Don’t Give Up On Yourself | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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When we look at the lives of biblical figures like Jacob, David, Paul, and Barnabas, one thing stands out: they never gave up. Imagine if they had quit before their blessings were realized. Jacob would have missed his promise, and David would have forfeited his victory. Similarly, we are called to persevere—whether it’s in our relationships, our callings, our ministries, or the gifts God has entrusted to us.

Paul and Barnabas: The First Missionary Journey

Paul and Barnabas embarked on an unprecedented mission: the first missionary journey. Sent out from Antioch without precedent or a roadmap, they simply obeyed God’s call. They traveled from city to city, spreading the gospel and facing intense persecution.

In the city of Lystra, Paul healed a crippled man through the power of God, which led the people to mistake Paul and Barnabas for gods. Despite their efforts to redirect the glory to God, opposition arose, and Paul was stoned, dragged out of the city, and left for dead. Yet, by God’s grace, Paul rose again, returned to the city with courage, and continued his mission.

Perseverance in Ministry

Paul and Barnabas retraced their steps to follow up with new believers in cities like Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch. They understood that discipleship requires more than planting the seed of faith—it demands nurturing, teaching, and guiding. Just as a newborn requires care and attention, so do new believers. Paul and Barnabas modeled this by revisiting and encouraging the disciples, ensuring they were firmly rooted in their faith.

As believers, we are called to the same perseverance. Making disciples isn’t a one-time event—it requires commitment and love. Whether it’s welcoming new believers, guiding them in their faith journey, or fostering community, it takes consistent effort and intentionality.

Don’t Quit Your Calling

In a world that glorifies convenience and quick fixes, perseverance is countercultural. Many start ministries, relationships, or commitments only to abandon them at the first sign of difficulty. But the calling of God is not disposable. Scripture teaches us to forbear with one another, to love despite imperfections, and to endure as Christ endures with us.

Quitting is not an option in the Kingdom of God. Hurt feelings, offenses, or challenges should not deter us from our purpose. Instead, we are called to overcome them through prayer, love, and perseverance. Whether it’s in your ministry, relationships, or daily walk with God, remember that perseverance leads to blessings and spiritual growth.

The Example of Paul

Paul’s unwavering determination is a powerful example for us. Despite facing persecution, physical harm, and rejection, he continued to preach the gospel, revisit new believers, and build the Church. His actions remind us that God honors persistence and faithfulness.

Just as Paul persevered, we are called to do the same. Whether it’s in our marriages, ministries, or relationships, we must follow God’s example of enduring love. When we choose perseverance over quitting, we not only fulfill our calling but also reflect the heart of God to the world.

Final Encouragement: Whatever God has called you to—keep going. Keep building, loving, and trusting. Remember, the blessings come when we persevere, just as they did for Paul, Barnabas, and all who remain steadfast in their faith.

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- 2024-12-08 01:44:49

Peace and joy

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