Candace Cameron Bure Testimony: “God Changed My Life”

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Candace Cameron Bure Testimony: “God Changed My Life”

Takeaways: Kirk Cameron is joined by Candace Cameron Bure in a special YouTube Exclusive to share her testimony and how she met Christ.

Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..

Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….

God, I believe in you. But I didn’t really know why I needed you.
And it wasn’t until I saw myself as a sinner that I realized what he did for me.
Hey, I’m Kirk Cameron.
Thanks for joining us for a special digital exclusive with the one.
The only Candace Cameron, Beret Canda is an actress, a producer, an author, mother and a pretty cool sister.
See the coolest, hey, um Every time you come on to takeaways, we ask people what they really want to know and, and inevitably people want to know the story of your faith.
How did you come to follow Jesus?
Well, as you already know, we didn’t grow up in a Christian home.
Uh But mom was always a believer and it was at 12 years old, we went to church for the first time because mom and dad were thinking of getting a divorce and a friend had invited them to church.
So I remember I went to church.
Um and it was all like so new and we kept going and I didn’t really know what the pastor was talking about, but I just liked how I felt in church.
I liked hearing what I was hearing even if I didn’t understand it.
And so I remember at 12 years old in the service, the pastor had said, hey, bow your head and, and say this prayer if you want to receive Jesus into your heart, which was a sinner’s prayer.
And I did and I accepted Jesus into my heart.
And so I truly believe I was saved from that day forward.
But, but my, my life, I, as I got older and into my teenagers, I wasn’t walking with God.
I wasn’t reading my Bible. I’d go to youth group every once in a while and church occasionally, but I certainly didn’t really understand the gospel message.
And so it was in my early twenties, after I had my daughter, Natasha, around 22 23 I started, this was after full house.
Yeah. After full house, I started thinking, what do I wanna teach my kids about God?
And then that got me thinking about my relationship with God.
And I, I thought, oh, I actually don’t really know. I, I know, I believe in Jesus.
I know that he’s my savior, but I don’t really know what that means.
And, and I realized I, I’ve never read the Bible before.
And so how can I teach my kids about God if I don’t really know about God?
And, and then I had this, you know, like, kind of cool brother that, um, very cool that called me one time and said like, hey, I’m sending you this book that’s rocked my world and I really hope that you’ll read it.
So you, you sent me uh was it Revivals Golden Key? Yes, you sent me Revivals Golden Key.
Yeah, that’s right. And I read that book and it rocked my world because I always thought I was such a good person because I grew up in a good home.
I was kind of considered a goodie two shoes, like, pretty much obeyed mom and dad, whatever they wanted.
I’d, you know, call. If I was going to be late, I wouldn’t stay out past curfew.
You know, I did all the right things. I didn’t, I didn’t do drugs.
I wasn’t, you know, going down a crazy path, like a lot of child stars go down.
So I always thought I’m such a good person and Jesus saves us from our sin, you know, reconciles us from our sin.
But I didn’t really think I was a sinner.
I’m like, I’m a really good person compared to a lot of other people my age.
And it wasn’t until I read revivals. Golden Key that I was told.
Well, put God’s law in, in front of you and ask, have I, have I ever broken God’s standard of what is right and good.
And so, you know, it’s like, have you ever told a lie?
Uh Yeah, have you um always put God first in your life?
No, I mean, and those are just like the easy ones and then, and then read that.
Well, if you break even one commandment, it’s as if you’re breaking all of them.
So, I was, I was then realized for the first time in my life. Oh, I am a sinner.
Even though I’m good by the world standard. I’m not good by God’s standard.
He holds a much higher standard than the world. And so I kind of freaked out. I’m like, what?
Ok. Now, what, what am I supposed to do with that? I’m not, I’m not a good person.
Uh Yeah, II I, but then I was again, told the gospel message, but that’s why Jesus came to pay that penalty for my sin.
And that, even though I’m not good by God’s standard, God is and he’s taken the punishment for me.
And it was like, oh, the light bulb went off and I thought God, I believe in you, but I didn’t really know why I needed you.
And it wasn’t until I saw myself as a sinner that I realized what he did for me.
And that changed everything and that I, I believe I’ve been a Christian since I was 12, but I didn’t start walking with God until I was about 22 or 23 years old.
Wow. Isn’t that amazing? It’s amazing to me that it was the, it was the moment that you saw your sin that actually unlocked the door for you to be able to appreciate the gospel.
And so many people say, well, no, no, no, only talk to people about the love of God.
He loves you. He loves you, he loves you. He loves you.
But in reality, uh, that can almost blind people to their, their need for a savior.
And it’s the mirror of God’s law that shows us that. Wow.
I’m in desperate need of his forgiveness and an overhaul of my heart.
And that’s the preciousness of the gospel and what Jesus did for me, that’s so awesome, Candice.
And, uh, that makes me so grateful as your big as your big brother because so many people can go through their entire life, going to church and never receive the gift that you’ve received of just like that light goes off like that.
And that’s so great. I’m very grateful you sent me that book.
Oh, I’m so grateful that Ray Comfort wrote it, uh, because it’s, um, you know, it’s, it’s about not only national revival, a worldwide revival, but it starts with a personal revival.
And, uh I’m so glad that, that, that we’ve, we’ve experienced that, uh, Candice, how, how has your faith impacted your career?
It’s impacted it greatly. Uh One because it really is been my beacon of light in all the decisions that I’ve made in my career.
It’s been my guiding light. Um As to what projects I choose could have done lots of other things over the years in, in entertainment and had offers to do other things, maybe not bad things, but just things that I, I realized, like, I don’t know if that would be honoring to God or, I don’t know if I’d be comfortable for my kids to watch that or even my parents or, you know, all those kinds of things.
And I know that’s because of the Holy Spirit in me and just God’s guidance.
So that, that part, um, the way I’ve, I’ve intentionally walked through my career is based on my faith.
Um, my faith is always, has also given me opportunities that, um, I didn’t think I would ever have like being a co host on the view.
I wasn’t really asking for that job at the time. I didn’t really think about it.
They actually came to me because I was unashamed about speaking about my faith.
And so I was like, ok, this is an opportunity, um, really scared, but clearly God opened this door, I’ll go for it.
So it’s, um, yeah, I am the woman I am today and have all the opportunity I have today and been through all the things because of my faith.
That’s awesome. I’m so grateful, Candice for you and for all that God has done in you.
Thanks for, uh, hanging out with us today and, uh, thank you for watching.
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