Catch God’s Mantle and walk in Double Anointing
Catch God’s Mantle and walk in Double Anointing
God’s Messages 💌
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
This is for those who wanna be used by god who want to see an increase of the power of the Holy Spirit in their life.
I’m talking about the double portion anoint Now we understand that every believer already has the Holy Spirit.
Every believer already has the power of the Holy Spirit deposited in them.
It was so since the moment you put your faith in Jesus.
But I wanna talk to you about how to walk in that power that you have been given.
Go now to First Kings, chapter 19. And we’re gonna look at the story of Elijah and Elijah.
First kings chapter
I’m gonna start at verse 16. We’re gonna skip 1718, and then go to 19 to 21.
If you want to be spent for the glory of god and you want your life to be used for his purposes to expand his kingdom, I want you to write in the comments section right now.
Use my life, lord. Let that be your public declaration. Let that be your prayer.
say it in faith, use my life, lord.
It’s time we lay down our lives that the power of god might have influence in us and through us.
1st kings, 19 verse 16. Then anoint Jehu, grandson of Nimshi, to be king of Israel.
and anoint Elijah son of Shafat from the town of Abel Mahola to replace you as my prophet.
So here, Elijah is being instructed to go and anoint Elijah.
Let’s go now down to verse number 19.
So Elijah went and found Elijah son of Shafat plowing a field.
There were 12 teams of oxen in the field, and Elijah was plowing with the 12 team.
Elijah went over to him and threw his cloak across his shoulders and then walked away. Verse 20.
Elijah left the oxen standing there Ran after Elijah and said to him, first, let me go and kiss my father and mother goodbye, and then I will go with you.
Elijah replied, go on back, but think about what I have done to you.
So Elijah returned to his oxen and slaughtered them.
He used the wood from the plow to build a fire to roast their flesh.
He passed around the meat to the town’s people, and they all ate.
Then he went with Elijah as his assistant. Now let’s go back to verse number 16.
And as I said, we’re looking at the story of Elijah and Elijah.
as we read through the scripture, we’re going to glean truths concerning the double portion anointing, and then we’re gonna apply those to our lives so that we can continue to walk in greater measures of the Holy Spirit’s power.
Again, noting that that power is already within you. So you have that power.
The question is are you surrendered to god in a way that that power can flow?
Now verse 19 excuse me. Verse
We see that god is the one who instructed Elijah to anoint Elijah.
This is the first thing we have to note. It does not come from men.
The power of the Holy Spirit, the anointing, assignments, callings, ministries.
None of these are man made, and none of these are man given.
Well, if they’re genuine ministries, if they’re genuine callings, they’re not man made. Man cannot anoint you without God’s permission.
Man, is there for the ceremony of it, for the accountability of it.
But, ultimately, the power of the holy spirit is from god himself.
It does not come from man God uses men. It can come through men, but, ultimately, callings come from heaven.
And so we see that god was the one who instructed Elijah to go and anoint Elijah.
So that’s the first thing to note that callings are found in the presence of god.
When god gives you an assignment, he may use someone to help guide you.
He may use someone to help keep you accountable that your character might shape so that you can handle your calling.
He may even appoint spiritual leaders that will help to affirm what he’s doing in your life, but, ultimately, we must remember that callings come from god.
Man does not anoint man. Only god can anoint man.
So we see there 1st and foremost, that god was the one who instructed the prophet to go and anoint his replacement.
Now let’s go down to verse number 19.
So Elijah went and found Elijah, son of Shafat plowing a field.
Now here’s something that I’ve noticed about the lord.
Now keep in mind, I am not talking about salvation when I say what I’m about to say because that can be confusing especially if you know that I do not teach a workspace salvation.
I teach a grace based salvation. We are empowered unto holiness. God gives us a new nature and so forth.
So in other words, We we do good works.
We live holy because he have saved us, but we recognize that those good works in and of themselves cannot do the work of salvation alone.
So understand that when I talk about working, when I talk about not being lazy, in this particular context, I’m talking about as it applies to ministries and callings, not as it applies to salvation.
So remember this. If you have a past, God can work with that.
You have flaws and character issues. God can help you shape those that you might become more like Christ.
You have doubts about yourself. You have insecurities.
God can empower you with boldness to work through them.
If you have obstacles, people coming against you, financial trouble, health issues, whatever it may be, god can work through it with you.
Here’s something that we must know about the call of god.
Here’s something that we must know about the anointing. It’s not a popular truth.
It may offend some, but the reality is this god does not anoint the lazy.
When god called Elijah, he was plowing the field. Well, think about it.
When god called David, he was tending the sheep. When god called the disciples, they were fishing.
They were fishermen or some of the disciples were fishermen.
When god called Isaiah the prophet, he was serving in the temple. look throughout the scripture.
And whenever a man was called, you’ll see that he was a man who was busy.
He was a man who was doing something.
He was a man who was making use of his ability, who is being a good steward of his time.
Now we know that god can use anyone. God can do whatever he wants to do.
And, no, I’m not saying that laziness is the one flaw that god cannot help you with.
What I’m saying is that if we are to surrender to that laziness, then we choose to not do the work of ministry.
and god still allows us to have our autonomy and free will.
And so if we’re unwilling, if we’re spiritually lazy, if we’re in act in our callings because of the decisions and the choices that we make based on our own free will, then, of course, god will not force that calling upon us.
Now, again, God can use anyone he wants. God can anoint anyone that he wants.
But if we look at the pattern in scripture, we see that god does not anoint the lazy.
You have to be doing something. Now I’m not saying that you have to be perfect.
I’m not saying that there can’t be an a struggle with laziness or maybe a trouble with with a lack of zeal, I’m saying that if we live the lifestyle of laziness, doing nothing ever, and we never get moving, we never are obedient, we never fulfill the instructions that god has given to us.
Then we make it very difficult to see the calling fulfilled in our lives.
and god does not anoint the lazy. We see that Elijah was plowing a filled. He was doing something.
He was a person of work. a person of diligence.
When god calls someone, he looks for someone who is diligent.
Now, again, I wanna reiterate so that there’s no confusion. I’m not talking about salvation. That’s a separate thing.
God saves us despite ourselves as long as we put our faith in Jesus.
But here, I’m talking about the call to ministry.
I’m talking about the anointing, walking in that power, walking in the flow of the Holy Spirit in our lives, He does not anoint the lazy.
Now watch in verse 19 that Elijah threw the cloak on him.
In other words, Here is that affirmation coming to him. Elisha did not ask.
God spoke to Elijah, Elijah went to Elijah, and he threw his cloak on him, and Elijah responded to what was happening.
Now We need to balance these two thoughts because if we’re not careful, they can seem to contradict one another.
On one hand, we see that Elijah is a man of diligence. doing something he’s working.
On the other hand, we see that he was not the one who pursued Elijah to begin with.
It was god who excuse me. Who who was not the one to pursue Elijah.
It was god who called Elijah. and it was Elijah who threw the cloak.
So we see that there is something to be said of those who recognize that they cannot call themselves into ministry.
Yes. We should be diligent as I just said a few moments ago. Yes. We should be working.
As I just said a few moments ago, Yes. We should have our hand to the plow so to speak.
However, when it comes to the ministry to the call of god, You cannot break into the ministry from ambition alone.
Please hear what I’m about to say because our generation desperately needs to hear this.
You cannot break into the call of god by ambition alone.
Ministry, the anointing is not a career choice. It’s a calling.
And I believe that many are ambitious about ministry because they perceive it as an avenue through which they can receive fame.
Fortune, status, importance, something to be admired about them.
And if you look at ministry in that way, then often you’re operating from ambition and you can’t anoint yourself.
You can’t call yourself. So, yes, on one hand, we are to be diligent working.
On one hand, we are to be doing something for the kingdom.
If you desire to be in ministry, of course, you desire a good thing.
There’s nothing wrong with that desire in and of itself.
But watch the motives because ambition is quite tricky, and the flesh is self deceptive.
And so we must keep this balance to where we’re not walking and laziness, we are being diligent about our callings.
But at the same time, we recognize that the cloak is thrown at us.
We don’t necessarily pursue it first.
that if we just stick to our assignments, we’re diligent about what we know god has spoken to us, then he will bring the promotion.
He will bring the next step He will be the one to cause you to walk into something new, but god is the one who promotes.
Do what’s before you. Be diligent about what you know you have been assigned and allow the next assignment to come from god himself.
But don’t try to force your way through the door with ambition alone. Elijah threw the cloak on Elijah.
He did not ask for it, but he was being diligent.
Verse 20, Elijah left the oxen standing there.
Ran after Elijah and said to him, First, let me go and kiss my father and mother goodbye, and then I will go with you.
Elijah replied, go on back, but think about what I have done to you.
In other words, you have to take some careful consideration about the call of god.
So let’s recap just for a moment here.
So far, we’ve seen that the called are called by god, not by man.
We see that the called are diligent.
They’re not lazy people, and god chooses, for the most part, as far as we can see in biblical patterns, god chooses to not anoint the lazy rather, he calls the diligent.
And then we also see balancing this point on diligence that our diligence should not come from the place of fleshly ambition.
We also must recognize that initiation ultimately comes from god, and there’s nothing that we can do ourselves force open doors that we’re not ready to walk through.
And then we see that it takes careful consideration. Think about what I’ve done. Think about it.
Really take careful consideration about what you’re stepping into.
Think about the responsibility that comes from walking in the power of God.
Think about the fact that if you continue to grow in your calling that heaven adds to your responsibilities.
That now there’s a greater weight on you because of the responsibility.
I heard it said, that ministry is not a reward. It’s a responsibility. Yes.
There are wonderful things about ministry. Yes.
being called by god comes with many benefits in the favor of god and so forth. That’s wonderful.
But on the other hand, we have to recognize that it’s not about us receiving benefits.
It’s not necessarily just a reward. Ministry is a responsibility. Now look at verse 21.
I love this. So Elijah returned to his oxen and slaughtered them.
He used the wood from the plow to build the fire to roast their flesh, He passed around the meet to the townspeople, and they all ate.
Then he went with Elijah as his assistant. Now what’s he doing here?
He took the plow, used it as firewood, And then he roasted all his animals. What exactly is happening here?
He’s he’s burning his bridges so to speak. He’s making it so that he cannot look back.
He’s burning the plow. He’s destroying his former means of sustenance.
He’s destroying that which he had up until that point totally relied upon to make a living.
Now that is the turning from that former life. That is the turning from his old responsibilities.
That season, that chapter was coming to a close.
The season was coming to an end, and he was stepping now into a new dimension of his calling But in order to step into the new dimension of your calling, you have to step out of the old, and sometimes that’s uncomfortable.
The old is familiar. The old is not as scary.
We’ve learned to rely on some of the systems and some of the sustenance that comes from the old.
But my friend, if you’re not willing to take that step of faith, if you’re not willing to step into the newness of what god has for you by burning the plow, by slaughtering your animals, by turning from it in such a way that you can never go back, then you cannot step into the new.
You have to destroy the old bridges.
You have to get rid of that safety net, if you will.
at least when you know god has called you. And it takes total commitment.
In other words, I I’m gonna I’m gonna set my mind to this, and I’m not looking back.
God does not call people who look back. And, again, I’m not talking about salvation.
I’m talking about the call into ministry. I’ll put it this way, more clearly.
God does not promote you in your calling if you’re constantly living in your past.
God does not promote you in your calling if you’re constantly living in your past?
If you’re constantly looking and longing for the things of old, Now it takes total commitment to set your mind on the things ahead and above and to say, I’m gonna pursue the call of god I I’m I’m reading my life of the old means of sustenance and stability and reliability and familiarity, and I’m now turning to what God has for me.
I’m stepping into the new, takes total commitment.
Now go over to 2nd kings because that’s where the the next portion of the story that I wanna read to you picks up.
2nd kings chapter 2, I’m gonna read verses 1 through
When the Lord was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind, Elijah and Elijah were traveling from Gil Gal, and Elijah said to Elijah, stay here for the lord has told me to go to Bethel.
But Elijah replied as surely as the lord lives and you yourself live, I will never leave you.
So they went down together to Bethel.
Verse 3, the group of prophets from Bethel came to Elijah, Elijah, and asked him Did you know that the lord is going to take your master away from you today?
Of course, I know Elijah answered, but be quiet about it.
Then Elijah said to Elijah, stay here for the lord has told me to go to Jericho.
But Elijah replied again, as surely as the lord lives, and you yourself live, I will never leave you.
So they went on together to Jericho.
Then the group of prophets from Jericho came to Elijah and asked him, did you know that the lord is going to take your master away from you today?
Of course, I know Elijah answered. But be quiet about it.
Verse 6, then Elijah said to Elijah, stay here for the lord has told me to go to the Jordan River.
But, again, Elijah replied as surely as the lord lives, and you, yourself, live. I will never leave you.
So they went on together. Here we see something quite interesting.
Elijah wouldn’t leave even though Elijah told him to go.
There’s some contention here. There’s some conflict. There’s friction between the two.
Elisha saying, I want to follow you. Elijah is saying, go away from me.
And sometimes when god is getting ready to impart a double portion anointing on your life.
There is contention. There is conflict. There is friction.
This may even be the case between you and a spiritual mentor, a spiritual mother, a spiritual father, Sometimes it’s the case, and I’m not saying please don’t hear what I’m not saying.
I’m not saying this was the case with Elijah and Elijah, But an example of contention can be something as simple as the spiritual mother, the spiritual father, doesn’t quite wanna let go.
and doesn’t really want to give over something, and so there’s contention, there’s conflict.
And that’s of course speaking in the context of being the time for that.
And sometimes people just wanna hang on to something because they’re not ready to give it up even though the lord is telling them.
impart that. Hand that over. It’s time for transition.
And many times, we’ve seen transition blocked because of certain people in certain positions not wanting to let go.
That’s, again, not always the case.
That’s just an example of what contention can look like and perhaps that may be something you’re facing.
There’s contention that can come in other forms such as persecution, criticism, slander, anytime there’s promotion, there’s contention.
And here we see this contention, but Elijah stood loyal to the vision.
Elijah stood loyal to the purpose. He had his eyes set on the prize.
He knew he wanted to walk in a greater measure of power, and so he persisted.
Now look at verse
The group of prophets from Bethel came to Elijah and asked him, did you know that the lord is going to take your master away from you today?
Of course, I know Elijah answered, but be quiet about it.
Now it’s my contention that Elijah wanted them to be quiet about it because he wanted to be the 1 who saw his master taken.
And so there was a holy jealousy, a holy protection over his calling.
Now we understand that there’s godly jealousy and there’s ungodly jealousy. Godly jealousy is based in love and selflessness.
ungodly jealousy is based in fear and selfishness.
Now sometimes when people hear the word jealousy, it it stirs something in and they’re offended by the word itself.
but you have to understand that there’s a godly jealousy and an ungodly jealousy.
And here we see somewhat of a holy jealousy, a passion, a zeal for his calling, He want it to be the one to catch the mantle.
He’s telling them, you be quiet. Go over there. I’m gonna catch this mantle. Don’t tell anybody about it.
It’s a It’s a love. It’s a passion for that calling.
Now it was about 7 years between the time that Elijah tossed his cloak on Elijah and when Elijah received the double portion anointing, I’m gonna read a verse to you from Loop chapter 16 verse
And if you are trustworthy, excuse me, if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?
Now I’m reading that verse to you to illustrate a point. It’s the principle of stewardship.
Here we see Elijah being committed to somewhat of the natural expression of that ministry that god had given to Elijah.
He was serving him in a natural capacity with supernatural results.
and if god can trust us with what we have now.
If hear me now, please, because if you hear anything I’m about to say, concerning the double portion anointing, I want you to hear this.
If god can trust us with what we carry now, our integrity, our devotion to him, our motives.
If god can trust us, entrust us with what we carry now.
Then god will increase, and god will add to our responsibilities, and god will entrust us with more.
And so we see that’s exactly what’s happening here.
Elijah was faithful 7 years between when that cloak was thrown on him, And when he finally received the mantle, but he was faithful in the practical.
He was faithful in the spiritual. He was faithful when came to his persistence.
He was faithful when it came to honoring the man of god.
He was faithful when it came to his diligence, to his focus, to his passion, to his motives, and here we see now something beginning to culminate.
Go to verse 7 of chapter 2 now.
7, 50
men from the group of prophets also went and watched from a distance.
as Elijah and Elijah stop beside the Jordan River.
Then Elijah folded his cloak together and struck the water with it.
The river divided, and the 2 of them went across on dry ground. They’re walking in something supernatural here. Verse
When they came to the other side, Elijah said to Elijah, tell me what I can do for you before I am taken away.
And Elijah replied, please let me inherit a double portion of your spirit and become your successor.
Verse 10, you have asked a difficult thing, Elijah replied.
If you see me when I am taken from you, then you will get your request.
But if not, then you won’t.
As they were walking along and talking, suddenly, a chariot of fire appeared drawn by horses of fire.
It drove between the two men separating them, and Elijah was carried by a whirlwind into heaven.
Elijah saw it and cried out my father, my father. This is so powerful.
My father, my father. I see the chariots and the chariot tears of Israel.
And as they disappeared from sight, Elijah tore his clothes in distress.
Elijah picked up Elijah’s cloak which had fallen when he was taken up.
Then Elijah returned to the Bank of the Jordan River.
He struck the water with Elijah’s cloak and cried out where is the lord the god of Elijah?
Then the river divided and Elijah went across When the group of prophets from Jericho saw from a distance what happened, they exclaimed.
Elijah’s spirit rests upon Elijah.
and they went to meet him and bowed to the ground before him.
There’s a lot to take in here.
First, notice in 2nd kings chapter 2 verse 7 that the other prom followed at a distance.
They were disconnected from what god was doing in the life of Elijah.
Elijah followed closely the other prophet followed at a distance, which is why they weren’t there to catch the mantle when it fell.
Do you realize, my friend, that in every generation, god is dropping mantles to the earth.
In every generation, god is giving assignments to a people.
In every generation, god is looking for servants whom he can use to expand the dominion of his kingdom.
Are you walking closely enough with Jesus to be near and catch that mantle?
Or are you allowing that mantle to fall to the ground?
Then in verse 8, we saw that they walked through the water.
This was a path that was created by god. The cloak struck the water. A path is created by god.
This is god’s divine hand leading him to the place of impartation.
This is god’s divine power being demonstrated in this moment.
Only god can take you to the places where you catch the man please hear what I’m saying.
Only the lord Jesus can take you to the places where you’ll catch that mantle.
Now verse 9, we see that Elijah asks Elijah first.
What would you like me to do for you?
And there again, we see that the diligence and the service was paid off, but on god’s timing.
There again, we see the balance between diligence an ambition.
We don’t want to be so diligent that we’re ambitious or we don’t we I should work it this way rather.
We don’t want to have the type of diligence that comes only from impure motives and ambition.
We want holy diligence. We want to be working.
simply because we want to be obedient and allow god to open that next door.
Here again, we see another example of that. The prophet asks him, what can I do for you?
And he asks him for a double portion. He says, well, you ask a difficult thing.
You don’t in other words, you don’t realize what you’re asking for.
This is this is something that’s going to cost you, and indeed it did.
Now verse 10, let me show you something else.
Verse 10, you’ve asked the difficult thing, Elijah replied, if you see me when I am taken from you, then you will get your request.
But if not, then you won’t. There’s a couple of reasons why I believe that is.
Number 1, he had to finish the journey.
Many believers don’t walk in their calling simply because they don’t finish what god gave them to start.
So they start well. They begin with passion.
And then as trials come as things begin to become complicated as the glamour of ministry, if you will, begins to wane.
Now all of a sudden, they’re saying, well, I don’t know if I necessarily wanna go. the full journey.
But here, Elijah had to finish the journey.
In order to claim the mantle, Elijah had to finish the journey in order to claim the mantle.
Now there was something to be said of seeing the prophet go.
Jump down to verse 12 to see this.
So in verse 10, we see that he had to be present. He had to watch.
He had to see his master taken. Why?
Part of it, again, was because I believe he had to finish the journey.
The other part, take a look at this In verse number 12, Elijah saw it and cried out.
My father my father, I see the chariots and charioters of Israel? What’s happening here? What’s going on?
What is he seeing? What he is seeing is the purpose of the assignment.
He’s capturing a revelation of what that mantle really means. It was a mantle to touch a nation.
the nation of Israel. It wasn’t just a calling for his calling’s sake.
He wasn’t just called to be a prophet so he could be looked to as a great prophet.
He recognized here, I see it. I I see the chariots. I see the charioteers.
I see it now there of Israel. an assignment for a nation.
He recognized he had to be given that revelation of the assignment in order to continue.
to receive that double portion. Please recognize the purpose of your assignment.
The purpose of your assignment is to glorify Jesus.
The purpose of your assignment is to expand the kingdom of god.
The purpose of your assignment You see the lost saved, the captives set free, the sick killed.
It is not for self. The assignment is not for self. It’s unto a people.
He saw the charioteers of Israel.
And he was given this revelation, and now he recognizes It’s about the nation.
The assignment is to a people. And you and I must recognize the same.
The assignment given to us is to glorify Jesus and to reach a people.
That’s part of why I believe he had to be there to see his master taking so he could catch that glimpse, see the revelation, what this is really all about.
Then in verse 13, we see the transfer take place.
Elijah picked up Elijah’s cloak, which had fallen when he was taken up.
Then Elijah returned to the Bank of the Jordan River.
He struck the water with Elijah’s cloak and cried out Where is the lord, the god of Elijah?
Then the river divided, and Elijah went across.
Now It’s okay to honor what god has done in the past.
As long as you’re looking forward to the future, where is the god of Elijah?
Where is the god of my master? Where is the god of my mentor?
And so yes, Elijah is looking back to the god of his past.
He’s looking back at what had been done.
He’s looking back at his master’s former assignment, and he’s saying where is the god of Elijah?
So here we see that it’s okay to honor the past.
It’s okay to look at past revivals and be inspired.
It’s okay to look at generals of the faith who have been used mightily of the lord and say, lord, I want to be used like that.
Or god, I want to be used in a similar way.
Or god help me like them to fulfill the call of my life.
use me, make my life count for the kingdom.
It’s okay to look back and honor as long as you’re willing to continue to look forward.
And finally, verse
When the group of prophets from Jericho saw from a distance what happened, they exclaimed. They exclaimed.
Elijah’s spirit rests upon Elijah.
And they went to meet him and bowed to the ground before him.
When god anoints you with the double portion anointing, you don’t have to go announcing it.
You don’t have to say this is the mantle I care. People just recognize it.
I don’t go around announcing the mantle that’s been imparted to my life.
I just let the holy spirit reveal it, and it’s not even really about that.
The point I’m making here is why announce these things? Why make it about us? No.
Let let others recognize the calling upon your life. and the point being that mantle is evident.
It comes with demonstration when you begin to live a life that’s surrendered to the Holy Spirit in this When you recognize where the calling comes from, when you’re diligent about what god has given you to do without falling into the pit of ambition, when you honor the past, when you’re diligent and you follow closely and you cling to Jesus and you live your life in a way that surrendered like this, then that power becomes evident.
You don’t have to announce it. You don’t have to declare it.
You don’t have to say, look at me and look what I carry. And, again, it’s not about that anyway.
it comes with its own demonstration. Listen.
The mantle does not fall on someone, just because of who their parents are.
The mantle does not come upon someone just because they married into a femme The mantle does not come upon someone just because they carry a title or spent x amount of years in ministry or because they have a large social media platform or because they’re charismatic.
No, my friend. The mantle comes upon those who are diligent about their calling, who cling to Jesus closely, who follow closely not at a distance.
who honor what God has done, who recognize, comes from him, and it’s for his glory.
Will you catch that mantle for your life?
Will you live your life in such a
way There’ll be a double portion that rests on you.
If you’ll do it, I want you to type amen in the comments right now. Father, I pray.
or that one who desires to walk in your power, double portion of your power.
Lord, I pray you give them double portion surrender, that they might have double portion power.
let your anointing flows of their lives in an evident way.
Cause them to see the fulfillment of their calling. Use them for your glory, Jesus.
Help us to catch the mantle. We honor you. We bless you.
Your name, we pray. Say it because you believe it, say, amen.
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of the Holy Spirit moves. Now I
wanna talk to you about how you can get involved with helping us to expand the kingdom of God.
If you believe in what God is doing through this ministry, and I wanna invite you to be a part of what god is doing through this ministry.
You know, I don’t believe it’s
an accident that you’re watching this right now. You love Jesus.
You have a heart for souls. You’re blessed by this ministry, and you wanna make a difference.
You can make a difference. And in fact, I believe that what we make happen for others, god causes to happen for us.
You see, we often want everyone else to support our callings. We want everyone to support our projects.
We want everyone to support what we’re doing. But how often do we do that for others?
And I’m not preaching anything that I don’t practice. I think it’s important.
And this is a Key of stewardship, I’ve learned myself that when you are generous and when you bless others in ministry and you bless others who have callings and you bless those, who have a vision, and you’re generous toward the kingdom of god, heaven takes notice of that.
And as the simple law of stewardship dictates, when you’re responsible and obedient with what god has given to you, then god brings the increase.
Now what that increase looks like when that increase takes place? That’s all up to the lord.
But I do know that good stewardship includes generosity.
And so I wanna invite you to be a part of this because I believe as you bless this ministry, god will bless yours.
As you bless this calling, God will bless yours. You make happen for others. God will make happen for you.
You just have to take a step of faith. And so often, we don’t take those steps because we’re afraid.
We think, well, if I release that support to the ministry, then I’m gonna lack over here.
or if I become a monthly partner with this ministry here, I may see a significant loss over there, and that’s not the way it works.
The way faith works is we take that step and then we trust that god will do the rest.
You see, we say god bless me and I’ll give. Bless me, and I’ll give.
Increase me, and I’ll give. But god says give and I’ll increase you. Give and I’ll bless you.
And so I invite you to be a part of what god is doing through this ministry, this ever expanding ministry.
We are seeing great favor. We’re seeing growth. And it’s working. Lives are being transformed.
People are being saved, healed, delivered, and empowered, and all the glory belongs to Jesus.
And I wanna invite you to be a part of that.
by going right now to david to give a single gift, or david to become a monthly ministry supporter.
Whether you give one time or monthly large or small, everything counts, I’m just asking you to give Now now if you’re giving from out of the United States and you’re wondering if we accept your currency, go to the website, try it out, If the website doesn’t accept your payment, then we invite you to give to Facebook or through YouTube if that’s possible.
But do try the website first and use social media as only a safety net for giving if you decide to support the ministry that way.
We received giving from all different nations. We accept all kinds of currency.
And for those of you who are into crypto, yes. We even now take crypto.
We have many people asking about that. Yes. We do take crypto.
But, again, go to david to give a single gift. flash partner to become a monthly supporter.
Do it now and do it because you love the Lord.
You believe in this ministry, and you wanna help get behind the vision to fund what we’re doing, free content, free events, free schooling online that we give out, and it’s supported by donors.
It’s expanded by donors like you. You’re blessed by this message. Check out Holy Spirit’s next move has already begun.