Day 155 of 356 – God’s Messages

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Day 155 of 356

God is saying to you today:
“l know you’ve been in a difficult season. Hold on. Change is coming. I’ve heard your prayers and I am making a way for you. You’ve been
through so much, but you’re still here. You’re going to make it.”


God is saying to you today:
“Don’t give up. I know you’ve been under so much pressure. I know you’ve felt overwhelmed. You are so close to your breakthrough. My word is final, so get up and stand in faith. It’s not over.”

We all need the mercy of God in our lives.
It’s God’s mercy that woke us up this morning.
It’s God’s mercy that allows each breath that we take.
It’s through his mercy and grace that we are protected.
It’s through his mercy and grace that we can find healing and peace and provision.
Don’t take the Lord’s mercy for granted.
We are all undeserving of his love and forgiveness.


However, he still freely loves us and forgives us if we turn away from our corrupt ways.
In second chronicles chapter 30 verse nine, the scripture says, if you return to the Lord, then your fellow Israelites and your Children will be shown compassion by their captors and will return to this land.
For the Lord, your God is gracious and compassionate. He will not turn his face from you.
If you return to him now, in your own life, if you’ve back slid in, come back to Jesus.
If you have sinned, repent and come back to the Lord.
If you have placed your trust elsewhere, then returned to the Lord Jesus Christ.
It’s important for us as believers to remain rooted in God.
We need to be calling out for his hand to touch our lives.
We need to be crying out for his love, grace and tender mercies to fill our lives.
We need to repent and turn to the Lord God in his sovereignty and compassion gives us gifts and blessings that we do not deserve.
We don’t deserve eternal life, but he still offers it to us.
We don’t deserve unconditional love, but he offers it to us.
We do not deserve his amazing grace, but he still gives it to us, be encouraged that if you call on the Lord, he will hear you and he will see you.
He loves those who feel unloved.
He wants those who feel lonely and rejected to find fullness and belonging in him.
For those who are filled with shame and feel condemned, repent and return to Jesus Christ because he will wash away all of your sins, be encouraged and know that there is no condemnation or shame when you are in the Lord.
Hold on to Isaiah chapter 43 verse 25 that says I, I am.
He who blots out your transgressions for my own sake.
And I will not remember your sins, dear Lord Jesus.
I ask for your mercy and forgiveness.
Your word says in Hebrews chapter four verse 16, let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
This is my time of need.
I acknowledge you to be the one true God, the ruler of the universe.
I bow down before you King Jesus and say you are the Lord of Lords.
You are great and mighty, but you are also filled with affection and compassion.
You are a consuming fire, but you are also absolute in your love while I was yet still a sinner.
You died for me, Lord Jesus.
And so I repent of my sins, I repent for the sins that I have committed in mind and in action, have mercy on me.
Lord. In your love. There is no fear, your perfect love expels all fear your word in lamentations chapter three, verse 22 to 23 says the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases his mercies, never come to an end.
They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness. Thank you for your new mercies every day.
Thank you for your unending love.
Even when I walk away from you, Lord and fall short, you still love me.
You still open your arms in love. You still call me to repent and to come back to you.
Your love is strong and steadfast. Your love is what protects me from the enemy.
Your love has protected me from battles, seen and unseen.
Your love has blocked attacks from the enemy that I did not see.
It’s your grace that continues to sustain me.
Your divine mercy always sees me as I truly am yet.
You still care for me and love me constantly. I offer thanksgiving to you.
Lord, thank you for your son Jesus Christ who rescued me from sin.
So strong was your love that you would not allow even sin to separate us instead of eternal death.
You offered eternal life. John chapter three verse 16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Thank you for your mercy, Lord Jesus, you laid aside your glory came to earth as a man and suffered and died so that I might be freed from sin.
You came to set me free from every garment of shame, death, sin and unrighteousness.
You clothed me with love and mercy. You have clothed me with joy everlasting.
I bless your holy name because you are a covenant to keeping God I trust and depend on you.
Lord have mercy on me when the enemy tries to attack me, when he sends calamity and disaster my way.
I pray that you will be my protector.
Lord Jesus help me to stand firm and know that you are my stronghold in the day of trouble.
You are the rock of my salvation.
The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer, my God. You are my strength.
You are my shield, the horn of my salvation.
I trust you to be my help and comfort. Always you see my needs.
You see the areas that I lack. You are a God who provides.
I declare that your goodness and mercies shall never depart from me.
In Jesus name your word in Psalm.
1 45 verse nine says that the Lord is good to all and his tender mercies are over all his works.
Thank you for always welcoming me in my weakness, in my Brokenness and even in my desperation.
thank you for never turning away from me nor turning a deaf ear to me.
You are the fountain of kindness and the giver of grace upon grace.
Give me the courage and strength to overcome the enemy. You have promised to always stand by me.
You have promised not to leave me or forsake me.
Your mercy will see me through your love, will surround me.
And so I thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus’ name.
I pray amen.

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