Dr. Bill Winston: Don’t Delay GOD’s Blessing – Hearing the Voice of GOD
Don’t Delay GOD’s Blessing – Hearing the Voice of GOD
In this timely teaching series on ‘Hearing the Voice of God,’ Dr. Bill Winston reveals the importance of being led by the Spirit of God.’ When you are led by the Spirit of God, nothing can stop your success.’ Let the revelation found in this series help you to avoid the pitfalls of life and live in victory by Hearing the voice of God!
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
When we’re talking about the righteousness of God, we’re talking about the ability to stand in God’s presence without any sense of guilt or condemnation or inferiority.
And when a person has sin consciousness, he or she are eager to involve themselves in religious activity.
The tendency is that if I do enough work, I’ll be all right with God.
So sin consciousness destroys faith and without faith, you cannot please God.
When you make up your mind, you’re gonna live the faith.
You have just made up your mind to walk with God.
And if you’re gonna walk with Him in fellowship with Him, you’re gonna have to hear Him.
So you don’t have any problem with faith. What you have a problem with is righteousness.
You have a problem with fellowship because once righteousness and fellowship comes, faith flows.
God wants to walk with you again. Talk with you again. Tell you things again.
Teach you again. You gotta say that because if you could hear God, one word from God can change your whole life.
Now, by the way, how do you receive righteousness by faith.
See, you don’t feel, I don’t feel righteous this morning. Well, how does righteous feel? You?
See what I’m saying? You’re going back to unrighteousness again.
But righteousness is something that is needed for your faith to flow like it should.
As a matter of fact, God, I, I must, I must just stay where you are, please.
If you put this scripture down is found in First Peter. Uh pardon me?
Second Peter chapter one and verse one, here’s what it says. Simon Peter’s servant, an apostle of Jesus Christ.
To them that obtained have obtained like precious faith with us. Through the righteousness of God.
You see through the righteous faith comes by hearing, ok? Faith comes by hearing.
But he is saying here that that for me to walk in that kind of faith, I’m gonna have to have the righteousness of God for me to, to be able to develop the kind of faith that I want faith have.
I must have that. Ok. So um in John chapter, what did I tell you? Five? OK.
John chapter five, he says here in verse 30 I can of myself do nothing. This is Jesus talking.
How do I know that it’s in the red as I hear, I, what judge and my judgment is just because I seek not my own will, but the will of the father which has sent me.
Now, that’s a lot of revelation in that particular verse right there because right there He is really giving you the foundation for being able to hear the voice of God.
Is that one? Seek not your own will?
You see, you’ve got to trust your will to the Father and believe that God is for you, believe that God is not gonna let you fail.
Now, what you can’t listen to, you can’t listen to your mind because your mind don’t know you, your mind does not know you.
Neither really does your mother. I ain’t talking about your mama but it, it, it really, I I’m just saying, you know, they think they know you but they really don’t because God put something in you that they don’t even know is in you yet.
You got what I’m saying. So notice when the Holy Spirit comes in you, what he’s doing is guiding you to expose that which God has placed in you so that you can be all that God has intended for you to be.
And people who think they know you end up holding you back where you’re not supposed to be.
And what we are doing is many times waiting for a feeling before we move, instead of hearing the voice of God and moving based on that voice.
Are you following what I’m saying right now?
This is very important in these last days because people are trying to get to the world they play without hearing the voice of God.
What will happen, what will happen?
Yeah, I’m telling you, you got to hear the voice of God because when that voice comes you, it brings faith with it.
See faith, when, when, when unrighteousness came in, faith was destroyed, fear came in.
But when righteousness comes back, faith comes back, you got what I’m saying?
He said the work of righteousness shall be peace and the effect of righteousness is quietness and assurance.
Forever righteousness brings quietness and assurance. See, when you pray, you need assurance that you’ve been heard.
That’s why Jesus could say, Father, I thank you that you hear me always because he walked in righteousness.
He had fellowship with the Father.
But when a person is in unrighteousness, they pray and go away and don’t know whether God hurt them or not.
They have no assurance. But once you pray and have and do it in righteousness, the effective fervent prayer of the righteous of much God’s eyes.
First Peter chapter three verse 12 are over the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers.
See, so you know, you’ve been hurt. Why? Because I’m the righteousness of God. Why?
Because I’m in his class. Why? Because I’m his son. Why? Because I’m in fellowship with Him.
You got what I’m saying? Righteousness means I got rights. I got rights.
God said this is the confidence that we have in Him.
If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us and we know that if he hear us, whatever we ask, we know we have the petition that we desired of him.
Now, if you’re in unrighteousness, you don’t know you have, you be praying the same prayer the next day praying the same prayer the next day praying the same prayer the next day.
And then you go to the scripture says, knock and it shall be uh open to you and you just keep on knocking, keep on knocking.
That don’t mean knock all the time.
It means knock one time and then believe you received the answer for it.
You got what I’m saying. Now, uh where was I? Praise God? OK?
Now I just wanna show you this.
Now, here’s that scripture and verse 30 I can know my own self do nothing as I hear I judge and my judgment is just because I seek not my own will but the will of the father which has sent me.
He says this in the amplified, I’m reading out the amplified translation.
I am able to do nothing for myself independently of my own accord, but only as I am taught by God and as I get his orders, OK?
Got it as I get his orders.
Even as I hear, I judge, judge means I decide as I am Bidden to decide as the voice comes to me.
So I give a decision and my judgment is right or just right righteous because I do not seek or consult my own will.
I have no desire to do what I uh what is pleasing to myself, my own aim, my own purpose, but only the will and pleasure of the Father who sent me praise God in heaven.
All right. So now when we look at this, we’re looking at this whole idea of having the will of the Father that God knows what’s in you.
So you’ve got to trust yourself and train for your trust from people to God so that you can hear the voice of God.
He said to him that has ears to hear.
Come on, let him hear, see what the spirit of the Lord has to say because there are people don’t that have ears, but they don’t have ears to hear.
See that we as we go on and this thing he said, many are called but what few are chosen, see few actually act on what God has said.
So now as we look at this, you, we have to do what God says.
So He’s restoring all things. Joel chapter two, God is restoring your relationship where you can walk and talk with God once again, say amen to that.
All right. Look what it says here. I’m gonna read here in verse nine. Have you got it?
Of, of First Corinthians chapter two?
But at it is written, I have not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man.
The things that God has prepared for them that do what love him.
But God has what reveal them to us.
Come on by His spirit for the spirits, churches, all things yay the deep things of God for what man know the things of a man, save the spirit of a man that’s in Him.
Even so the things of God knoweth no man but the spirit of God.
Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are, that are, that are I like that freely given to us of God, which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teaches, but which the who teaches the Holy Ghost.
So who’s gonna be teaching you?
So once we get born again, we get a new nature that’s born again, that’s only born again.
You just got a new nature.
Now, the Holy Spirit is with you, meaning that he operates around you and and is is able to work with you because now your nature is more in line with the nature of God.
But once you get born again, now you wanna get filled with the spirit so that the Holy Spirit now is in you.
I remember this lady one time in Minneapolis when we had started the ministry there, she came to be filled with the Holy Spirit and we got some people filled with the Holy Spirit.
And here she was sitting up there and, and she just couldn’t seem to be filled with the Holy ghost.
And then, uh, we had tried, I mean, about a half an hour and then I backed off and I just said, wait a minute.
And I sat back in the chair and I said, God, what’s up with that? What’s, what’s wrong here?
He said she got witchcraft in the family just like that.
I said, ma’am, I said, excuse me, is there any witchcraft in your family?
The two ladies that brought her, they get, oh my oh God and so forth.
They say that her daddy practices witchcraft.
Well, somehow maybe he had cursed or put a, I don’t know what had happened, but I broke the power of witchcraft in the name of Jesus and laid hands on.
Now, notice where I got the information from. I got it from the Holy Ghost.
But unless I lean on him, you got what I’m saying.
I’m saying you’re in a time now where sorcery is picking up.
You need to know the voice of the good shepherd.
You need to know exactly what you need to do and why something ain’t working.
And all we need to do is sit back a minute, do be commit ourselves to do the will of the father First Corinthian.
OK. All right. Let me just, uh let me just read that.
Look what it says in verse 14, but the natural man receives not the things of the spirit of God for they are come on foolishness to Him.
Neither can he know them because they are spiritually deserved. No natural man.
The natural part of you, the natural part of you receives not the things of the spirit of God for their full to Him.
Now let me show you this.
Look at chapter one of First Corinthians and in chapter one of First Corinthians, look what it says in verse 21.
For after that, in the wisdom of God, the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe for the Jews require a sign.
And the Greeks seek after wisdom but we preach Christ crucified unto the Jews, a stumbling block into the Greeks foolishness but unto them, which are called both Jews and Greeks, Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God.
But the foolishness of God is wiser than men. The weakness of God is stronger than men.
For you see your calling brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh and not many mighty and not many noble a call.
But God has chosen. Come on, say it with me, the fullest things of the world.
Come on and confirm the wise and God has chosen. Come on the weak things of the world.
Come on to confirm the things that are mighty and base things of the world and things which you despise has God chosen yay, the things which are not to bring to not come on.
The things that are now realize that when he leads you many times, it seems foolish.
You got what I’m saying.
And the reason why a lot of people have delayed their blessing is because they’re trying to make it fit the wisdom of men.
But it is not doing that.
Say man, Now he said to him that he has ears to hear, come on, let him hear.
Turn with me to Luke chapter five. God told me, he said, I want you to go to Chicago.
Say I don’t, I said, Lord don’t have no money.
He said, didn’t ask you if you had any money. Notice what Jesus said?
He just does the command, see, see he’s just obedient.
He said, I’m just gonna do the will of the father. I’m not gonna ask the father.
I’m not gonna try to logically reason out why the Father told me this because the father may know there’s something in me that I don’t know is in me.
I’m telling you right now why a lot of people don’t grow spiritually because they’re trying to make it fit or conform to the world and God is just the opposite.
He’s gonna make it look foolish. But people said, Well, no, I don’t know about that.
Now, I had $200, and, and no place really of our own to stay but God said, go now look what came out of that goat.
You know, are you, are you with me?
What I’m saying here and God, everybody that gave that sacrifice seed, it might be some people in here tonight.
There are people, I remember one of the people they gave the sacrifice seed that night and that was her rent money and she gave it.
Now, that’s foolish. But that’s no more foolish than the Holy Spirit.
Spoke to the man of God with the woman who had one more meal left and said, feed me with that one.
Now, once that happened, then the lady said, she sold it because it wasn’t quite enough or something like that, she sold it gave it as a sacrifice seed and somebody came back and blessed her with rent money.
But then she showed up and she said, pastor I wanna so this, I said, wait a minute.
I thought somebody blessed you with that. Yeah, that’s right. I said, well, aren’t you gonna keep that?
She said, no, the rent ain’t due for a few more days.
My point is, is that your logical mind?
See is trying to do something that people will accept but go in the bible and find out what Jesus did something.
If people accept it. He he told the blind man, he said, you’re blind, said, all right, oh, spit on the ground, put it on his eyes.
And I’m saying that was not acceptable. Come on now. Yes, sir.
Yes, I’m saying. We wanna please men and not please God.
We wanna do the will of men but not the will of God.
No, you gotta say this because if you could hear God one word from God can change your whole.
Yeah. So now here’s a shoreline and he had been fishing all night and they were washing the net but he had an ear to hear.
That’s why Jesus chose it. Yes. Sorry, you got to see it. See it.
Now, how did I know that the holy ghost taught me?
See, he would hear, there are people in here, they would hear that lady would hear but others wouldn’t hear they had the money but they wouldn’t hear.
All right, all right. See, they had, they didn’t have ears to hear.
They didn’t want to hear that. I ain’t gonna hear that. No, I ain’t going. This is my last.
I ain’t hearing that. But like I told you in an offering message, I said, you are not intended to take care of yourself.
You were not intended to fellowship that Adam had God took care of Him when Adam sin.
That’s the time Adam grabbed some fig leaves and put him on himself trying to take care of himself.
And even God came and after God pronounced the curses and so forth, God said, get them leaves off and he took some, some, some, some animal skin because he skinned an animal and that was a cutting of the first covenant.
That’s where blood flowed and took him and wrapped up Adam and Eve. Let God clothe. You.
Come on, let God take care of you. Let God meet every need. You’ve got, I do this.
Look at Luke chapter 17. So you don’t have any problem with faith.
What you have a problem with is righteousness.
You have a problem with fellowship because once righteousness and fellowship comes, faith flows. It’s not faith, it’s righteousness.
We need that fellowship back again.
You need to know that God is your father, that you’re in the family that He’s gonna take care of you.
He’s gonna provide for you and you get that in your spirit. Faith will flow because you’ll have ears.
Come on to hear, you’ll be willing to hear it, you’ll be happy to hear it.
You just want something else not to act on you. Say, hey, praise God, I did that. Lord.
Give me something else, right? Give me something else. Why?
Because you trust him, Jesus was in the same situation.
Don’t be thinking that well Jesus, you know that was Jesus. No, no, no.
He had to function like a man. He had to function like Adam. He was called the last Adam.
He had to function in righteousness just and believe it by faith just like you gotta do.
God wants to walk with you again, talk with you again. Tell you things again.
Teach you again, folks. When we get to heaven, don’t think we’re gonna stop learning.
God’s gonna get you in heaven and take you out to the outer stretches of the universe.
And he’s gonna say, let me show you how I formed that right there.
I did this and see it and you’re gonna be trying to imitate it.
I’m telling you, we’re gonna have the time of our life.
Eternal life for you means life. That’s right now.
It’s a God. Life right now. You’re not gonna get to talk with God.
When you get to heaven, you can talk with God right now. Eternal life is right now.
Your blessing is right now. You can get a mansion right now. You can get your perfect health right now.
You can get your peace right now. You can get your joy right now.
Verse 11.
And it came to pass when he went to Jerusalem that he passed through the Miss of Samarian Galilee.
And he entered into a certain village and I met him 10 men that were lepers and they stood a far off.
He lifted up their voices and said, master Jesus master have mercy on us.
When he saw him, he said to them, Go show yourself to the priest.
And he came to pass that as they went, what happened to him?
They were clans and one of them when he saw that he was healed, turned back with a loud what voice and glorified who God, they fell down on his face and his feet at that Jesus’ feet giving him thanks.
And he was a Samaritan. Jesus answered and said, now we’re not there 10 clans.
Now, how did Jesus know there were 10 clans?
He was basing it on, on, on the word that he gave.
He said, if he spoke the word, go show yourself to the priest and they went, God did the rest.
But where are the nine?
There are not found that return to give glory to God, save this stranger.
And he said to him a rise and go that way. What has made you whole?
Your faith made you whole. God takes the foolish things. Come on to confound the wives.
Hey man, it goes against logic and it continues to do that.
And we try to look for that logical path because we want to be more accepted.
And we think that’s the way for success.
I trust that you are blessed by this powerful teaching. Today’s message.
Hearing the voice of God is part of an exciting four disc series.
Now, here’s a very important point to remember The key to operating on the frequency of hearing the voice of God is to trust the will of God and seeking not your own will.
Here’s what Jesus said in John Chapter five and verse 30, I could of myself do nothing as I hear I judge and my judgments are just because I seek not my own will but the will of the father who has sent me.
You see, when Jesus trusted his will to the Father’s will, the father gave him specific instructions as to what to do and he came out a winner every time.
Praise to God. Well, our announcer is gonna give you some important information on how you can order this powerful series on hearing the voice of God.
And I’ll be right back when we’re talking about the righteousness of God, we’re talking about the ability to stand in God’s presence without any sense of guilt or condemnation or inferiority.
And when a person has sin consciousness, he or she are eager to involve themselves in religious activity.
The tendency is that if I do enough work, I’ll be all right with God.
So sin consciousness destroys faith and without faith, you cannot please God.
When you make up your mind, you’re gonna live with faith.
You have just made up your mind to walk with God.
And if you’re gonna walk with Him in fellowship with Him, you’re gonna have to hear Him.
So you don’t have any problem with faith. What you have a problem with is righteousness.
You have a problem with fellowship because once righteousness and fellowship comes, faith flows.
God wants to walk with you again, talk with you again.
Tell you things again, teach you again.
You gotta say that because if you could hear God one word from God can change your whole life.
One word from God can change your whole life when you develop your spirit to hear God’s voice in Pastor Winston’s powerful or disc teaching series, hearing the voice of God.
To order this dynamic teaching on CD or MP three on DVD or P four, contact us online at Bill Winston dot org.
You can also call us at 1 807 119327.
Hello, Bill Winston. Here.
I am inviting you to our annual Faith refresher. Now, this year it’s called Faith for the Impossible.
Now, that’s where we are. I’m telling you, God’s gonna give you an impossible dream and you’re gonna need faith to bring it to pass.
Right? God. Come on out and get some. That’s February the 23rd through the 25th.
Uh You can join us in person or online. It’s gonna be terrific. We’re talking about a faith boost. Hallelujah.
We gotta boost your faith for this hour because a lot of things are happening now and you need faith to overcome the things that are in the world.
So coming out, join us again, that’s gonna be faith refresher February the 23rd through the 25th.
And our theme this year is Faith for the impossible.
You cannot afford to miss this conference coming out, join us. We love you and keep walking by faith.
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The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
When we’re talking about the righteousness of God, we’re talking about the ability to stand in God’s presence without any sense of guilt or condemnation or inferiority.
And when a person has sin consciousness, he or she are eager to involve themselves in religious activity.
The tendency is that if I do enough work, I’ll be all right with God.
So sin consciousness destroys faith and without faith, you cannot please God.
When you make up your mind, you’re gonna live the faith.
You have just made up your mind to walk with God.
And if you’re gonna walk with Him in fellowship with Him, you’re gonna have to hear Him.
So you don’t have any problem with faith. What you have a problem with is righteousness.
You have a problem with fellowship because once righteousness and fellowship comes, faith flows.
God wants to walk with you again. Talk with you again. Tell you things again.
Teach you again. You gotta say that because if you could hear God, one word from God can change your whole life.
Now, by the way, how do you receive righteousness by faith.
See, you don’t feel, I don’t feel righteous this morning. Well, how does righteous feel? You?
See what I’m saying? You’re going back to unrighteousness again.
But righteousness is something that is needed for your faith to flow like it should.
As a matter of fact, God, I, I must, I must just stay where you are, please.
If you put this scripture down is found in First Peter. Uh pardon me?
Second Peter chapter one and verse one, here’s what it says. Simon Peter’s servant, an apostle of Jesus Christ.
To them that obtained have obtained like precious faith with us. Through the righteousness of God.
You see through the righteous faith comes by hearing, ok? Faith comes by hearing.
But he is saying here that that for me to walk in that kind of faith, I’m gonna have to have the righteousness of God for me to, to be able to develop the kind of faith that I want faith have.
I must have that. Ok. So um in John chapter, what did I tell you? Five? OK.
John chapter five, he says here in verse 30 I can of myself do nothing. This is Jesus talking.
How do I know that it’s in the red as I hear, I, what judge and my judgment is just because I seek not my own will, but the will of the father which has sent me.
Now, that’s a lot of revelation in that particular verse right there because right there He is really giving you the foundation for being able to hear the voice of God.
Is that one? Seek not your own will?
You see, you’ve got to trust your will to the Father and believe that God is for you, believe that God is not gonna let you fail.
Now, what you can’t listen to, you can’t listen to your mind because your mind don’t know you, your mind does not know you.
Neither really does your mother. I ain’t talking about your mama but it, it, it really, I I’m just saying, you know, they think they know you but they really don’t because God put something in you that they don’t even know is in you yet.
You got what I’m saying. So notice when the Holy Spirit comes in you, what he’s doing is guiding you to expose that which God has placed in you so that you can be all that God has intended for you to be.
And people who think they know you end up holding you back where you’re not supposed to be.
And what we are doing is many times waiting for a feeling before we move, instead of hearing the voice of God and moving based on that voice.
Are you following what I’m saying right now?
This is very important in these last days because people are trying to get to the world they play without hearing the voice of God.
What will happen, what will happen?
Yeah, I’m telling you, you got to hear the voice of God because when that voice comes you, it brings faith with it.
See faith, when, when, when unrighteousness came in, faith was destroyed, fear came in.
But when righteousness comes back, faith comes back, you got what I’m saying?
He said the work of righteousness shall be peace and the effect of righteousness is quietness and assurance.
Forever righteousness brings quietness and assurance. See, when you pray, you need assurance that you’ve been heard.
That’s why Jesus could say, Father, I thank you that you hear me always because he walked in righteousness.
He had fellowship with the Father.
But when a person is in unrighteousness, they pray and go away and don’t know whether God hurt them or not.
They have no assurance. But once you pray and have and do it in righteousness, the effective fervent prayer of the righteous of much God’s eyes.
First Peter chapter three verse 12 are over the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers.
See, so you know, you’ve been hurt. Why? Because I’m the righteousness of God. Why?
Because I’m in his class. Why? Because I’m his son. Why? Because I’m in fellowship with Him.
You got what I’m saying? Righteousness means I got rights. I got rights.
God said this is the confidence that we have in Him.
If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us and we know that if he hear us, whatever we ask, we know we have the petition that we desired of him.
Now, if you’re in unrighteousness, you don’t know you have, you be praying the same prayer the next day praying the same prayer the next day praying the same prayer the next day.
And then you go to the scripture says, knock and it shall be uh open to you and you just keep on knocking, keep on knocking.
That don’t mean knock all the time.
It means knock one time and then believe you received the answer for it.
You got what I’m saying. Now, uh where was I? Praise God? OK?
Now I just wanna show you this.
Now, here’s that scripture and verse 30 I can know my own self do nothing as I hear I judge and my judgment is just because I seek not my own will but the will of the father which has sent me.
He says this in the amplified, I’m reading out the amplified translation.
I am able to do nothing for myself independently of my own accord, but only as I am taught by God and as I get his orders, OK?
Got it as I get his orders.
Even as I hear, I judge, judge means I decide as I am Bidden to decide as the voice comes to me.
So I give a decision and my judgment is right or just right righteous because I do not seek or consult my own will.
I have no desire to do what I uh what is pleasing to myself, my own aim, my own purpose, but only the will and pleasure of the Father who sent me praise God in heaven.
All right. So now when we look at this, we’re looking at this whole idea of having the will of the Father that God knows what’s in you.
So you’ve got to trust yourself and train for your trust from people to God so that you can hear the voice of God.
He said to him that has ears to hear.
Come on, let him hear, see what the spirit of the Lord has to say because there are people don’t that have ears, but they don’t have ears to hear.
See that we as we go on and this thing he said, many are called but what few are chosen, see few actually act on what God has said.
So now as we look at this, you, we have to do what God says.
So He’s restoring all things. Joel chapter two, God is restoring your relationship where you can walk and talk with God once again, say amen to that.
All right. Look what it says here. I’m gonna read here in verse nine. Have you got it?
Of, of First Corinthians chapter two?
But at it is written, I have not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man.
The things that God has prepared for them that do what love him.
But God has what reveal them to us.
Come on by His spirit for the spirits, churches, all things yay the deep things of God for what man know the things of a man, save the spirit of a man that’s in Him.
Even so the things of God knoweth no man but the spirit of God.
Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are, that are, that are I like that freely given to us of God, which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teaches, but which the who teaches the Holy Ghost.
So who’s gonna be teaching you?
So once we get born again, we get a new nature that’s born again, that’s only born again.
You just got a new nature.
Now, the Holy Spirit is with you, meaning that he operates around you and and is is able to work with you because now your nature is more in line with the nature of God.
But once you get born again, now you wanna get filled with the spirit so that the Holy Spirit now is in you.
I remember this lady one time in Minneapolis when we had started the ministry there, she came to be filled with the Holy Spirit and we got some people filled with the Holy Spirit.
And here she was sitting up there and, and she just couldn’t seem to be filled with the Holy ghost.
And then, uh, we had tried, I mean, about a half an hour and then I backed off and I just said, wait a minute.
And I sat back in the chair and I said, God, what’s up with that? What’s, what’s wrong here?
He said she got witchcraft in the family just like that.
I said, ma’am, I said, excuse me, is there any witchcraft in your family?
The two ladies that brought her, they get, oh my oh God and so forth.
They say that her daddy practices witchcraft.
Well, somehow maybe he had cursed or put a, I don’t know what had happened, but I broke the power of witchcraft in the name of Jesus and laid hands on.
Now, notice where I got the information from. I got it from the Holy Ghost.
But unless I lean on him, you got what I’m saying.
I’m saying you’re in a time now where sorcery is picking up.
You need to know the voice of the good shepherd.
You need to know exactly what you need to do and why something ain’t working.
And all we need to do is sit back a minute, do be commit ourselves to do the will of the father First Corinthian.
OK. All right. Let me just, uh let me just read that.
Look what it says in verse 14, but the natural man receives not the things of the spirit of God for they are come on foolishness to Him.
Neither can he know them because they are spiritually deserved. No natural man.
The natural part of you, the natural part of you receives not the things of the spirit of God for their full to Him.
Now let me show you this.
Look at chapter one of First Corinthians and in chapter one of First Corinthians, look what it says in verse 21.
For after that, in the wisdom of God, the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe for the Jews require a sign.
And the Greeks seek after wisdom but we preach Christ crucified unto the Jews, a stumbling block into the Greeks foolishness but unto them, which are called both Jews and Greeks, Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God.
But the foolishness of God is wiser than men. The weakness of God is stronger than men.
For you see your calling brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh and not many mighty and not many noble a call.
But God has chosen. Come on, say it with me, the fullest things of the world.
Come on and confirm the wise and God has chosen. Come on the weak things of the world.
Come on to confirm the things that are mighty and base things of the world and things which you despise has God chosen yay, the things which are not to bring to not come on.
The things that are now realize that when he leads you many times, it seems foolish.
You got what I’m saying.
And the reason why a lot of people have delayed their blessing is because they’re trying to make it fit the wisdom of men.
But it is not doing that.
Say man, Now he said to him that he has ears to hear, come on, let him hear.
Turn with me to Luke chapter five. God told me, he said, I want you to go to Chicago.
Say I don’t, I said, Lord don’t have no money.
He said, didn’t ask you if you had any money. Notice what Jesus said?
He just does the command, see, see he’s just obedient.
He said, I’m just gonna do the will of the father. I’m not gonna ask the father.
I’m not gonna try to logically reason out why the Father told me this because the father may know there’s something in me that I don’t know is in me.
I’m telling you right now why a lot of people don’t grow spiritually because they’re trying to make it fit or conform to the world and God is just the opposite.
He’s gonna make it look foolish. But people said, Well, no, I don’t know about that.
Now, I had $200, and, and no place really of our own to stay but God said, go now look what came out of that goat.
You know, are you, are you with me?
What I’m saying here and God, everybody that gave that sacrifice seed, it might be some people in here tonight.
There are people, I remember one of the people they gave the sacrifice seed that night and that was her rent money and she gave it.
Now, that’s foolish. But that’s no more foolish than the Holy Spirit.
Spoke to the man of God with the woman who had one more meal left and said, feed me with that one.
Now, once that happened, then the lady said, she sold it because it wasn’t quite enough or something like that, she sold it gave it as a sacrifice seed and somebody came back and blessed her with rent money.
But then she showed up and she said, pastor I wanna so this, I said, wait a minute.
I thought somebody blessed you with that. Yeah, that’s right. I said, well, aren’t you gonna keep that?
She said, no, the rent ain’t due for a few more days.
My point is, is that your logical mind?
See is trying to do something that people will accept but go in the bible and find out what Jesus did something.
If people accept it. He he told the blind man, he said, you’re blind, said, all right, oh, spit on the ground, put it on his eyes.
And I’m saying that was not acceptable. Come on now. Yes, sir.
Yes, I’m saying. We wanna please men and not please God.
We wanna do the will of men but not the will of God.
No, you gotta say this because if you could hear God one word from God can change your whole.
Yeah. So now here’s a shoreline and he had been fishing all night and they were washing the net but he had an ear to hear.
That’s why Jesus chose it. Yes. Sorry, you got to see it. See it.
Now, how did I know that the holy ghost taught me?
See, he would hear, there are people in here, they would hear that lady would hear but others wouldn’t hear they had the money but they wouldn’t hear.
All right, all right. See, they had, they didn’t have ears to hear.
They didn’t want to hear that. I ain’t gonna hear that. No, I ain’t going. This is my last.
I ain’t hearing that. But like I told you in an offering message, I said, you are not intended to take care of yourself.
You were not intended to fellowship that Adam had God took care of Him when Adam sin.
That’s the time Adam grabbed some fig leaves and put him on himself trying to take care of himself.
And even God came and after God pronounced the curses and so forth, God said, get them leaves off and he took some, some, some, some animal skin because he skinned an animal and that was a cutting of the first covenant.
That’s where blood flowed and took him and wrapped up Adam and Eve. Let God clothe. You.
Come on, let God take care of you. Let God meet every need. You’ve got, I do this.
Look at Luke chapter 17. So you don’t have any problem with faith.
What you have a problem with is righteousness.
You have a problem with fellowship because once righteousness and fellowship comes, faith flows. It’s not faith, it’s righteousness.
We need that fellowship back again.
You need to know that God is your father, that you’re in the family that He’s gonna take care of you.
He’s gonna provide for you and you get that in your spirit. Faith will flow because you’ll have ears.
Come on to hear, you’ll be willing to hear it, you’ll be happy to hear it.
You just want something else not to act on you. Say, hey, praise God, I did that. Lord.
Give me something else, right? Give me something else. Why?
Because you trust him, Jesus was in the same situation.
Don’t be thinking that well Jesus, you know that was Jesus. No, no, no.
He had to function like a man. He had to function like Adam. He was called the last Adam.
He had to function in righteousness just and believe it by faith just like you gotta do.
God wants to walk with you again, talk with you again. Tell you things again.
Teach you again, folks. When we get to heaven, don’t think we’re gonna stop learning.
God’s gonna get you in heaven and take you out to the outer stretches of the universe.
And he’s gonna say, let me show you how I formed that right there.
I did this and see it and you’re gonna be trying to imitate it.
I’m telling you, we’re gonna have the time of our life.
Eternal life for you means life. That’s right now.
It’s a God. Life right now. You’re not gonna get to talk with God.
When you get to heaven, you can talk with God right now. Eternal life is right now.
Your blessing is right now. You can get a mansion right now. You can get your perfect health right now.
You can get your peace right now. You can get your joy right now.
Verse 11.
And it came to pass when he went to Jerusalem that he passed through the Miss of Samarian Galilee.
And he entered into a certain village and I met him 10 men that were lepers and they stood a far off.
He lifted up their voices and said, master Jesus master have mercy on us.
When he saw him, he said to them, Go show yourself to the priest.
And he came to pass that as they went, what happened to him?
They were clans and one of them when he saw that he was healed, turned back with a loud what voice and glorified who God, they fell down on his face and his feet at that Jesus’ feet giving him thanks.
And he was a Samaritan. Jesus answered and said, now we’re not there 10 clans.
Now, how did Jesus know there were 10 clans?
He was basing it on, on, on the word that he gave.
He said, if he spoke the word, go show yourself to the priest and they went, God did the rest.
But where are the nine?
There are not found that return to give glory to God, save this stranger.
And he said to him a rise and go that way. What has made you whole?
Your faith made you whole. God takes the foolish things. Come on to confound the wives.
Hey man, it goes against logic and it continues to do that.
And we try to look for that logical path because we want to be more accepted.
And we think that’s the way for success.
I trust that you are blessed by this powerful teaching. Today’s message.
Hearing the voice of God is part of an exciting four disc series.
Now, here’s a very important point to remember The key to operating on the frequency of hearing the voice of God is to trust the will of God and seeking not your own will.
Here’s what Jesus said in John Chapter five and verse 30, I could of myself do nothing as I hear I judge and my judgments are just because I seek not my own will but the will of the father who has sent me.
You see, when Jesus trusted his will to the Father’s will, the father gave him specific instructions as to what to do and he came out a winner every time.
Praise to God. Well, our announcer is gonna give you some important information on how you can order this powerful series on hearing the voice of God.
And I’ll be right back when we’re talking about the righteousness of God, we’re talking about the ability to stand in God’s presence without any sense of guilt or condemnation or inferiority.
And when a person has sin consciousness, he or she are eager to involve themselves in religious activity.
The tendency is that if I do enough work, I’ll be all right with God.
So sin consciousness destroys faith and without faith, you cannot please God.
When you make up your mind, you’re gonna live with faith.
You have just made up your mind to walk with God.
And if you’re gonna walk with Him in fellowship with Him, you’re gonna have to hear Him.
So you don’t have any problem with faith. What you have a problem with is righteousness.
You have a problem with fellowship because once righteousness and fellowship comes, faith flows.
God wants to walk with you again, talk with you again.
Tell you things again, teach you again.
You gotta say that because if you could hear God one word from God can change your whole life.
One word from God can change your whole life when you develop your spirit to hear God’s voice in Pastor Winston’s powerful or disc teaching series, hearing the voice of God.
To order this dynamic teaching on CD or MP three on DVD or P four, contact us online at Bill Winston dot org.
You can also call us at 1 807 119327.
Hello, Bill Winston. Here.
I am inviting you to our annual Faith refresher. Now, this year it’s called Faith for the Impossible.
Now, that’s where we are. I’m telling you, God’s gonna give you an impossible dream and you’re gonna need faith to bring it to pass.
Right? God. Come on out and get some. That’s February the 23rd through the 25th.
Uh You can join us in person or online. It’s gonna be terrific. We’re talking about a faith boost. Hallelujah.
We gotta boost your faith for this hour because a lot of things are happening now and you need faith to overcome the things that are in the world.
So coming out, join us again, that’s gonna be faith refresher February the 23rd through the 25th.
And our theme this year is Faith for the impossible.
You cannot afford to miss this conference coming out, join us. We love you and keep walking by faith.
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed. Through the power of prayer.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life. Contact us by phone at 18775439443.
Or submit your prayer request online at Bill Winston dot org forward slash prayer.
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We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
Together, we are transforming lives throughout the world.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
We love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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