increases the capacity to share the gospel together, to meet practical needs, and to help women and girls through our project girl initiatives, all of our outreach is sharing the word through this program you’re watching right now and so much more.
So to find out more about partnership, you can call us or you can check it out online.
We cannot wait to hear from you. We would love to do this thing together with you.
God bless you, and thank you so much.
We hope you enjoyed today’s program.
Please contact us or visit joycemeyer.org to share your prayer request or partner with us in sharing Christ and loving people all across the globe.
This program has been made possible
by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries.

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