Don’t Be Afraid of Pressure

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Don’t Be Afraid of Pressure

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brought to you in part by the partners and Friends of prow Dollar Ministries coming up next on changing your world there are things that’ll happen in our lives will come to the point where we will realize only God can get me out of this and I and I would say don’t wait until something like that happens before you depend on God start depending on God with everything the trial of your faith is about burning away self- dependence until you can totally depend on God for everything God has given us a Grace gift
to help overcome the limitations of our understanding so that we can receive clear Direction introducing Grace Life Academy Grace Life Academy offers unlimited access to hundreds of hours of online teachings from crlo Dollar features like ecourses study guides quizzes and more to get started on your 30-day free trial simply text or sign up online by visiting myrac lifee academy.
com this is your world so V make it a better place let every heart that needs to know you love is here to say oh it’s time we live a new life let us I’m ring you we safe by his grace so we Embrace Your Love today we are [Music] changed a couple of weeks ago we began a new series of teachings on maturity through pressure and this is so important because as Christian people we we’ve got to understand that we cannot remain spiritual babes all while we’re here God intends for us to mature and that means we’ve got to put away childish
things there are anointings in your life that you know God wants to use you in but he can’t until you mature and we must mature and we must understand that there are things that will happen in our lives not because you know the devil is so busy as much as it is these are opportunities to mature an opportunity to put away childish things that we’re not acting like we did when we first got saved and we’re not cast to and fro with every wind of Doctrine and and we start recognizing things things and
understanding things and so Jeremiah gives a good picture the Old Testament is about pictures and and uh uh certain things that we can see and and can glean and live from so Jeremiah chapter 9 and verse 10 let’s begin there this morning we’re talking about maturity through pressure but if you have to give it a subtopic I I’m going to be focusing on don’t be afraid of trouble okay just because the pressure comes doesn’t mean you have to be afraid of it verse 10 he says this this is what the Lord
says you will be in Babylon for 70 years but then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised and I will bring you home again for I know the plans I have for you says the Lord they are plans for good and not for disaster to give you a future and to give you a hope verse 10 notice what he says you will be in Babylon for 70 years you know I’m sure some of you might think man I’ve been in Babylon for a while I’ve carried this pain for a while I’ve been in this situation for a minute
when is this thing going to change you know sometimes you would wonder you know why Babylon why am I going through this situation why am I going through this circumstance and like the Apostle Paul you’ve got to come to the place of saying you know when I’m weak that’s when I’m strong and not get to an attitude where you’re like oh my God I just don’t know why Lord don’t like me why am I going through this just cut that out for a moment the thing I want to encourage you with today is that
they were in Babylon for 70 years but then there was a butt I like that but that mean things are about to change and in all of our lives there is a but the doctor said you have cancer but the money was looking funny but the relationship wasn’t going too good but something’s getting ready to change it means to zero out what was happening at the beginning and the only thing that will will will continue to exist is what comes on after the Buton you know how some people say I love you I appreciate you but you get on my nerves well forget
about I love you and I appreciate you the only thing that remains is after that that but he says but then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised I believe we are at that time right now where God is coming to do for you all the things that he has promised amen man I believe that and he says for I know the plans I have for you says the Lord their plans for good and not for disaster P another translation says plans for good and not for evil God doesn’t have evil plans set up for you
he has things that are good God is going to run you over with his goodness praise the Lord okay maybe it’s been rough maybe things have happened you don’t quite understand maybe situations in relationships you don’t quite understand but here’s what I want you to understand today the goodness of the Lord is about to show up in your life and the reason why I’m telling you this is because I want you to start believing for that goodness David said that that I had to believe to see the goodness of the Lord
while I was alive I don’t want you to wait to see if goodness is going to show up I want you to start believing for the goodness of the Lord every day I want you to wake up saying father I believe to see the goodness today I want you to go to bed say father thank you for goodness tomorrow I want you to put your faith out there for the goodness of God to show up and the favor of God’s going to show up in your life showing you goodness that you didn’t deserve goodness that you didn’t earn goodness
what where you don’t even know where it came from I’m telling you the goodness of the Lord is about to run you over and I’m asking you to believe God for the goodness I go home on that one I can tear something up on that one I can tear something up on that one praise God I tell you what I had a week of the turnaround I had a week of the turnaround I I I I told you I wasn’t going to tell tell you everything until it was totally finished but I’m telling you I was going one way and it turned
around and it shift and went the other way yeah you don’t understand you don’t understand you don’t understand I I listen I’m I’m not just talking to you about you know what he say here I know about this goodness Taffy [Applause] and I’m telling you God wants to do you good and make you happy say this out loud with me God wants to do me good God wants to do me good and make me happy and make me happy so no more sad days no more down days no more crying days the goodness of the Lord is about to show up
we are believing for the goodness we receive the goodness and we shall walk in the goodness because our God is good somebody now don’t go don’t let the devil take you where well you know brother doll I I I hadn’t been good enough to receive God good no no God’s not good to us because we’re good get get that out of your thinking don’t let some religious person come tell you well you know you ain’t been good enough God’s not good to you because you’ve been good God is good to
us because he’s good that’s what he does he’s in the business of being good and showing some goodness in your life and I tell you what there are people in your family that’re not even saved but when they see the goodness on you then that goodness is going to get on them what does the Bible say and the goodness of the Lord will cause a person to repent God’s going to start changing some minds of wicked PE people who didn’t believe in him and his goodness is going to cause them to believe his
goodness is going to turn them his goodness is going to take him out of the strip club his goodness is going to get him off the drugs his goodness Hallelujah is getting ready to turn some things around now I apologize for getting the screaming at the beginning of this but kind of hard to hold yourself when God God been good to me and T all week long and I figure if it’s happening to us it’s got to be happening to some of y’all and if it hadn’t happened yet go ahead and keep believing for the goodness
[Applause] yes I’m ready to go home eat my balone sandwich right now I’m telling you my God I know we not moved by our feelings but I feel something up in here [Applause] now all right now let’s look at this let’s let’s let’s let this speak to us now uh let’s go to Romans chapter 5 Romans chapter 5 5 and verses 2 through 4 here maturing through pressure what’s the pressure plan what is God planning on doing with these things that show up in our lives these things that show up in our
lives that cause us to wonder what have I done to deserve this you remember the boy who was born blind the disciples saw him and they asked Lord who sin the boy or his parents that he would be born blind and God said nobody sinned he said but that my glory might be seen see just because you’re going through Temptations and pressured situations it’s not because you sinned sin is not the reason it showed up but that the glory of God can be seen in your life just don’t let go see God’s doing something with you so the glory
can be seen God’s maturing you so the glory can be sa hallelujah hallelujah that mountain showed up so the glory can be seen you fired got fired up that job so the glory can be seen somebody said well what if it was my fault the glory going to be seen you ain’t going to do that no [Applause] more now watch this Romans chapter 5 verse 2-4 let’s read it out of the King James verse he says by whom also we have access by faith into this grace so we have access to the grace of God this unmar favor of God all the finished
works of Jesus we access that take a hold of it by faith wherein we stand and we rejoice in Hope of the glory of God and not only so but we glory in Tribulation also think of that we glory in Tribulation knowing that tribulation worketh patience and patience worketh experience and experience worketh hope now please understand hope maketh not ashame now oh maybe 40 years ago I used to think that that uh uh tribulation produces patience well if that were the case everybody would have some right now what do he mean the word
worketh it it it deres from this word which means employe so what he says is when you’re in trouble hire patience when you’re in trouble employ patience now patience doesn’t mean to put up with it doesn’t mean well I was at the red light for an hour and I was patient no it doesn’t mean put up with patience means consistently constantly the same whatever you were before the tribulation you are through the tribulation you are after the tribulation in other words you didn’t change about what you believing
God for patience mean I am constantly consistently the same now let’s read this out of the NLT and see what else we can dig out of this verse two I’m going to read verse one therefore since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith we have peace with God because of what Jesus our lord has done for us because of our faith Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory we can Rejoice too when we run into problems and
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