Check Your Settings // Start Sharp (Part 3) // Michael Todd
Welcome to Transformation Church: Day 14 of 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
Hi, my name is Bri, and I have the privilege of serving as the Chief of Staff here at Transformation Church. At TC, our vision is to represent God to both the lost and the found, bringing transformation through Christ. We want to thank you for tuning in, no matter where you’re watching from. If you haven’t already, make sure to like and subscribe. We believe that God has a special word just for you, so let’s dive into today’s message.
Today marks Day 14 of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting, and I want to share more of a template with you rather than a traditional sermon. In my life, I appreciate when people get straight to the point. Some of you might agree—you’d rather receive bullet points than attend a long meeting, right? It’s like when someone could have sent you an email with all the details instead of gathering you in person. In church, we often spend too much time trying to impress with how much we know, which can sometimes cloud the real message. So today, I want to give you a simple template of what transformed my life.
You’ve probably heard my testimony every Sunday when I share about my past. I’ve told you how I was a liar, addicted to pornography, and a manipulator. Some of my friends joke about it, but they know my story. Do your friends know yours? In the Bible, it says we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the words of our testimony. But if no one knows your testimony, how can you overcome? Many of us are in relationships where our spouses don’t even know our full story. For me, I share my testimony often, but some people think I woke up transformed overnight. The truth is, it was a process—a long journey of change.
Embrace the process. If you don’t, you’ll get frustrated because you’ll find yourself stuck in a cycle, seeing the same challenges over and over again. I don’t want your life to feel like reruns of an old show, with no new episodes. Embrace the transformation process, and you’ll see progress.
I want to share with you the steps that transformed me—from being a liar to someone who lives with integrity, and from being greedy to someone who generously gives. Sometimes, I even give beyond what I’m supposed to, and God has to remind me that He didn’t tell me to give that way! But that’s just my nature now.
Let me tell you a story to illustrate this. How many of you receive updates on your phone? If you don’t, you might still have a flip phone, and we’re praying for you! Recently, iPhones have had some updates, and I only realize they’ve been updated when my phone starts acting up. I’m a creature of habit, and once I figure out how to use something, I stick with it. So, when my phone stopped working properly, I didn’t know what was going on. But then, my younger brother, whose phone isn’t as fancy as mine, started showing me things his phone could do that mine couldn’t. It was frustrating, but it made me realize the importance of embracing the updates—just like in our spiritual lives.
Now, let’s get into today’s message.