Discovering Your Identity in Christ – Sunday Service

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Discovering Your Identity in Christ – Sunday Service

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[Music] you can be seated let’s go ahead and receive our offering then we’ll get in the word um if you need an offering envelope go ahead and raise your hands I want to read something to you out of the book of Psalms 112 some some Christians are just made their mind up I’m not going to give nothing to the church cuz I just don’t think it takes all of that and you’re right it doesn’t but there’s some amazing privilege that happens when you sew a seed and that part of it you’ll never
know because you’ve allowed the world to determine how you think about giving and you’re never really understand what it’s about now granted people have misused it in all kinds of ways but you can’t can’t tear these scriptures out and throw them away just because you’re afraid that God won’t take care of you and say I just don’t agree with give an offering so anytime he takes an offering up I’m just going to sit there and close my eyes and pray in tongues until it’s over well in some cases when you’re
praying in tongues for God to help you out in the financial realm he’s giving you authority over the financial realm but you won’t participate let me show you what I’m talking about Psalms 112 I’m going to read out of NLT and watch this whole Psalms talks about life of the seed s he says how joyful are those who fear the lord and Delight in obeying his Commandments their children will be successful everywhere an entire generation of godly people will be blessed they themselves will be wealthy and their good deeds will last forever
now how many you know wealth is a lot more than money amen when you got when you when you got Health you’re wealthy and health when you got a great family you’re wealthy and family all right so don’t just limit it to that light shines in darkness for The Godly light shines in darkness for The Godly they are generous compassionate and righteous good comes to those who lend money generously and conduct their business fairly I mean when was the last time you use your fin finances to help somebody that was in need come on
bro good comes to those who lend money generously and conduct their business fairly such people will not be overcome by evil whoa those who are righteous will be long remembered they do not fear bad news they confidently trust the Lord to care for them cuz when you’re confident in God’s care for you you are not a afraid to be a blessing to somebody else amen but boy you hold on to that dollar you on that you hold on to that money like you hanging off an edge or something like you going to fall you let it go and God
says you got to be confident that I can take care of you and every now and then I’ll help you with that and I’ll minister to you on being a generous giver and and and people who don’t believe that God can take care of them just won’t watch this he said these folks are confident and fearless and they can face their foes triumphantly they share freely and give generously to those in need you know when we feed people up here I think it’s like weekly now and over and over and over and over and over and over and over
and over and over and over ever since covid hit we have not stopped and these people show up and they cry and they are grateful and they are thankful because they didn’t have no money to get no food for their three kids or to give them breakfast and stuff and it’s the generosity of all of you guys that are helping us to continue people I think going on the fourth year tons and tons and tons of food you don’t believe me come up here and volunteer they share freely and give generously to those in need their good
deeds will be remembered forever they will influence and honor they will have influence and honor the wicked will see this and be infuriated they will grind their teeth in Anger they will they will slick away their hopes will be thred all because they’re looking at what God is doing to those who believe that he can take care of them and they’ll look at you and wonder how you got that promotion how you did this how that happened to you why you out of debt I went to school and you ain’t even it be because God will take care of those
who believes that he will take care of them am amen take your offerings [Applause] out and uh father we we are honored to be generous givers today we seow this seed thanking you that we have already been made righteous and we receive these predictions into our lives today bless those who give and allow what was just read to come to pass in their lives that we can be a blessing to many we praise you for it now we thank you that the needs of this ministry will always be met and we so boldly declare that they are met now and it is a
finished deal in Jesus name and I pray over the givers their needs are met now it’s a finished deal in Jesus name and everybody said am amen let’s just go ahead and receive the offering uh this morning as we begin to walk and live according to the word of God you should begin to see just the power of God Enlighten your life in ways that oh my goodness that you just some of y’all might have to stop the call this happened to me one time I I got so full of the presence of God and the stuff he was doing I had to stop the car
and and and and go on the side somebody thought I had a flat tire I just had I had a I had to shout I had to shout they said look at that crazy I know they driving by look at that crazy man over there some of y’all might have saw me when that pass with all out there sh cuz he is so good now you laughing at me he going to do that kind of goodness to you when you going to have to praise him in a public place you going to shout amen somewhere where they said just supposed to be quiet Hallelujah cuz God’s getting ready to
run you over with his [Applause] goodness amen praise the Lord [Applause] [Music] Hallelujah are you blessed this morning I know you are well let’s deep dive into the word of God and agree together in prayer amen amen father we just thank you so much that you’ve already gone before us you’ve already cleared the path for this depos it into the lives of these your precious people Lord we just ask that you will cause it to be transformation in our hearts and our minds in every
area of our life Lord we declare that hunger that we have that you will fill it and we know that as a result of that impartation father we will never be the same and it’s in Jesus name we pray and all that agree set amen amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord all right we’re going to see how short this is I told my husband that um you might have a short one you might have a long one I don’t know but let’s begin today talking about our true identity discovering our true identity in him and we’re going to look at some
things concerning our identity because so many times we equate our identity with who we are what we do our job titles uh our roles in so many things outside of really the things that we want to look at today and I just believe that it’s important for us to recognize this area of our life because this is something that many grapple with and some of you may find yourself asking this same question who am I and people may ask you I was on the plane the other day and this guy wanted to strike up a conversation about what I
do and who I am and so many times you are posed that and we want to share some things this morning that I believe will be a blessing to your life identity relates to our basic values that dictate the choices that we make sometimes we identify ourselves Maybe by our gender by our Culture by relationships as I mentioned by our job our job titles by our sexual orientation um these are things that in many instances are choices to reflect who we are and what we value sometimes identity can Encompass our memories the things that have
happened to us or the things that we have experienced um relationships and the values that create the sense of self and so this morning the question I want to pose before you is who are you and strip Away Your Role strip away your title strip away your gender strip away your orientation strip away your culture strip away the relationships in your life and ask yourself who who am I and this is what we want to look at today and so our identity in Christ is that which changes our Liv lives and knowing that is what we want to begin to
look at so one of the things that we will learn and some of the things that we want to recognize is the fact that we are in Christ somebody say I am in him I am in him and once we understand that we are in him it affects all those areas of our life it affects who we are it affects how we see ourselves it affects how we show up in the world it affects uh how we think and see ourselves and how other people see us and so these are the things that we want to really look at this morning because 70% base their identity on their
role 51% based it on what you have achieved and 50% baseed it on the good that I do and so you know tolling those up may be a little interesting but nevertheless you understand understand the point of the significance of identity just in terms of our uh good that we do in the world the things that we’ve achieved in the world uh the roles that we play in our families it may be where I’m the bread winner that’s who I am I am the Homemaker that’s who I am I’m a wife I’m a mother I’m a sister I’m a brother and
so in many instances these are things that in the sense of identity is what we use to identify yourself and maybe in the past fulfillment has come through your occupation and so you find yourself tirelessly uh pursuing it to ascertain who you are as a person but see the tricky thing is when things change with our jobs and change in our roles and change with our titles then it has the ability to affect us if we put all of our identity in those things I heard this tennis player say the other night Coco golf she was saying how she
is a tennis player she plays tennis but that’s not who she is she’s a person and so many times when she loses on the court that doesn’t mean she’s a bad person but that means that there are things that will happen in life and so it is when we put so much emphasis maybe on a relationship and you say well you know I’m married and then that marriage maybe breaks up or you know something happens then we feel as if we failed and we’re a failure in the world and so that’s the things that we want to look
at this morning identifying who we are in Christ and not being blinded by what society says is what we should value or the things that we should determine as the basis for who we are and so um you know KL and I are now empty nesters and um you know playing cops and robbers and running around the house just doing all kinds of crazy stuff but um you know before then I was in a different role and he was in a different role and so you know it’s vital for us to now in different seasons of your life you have to ask yourself who am I and that’s what
we want to look at this morning because our identity is to rest in him now let’s look at this over in Philippians chapter 3 our first scripture is in uh Philippians uh let’s see is that where we want to go let’s go to Galatians chapter 6 I take that back so discovering our identity can be clarifying when we don’t know who we really are discovering our our identity in Christ again this can be clarifying when we don’t know who we really are and this is a thing with social media because we have so many young people and those of
us who find ourselves using social media and on social media can be so uh inundated with what is portrayed on social media to the point that we don’t really know or you don’t really know who that person is or we don’t really know who we are because we’re trying to create this image or create what we see and so I think we’ll be able to get some keys here this morning that we can appropriate in our lives to really know who we are and we’re not trying to convince somebody of something that
we’re not because we’re so secure in him amen now in the mirror Bible I know they probably don’t have have that translation in the back if you do verse 14 is what I want to read to you of chapter six it says um May my boasting be in nothing but in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ through whom the world has been crucified to me and I to the world the religious systems and the Applause of this world have no appeal to me he writes here the Apostle Paul he says as far as they are concerned I am like a dead
man he says in verse 15 the New Creation in Christ I like this steals the show not whether someone’s circumcised or not and so we know there’s a lot of emphasis in the Old Testament and the Bible in the New Testament talks about circumcision and being uncircumcised but the fact is that under the law it was so much emphasis on those who were uh circumcised and it says in the mirror translation God Associated us in Christ when he died we die when he was raised we were raised together with him in newness of
life let’s look at this in the um P TPT passion translation let’s read it from that translation it says my only boast you can read along with me here is in the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus our Messiah because many times we boast in what we do we boast in what we’ve achieved we boast about the good that we do he says my only boast is in the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ Our messiah in him I have been crucified so this morning we’re talking about being in him and being able to boast in him he says in him I’ve been
crucified to this natural realm and the natural realm is is dead to me so the things that I did outside of Christ being a black woman outside of Christ being a woman married outside of Christ he says I don’t boast in that he says my boast is in him because I’m better in him he says and no longer dominates my My Life The Apostle Paul he bragged about how you know he was Jewish and eight days he was circumcised and all those kinds of things he says I don’t boast in that any longer and so the world wants us to boast in everything
outside of Christ don’t give Christ any credit don’t talk about being in him talk about what you’ve been able to do on your own in and apart from him but he says my boast is in the crucifixion because I know that he died all that dead stuff that was in my life died too and now I’m raised from the dead in him and it no longer dominates my life it no longer defines me I no longer identify with the things of my past and look at verse 15 he says circumcision doesn’t mean a thing to me because that was part of the
identification under the law was circumcision to be circum ized The Cutting away of the flesh his mind had changed he had gotten on God’s side he says that doesn’t mean a thing the only thing that really matters is living by the transforming power of this wonderful New Creation life is’t that good news and so we recognize that no one no male no female in the New Testament has any special privileges stay with me listen to this because he is a male or if he’s Jewish no female no one no male in the
New Testament has any special privileges because of race or because of nationality are you with me anyone in Christ is not at a disadvantage you are not at a disadvantage this morning you are not church at a disadvantage this morning I’m telling you you’ve got the advantage because you are in him it’s not because you were born it’s not not because you know you’re here on Earth or you know you got a certain genitalia I’m telling you it’s about getting immersed in the things of God and getting over into God’s plan and
seeing yourself in him and recognizing that he has circumcise the heart when he moves on the inside and he causes things to take place in our life turn with me to Ephesians chap 2 verse 11 and we’re going to look at this in the uh passion translation in the passion translation then we’re going to look at chapter one and um I just trust that the Holy Spirit Will begin to shed light on some things because in many instances we thought of these special privileges under the law but how many you know we’re no longer under the law and sin no
longer dominates us so we don’t glory in in the natural things under the law based on what it was before and so in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 11 he says so don’t forget that you were not born as Jews and were uncircumcised circumcision itself is just a work of man’s hands you had none of the Jewish covenants and laws you were foreigners to Israel’s incredible Heritage you were without the covenants and prophetic Promises of the Messiah the promised hope and without God that was us without God we had no
ability uh the law was not for us those outside of uh the Jewish Heritage and so he says this Israel incredible Heritage he says you were without uh the covenants and pro prophetic Promises of the Messiah the promised hope and without God he says yet look at you now everything is new although you were once distant and now far away from God now you have been brought delightfully close when we were in the world unsaved outside of him living for ourselves living for whatever we wanted to do when we wanted to do it dropping it picking
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