Don’t help people who are not willing to change – Derek Prince

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Biblical Counseling: When to Step Back and Let God Work

In his letter to Timothy, Paul gives a crucial lesson to ministers: if people are unwilling to change, let them be. How much time is wasted in modern Christianity counseling individuals who refuse to transform?

A retired minister from Australia, who led a large and successful congregation, once shared a bold decision with his young pastors. He told them to discard their psychology and counseling books, declaring that, from that moment on, they would counsel only through the Bible.

One day, a couple with ongoing marital issues—whom he had counseled for years—came to him again. He told them, “I will no longer counsel you because you are disobeying God’s Word.” Turning to the husband, he said, “The Bible commands you to love your wife, yet you do not love her.” To the wife, he added, “Scripture instructs you to submit to your husband, but you refuse.” Then he concluded, “Until you choose to obey God’s Word, I have nothing more to say.” By doing this, he saved himself countless hours of unfruitful counseling.

Having counseled many individuals seeking deliverance from demonic oppression, I have learned an important truth: deliverance is for the desperate. When people came with endless theological questions and doubts, I would tell them, “Come back when you are truly desperate.” Paul’s instruction to Timothy aligns with this principle—do not waste time on those unwilling to change. If someone desires transformation, God will go to great lengths to help them. But if they choose to remain as they are, He allows them to face the consequences of their choices.

The Hidden Spiritual Battle: The Influence of the Occult

In this chapter, Paul also warns about a secret, corrupting force: the occult. In 2 Timothy 3:8, he references Jannes and Jambres, the Egyptian magicians who opposed Moses. These were the first recorded practitioners of witchcraft in the Bible (Exodus 4). Their resistance symbolizes the deceptive power of occult influence, which accelerates moral and spiritual corruption.

Paul further states in verse 13, “Evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” The Greek word translated as “impostors” actually means “enchanters.” In other words, incantations and occult practices play a significant role in spiritual deception.

From my experience, when persistent, unresolved problems plague a church, a home, or an individual’s life, there is often an underlying occult influence at work. True resolution only comes when the spiritual root is exposed and removed.

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