Dr. Bill Winston: Faith in Your Blessing – The WORD of the Kingdom
Faith in Your Blessing – The WORD of the Kingdom
In The Word of The Kingdom Dr. Bill Winston shows you how to use the words of the Kingdom of God to radically transform everything in your life that is out of line with the declarations and promises of God.

The believer’s wonk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston, ministry partners and viewers.
We have been delivered out of the Kingdom of Darkness and we are now in a new kingdom.
Those are two different systems in those systems.
We have two different ways of speaking the enemy tries to use words of darkness to get you to express yourself.
People use the words, I’m catching a cold. You make me sick.
I’m dying to go. Words are authority in the Satan was on your words.
So we got to always speak the words of the kingdom because those words are going to empower you and move you forward.
How do you get God’s word out of his book?
Speak something in line with what God says about your life inside of you is soil, you stick something in it, it will try to grow it.
And what you’re gonna sow is a seed of the word of the kingdom and the word will become flash.
Well, wait a minute. Suppose I stick some house seed in there.
The word will become house once you meditate this and get this down in here, all of a sudden your seeing God with you is bigger than you, seeing the devil coming against you.
Speaking, the word of the kingdom would dominate anything that’s out of line with Him.
For us to change or improve this world.
We’re going to have to operate on higher principles than the world and the higher principles that we gonna operate on and love and joy and peace and, and, and, and justice and, and mercy and compassion and unity and um um integrity and holiness so forth and so on.
We’re gonna operate on these things, but the world is limited to inferior principles.
And this is principles of division, jealousy, hatred.
Um You know, stepping on somebody to get a promotion, a revenge, greed, uh murder, selfishness, all these kind of things.
And what I read to you in terms of the higher principles are coming out of Galatians chapter five where he calls it the fruit of the spirit and the fruit of the spirit can be defined as supernatural disposition.
You can’t get there without the Holy Ghost, you can’t get there without the word of God.
In fact, over in Matthew’s Gospel for four, but he answered and said it is written, man shall not live by what bread alone, but by what every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
Now, that’s the word of the kingdom. OK? That’s where you’re gonna live.
Now, I know when people are operating on these low principles, they call them principles of darkness and in those principles, it might look like they’re getting ahead, but they’re not because the Bible says in Galatians chapter six verses seven, that be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever man.
So it, that shall He also reap next verse please.
For He that soared to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption. Let’s stop right there.
Put it up there in the amplified, same verse in the amplified translation.
If you will, for he who sows to his own flesh, lower nature, sensuality will from the flesh reap decay and ruin and what destruction now I’m talking about the enemy and his tactics of destruction.
Because if he can get people to operate on the lower nature, then they sow to the flesh and if they sow to the flesh, they’re gonna reap destruction.
So cities can be destroyed by sowing to the flesh and any cities that you’ve seen out there, no matter how big they were, how big the Roman Empire, how big so forth because of sowing to the flesh.
Every one of them met destruction got it. So the world cannot save itself.
It needs somebody to sew to another level because if you sow to the spirit, you’ll reap eternal life.
So it might look like the world is getting away with something when they get revenge on you or whatever have you.
But you stand on that word because that word is going to deliver you.
Let’s go all the way over to Ezekiel chapter 36.
Please now notice what the enemy comes in. He comes in to make the world as a wilderness.
He cannot keep anything alive. He is a dead spirit. He can’t keep anything alive.
And that’s why you can’t retaliate according to his dark system and the principle of that system because they’re designed to destroy.
In fact, if you would just write the scripture down, it’s found in Proverbs and Proverbs chapter 14 verse 12.
There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Oh, it seems right. Seems like you’re getting away with it, but it’s designed to eat you up, hatred, jealousy, talking about folks running down the preachers.
Amen to this. All this stuff is designed to come back at you.
The Bible says if you sow to the wind, you’ll reap the whirlwind.
All that bad stuff that you sowed in your past.
That’s why you got saved because once you got saved, it came back, but it came on Jesus.
It’s got to come back because it’s spiritual law.
It doesn’t just go out in space somewhere.
That’s why when you, when you mess up, the first thing you do is what you repent because you got to get the blood flow and you got to get that, that stuff off of you because it’s coming back.
I notice ruined, ruined cities because that’s what the enemy did.
But look what God does. Ezekiel chapter 36 verse 33.
Thus says, the Lord God, in the day that I shall have cleaned you from all your iniquities.
I will also call you to dwell in the cities and the waste shall be building and the desolate land shall be tilled.
Whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by, watch this and they shall say this land that was what desolate it become like the what garden of Eden and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced and are inhabited.
Then the heathen that are left round about you shall know that I the Lord build the ruined places and plant that that was desolate.
I the Lord have spoken it. Come on, then I will do it.
I don’t care how bad it looks.
There is a blessing that’s on your life and that blessing is designed to turn a ghetto to the garden.
It is design. Come on.
Now it will take you from zero to a hero.
It, it will cause things that happen in your life that no man can explain.
That’s what’s on you and you got a kingly anointing on you.
I’m not talking about gender. Now there’s a kingly anointing on you that you decree things say amen to that.
And when you decrease, I’m talking about operating supernatural and I’m not talking about naturally.
I’m talking about supernaturally and don’t ever think it takes the same time supernaturally to fix something as it does in the natural.
Say, amen to that. So that’s the power that you have that is virtually unlimited.
It’s on you right now. Say the blessing is on me. It’s on you right now.
Now you gotta have faith in that blessing.
He’s got to have faith in it because that’s what happened with Abraham and, and, uh, lot you remember they were, they were there and the blessing was on Abraham.
So because of Abraham’s blessing and lot following him around, lot got rich.
But pretty soon they had stride between the Herdman. What what strife designed to do? Strife?
One man said is like dropping a rattlesnake and a baby crib because strife will wipe out everything.
You got what? It’s a lower nature. So here’s what Abraham said.
Let there be no strife between us as is found in Galatians.
Uh Genesis chapter 13, let there be no strife between.
He said, you pick what you want, you pick the right hand, I’ll go to the left.
If you pick the land to the left hand, I’ll go to the right. Well, why did he say that?
Because it didn’t make any difference?
The blessing is powerful enough to make a garden out of any place on the and you gotta speak things, you gotta come in your house decreeing things.
You got to take your kids, decree things over amen to that. Very strange. Yeah.
In fact, you can bless yourself plum.
Go over with me to Isaiah and Isaiah chapter 65 verse 16 that he who blesses himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth.
Right? Stop up right there and put it up there in the amplified.
So it shall be that He who invokes a blessing on himself in the land shall do so by saying all you gotta do is say something over yourself, say it, decree it over yourself.
Jesus came not as God, he came as the son of God got it.
Now, what do I mean by that?
That he set his God had ability aside and operated as a man?
Paul by revelation calls him the last Adam because he’s showing you how Adam was.
Remember three things Adam lost in the fall.
He lost fellowship, he lost his assignment and he lost provision, got it.
Then he got put out of the garden.
Now the garden contained everything that Adam would need in this life.
The garden now is the kingdom and the kingdom has come inside of every believer, the whole kingdom, not half of it, the whole hockey getting at a whole kingdom in me.
Well as God, the whole kingdom has come inside of you.
Now, what is the kingdom supply all the provision that we would need in this earth for everything we have need of the Kingdom does all right now Jesus wants you or desires for you to identify with him.
Got it and noticed they were going over to the other side and here comes a storm to sink the boat.
They woke up Jesus, they, they, they, uh, you know, accused him that he didn’t care.
And then he rebuked the wind said to see peace be still. That was a great.
And then he looked at them and said, now, wait a minute. Where is your faith?
Why did you do that here? Jesus spoke to the tree.
No man eat food of you here after forever notice. So he did that.
He was showing them how to operate under the authority of God speaking the word of the kingdom, which would dominate anything that’s out of line with heaven, right?
He was showing, hey, wait a minute, you don’t need to sit there and pray.
You don’t need to go through all of that.
Just, just listen. No man eat fruit of you here after forever.
Nine words just speak nine words to it.
Now, I want you to see this now because some of y’all speaking too much and the Bible says too much speaking like that.
You kind of get off. You drift off into unbelief.
See, because you don’t believe your, your words are enough to do that. No, no, no. He see.
See yourself like God sees you say amen to this.
And, and so here’s Jesus. He’s been trying to get us to identify with him.
And sometimes you gotta get back in that Bible and understand. Watch Jesus. He walked on water. Here comes Peter.
Hey, if that be you bid me to walk on the water too.
Come on, notice every time trying to get us to identify, he’s not trying to lift himself up.
Say, well, I can do this but you can’t do it.
No, no, he is saying, wait a minute, you can do this too.
Now, once you do this and see how Jesus worked, now you got a key, renewing your mind to you are not who you used to be, but now you’re somebody that’s different.
Got it. I was over in, uh, Africa and I was in, uh, yo, um, Nigeria and, and we were, uh, riding with the, uh, doctor, uh, bishop over there and, and, and so forth and, and he was my wife and I were in the car.
He was taking us and they had a, you know, entourage of cars and so forth.
The police were directed away and so forth and just a great time, they really honored us well and so forth.
But he’s had something. He said, no, you know, I went to Angola.
He said, you gotta come one time and, and we go to Angola or so forth.
He wants to have an apostolic conference over there.
And, and I said to, I said, OK, I said, well, what’s happening he said, oh, you know, he said, some of the young women over there in Angola are beautiful, young, beautiful girls.
I mean, they could be on the front cover of any glamour magazine and so forth.
He said, but you look at their hands, their hands been cut off. I said, whoa, is that right?
All right. I did. I jump. He said, you know, sometimes I’ve just cried.
I just wept when I see that you all right.
Let’s look at the bottom because God said something, put it up on the board, put up Isaiah chapter 50 55.
It started verse eight. For my thoughts are not your thoughts. Neither are your ways.
Come on my ways sayeth the Lord keep going for the heavens are higher than the earth.
So are my ways and your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
So what you’re thinking has a lot to do with your behavior, keep going next next first.
As far as the rain coming down into snow from heaven and water with the earth and return it not but water with the earth and make it bring forth in bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the either.
So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth.
It shall not return unto me void, but it shall keep going accomplish.
That’s which I please and it shall prosper. Anything were into our senate. Got it.
So notice he’s saying, ok, get your thoughts up, get your thoughts up because you’re thinking like the world, the world thinks that nothing we can do about that.
Let me come back over here to this. Right.
Let’s go to Matthew chapter 15. Now Jesus is teaching on the kingdom.
See, and what you can’t do is you can’t get among them and become like them.
Your, your reason for getting among them is that they become like you got it.
All right. Now, let’s look at this Matthew chapter 15, remember I said, the blessing is powerful enough to fix anything that’s broke.
And that Jesus didn’t come in the synagogue and preach the law like the Pharisees, he came and preached the blessing because it, the blessing of Abraham would fixed everything that was broke.
Look what it says in verse, I’ll start here at verse 29.
And Jesus departed from Vince and came nigh into the seat of Sea of Galilee and he went up into a mountain and sat down there and Great Maltz came to him having with them those that were lame, blind dumb uh Maine and many others and cast him down at who’s feet, Jesus’s feet.
And what did Jesus do to him? No, he didn’t cry over here.
He healed them in so much in so much that the multitude wondered when they saw the dumb to speak.
You see this the main to be made whole the lame to walk and the blind to see and they glorify the God of Israel.
Now, what is a maimed person, a person who perhaps got their hands cut off?
Am I right now when they brought that person to Jesus, what did Jesus do for?
He killed her? You got it. He healed them.
And somebody said, well that is Jesus.
That’s who that was, that was Jesus. He is the son of God.
He, he, he can do that. Well, the Bible said, beloved. Now are we the sons of God?
Now, let’s go to John.
John chapter 14 because some of y’all looking at me kind of wild eyed verse 10, believe it thou not that I am in the father and the father in me.
But the words that I speak to you, I speak not of myself but the father that dwell in me.
Come on help me. He’s the one doing the work.
Look what it said in verse 12.
Verily verily I say unto you, he that believeth come on on me the works that I do.
Shall he do also? Now? Wait, wait, wait a minute, wait a minute. I better read that again.
I better read that again.
I say to you that he, that believeth on me the works that I do.
Shall he do also? And greater works than me. Shall he do? Why?
Because I’m going to the father, I’m, I’m gonna tell you something Jesus said, listen, listen here not only will you do what I did.
That includes making the lame hold hands, cut off, hands, grow back, but greater works.
You’re gonna do stuff greater than that.
You, you’re, I’m not talking about greater in terms of covering more territory.
I’m talking about greater in terms of acts of miracles.
You’re going to do stuff that almost is beyond your belief.
Got it.
So when we see devastation, we can cry and identify with the victims or we can come up into the spirit into the supernatural claim our inheritance as Sons of God and let the power flow through us and heal the sick.
Yeah, the total supply for Adam was in the garden.
The total supply for you is in the kingdom and the kingdom is in you.
Well, I trust that you are blessed by this powerful teaching.
Now, it’s called the word of the kingdom. Now, this is powerful teaching that Jesus did.
And this is an exciting for disc series of the word of the Kingdom.
And here’s a point that you want to remember God’s total supply for Adam was in the garden of Eden.
In other words, if it wasn’t in the garden, he didn’t need it.
Well, the garden today is the Kingdom of God and God’s total supply for all of his family is in the Kingdom of God.
Now, all the provisions, everything you’ll ever need has already been stored there. So it’s waiting for you right.
Now, now Jesus came to show us how to live independent of this Babylonian system.
Now actually to use the the the principles of the Kingdom, tapping into the Kingdom and tapping into an inexhaustible supply, supply, inexhaustible supply to meet every need that you and I would have.
Now, this is the principle of the word of the kingdom. This is how this word works.
This is what Jesus taught when he said the sower.
So the word, so the word of the kingdom is a very powerful foundational teaching and it’s something that you and I should, should know, we should spend time studying this thing out.
Why? So we learned to trust in Him more than we trust in them and trust in God more than we trust in the world and what the world can offer us.
It’s a powerful teaching as you get it guaranteed.
It’ll give you a, a life of peace and a life of joy. Praise God. Well, this is Bill Winston.
Until next time. Keep walking by faith.
We have been delivered out of the Kingdom of Darkness and we are now in a new kingdom.
Those are two different systems in those systems. We have two different ways of speaking.
The enemy tries to use words of darkness to get you to express yourself.
People use the words, I’m catching a cold, you make me sick.
I’m dying to go. Words are authority in the Satan was on your words.
So we got to always speak the words of the kingdom because those words are gonna empower you and move you forward.
How do you get God’s word out of his book?
Speak something in line with what God says about your life inside of you is soil, you stick something in it.
It will try to grow it.
And what you’re gonna sow is the seed of the word of the kingdom and the word will become, well, wait a minute, suppose I stick some house seed in there.
The word will become house once you meditate this and get this down in here, all of a sudden your seeing God with you is bigger than you seeing the devil coming against you.
Speaking, the word of the kingdom would dominate anything that’s out of line with.
Discover the power to operate on a supernatural level and triumph over every situation in Doctor Bill Winston’s dynamic teaching entitled The Word of the Kingdom.
To order your copy of the Word of the Kingdom, contact us online at Bill Winston dot org, iphone at 1 807 119327.
You can also write to us at Bill Winston Ministries P O box 9 47 Oak Park, Illinois, 60303.
Order this dynamic teaching the word of the Kingdom today. Well, hello, I have written a new book.
It’s called a Revelation of Royalty.
Now, this book was written because many Christians have not been receiving the divine inheritance because they really don’t know their identity in Christ Jesus.
They really don’t know who they are.
I’m talking about in the eyes of God, not talking about uh your, your relatives or, or the boss man or whatever, but who you are in the eyes of God because your image affects everything.
It affects how high you climb. It affects how rich you become.
It affects all of that and nobody really can affect like that.
But you now what we do is we allow other people to call us names or put us in a certain position and we take on that identity.
But God is telling you who you really are. He sees you as royalty.
He sees you as one of his family.
It is the richest and wealthiest family that has ever been known to mankind. You are in that family.
If you’re born again, now this book will help you.
It’ll help you identify who you are, what you have and how to get it.
We have been missing out on our inheritance and that’s wrong.
We want you to get what God says is yours. The first step to it. Change your image.
Go and understand who God says you are and be that praise God.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministry partners and viewers.
Now remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
We have been delivered out of the Kingdom of Darkness and we are now in a new kingdom.
Those are two different systems in those systems.
We have two different ways of speaking the enemy tries to use words of darkness to get you to express yourself.
People use the words, I’m catching a cold. You make me sick.
I’m dying to go. Words are authority in the Satan was on your words.
So we got to always speak the words of the kingdom because those words are going to empower you and move you forward.
How do you get God’s word out of his book?
Speak something in line with what God says about your life inside of you is soil, you stick something in it, it will try to grow it.
And what you’re gonna sow is a seed of the word of the kingdom and the word will become flash.
Well, wait a minute. Suppose I stick some house seed in there.
The word will become house once you meditate this and get this down in here, all of a sudden your seeing God with you is bigger than you, seeing the devil coming against you.
Speaking, the word of the kingdom would dominate anything that’s out of line with Him.
For us to change or improve this world.
We’re going to have to operate on higher principles than the world and the higher principles that we gonna operate on and love and joy and peace and, and, and, and justice and, and mercy and compassion and unity and um um integrity and holiness so forth and so on.
We’re gonna operate on these things, but the world is limited to inferior principles.
And this is principles of division, jealousy, hatred.
Um You know, stepping on somebody to get a promotion, a revenge, greed, uh murder, selfishness, all these kind of things.
And what I read to you in terms of the higher principles are coming out of Galatians chapter five where he calls it the fruit of the spirit and the fruit of the spirit can be defined as supernatural disposition.
You can’t get there without the Holy Ghost, you can’t get there without the word of God.
In fact, over in Matthew’s Gospel for four, but he answered and said it is written, man shall not live by what bread alone, but by what every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
Now, that’s the word of the kingdom. OK? That’s where you’re gonna live.
Now, I know when people are operating on these low principles, they call them principles of darkness and in those principles, it might look like they’re getting ahead, but they’re not because the Bible says in Galatians chapter six verses seven, that be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever man.
So it, that shall He also reap next verse please.
For He that soared to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption. Let’s stop right there.
Put it up there in the amplified, same verse in the amplified translation.
If you will, for he who sows to his own flesh, lower nature, sensuality will from the flesh reap decay and ruin and what destruction now I’m talking about the enemy and his tactics of destruction.
Because if he can get people to operate on the lower nature, then they sow to the flesh and if they sow to the flesh, they’re gonna reap destruction.
So cities can be destroyed by sowing to the flesh and any cities that you’ve seen out there, no matter how big they were, how big the Roman Empire, how big so forth because of sowing to the flesh.
Every one of them met destruction got it. So the world cannot save itself.
It needs somebody to sew to another level because if you sow to the spirit, you’ll reap eternal life.
So it might look like the world is getting away with something when they get revenge on you or whatever have you.
But you stand on that word because that word is going to deliver you.
Let’s go all the way over to Ezekiel chapter 36.
Please now notice what the enemy comes in. He comes in to make the world as a wilderness.
He cannot keep anything alive. He is a dead spirit. He can’t keep anything alive.
And that’s why you can’t retaliate according to his dark system and the principle of that system because they’re designed to destroy.
In fact, if you would just write the scripture down, it’s found in Proverbs and Proverbs chapter 14 verse 12.
There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Oh, it seems right. Seems like you’re getting away with it, but it’s designed to eat you up, hatred, jealousy, talking about folks running down the preachers.
Amen to this. All this stuff is designed to come back at you.
The Bible says if you sow to the wind, you’ll reap the whirlwind.
All that bad stuff that you sowed in your past.
That’s why you got saved because once you got saved, it came back, but it came on Jesus.
It’s got to come back because it’s spiritual law.
It doesn’t just go out in space somewhere.
That’s why when you, when you mess up, the first thing you do is what you repent because you got to get the blood flow and you got to get that, that stuff off of you because it’s coming back.
I notice ruined, ruined cities because that’s what the enemy did.
But look what God does. Ezekiel chapter 36 verse 33.
Thus says, the Lord God, in the day that I shall have cleaned you from all your iniquities.
I will also call you to dwell in the cities and the waste shall be building and the desolate land shall be tilled.
Whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by, watch this and they shall say this land that was what desolate it become like the what garden of Eden and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced and are inhabited.
Then the heathen that are left round about you shall know that I the Lord build the ruined places and plant that that was desolate.
I the Lord have spoken it. Come on, then I will do it.
I don’t care how bad it looks.
There is a blessing that’s on your life and that blessing is designed to turn a ghetto to the garden.
It is design. Come on.
Now it will take you from zero to a hero.
It, it will cause things that happen in your life that no man can explain.
That’s what’s on you and you got a kingly anointing on you.
I’m not talking about gender. Now there’s a kingly anointing on you that you decree things say amen to that.
And when you decrease, I’m talking about operating supernatural and I’m not talking about naturally.
I’m talking about supernaturally and don’t ever think it takes the same time supernaturally to fix something as it does in the natural.
Say, amen to that. So that’s the power that you have that is virtually unlimited.
It’s on you right now. Say the blessing is on me. It’s on you right now.
Now you gotta have faith in that blessing.
He’s got to have faith in it because that’s what happened with Abraham and, and, uh, lot you remember they were, they were there and the blessing was on Abraham.
So because of Abraham’s blessing and lot following him around, lot got rich.
But pretty soon they had stride between the Herdman. What what strife designed to do? Strife?
One man said is like dropping a rattlesnake and a baby crib because strife will wipe out everything.
You got what? It’s a lower nature. So here’s what Abraham said.
Let there be no strife between us as is found in Galatians.
Uh Genesis chapter 13, let there be no strife between.
He said, you pick what you want, you pick the right hand, I’ll go to the left.
If you pick the land to the left hand, I’ll go to the right. Well, why did he say that?
Because it didn’t make any difference?
The blessing is powerful enough to make a garden out of any place on the and you gotta speak things, you gotta come in your house decreeing things.
You got to take your kids, decree things over amen to that. Very strange. Yeah.
In fact, you can bless yourself plum.
Go over with me to Isaiah and Isaiah chapter 65 verse 16 that he who blesses himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth.
Right? Stop up right there and put it up there in the amplified.
So it shall be that He who invokes a blessing on himself in the land shall do so by saying all you gotta do is say something over yourself, say it, decree it over yourself.
Jesus came not as God, he came as the son of God got it.
Now, what do I mean by that?
That he set his God had ability aside and operated as a man?
Paul by revelation calls him the last Adam because he’s showing you how Adam was.
Remember three things Adam lost in the fall.
He lost fellowship, he lost his assignment and he lost provision, got it.
Then he got put out of the garden.
Now the garden contained everything that Adam would need in this life.
The garden now is the kingdom and the kingdom has come inside of every believer, the whole kingdom, not half of it, the whole hockey getting at a whole kingdom in me.
Well as God, the whole kingdom has come inside of you.
Now, what is the kingdom supply all the provision that we would need in this earth for everything we have need of the Kingdom does all right now Jesus wants you or desires for you to identify with him.
Got it and noticed they were going over to the other side and here comes a storm to sink the boat.
They woke up Jesus, they, they, they, uh, you know, accused him that he didn’t care.
And then he rebuked the wind said to see peace be still. That was a great.
And then he looked at them and said, now, wait a minute. Where is your faith?
Why did you do that here? Jesus spoke to the tree.
No man eat food of you here after forever notice. So he did that.
He was showing them how to operate under the authority of God speaking the word of the kingdom, which would dominate anything that’s out of line with heaven, right?
He was showing, hey, wait a minute, you don’t need to sit there and pray.
You don’t need to go through all of that.
Just, just listen. No man eat fruit of you here after forever.
Nine words just speak nine words to it.
Now, I want you to see this now because some of y’all speaking too much and the Bible says too much speaking like that.
You kind of get off. You drift off into unbelief.
See, because you don’t believe your, your words are enough to do that. No, no, no. He see.
See yourself like God sees you say amen to this.
And, and so here’s Jesus. He’s been trying to get us to identify with him.
And sometimes you gotta get back in that Bible and understand. Watch Jesus. He walked on water. Here comes Peter.
Hey, if that be you bid me to walk on the water too.
Come on, notice every time trying to get us to identify, he’s not trying to lift himself up.
Say, well, I can do this but you can’t do it.
No, no, he is saying, wait a minute, you can do this too.
Now, once you do this and see how Jesus worked, now you got a key, renewing your mind to you are not who you used to be, but now you’re somebody that’s different.
Got it. I was over in, uh, Africa and I was in, uh, yo, um, Nigeria and, and we were, uh, riding with the, uh, doctor, uh, bishop over there and, and, and so forth and, and he was my wife and I were in the car.
He was taking us and they had a, you know, entourage of cars and so forth.
The police were directed away and so forth and just a great time, they really honored us well and so forth.
But he’s had something. He said, no, you know, I went to Angola.
He said, you gotta come one time and, and we go to Angola or so forth.
He wants to have an apostolic conference over there.
And, and I said to, I said, OK, I said, well, what’s happening he said, oh, you know, he said, some of the young women over there in Angola are beautiful, young, beautiful girls.
I mean, they could be on the front cover of any glamour magazine and so forth.
He said, but you look at their hands, their hands been cut off. I said, whoa, is that right?
All right. I did. I jump. He said, you know, sometimes I’ve just cried.
I just wept when I see that you all right.
Let’s look at the bottom because God said something, put it up on the board, put up Isaiah chapter 50 55.
It started verse eight. For my thoughts are not your thoughts. Neither are your ways.
Come on my ways sayeth the Lord keep going for the heavens are higher than the earth.
So are my ways and your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
So what you’re thinking has a lot to do with your behavior, keep going next next first.
As far as the rain coming down into snow from heaven and water with the earth and return it not but water with the earth and make it bring forth in bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the either.
So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth.
It shall not return unto me void, but it shall keep going accomplish.
That’s which I please and it shall prosper. Anything were into our senate. Got it.
So notice he’s saying, ok, get your thoughts up, get your thoughts up because you’re thinking like the world, the world thinks that nothing we can do about that.
Let me come back over here to this. Right.
Let’s go to Matthew chapter 15. Now Jesus is teaching on the kingdom.
See, and what you can’t do is you can’t get among them and become like them.
Your, your reason for getting among them is that they become like you got it.
All right. Now, let’s look at this Matthew chapter 15, remember I said, the blessing is powerful enough to fix anything that’s broke.
And that Jesus didn’t come in the synagogue and preach the law like the Pharisees, he came and preached the blessing because it, the blessing of Abraham would fixed everything that was broke.
Look what it says in verse, I’ll start here at verse 29.
And Jesus departed from Vince and came nigh into the seat of Sea of Galilee and he went up into a mountain and sat down there and Great Maltz came to him having with them those that were lame, blind dumb uh Maine and many others and cast him down at who’s feet, Jesus’s feet.
And what did Jesus do to him? No, he didn’t cry over here.
He healed them in so much in so much that the multitude wondered when they saw the dumb to speak.
You see this the main to be made whole the lame to walk and the blind to see and they glorify the God of Israel.
Now, what is a maimed person, a person who perhaps got their hands cut off?
Am I right now when they brought that person to Jesus, what did Jesus do for?
He killed her? You got it. He healed them.
And somebody said, well that is Jesus.
That’s who that was, that was Jesus. He is the son of God.
He, he, he can do that. Well, the Bible said, beloved. Now are we the sons of God?
Now, let’s go to John.
John chapter 14 because some of y’all looking at me kind of wild eyed verse 10, believe it thou not that I am in the father and the father in me.
But the words that I speak to you, I speak not of myself but the father that dwell in me.
Come on help me. He’s the one doing the work.
Look what it said in verse 12.
Verily verily I say unto you, he that believeth come on on me the works that I do.
Shall he do also? Now? Wait, wait, wait a minute, wait a minute. I better read that again.
I better read that again.
I say to you that he, that believeth on me the works that I do.
Shall he do also? And greater works than me. Shall he do? Why?
Because I’m going to the father, I’m, I’m gonna tell you something Jesus said, listen, listen here not only will you do what I did.
That includes making the lame hold hands, cut off, hands, grow back, but greater works.
You’re gonna do stuff greater than that.
You, you’re, I’m not talking about greater in terms of covering more territory.
I’m talking about greater in terms of acts of miracles.
You’re going to do stuff that almost is beyond your belief.
Got it.
So when we see devastation, we can cry and identify with the victims or we can come up into the spirit into the supernatural claim our inheritance as Sons of God and let the power flow through us and heal the sick.
Yeah, the total supply for Adam was in the garden.
The total supply for you is in the kingdom and the kingdom is in you.
Well, I trust that you are blessed by this powerful teaching.
Now, it’s called the word of the kingdom. Now, this is powerful teaching that Jesus did.
And this is an exciting for disc series of the word of the Kingdom.
And here’s a point that you want to remember God’s total supply for Adam was in the garden of Eden.
In other words, if it wasn’t in the garden, he didn’t need it.
Well, the garden today is the Kingdom of God and God’s total supply for all of his family is in the Kingdom of God.
Now, all the provisions, everything you’ll ever need has already been stored there. So it’s waiting for you right.
Now, now Jesus came to show us how to live independent of this Babylonian system.
Now actually to use the the the principles of the Kingdom, tapping into the Kingdom and tapping into an inexhaustible supply, supply, inexhaustible supply to meet every need that you and I would have.
Now, this is the principle of the word of the kingdom. This is how this word works.
This is what Jesus taught when he said the sower.
So the word, so the word of the kingdom is a very powerful foundational teaching and it’s something that you and I should, should know, we should spend time studying this thing out.
Why? So we learned to trust in Him more than we trust in them and trust in God more than we trust in the world and what the world can offer us.
It’s a powerful teaching as you get it guaranteed.
It’ll give you a, a life of peace and a life of joy. Praise God. Well, this is Bill Winston.
Until next time. Keep walking by faith.
We have been delivered out of the Kingdom of Darkness and we are now in a new kingdom.
Those are two different systems in those systems. We have two different ways of speaking.
The enemy tries to use words of darkness to get you to express yourself.
People use the words, I’m catching a cold, you make me sick.
I’m dying to go. Words are authority in the Satan was on your words.
So we got to always speak the words of the kingdom because those words are gonna empower you and move you forward.
How do you get God’s word out of his book?
Speak something in line with what God says about your life inside of you is soil, you stick something in it.
It will try to grow it.
And what you’re gonna sow is the seed of the word of the kingdom and the word will become, well, wait a minute, suppose I stick some house seed in there.
The word will become house once you meditate this and get this down in here, all of a sudden your seeing God with you is bigger than you seeing the devil coming against you.
Speaking, the word of the kingdom would dominate anything that’s out of line with.
Discover the power to operate on a supernatural level and triumph over every situation in Doctor Bill Winston’s dynamic teaching entitled The Word of the Kingdom.
To order your copy of the Word of the Kingdom, contact us online at Bill Winston dot org, iphone at 1 807 119327.
You can also write to us at Bill Winston Ministries P O box 9 47 Oak Park, Illinois, 60303.
Order this dynamic teaching the word of the Kingdom today. Well, hello, I have written a new book.
It’s called a Revelation of Royalty.
Now, this book was written because many Christians have not been receiving the divine inheritance because they really don’t know their identity in Christ Jesus.
They really don’t know who they are.
I’m talking about in the eyes of God, not talking about uh your, your relatives or, or the boss man or whatever, but who you are in the eyes of God because your image affects everything.
It affects how high you climb. It affects how rich you become.
It affects all of that and nobody really can affect like that.
But you now what we do is we allow other people to call us names or put us in a certain position and we take on that identity.
But God is telling you who you really are. He sees you as royalty.
He sees you as one of his family.
It is the richest and wealthiest family that has ever been known to mankind. You are in that family.
If you’re born again, now this book will help you.
It’ll help you identify who you are, what you have and how to get it.
We have been missing out on our inheritance and that’s wrong.
We want you to get what God says is yours. The first step to it. Change your image.
Go and understand who God says you are and be that praise God.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministry partners and viewers.
Now remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.