Don’t Be A Useless Christian | Jack Hibbs Special
Don’t Be A Useless Christian
Each of us has purpose and meaning in God’s plan for the world. Are you staying diligent to look for opportunities to do His will? Pastor Jack talks about the privilege of being used by God in today’s world.
So being a believer in the 21st century should honestly be a life that rocks the world in which you live.
Think about it for a moment.
If somebody is very excited about the product they sell or the fact that they just went to the best Italian restaurant in town, you can’t shut them up about it.
They’re, they’re all lit up about it. But what about us as Christians?
Listen, like never before you and I should be actually like tools in the hands of God right now.
Don’t tell anybody. But in my backyard, there’s an area I think only known to me and God where there are tools that are rusted, they’re just laying there because there are tools that I no longer use.
It would be like a graveyard for tools. All right, hidden away, ineffective, not even usable.
That terrifies me. I look at that stuff that’s laying there and I fear sometimes with a holy fear.
Oh God, please don’t let me be that kind of a follower of yours. That would be a contradiction.
Lord as it were. Keep the edge of the blade in my life sharp cause me to be in tune with you.
God. That’s the last thing we want friend. Listen, your Christian experience should be radical, radical.
When I say radical, radical truth, radical, love, radical engagement of those that are around you in the area where God has given you.
I’m not asking you to go stand on top of the Empire State Building and start preaching.
I’m asking you to let your light shine wherever you go today and you and in your life, where are you going?
What you wanna do is be an effective tool for God by simply letting the Bible come out of you today.
More than ever. Truth is being debated, but there’s only one truth and that’s God’s truth and it never changes when it comes to the identity of the truth.
Verses 17 to 20 the identity of the truth. Am I me?
Is the question I’m asking God, how can there be this relationship? I know who you are now.
But yet there’s this war inside pulling.
I want to do the right thing, but I wind up doing the wrong thing and the wrong thing.
I say, I’ll never do. I wind up doing that thing and I ate it. God. God help me.
Well, you got to stick around to Romans chapter eight verse one for that, but he’s crying out.
God. I see truth today. A lot of young people are saying it’s so funny.
I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be disrespectful.
But I don’t know if you ever watched college debates and things like that. I find it incredibly entertaining.
You should do that. It’s better than TV. Go to youtube type in college debates. Just pick a topic.
It’s awesome. And, um, so now we’ve got this interesting wave, you know, history repeats itself, you know, right now there’s this wave going on where now people in college are saying things like this and they think it’s original, which is so fun.
That’s a, that’s a, uh, mitigating sight of getting old is what do you know?
Really? I know stuff you haven’t even come to do yet as an old person.
Let me give you an example. People today they, oh, look at this.
I’m gonna wear my shoes like this. I’m gonna wear my shoes untied already did that.
Oh, yeah. Well, what about putting these flared out parts down at the end by the shoe?
We’re gonna call him Bill Bottoms. Yeah. You, you wanna buy some?
I’ve got about 900 pair of those. Isn’t that great being old? They just recycles.
And now, have you noticed Doc Martin with the real thick soles now? Oh, my gosh.
We bought those in the eighties. Do you remember? It’s hilarious. So young people. And now it’s this.
Excuse me? I’m gonna ask you a question. Yeah. Ask away.
What is truth. So, what you, are, you, are you serious?
Yeah. Yeah. What’s truth? You read it in the Bible, right?
And they’re like, shocked what I thought, I thought of it.
No, the Bible says when Jesus was under trial, he was asked what is truth?
And the answer basically was this truth is standing in front of you.
Jesus says I am the truth, the truth, not a truth. Friends listen, not a truth.
Christ is the truth. That’s why again, Jesus is banned in many countries of the world.
That’s why following Christ is illegal and could get you killed. Why? Because he’s the truth.
And there are tyrannical governments and tyrannical leaders who don’t want you to find that out.
And I’m convinced in this nation, they don’t want you to find that out either. Jesus is the truth.
All men will bow their knees to him. He’s the king and kings and Lord of Lords.
He’s the alpha and the Omega.
He’s the one, he’s the one, the identity you and I are in him.
Now, the Bible tells us in Romans verse 17.
Here it says, but now it is no longer I who do it but sin that dwells in me.
But here’s the good news. There is sin that dwells in Jack and in you.
The awesome thing is as a believer. So does the Holy Spirit.
That’s why there’s the war and only the Christian knows what I’m saying.
And you know, I’m kind of laying it on kind of heavily. There was some sarcasm in that.
I’m hoping you are realizing. Holy cow. I’ve been nothing but a religious person.
I don’t even know what he’s talking about. I got people around me nodding their head agreeing with them.
How, what is this, what’s going on here? You are religious but he’s not in you.
If he was in you, he would be colliding with the sin that’s in your life.
See, you guys, you don’t do Christianity. Sign up, don’t sign up.
He shows up and he gets inside of you because he’s alive and the Holy Spirit gets inside and he goes to work.
You don’t do it, Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit does it to you.
That’s why you hang on, put a mouthpiece in, strap on your helmet, hang on.
He’s awesome. He’s truth. So just keep this in mind you.
It sounds like a mafia statement but there’s, there’s two of you in there.
There’s why am I struggling like this?
I, I wanna do this but this because there’s two of you in there.
There’s you the old Jack and there’s you the new Jack.
You had a pair of Jacks and it’s uh it’s not a win, win until it’s over and but sin will lie to me.
Sin will trick me, seek to deceive me and uh by the way, my flesh and Satan will always say no Jack.
You know what this is who you really are.
Uh this whole faith thing in Jesus, you know.
No, I want to remind you who you really are.
The identity. Is it rooted in truth in my life?
Let me tell you.
No, that’s no wonder it’s actually a, an incredible statement because it’s more than just an awesome word.
It is absolutely true. Jesus said that if you have the son, him S O N, he will set you free.
And the truth of that son Jesus Christ will set you free your identity. Where is it?
Listen is your identity in the stock market? You’re getting nervous right now.
Oh, it’s OK. Buy gold.
Yeah, James said just before the world comes to an end, men will go about saying buy gold and silver and heap it up.
It says in the book of James but the Bible says they won’t be able to eat it.
I said, man, I got gold. I got, I got gold.
I don’t care what the dollar does. I got gold. Yeah. Yeah.
You gonna go down to Alberson’s with your gold and you’re gonna say here’s some gold.
I want a loaf of bread. Good luck. Your identity.
Is it in that business? Is that you, is it in your income?
Where’s your identity? Is it in? Listen, is it in your car?
That’s a funny one. I tried that once when I was a kid, I got a new car.
I barely drove it because I would go from my apartment.
I would go and park it at the mall. I had to park so far from the mall.
I had to walk so far because I didn’t want anybody to park next to my idol.
I mean, my car and why? Because I knew anybody put a dent in it.
Is it the clothing, is it the label? I’ve got to have that label.
I got to shop only that store or those stores. Just those, no other stores.
What’s wrong with you? Listen, Tom Brady’s wife told him NFL.
Are your kids and me, NFL or your kids? And me?
And um, he retired and um realized it was the NFL.
So they got a divorce. He’s back in the NFL and since he’s been back, he’s stunk.
So where is he? Now? Does Tom Brady need money? He doesn’t need a dime handsome guy.
You can do anything young, amazing, famous.
He’s lost his kids and his wife because listen, his identity was a piece of pig skin shaped in an oval on the field performance.
The cheers of the crowd, the exhilaration of the moment, the touchdown score, the championships.
How many Super Bowl rings do you need? How many Super Bowl trophies do you need?
How much notoriety? But if you’ve got something in your life whereby that is your identity, it’s an idol and you don’t know the truth, you may own stuff and you may have stuff.
God bless you. That’s great. As long as you own that stuff.
And it doesn’t own, you use it to the glory of God. What is it, is it influence?
Is it a big mouth or is it money? Is it, is it knowledge?
What is, use it to the glory of God? But know your identity.
And the great thing about your identity in Christ is that you’ll never have to suffer with insecurity because Christ loves you and you know that no matter what the world says, it’s awesome.
Yeah, it’s true. You know what we’re at war. We’re at war now.
I don’t think I need to be labor that the fact of the matter is we fight and we close with this.
You and I in verses 19 to 20 we are actually the proof.
We’re the living proof that we are Children of God.
He says for the good that I will to do, I do not do but the evil that I will not to do that I practice.
He’s announcing to us this bizarre truth, reality and he’s confessing to us something we better grab.
This is the lifestyle of a mature Christian. This is not a cardinal Christian.
This isn’t that somebody without Christ. This is the life of the active believer pressing on.
Moving on with him. I have so many verses. You can look them up all later online.
All the notes are posted there.
You guys, I’m just, I’m gonna end with this kind of a crescendo stuff, but I’m missing a whole bunch.
But um I want to read this one to you before I give you uh the final uh close.
You guys all know this. Most of your Bibles I think are stamped with this on the Go Galatians 2 20.
It’s incredible. Memorize it, tattoo T shirt, whatever you want to do, we should put this on a balloon and send it around the world.
Notice this. He’s talking to the Christian.
He says, I have been crucified with Christ position. I have been past tense. You too, Christian.
I have been. It’s already happened.
I have been crucified with Christ when Jesus died on the cross 2000 years ago.
He had me on his heart.
I didn’t wake up to that reality and 46 years ago.
But but it’s no longer I who live. But Christ lives in me. Really?
So am I me? Uh Yeah, but also Christ is living in you and the life which I now live in the flesh.
I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
So church stand, if you would, that’s gonna remind me to finish this.
So pastor, you’re asking, how can I know if?
In fact, I’m a true follower of Christ? That’s your question. Here’s your answer.
You ask yourself think now don’t look at the person in front of you.
Don’t forget about their hair, your clothing, close your eyes.
If you have to listen this is the hallmark of a true Christian.
Ask yourself, the true follower of Christ is sensitive about grieving the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 4 30.
Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God who you were sealed for the day of redemption.
The true follower of Christ is concerned about dishonoring God. First Corinthians six.
Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, you’re not your own for you’ve been bought at a price.
Therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are Gods.
The true follower of Christ is fearful of becoming useless. I have to confess.
This is my greatest fear of becoming a useless Christian that almost gives me nightmares to think of being unusable.
First Corinthians 9 27 says, but I discipline my body and bring it into subjection.
Lest when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified. Yikes.
The true follower of Christ is concerned about pleasing God. We want to please Him.
Jeremiah 5 25 your iniquities have turned these things away and your sins have withheld good from you.
Many of you are suffering from not having good in your life.
And if you search and look inside, you’ll see that what’s withheld God’s goodness is unbelief.
The true follower of Christ is concerned about losing their joy.
You don’t lose your joy as a Christian.
What do you have you lose shock and you lose the joy of the Lord as a Christian because we’re supposed to tell people about Jesus.
Can you imagine? You have no joy.
Hey, when you become a Christian like me, wanna go to heaven, it’s gonna be awesome.
Like, oh no. Uh uh Psalm 51.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me by your generous spirit, then I will teach transgressors your way and sinners shall be converted to you.
Isn’t that awesome? Almost done, almost done. The true follower of Christ is burdened with growing up.
We wanna grow up first Corinthians three tells us in our paraphrase that we need to get off of the milk and get on the meat of the word.
The true follower of Christ is concerned about being disciplined.
The Bible says in Hebrews 12 7, if you endure chastening God deals with you as with sons for what son is there whom a father does not chastise or discipline.
No, father disciplines somebody else’s kid.
But the thing about God is that we don’t want to bring about discipline on us even though he’s justified in discipline in us because we don’t want to upset Him.
We love him. Don’t you wanna stay as close to Him as possible if you get, if you find yourself in that place of being disciplined right now, thank God for that.
It means you’re a child of his. But listen, if you’re getting away with stuff.
You think I’m in church today? Nobody knows, nobody knows. Things are, I’ve been doing this for years.
This is great, man. I just can’t wait for it tonight. Did you know that there’s a high probability?
You’re not even a child of God and probably never will be because you’ve never felt the sting of his chastisement.
He’s not disciplining you because who nobody disciplines somebody else’s kid.
If you find yourself getting pulled by the ear, when you get uh three inches off course, then sing.
Hallelujah. The true follower of Christ does not want to pollute his spirit.
The Bible says in first Corinthians 10, your body cannot be a dwelling place of demons.
So stop goofing off. That’s my paraphrase. So follow Jesus, stop playing with the demonic activities of this world.
The true follower of Christ desires to revere the Lord’s supper.
The Bible says in first Corinthians 11, when you partake of communion, Christian, make sure that your heart is right with God and with others.
If you don’t do that, God, the Bible says God will deal with you.
Christian has his own child and it says some of you have gotten sick in judgment and some have even died.
Wow, God hates hypocrisy, you know, and then finally we end here is the true father of Christ is concerned about finishing well.
Are you? I am I want to finish well.
Paul said I have fought the good fight I have finished the race.
I’ve kept the faith, man. That’s an awesome tombstone piece right there, man. Right.
Don’t you want to die like that? I mean, we’re Christians.
I wanna, I would rather be finishing well and die then.
Be like King Hezekiah and plead with God for 15 more years and he turns those 15 more years and he totally backslides and messes up.
Wouldn’t you rather die winning across the tape And you just fall through the tape right into heaven?
That’d be awesome. So as we look at this right now, think about some area of your life.
As I think about areas of my life that I want to make sure they’re under the control of God.
Lord, we would say in all honesty, God will you examine my life and help me to examine my own life?
I wanna Lord go down a list if there’s anything that you have in my life that’s standing out Jesus that is keeping you and I from getting closer together from me, from you being used by God more effectively, Lord, show us what that is.
Friends. Listen, we’re living in an amazing time right now and imagine right now you on the other end of this broadcast that you would honestly stop for a moment and say, wow, I’m gonna actually ask God that, hey, listen, ma’am sir, young, young man, young woman.
What if you stopped right now in this moment?
And you said God, am I honoring you in my life?
Is there something in my life that’s keeping me from honoring you?
Or maybe you’re saying God, I don’t even know if you’re real or not, but I’d like to find out, ask him he’s for real.
You can actually know. So the believer wants this to happen. God use me.
In fact, I don’t want to do anything that’s gonna mess up God using me.
So, a lot of people today will talk about, well, how do I get control of my spending habits or my gambling problem or my pornography or my anger or my whatever.
I’ve got the answer. I’ve got the answer. No seminar. No pill. Listen up. It’s amazing. It’s Jesus.
When you read the word of God, you fall in love with him and you’ll wind up loving him more than the stuff that messes up your life.
You won’t have to have a list of things or I’ve got to check this off my list next.
And I’ve got to have a group of people make sure that they keep me in check in this area.
No, no, no. You’ll be so excited about serving Jesus that you won’t want to mess that up.
So walk close to him and let him clean up your life. Don’t do it yourself.
Let him do it and the things that you think you need to reform yourself about can’t do it.
Let him do it through you and fall in love with him, using you in such a way in your life that you don’t want to trip over any explosive trip wires or some uh booby trap pit with bombs and, and knives.
No, no, no, you’ll move around those things because Christ has got a better path for you, man.
I tell you what if that were to happen in all of our lives, there would be revival, revival in our lives in our communities, in our families, in our nations.
If we just love God most so listen, go to s dot com.
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Welcome to Real Life Radio with Jack Hibbs.
God’s word will never, will return. Void God’s word is spirit. It’s power and it has its effects.
So I want to encourage you to grab your bibles, open them up and get ready to learn from God’s word.
God did not give us a Bible prophecy to scare us, but to prepare us.
But I think you’re going to get a lot out of it in one of the great things.
You are the light of the world.
Jesus said you are the salt of the earth. How does that happen by the power of the Holy Spirit?
You’re going to get excited about what Jesus Christ wants to do in and through you.
So Jack Hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history which brings some great opportunities to share with the world, a powerful no nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth.
Will you stand with us in sharing this message in real and practical ways?
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If you would prefer to call our toll free number is 877 triple 7 23 46.
Again, that’s 877 triple 7 23 46. And of course you can write us.
Our address is real life with Jack Hibbs box 12 73 Chino Hills, California. 917 oh nine.
Your gift will be faithfully put to work because it’s our desire that through Jesus Christ, you will know real life.
Think about it for a moment.
If somebody is very excited about the product they sell or the fact that they just went to the best Italian restaurant in town, you can’t shut them up about it.
They’re, they’re all lit up about it. But what about us as Christians?
Listen, like never before you and I should be actually like tools in the hands of God right now.
Don’t tell anybody. But in my backyard, there’s an area I think only known to me and God where there are tools that are rusted, they’re just laying there because there are tools that I no longer use.
It would be like a graveyard for tools. All right, hidden away, ineffective, not even usable.
That terrifies me. I look at that stuff that’s laying there and I fear sometimes with a holy fear.
Oh God, please don’t let me be that kind of a follower of yours. That would be a contradiction.
Lord as it were. Keep the edge of the blade in my life sharp cause me to be in tune with you.
God. That’s the last thing we want friend. Listen, your Christian experience should be radical, radical.
When I say radical, radical truth, radical, love, radical engagement of those that are around you in the area where God has given you.
I’m not asking you to go stand on top of the Empire State Building and start preaching.
I’m asking you to let your light shine wherever you go today and you and in your life, where are you going?
What you wanna do is be an effective tool for God by simply letting the Bible come out of you today.
More than ever. Truth is being debated, but there’s only one truth and that’s God’s truth and it never changes when it comes to the identity of the truth.
Verses 17 to 20 the identity of the truth. Am I me?
Is the question I’m asking God, how can there be this relationship? I know who you are now.
But yet there’s this war inside pulling.
I want to do the right thing, but I wind up doing the wrong thing and the wrong thing.
I say, I’ll never do. I wind up doing that thing and I ate it. God. God help me.
Well, you got to stick around to Romans chapter eight verse one for that, but he’s crying out.
God. I see truth today. A lot of young people are saying it’s so funny.
I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be disrespectful.
But I don’t know if you ever watched college debates and things like that. I find it incredibly entertaining.
You should do that. It’s better than TV. Go to youtube type in college debates. Just pick a topic.
It’s awesome. And, um, so now we’ve got this interesting wave, you know, history repeats itself, you know, right now there’s this wave going on where now people in college are saying things like this and they think it’s original, which is so fun.
That’s a, that’s a, uh, mitigating sight of getting old is what do you know?
Really? I know stuff you haven’t even come to do yet as an old person.
Let me give you an example. People today they, oh, look at this.
I’m gonna wear my shoes like this. I’m gonna wear my shoes untied already did that.
Oh, yeah. Well, what about putting these flared out parts down at the end by the shoe?
We’re gonna call him Bill Bottoms. Yeah. You, you wanna buy some?
I’ve got about 900 pair of those. Isn’t that great being old? They just recycles.
And now, have you noticed Doc Martin with the real thick soles now? Oh, my gosh.
We bought those in the eighties. Do you remember? It’s hilarious. So young people. And now it’s this.
Excuse me? I’m gonna ask you a question. Yeah. Ask away.
What is truth. So, what you, are, you, are you serious?
Yeah. Yeah. What’s truth? You read it in the Bible, right?
And they’re like, shocked what I thought, I thought of it.
No, the Bible says when Jesus was under trial, he was asked what is truth?
And the answer basically was this truth is standing in front of you.
Jesus says I am the truth, the truth, not a truth. Friends listen, not a truth.
Christ is the truth. That’s why again, Jesus is banned in many countries of the world.
That’s why following Christ is illegal and could get you killed. Why? Because he’s the truth.
And there are tyrannical governments and tyrannical leaders who don’t want you to find that out.
And I’m convinced in this nation, they don’t want you to find that out either. Jesus is the truth.
All men will bow their knees to him. He’s the king and kings and Lord of Lords.
He’s the alpha and the Omega.
He’s the one, he’s the one, the identity you and I are in him.
Now, the Bible tells us in Romans verse 17.
Here it says, but now it is no longer I who do it but sin that dwells in me.
But here’s the good news. There is sin that dwells in Jack and in you.
The awesome thing is as a believer. So does the Holy Spirit.
That’s why there’s the war and only the Christian knows what I’m saying.
And you know, I’m kind of laying it on kind of heavily. There was some sarcasm in that.
I’m hoping you are realizing. Holy cow. I’ve been nothing but a religious person.
I don’t even know what he’s talking about. I got people around me nodding their head agreeing with them.
How, what is this, what’s going on here? You are religious but he’s not in you.
If he was in you, he would be colliding with the sin that’s in your life.
See, you guys, you don’t do Christianity. Sign up, don’t sign up.
He shows up and he gets inside of you because he’s alive and the Holy Spirit gets inside and he goes to work.
You don’t do it, Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit does it to you.
That’s why you hang on, put a mouthpiece in, strap on your helmet, hang on.
He’s awesome. He’s truth. So just keep this in mind you.
It sounds like a mafia statement but there’s, there’s two of you in there.
There’s why am I struggling like this?
I, I wanna do this but this because there’s two of you in there.
There’s you the old Jack and there’s you the new Jack.
You had a pair of Jacks and it’s uh it’s not a win, win until it’s over and but sin will lie to me.
Sin will trick me, seek to deceive me and uh by the way, my flesh and Satan will always say no Jack.
You know what this is who you really are.
Uh this whole faith thing in Jesus, you know.
No, I want to remind you who you really are.
The identity. Is it rooted in truth in my life?
Let me tell you.
No, that’s no wonder it’s actually a, an incredible statement because it’s more than just an awesome word.
It is absolutely true. Jesus said that if you have the son, him S O N, he will set you free.
And the truth of that son Jesus Christ will set you free your identity. Where is it?
Listen is your identity in the stock market? You’re getting nervous right now.
Oh, it’s OK. Buy gold.
Yeah, James said just before the world comes to an end, men will go about saying buy gold and silver and heap it up.
It says in the book of James but the Bible says they won’t be able to eat it.
I said, man, I got gold. I got, I got gold.
I don’t care what the dollar does. I got gold. Yeah. Yeah.
You gonna go down to Alberson’s with your gold and you’re gonna say here’s some gold.
I want a loaf of bread. Good luck. Your identity.
Is it in that business? Is that you, is it in your income?
Where’s your identity? Is it in? Listen, is it in your car?
That’s a funny one. I tried that once when I was a kid, I got a new car.
I barely drove it because I would go from my apartment.
I would go and park it at the mall. I had to park so far from the mall.
I had to walk so far because I didn’t want anybody to park next to my idol.
I mean, my car and why? Because I knew anybody put a dent in it.
Is it the clothing, is it the label? I’ve got to have that label.
I got to shop only that store or those stores. Just those, no other stores.
What’s wrong with you? Listen, Tom Brady’s wife told him NFL.
Are your kids and me, NFL or your kids? And me?
And um, he retired and um realized it was the NFL.
So they got a divorce. He’s back in the NFL and since he’s been back, he’s stunk.
So where is he? Now? Does Tom Brady need money? He doesn’t need a dime handsome guy.
You can do anything young, amazing, famous.
He’s lost his kids and his wife because listen, his identity was a piece of pig skin shaped in an oval on the field performance.
The cheers of the crowd, the exhilaration of the moment, the touchdown score, the championships.
How many Super Bowl rings do you need? How many Super Bowl trophies do you need?
How much notoriety? But if you’ve got something in your life whereby that is your identity, it’s an idol and you don’t know the truth, you may own stuff and you may have stuff.
God bless you. That’s great. As long as you own that stuff.
And it doesn’t own, you use it to the glory of God. What is it, is it influence?
Is it a big mouth or is it money? Is it, is it knowledge?
What is, use it to the glory of God? But know your identity.
And the great thing about your identity in Christ is that you’ll never have to suffer with insecurity because Christ loves you and you know that no matter what the world says, it’s awesome.
Yeah, it’s true. You know what we’re at war. We’re at war now.
I don’t think I need to be labor that the fact of the matter is we fight and we close with this.
You and I in verses 19 to 20 we are actually the proof.
We’re the living proof that we are Children of God.
He says for the good that I will to do, I do not do but the evil that I will not to do that I practice.
He’s announcing to us this bizarre truth, reality and he’s confessing to us something we better grab.
This is the lifestyle of a mature Christian. This is not a cardinal Christian.
This isn’t that somebody without Christ. This is the life of the active believer pressing on.
Moving on with him. I have so many verses. You can look them up all later online.
All the notes are posted there.
You guys, I’m just, I’m gonna end with this kind of a crescendo stuff, but I’m missing a whole bunch.
But um I want to read this one to you before I give you uh the final uh close.
You guys all know this. Most of your Bibles I think are stamped with this on the Go Galatians 2 20.
It’s incredible. Memorize it, tattoo T shirt, whatever you want to do, we should put this on a balloon and send it around the world.
Notice this. He’s talking to the Christian.
He says, I have been crucified with Christ position. I have been past tense. You too, Christian.
I have been. It’s already happened.
I have been crucified with Christ when Jesus died on the cross 2000 years ago.
He had me on his heart.
I didn’t wake up to that reality and 46 years ago.
But but it’s no longer I who live. But Christ lives in me. Really?
So am I me? Uh Yeah, but also Christ is living in you and the life which I now live in the flesh.
I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
So church stand, if you would, that’s gonna remind me to finish this.
So pastor, you’re asking, how can I know if?
In fact, I’m a true follower of Christ? That’s your question. Here’s your answer.
You ask yourself think now don’t look at the person in front of you.
Don’t forget about their hair, your clothing, close your eyes.
If you have to listen this is the hallmark of a true Christian.
Ask yourself, the true follower of Christ is sensitive about grieving the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 4 30.
Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God who you were sealed for the day of redemption.
The true follower of Christ is concerned about dishonoring God. First Corinthians six.
Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, you’re not your own for you’ve been bought at a price.
Therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are Gods.
The true follower of Christ is fearful of becoming useless. I have to confess.
This is my greatest fear of becoming a useless Christian that almost gives me nightmares to think of being unusable.
First Corinthians 9 27 says, but I discipline my body and bring it into subjection.
Lest when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified. Yikes.
The true follower of Christ is concerned about pleasing God. We want to please Him.
Jeremiah 5 25 your iniquities have turned these things away and your sins have withheld good from you.
Many of you are suffering from not having good in your life.
And if you search and look inside, you’ll see that what’s withheld God’s goodness is unbelief.
The true follower of Christ is concerned about losing their joy.
You don’t lose your joy as a Christian.
What do you have you lose shock and you lose the joy of the Lord as a Christian because we’re supposed to tell people about Jesus.
Can you imagine? You have no joy.
Hey, when you become a Christian like me, wanna go to heaven, it’s gonna be awesome.
Like, oh no. Uh uh Psalm 51.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me by your generous spirit, then I will teach transgressors your way and sinners shall be converted to you.
Isn’t that awesome? Almost done, almost done. The true follower of Christ is burdened with growing up.
We wanna grow up first Corinthians three tells us in our paraphrase that we need to get off of the milk and get on the meat of the word.
The true follower of Christ is concerned about being disciplined.
The Bible says in Hebrews 12 7, if you endure chastening God deals with you as with sons for what son is there whom a father does not chastise or discipline.
No, father disciplines somebody else’s kid.
But the thing about God is that we don’t want to bring about discipline on us even though he’s justified in discipline in us because we don’t want to upset Him.
We love him. Don’t you wanna stay as close to Him as possible if you get, if you find yourself in that place of being disciplined right now, thank God for that.
It means you’re a child of his. But listen, if you’re getting away with stuff.
You think I’m in church today? Nobody knows, nobody knows. Things are, I’ve been doing this for years.
This is great, man. I just can’t wait for it tonight. Did you know that there’s a high probability?
You’re not even a child of God and probably never will be because you’ve never felt the sting of his chastisement.
He’s not disciplining you because who nobody disciplines somebody else’s kid.
If you find yourself getting pulled by the ear, when you get uh three inches off course, then sing.
Hallelujah. The true follower of Christ does not want to pollute his spirit.
The Bible says in first Corinthians 10, your body cannot be a dwelling place of demons.
So stop goofing off. That’s my paraphrase. So follow Jesus, stop playing with the demonic activities of this world.
The true follower of Christ desires to revere the Lord’s supper.
The Bible says in first Corinthians 11, when you partake of communion, Christian, make sure that your heart is right with God and with others.
If you don’t do that, God, the Bible says God will deal with you.
Christian has his own child and it says some of you have gotten sick in judgment and some have even died.
Wow, God hates hypocrisy, you know, and then finally we end here is the true father of Christ is concerned about finishing well.
Are you? I am I want to finish well.
Paul said I have fought the good fight I have finished the race.
I’ve kept the faith, man. That’s an awesome tombstone piece right there, man. Right.
Don’t you want to die like that? I mean, we’re Christians.
I wanna, I would rather be finishing well and die then.
Be like King Hezekiah and plead with God for 15 more years and he turns those 15 more years and he totally backslides and messes up.
Wouldn’t you rather die winning across the tape And you just fall through the tape right into heaven?
That’d be awesome. So as we look at this right now, think about some area of your life.
As I think about areas of my life that I want to make sure they’re under the control of God.
Lord, we would say in all honesty, God will you examine my life and help me to examine my own life?
I wanna Lord go down a list if there’s anything that you have in my life that’s standing out Jesus that is keeping you and I from getting closer together from me, from you being used by God more effectively, Lord, show us what that is.
Friends. Listen, we’re living in an amazing time right now and imagine right now you on the other end of this broadcast that you would honestly stop for a moment and say, wow, I’m gonna actually ask God that, hey, listen, ma’am sir, young, young man, young woman.
What if you stopped right now in this moment?
And you said God, am I honoring you in my life?
Is there something in my life that’s keeping me from honoring you?
Or maybe you’re saying God, I don’t even know if you’re real or not, but I’d like to find out, ask him he’s for real.
You can actually know. So the believer wants this to happen. God use me.
In fact, I don’t want to do anything that’s gonna mess up God using me.
So, a lot of people today will talk about, well, how do I get control of my spending habits or my gambling problem or my pornography or my anger or my whatever.
I’ve got the answer. I’ve got the answer. No seminar. No pill. Listen up. It’s amazing. It’s Jesus.
When you read the word of God, you fall in love with him and you’ll wind up loving him more than the stuff that messes up your life.
You won’t have to have a list of things or I’ve got to check this off my list next.
And I’ve got to have a group of people make sure that they keep me in check in this area.
No, no, no. You’ll be so excited about serving Jesus that you won’t want to mess that up.
So walk close to him and let him clean up your life. Don’t do it yourself.
Let him do it and the things that you think you need to reform yourself about can’t do it.
Let him do it through you and fall in love with him, using you in such a way in your life that you don’t want to trip over any explosive trip wires or some uh booby trap pit with bombs and, and knives.
No, no, no, you’ll move around those things because Christ has got a better path for you, man.
I tell you what if that were to happen in all of our lives, there would be revival, revival in our lives in our communities, in our families, in our nations.
If we just love God most so listen, go to s dot com.
There’s more teaching there and we hope to walk you through the Word of God together you are watching real life with Jack Hibbs.
How do we know the Bible can be trusted?
Is there historical evidence for the existence of Jesus? Is it possible that the resurrection was a hoax?
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Welcome to Real Life Radio with Jack Hibbs.
God’s word will never, will return. Void God’s word is spirit. It’s power and it has its effects.
So I want to encourage you to grab your bibles, open them up and get ready to learn from God’s word.
God did not give us a Bible prophecy to scare us, but to prepare us.
But I think you’re going to get a lot out of it in one of the great things.
You are the light of the world.
Jesus said you are the salt of the earth. How does that happen by the power of the Holy Spirit?
You’re going to get excited about what Jesus Christ wants to do in and through you.
So Jack Hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history which brings some great opportunities to share with the world, a powerful no nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth.
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