Commanding the Blessing Part 4 – Back to the Basics

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Commanding the Blessing Part 4 – Back to the Basics

Did you know God has commanded The Blessing on your life? Just like it was commanded on Adam, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph and others, God has commanded The Blessing on YOU through Jesus Christ!

Back to the Basics:

Sometimes, as we grow in our Christian walk, we forget about the basics that got us there. Yet, the basics of our faith are the very foundation we need to be successful in our relationship with the Lord and with others, and to fulfill God’s plans and purposes for our Kingdom destiny. In this Back to the Basics series, a powerful compilation of 16 series of dynamic teachings by Dr. Bill Winston, you will learn how to renew and re-energize your Christian walk.

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the believer’s Walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers this summer embark on a transformative Journey with the believer’s Walk of Faith as we dive into the foundational teachings of Faith join Dr Bill Winston in our powerful summer series back to the basics where will’ll unlock the Timeless wisdom and Revelation for walking by Faith from his extensive Library we’re going back to Old School say amen amen we going back to the oldies but goodies these are things that’ll work for you I don’t care
what season you’re in I don’t care whether you got a PhD or no D I don’t care whether you’re in Africa or in Asia this will work for you any time any place get ready for the basic fundamentals for every believer to live a Victorious Life as a kingdom citizen don’t miss out tune in every week to gain understanding Revelation and reignite your commitment of Faith watch every week on Believers walk of faith and spread the word hello this is Bill Winston and welcome to another program the program
that you’re watching is called the believer’s Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight we have a delightful program for you today we’re teaching on commanding the blessing now this blessing is a very powerful thing that God has placed on Humanity really it’s a kind of thing that you can go into a neighborhood that’s all torn up and that blessing can fix it up I mean make it like the Garden of Eden I know you wonder how you going to do this well that’s why you’re tuned in praise God
now let me give you a couple of things that we’re going to talk about during this teaching today God will provide proficiency for you to do anything anything that he called you to he’ll prepare you for in other words he’ll give you enough proficiency or skill to be able to do that and again I mentioned David as he’s coming to the front line he just a Shepherd boy 17 years old but he comes up there and he offers to fight Goliath and Saul says something to him he said you can’t beat this guy he
biggest guy on Earth and he’s been trained in war from his youth well God said through David he prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies what is that table that table of proficiency that table of knowledge of wisdom of skill things you need to have God will prepare when he calls you to something he provides for you for that something praise God the second thing we’re in Christ he’s the head and we’re the body now this blessing flows from the head and it flows down to the body I
want to read you a scripture this is found in Psalm 133: 1-3 here’s what he says behold how good and how pleasant it is for the Brethren to dwell together in unity it is like the precious ointment upon the head that ran down upon the beard even Aaron’s beard that went down to the skirts of His Garment as the Dew of Hermon and as the Dew that descendeth upon the mountains of Zion for there the Lord commanded the blessing even life forever more now what are we saying we’re saying that God is commanding the
blessing on places that have been unified and that are anointed meaning that you and I um in this particular case in the book Aaron was anointed by Moses and that anointing oil went down his beard and down on His Garment well that’s in the New Testament is Christ who is our high priest and he’s anointed by the father and that anointing went from the head down to the body well who’s the body of Christ it’s us you and me we call they called Christians so little christs are anointed now there the Lord commanded the blessing glory to
God and you know when God commands things they move he commanded some birds they fed the prophet he commanded a widow woman to take care of him she had one meal left but she took care of him I’m saying you’re in for a good good time with the blessing when that blessing gets to be commanded on you so God is commanding the blessing in these last days some needs of yours are going to be met supernaturally and you just watch you’ll be able to give God all the praise for it let’s go into it get your
Bibles and pencils and papers ready it’s called commanding the [Music] blessing the blessing comes on your life when you get born again but the blessing that comes on your life when you get born again cannot be turned back it cannot be rescinded it cannot be taken back now all that we saw when we looked over here in Genesis and Genesis glory to God and Genesis chapter 25 and verse 5 we saw Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac that means he passed on the blessing but now Isaac now has got to pass it on to Jacob and it says in verse
29 and Jacob saw pottage uh and Esau came from the field and was faint and Esau said to Jacob feed me I pray thee with the same red pottage for I am faint therefore was his name uh uh pardon me for his name called Edom and Jacob said sell me this day the B thy Birthright so you’re the firstborn Esau sell me your Birthright that that that blessing and Esau said behold I am at the the point of death to about to die and what profit shall this Birthright be to me and Jacob said swear to me this day and he sweared to him and
he sold his Birthright to Jacob and Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage and lentils and he did set and drank and Rose up and went his way and Esau did what he despised the blessing in other words he didn’t value it well God bless you brother hey praise God God bless you hey okay but do you value the blessing because if you don’t value the blessing there you won’t value it on you and so what happened now is of course his mother said wait a minute I heard that you know that that your father’s about
to bless the firstborn so why don’t you sneak in there and do this so that is exactly what he did and look what he did in Genesis CH 27 now and verse come on down in verse 27 and he came near and kissed him and he smelled the smell of his rment and blessed him and said see the smell of my son is a smell of a field which the Lord has blessed verse 28 therefore God give Thee the de of Heaven and the fatness of the earth and plenty of corn and wine and let people serve thee and Nations bow down to thee be Lord of thy Brethren and let thy
mother’s of sons bow down to thee cursed be everyone that curs you and blessed be everyone that bless you he goes out once He blesses him notice he didn’t have a lawyer there notice he didn’t have any kind of scribe there or secretary or court reporter notice he didn’t have any kind of witnesses there the only thing he had there was him and Jacob and notice what he did he passed it on to him now how did he pass it on to him by what by faith say faith say faith now faith faith is the substance of things
what hope for the evidence of things what not seen now what am I saying to you I’m saying that this book says that Christ has redeemed you from the curse being made a curse for you for curse is everyone that hangeth on a tree that The Blessing of Abraham shall come on the Gentile through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the spirit how through faith so how you going to have to receive it through faith and look at verse 29 in that same chapter and if you belong to Christ then are you who seed Abraham’s seed and what AES
according to the promise so what God promised Abraham he is also promising you say Amen to that now so if that be me and I got the blessing on my life why don’t I start acting like it why is the blessing kicking in why isn’t the blessing manifesting in my life well that’s why you got to go back to a man named uh Joseph now before I get there let’s go to it praise God but let’s go to Genesis ch 12 and verse 1 just before we go to Joseph look at God speaking now to Abraham now the Lord had said to
Abraham get thee out of thy country come on from thy Kindred and from thy father’s house into a land that I’m going to show you let me put it in my own word get off around H girl and homeboy and stop borrowing money from your mama and stop come on come on I’m going to help you now I’m going help you see he is saying he saying wait a minute you got to if you want this blessing to kick in you’ve got to see God as your only source you you’ve got to stop looking to people for a handout and
begging somebody to do something for you say amen and notice what God Said next in verse two he said and I will make thee a great nation and I will bless you and I’ll make your name what great and thou shalt be a what blessing stop right there I will bless you now if he’s saying to Abraham he’s saying it to you you don’t need any court reporter you don’t need any any scribe no lawyer the only you don’t need Bill Winston all you need to do is is this in the word of God is this in the word of God cuz if it’s
in the word of God everything in my life from this day should shift everything that I’m struggling with my struggle should be over say Amen to this now he said in verse three he said I will bless them that bless you I’m going curse them that curse you and if the All Families of the Earth shall be what blessed so I’m not done just being blessed I’m not done till I’m become a blessing to other people say amen to that all right so if I go back now and go all the way down to Genesis chapter 31 now this is when Jacob’s got the
blessing on him now notice what he’s got he working for laan but laan is swindling him cheating him out of everything he’s got now that’s not supposed to happen to a blessed person but in what’s happening is Jacob is not putting any pressure on the blessing he is not walking according to the blessing he’s still trying to bank on the system trying to take care of him but pretty soon he came to laan laan said now wait a minute I know we’ve had some problems matter of fact I have cheated you out of
your wages 10 times but I’m going to do you a favor what do you want what do you want me to pay you here’s what he told him don’t pay me a thing he said what the the cattle and livestock that’ll produce pottage speckle and stripe that’ll be mine everything else will be yours here what LA and said I got this fool now and what happened he didn’t know the blessing was about to kick in so I’m saying in your life it looks like you are disadvantaged but ain’t no such thing as disadvantage with the people of
the blessing there is no disadvantage stop looking at your color stop looking at your background stop looking at the school you didn’t go to stop looking at what people are recommending about you your recommendation comes from God it’s in this paper right here if he recommends you for a job you don’t need to know nobody at City Hall so what am I saying next thing you know here he was and he took everything look what he says in Genesis in chapter 31 it says in verse one and he heard the words of laan’s son saying Jacob has taken
away all that was our fathers and was of our fathers has he gotten all this Glory all this wealth one of the translation say so I’m telling you right now that the wealth came where because of this this this this blessing that was on his life so look what it says I’m not going to read those others let’s go all the way fast forward all the way over to Genesis chapter 37 because now we got the blessing and this blessing is about to kick in again but it’s about to kick in on a man’s life named Joseph say
Joseph Joseph now Joseph is kind of a type of Jesus if you will don’t notice what happened first Joseph had some dreams it says here in verse 5 and Joseph dreamed a dream look at verse 9 and Joseph bring yet another dream now this is the blessing working in his life now he told it to his Brethren and when he told the dream to his Brethren his Brethren got envious so envious they decid they’re going to kill him but they couldn’t kill him cuz you can’t kill a man who’s walking in the blessing now y’all got do you believe
your preacher you you and so what happened is now uh this uh they threw him in a pit now Along come some Israelites look what it says in Genesis 37 and verse 28 and there passed by midianite merchantmen and they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit and sold Joseph to the isuh Israelites for 20 pieces of silver and they brought Joseph to Egypt now notice what happened they merchantmen came they drew him up out of the pit now I understand they threw him in this pit and it was hot as blazes out there in that desert and the fact of the thing is
watch this there was no water now your body can go for 40 days without food but try to make it go 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days without water say Amen to this and and I’m just saying here was Joseph in a pit that were going to leave him there but here comes a caravan showing up watch this right at the right time now I’m here to tell you that this blessing is working on Joseph and it’s working 24/7 so this blessing knew that they were going to throw him in a pit so it started the Caravan a month ago that
happened to pass by that way at that time I’m saying God knows everything the devil’s about to do to you and he started things working long before you got in trouble but it looks like things are bad for you but if you just hold on and don’t get mad don’t get angry don’t get bitter stop talking negative watch The Curse turn to the blessing and I’m saying it’ll happen to you every time so now this group is under God’s Direction and God is coordinating this car van travel and they coordinated him down and
now they lifted Joseph out paid some money for him and now they took him all the way down to Egypt now they took him down there and sold him to a wealthy influential man who was an Egyptian in the and a captain in Pharaoh’s Army so they sold him to him so here is Joseph working for a man named piiper and look what it says in verse one and just Genesis 39 and verse 1 and Joseph was brought down to Egypt and Piper an officer of pharaoh captain of the Guard an Egyptian bought him of the hands of the Israelites which had brought him
down thither and the Lord was with who Joseph and he was who a prosperous man and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian so what this tells you is Pro Prosperity that God has planned for you had nothing to do with your salary and I’m here to tell you right now God will prosper you if they ain’t paying you a dime because that’s the power of the blessing say Amen to that and it says verse three and his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord made all that he did to prosper in his
hand and Joseph found Grace in his sight and served him and he made him overseer over his house and over all that he had he put under Joseph’s hand and it came to pass from the time that he had made him overseer over his house and over all that he had that the Lord blessed the Egyptians house for Joseph’s sake and the blessing of the Lord was upon all that he had in the house and in the field and he left all that he had in Joseph’s hand now what am I telling you now I’m saying wherever you work they
going to be blessed and in this time they understood the blessing and those Egyptians knew what that blessing looked like so during Joseph’s generation this Egyptians say that blessing is on this man right here now I’m going to put everything I have into his hand now the revelation of that is the fact that notice when he put everything under Joseph’s hand he didn’t know what was coming in what was going out he just trusted Joseph with it and Joseph took care all of the things that needed to be Tak care in terms of
provision notice the only thing potier is current concerned about is the plate that was on his table when is my breakfast my dinner going to be here my point to you is God never intended for you to get all caught up in provision and what I’m going to eat what I’m going to drink what I’m going to wear how I’m going to pay these bills he wants Jesus to take care of that and you take care of your assignment the assignment and the thing that God has called you to do say Amen to that so now what has
happened is now Joseph is endued with his power for success and notice here come M Piper oh Lord have mercy M Piper coming well what will send do sin will dowal down the blessing sin will dowal down the blessing sin will make it so even though the blessing is on you it won’t function like it should the Bible says if you do sin you have an advocate with the father you can confess your sin God is faithful and just to what forgive you your sin and cleanse you from all unrighteousness and you can rise up again so notice they threw Joseph in
jail and the Bible says in Genesis chap 39 and verse 21 and 22 and Joseph now got favor in jail and Joseph took over the prison that the Jailer made Joseph the warden of the jail and notice now he’s down there for life that there was no hope in getting back cuz you just un offended a sister proder and she didn’t told a lie on you and now you’re in jail but the blessing is working because Joseph is not down there talking about that potier that heer she got me down here in jail now I’m listen you don’t
need to call no names all you need to do is call his name the name of Jesus it’s above every name well you see what this is like this is like a type of Christ that he paid your sins in mind that he was didn’t sin not once but he took your sin he was falsely accused he was buried and lived in that tomb and down in that grave and when he was down in there he had to suffer for your price and my price but I’m telling you on the third day God saw that the sin and penalty for sin had been paid and he said get him up
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