Christine Caine: Believe God to Do the Impossible | See God’s Miracles in Your Life

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The Impossible Is Where God Begins: Embracing Miracles and Faith

I’ve said this countless times: If you’ve ever heard me teach, you know that I always emphasize this truth: “Impossible is where God starts, and miracles are what God does.” It’s the currency of heaven. The reality is that the assignments God gives us are often impossible by human standards. I repeat it often: impossible is where God starts, and miracles are what God does—His way of working in our lives. When you don’t need God, why should He show up? However, when you find yourself in an impossible situation, you will see that if God doesn’t intervene, nothing will happen. Without His presence, healing won’t come, financial breakthroughs won’t materialize, salvation won’t occur, and opportunities to believe will remain out of reach.

We all face situations where we need a miracle. I’m here to remind you that miracles are God’s domain, the very currency of heaven. God delights in helping His children when they need Him the most. If we could do everything on our own, He would say, “Go ahead.” But in those moments when we face the impossible, that’s when we need Him to show up.

I’ve often been asked how I stay so dependent on God. The truth is, I’ve long since lost sight of the “boat” in my life—about 10 years ago. I have no idea where it is anymore. I’ve stepped out in faith, and I rely on God for every area of my life. It’s an exhilarating ride, the kind that Jesus Christ offers. But to experience this, you must step out in faith and trust God to do the impossible.

When Nehemiah said he wanted to rebuild the walls, he wasn’t just dreaming of a difficult task—he was faced with the impossible. Remember, whatever God asks you to do is not difficult; it’s impossible. I’ve been saying this from the start of our ministry: “Difficult? We can do that. Impossible? We can’t.” And that’s the challenge we face. Every time I ask something of my team, I don’t want it to be just difficult; I want it to be impossible. I work with a great, faith-filled lawyer, and whenever I meet with them, I ask for miracles. It’s not about pragmatism or precedent—it’s about miracles. And let me tell you, we are witnessing miracles.

The miraculous isn’t needed for the difficult, but for the impossible. God is the one who makes the impossible possible. So, where in your life do you need God to show up because you’ve stepped so far out of your comfort zone, and it feels impossible?

Many of us have faced brokenness in our lives—pain, abuse, rejection, betrayal. It’s part of the human experience. These experiences often break down the walls of our hearts. Have you allowed the Holy Spirit to begin rebuilding your inner walls? You can’t build strong outer walls if you haven’t allowed God to heal the walls of your heart first. Have you invited the Holy Spirit to heal the wounds of betrayal, brokenness, or hurt in your life?

Without this healing, the toxic pain inside will eventually seep out and destroy your relationships. Without allowing God to heal your heart, when you try to help others, it will eventually lead to collapse because there’s a disconnect between your inner world and your outer actions. I’ve seen Christians who seem to walk with the Lord for a time, but then they falter. Why? Because somewhere along the way, they neglected to deal with their inner struggles. You can run and try to fix the world’s problems, but eventually, you’ll need to face your own internal battles.

We can’t bring healing to a broken world if we don’t allow God to heal the brokenness in our own hearts. But here’s the good news: God specializes in restoration. He’s in the business of rebuilding. You may feel that your life is shattered, that it’s beyond repair. But God can take the rubble of your life and restore it into something beautiful.

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