Can I Have Faith and be Frustrated X Sarah Jakes Roberts & Priscilla Shirer

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Can I Have Faith and be Frustrated X Sarah Jakes Roberts & Priscilla Shirer

Can we have faith and frustration during transition? Priscilla Shirer shares her take on the key to living well, which has everything to do with accepting these two truths — There will always be tension in times of change and God promises to meet us there!

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Do you think it’s possible for us to maintain our belief in transition while also not fully accepting the transition?
Like, can I have faith and frustration?
Like, I can I can I like, god, I still trust you?
I just have not accepted this shit myself. Yes. Like, I trust you. You’re good.
Yes. But but right now, me and you, we like, maybe we’re I’m maybe I’m not even struggling with you, but, like, this is a struggle.
Because life life is life in out of these streets.
Yes. And
I think I really feel like part of life and maturity is coming to accept that there will always be that tension.
There will always be that tension that we will feel frustrated with the transitions that are people not doing what we expect them to do.
They’re not our children, our spouses. Life isn’t adding up the way we thought it would.
We thought we would make this kind of investment in our children or in a ministry or in a business and it would yield this fruit and we had that in our mind and it’s not.
Yeah. Yielding to the fact that those transitions are going to produce results that do not line up with what we hope for or expected and that there will be frustrated there and accepting that.
I’m going to feel frustration but at the same time, I can believe he is who he said he is, that his promises are still yes and amen, and that I can count on him to carry me through even when I’m frustrated, sad, disappoint disappointed.
So I think part of the the key to living well and enjoying the abundant life he has called us to is accepting the fact that there will always be a tension of frustration and faith, and that his grace is sufficient for that.


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