Christine Caine: Trust God’s Process Sermon

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God’s Purpose and the Process of Preparation

Many of you are aware that you are anointed to fulfill a specific purpose. God has a plan and purpose for your life, but He is guiding you through a process to prepare you for what He has already prepared for you. Unlike man, who sees only outward appearances, God looks at the heart.

In the Bible, Jesse presented his sons to Samuel, but the Lord did not choose any of them. When Samuel asked if all the sons were present, Jesse replied that the youngest, David, was out tending the sheep. Samuel instructed them to bring David, and when he arrived, the Lord told Samuel to anoint him. David, described as ruddy, handsome, and with beautiful eyes, was chosen by God. Samuel anointed him, and the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon him from that day forward.

This story in 1 Samuel 16 highlights how God’s timing and His plans unfold in ways we cannot always understand. David was anointed as king at about 17 years old but wasn’t appointed to rule over all of Israel until he was 37. There were 20 years and 20 chapters between his anointing and his appointment, and during that time, David faced numerous challenges, including running from enemies and enduring persecution.

This teaches us that there is no such thing as an overnight success. In today’s world, with the rise of social media and the internet, people often believe that success happens instantly, but in reality, there is always a backstory. For David, the process of becoming who God had already declared him to be took 20 years.

Just like David, we, as born-again, Spirit-filled believers, already have access to all the spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus. We are already sons and daughters of the King, seated in heavenly places. The Christian journey is about becoming who we already are. It’s a process of growth and learning how to live as children of God, even though we have already been given the full inheritance in Christ.

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