Called To Be – Part 3 (Romans 1:1-6) | Jack Hibbs Special

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Called To Be – Part 3 (Romans 1:1-6)

Romans 1:1-6
How are you using your voice for the Great Commission?
We are called to have a new voice.
We speak what we know. We speak what we learn.
We speak with an intentional voice of heaven and hope.

Well, Romans chapter one, people were reading in verses 1 to 6 this morning and I’ll begin reading in the odd numbered verse.
If you’ll pick it up in the even number verse will go to verse six today as we are in this mini series.
And the opening throws of the book called to be Romans chapter one verse one, Paul, a bond servant of Jesus Christ called to be an apostle separated to the gospel of God, concerning his son Jesus Christ, our Lord who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh.
Oh God, through him, we have received or received Apostle ship for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name.
Amen. And all of God’s people did say amen.
You can be seen at church. I’m a fan. I, I love reading the pastor.
He’s now long gone. He’s with Jesus having a good day today.
But Peninsula Bible church that used to be up north under the leadership of pastor Ray Stedman.
If you can get a book by Ray Stedman, you ought to read it.
And Ray Stedman said about the book of Romans.
And I quote Paul’s letter to the Romans is a description of the power of God.
Listen to this let loose amid the ruins of man. He declares the good news. The gospel of Jesus Christ.
God has made a way through the death and resurrection of Jesus to justify the ungodly says, Pastor Ray Stedman, I agree with that fully.

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By the way, he went on to say this, the bullseye, the heart of the target is the major theme that Jesus Christ is.
Lord. Can you say that for a moment, Jesus Christ is Lord on the count of 3123, that statement 2000 years ago, when Paul the Apostle wrote the book of Romans, that declaration would have gotten you either beaten, it would have gotten you arrested and it may possibly have gotten you thrown to the lions.
Did you know that we shouted today?
Because thank God, we live in a culture where it is still yet okay to say Jesus Christ is Lord.
We don’t know how long that’s gonna last.
But historically, for the church, that declaration has always come at a great price and yet Paul will go to great lengths in this opening chapter to communicate to us and all the way through the 16th chapter of the book of Romans that Jesus Christ is Lord.
And you’ll hear that today. In fact, sneak a little bit ahead. We won’t reach, I don’t think we’ll see.
We won’t reach verse four today. But look at verse four, Just go way ahead to verse four.
The proclamation of Jesus Christ being Lord listen up friends is the fact that the Bible declares right here.
In fact, clearly that Jesus Christ is deity, we’re gonna stress that over and over again.
Most of you know that. But if one person doesn’t, you need to come to the knowledge that Jesus Christ is none other than God who visited earth in human skin that makes Jesus Christ deity, we shouldn’t be surprised by that.
But notice this verse four says that he’s declared to be the Son of God with power.
That verse goes on to say that it’s according to the spirit of holiness.
You know that statement as that it’s according to the Holy Spirit.
And then that verse goes on and concludes by the resurrection of the dead.
Three statements that are undeniable in the courtroom of debate.
You cannot refute that the Bible announces in one verse, the deity of Jesus Christ and Paul is speaking the supremacy of Christ as Lord to the Romans, to the believers at Rome and to all of the Empire.
Because from this preaching of Paul, that body of believers would be energized to go and proclaim Christ to the world.
Listen quickly by recap called to be. We saw this last time.
Our number one argument is that you and I are called to be a new man.
God says, I make you a new man, a new creation in Christ, Jesus, the Bible tells us and we saw the remarkable, um oh, I mean, this in a good way, it’s, it’s known as an oxy moron or an oxymoronic statement, which means how can these two things be true?
And in normal human argument, they cannot be true. Well, listen, according to God’s argumentation, it is true.
And it’s this verse one said that Paul, that he was a bond servant of Jesus Christ called to be an Apostle separated the gospel of God.
That’s part of being the new man.
And you might say today, well, I’m not, I’m not the apostle, Paul doesn’t matter.
You and I as believers are called to be a new man, a new woman in Christ, Jesus.
It’s what God does. Hallelujah, right?
He recreates us and though you and I are not perfect, we’re certainly not who we used to be.
But the beautiful thing is that we look back at that old person and we don’t want anything to do with that old guy or that old woman no matter who you might be.
And that’s because God has called us to be a new man.
And we saw that in three ways we saw in verse one that he’s a bond servant of Christ, which we learned is that statement as a slave that is an honor to be a slave of Jesus.
It’s, it takes the argument of this world and flips it on its head and I do get it that none of us want to be a slave of any man or of any culture we want to be free.
And uh listen, coming up soon I’m gonna be with 100 and 50 of you.
Uh going from Plymouth Massachusetts to Washington D C and all along the way on our heritage to, to her, we’re gonna be talking about the freedom and liberty that was born in the hearts of the patriot pastors.
It’s known as the Black Robe regiment who preached liberty and freedom because that’s what God wants in your life.
And they use the example of God delivering Israel out of Egypt.
And we’re gonna hear about freedom and all that to say that God wants you free and you say Jack make up your mind.
Does he want us free or does he want us to be slaves? The answer is yes.
The only way that you and I could be truly, truly free in this world is if we stop being a slave to this world and start being a slave to Jesus.
And it’s a remarkable power of God that does that, that brings us under three things under a greater authority.
We saw that last time, it brings us to a greater commissioning because we’re called to be ministers of the Gospel, every single one of us.
And then thirdly, we saw last time that he’s called us to a greater purpose that we’ve been separated to the gospel of God.
I love that. I just love that because God, he’s so practical.
He doesn’t take us out of the world and take the world out of us and then put us on a shelf.
If he wanted to do that, the moment you accepted Christ Jesus as Lord and say that you would drop dead and go straight to heaven.
No, thank God. He saves you.
And then he puts the spirit of the Holy Spirit in you and then he sends you to the end of the world.
He sent you down the street.
He sends you to your boss or to your coworkers or to your family. It’s absolutely awesome.
He loves doing this. He separates us to the gospel of God and this is very powerful because the word gospel of God, we learned this church in the, in that first century era.
Listen to this when Caesar would have a child, specifically a firstborn son.
Listen, the announcement was made to the empire evangel.
You said, wait a minute, that’s a Christian term, right? Listen, actually, it originates with the world.
If, if there was some great Roman victory, Rome would announce the evangel of victory, the evangel of the emperor’s son.
The event, you see where I’m going with this.
It’s the good news that we just won a war in Croatia or it’s a, it’s good news that we just won a war against this region or that leader, the good news.
And they would shout the gospel where victorious Paul comes along and speaks to the church at.
Roman says, I’ve got good news for you.
But the word good news regarding the gospel when he says that it is the gospel of God church, that means it’s very, very beautiful because of course, Paul speaking to his culture, it’s the gospel of God which trumps all other gospel announcements of Caesar.
You see where we’re going. Either Caesar is Lord or Jesus Christ.
As Lord and Paul spoke that to the empire.
He spoken to the believers in Rome, very, very powerful reality, very, very great truth.
And as you and I do that imagine back then as it is today, as you and I announce there were Christians.
Now, please, I know your cars are Christian.
I saw the sticker on your car and your car is probably a Christian until you get behind the wheel.
Then it back slides all the way down the highway. Just kidding. But not really listen.
The thing is this, that as a Christian as a Christian.
When we let the world know now I’m gonna put you between a hard place and a rock in a second.
We are to announce to the world Jesus Christ that makes us to the world followers of Jesus.
That means they have the license to watch you.
And I, and I said, well, that’s why I don’t tell anybody, I’m a Christian. Okay.
You have a big problem, then you can’t do that.
But if you announce Christ as Lord, the overriding truth about everything about us should be love.
We may do it right. We may do it wrong. But the motive is love.
And the Bible tells us the world’s gonna recognize us by our love.
Jesus put it this way and John 15 verse 10, Jesus said, if you keep my commandments, don’t let that scare you.
You will abide in my love just as I have kept my father’s commandments and abide in His love.
When you love God, his commandments are joyous.
And when you love God, you want to make sure that you are portraying Christ to the world that’s around us.
Very important. So church mark this down if you would.
Number two is found in verses two and three and that is you and I are called to be a new voice, a new voice and we’re gonna see how that’s true in a moment.
Look at verse two which he promised before through his prophets in the holy scriptures.
Verse three, concerning his son Jesus Christ, our Lord who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh.
This is absolutely awesome. Number one, mark this down that you and I with a new voice, we’re called to speak out to announce what we know what we know.
What do we know as believers? Well, verse two tells us that we know this, that God gives promises.
This is which He promised before. The word before simply means in advance.
You want to circle the word before some of your bibles translate the word rightfully.
So beforehand, meaning which He promised beforehand that God has listened. Everyone.
God has preempted our life and the mission of our lives with his promises.
We’re gonna see this in a moment. The word promise here means that He has made a promise of old.
This is key for those of you, you’re gonna run into somebody at times who are going to say, I believe in God, but I don’t believe in, in what Paul the Apostle said.
A lot of people, a lot of people are saying that today because Paul the Apostle addresses issues later on in Romans chapter one that they say we don’t need to obey that because we don’t acknowledge Paul.
Well, Paul the Apostle is telling us under the inspiration of God that God himself made us promises in advance.
And of course, a promise by nature is something that is ahead of what has been promised.
But this word means that God has made us a promise of old ancient times.
It means to say something that is now long awaited. It means to say something that is arriving.
It’s not here yet, but it’s coming. God gives us promises, it’s coming.
Look at the promise of Heaven. Aren’t you excited about Heaven. I get excited more about heaven every day.
I look around this world. I can’t wait for it to arrive. What is it?
The promise of heaven to arrive? Heaven is what it is.
And I’m going there and I trust you’re going there too because the blood of Christ and the resurrection of Christ from the dead heaven awaits.
But what I’m thrilled about right now is the fact that the promise of heaven is arriving.
It’s on its way and I’m excited about that and it gives me great hope and it causes me listen, church, it causes you to have a voice.
We speak about heaven. We speak about the promises of God.
We need to do that more than ever.
That’s why this church is committed to training you up in evangelism or in witnessing or apologetics.
And listen, we’ve got other opportunities coming for you to join us in the not too distant future.
Certainly, this summer we’re gonna be looking at opportunities where you and I are gonna have an opportunity to be out on the street somewhere in the Southland here preaching Jesus Christ publicly to the unsaved community and communities.
And you’re gonna say, can you do that? We’re going to do it. Is it legal?
We’re going to do it. Could, could you get arrested? We’re going to do it.
Uh Is it scary we’re going to do it? Why? Because we’re running out of time.
Christ is coming back and Jesus has risen from the dead and we’ve got a voice in saying something about what God has promised.
It’s thrilling. We shouldn’t be surprised by this, by God’s promises. Isaiah 55 11.
A very familiar verse to all of us.
God says, so shall my word that is promised be that goes forth from my mouth.
It shall not return to me.
Void notice that it is His word, which is a promise, but it shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper in that thing for which I sent it.
The good news of God. What is promised God’s word?
Listen, church God’s word when you and I give it will never return void.
That’s why we can announce to the world, Jesus Christ crucified and resurrected and it doesn’t matter if it’s accepted or not by anybody standing around watch this.
This is kind of fun when we put it out there, we’ve done our job, we’re done.
We’re simply called to proclaim, we cannot make anyone believe.
But here’s what’s kind of romantic about the science of it.
According to the theory of audio engineering that when something is generated by sound in this world, theoretically, everything that makes a noise, I’ll put it that way has a, a sine wave, a signature in audio signature to it.
Are you with me for, for exam?
Something that is like white noise or brown noise that you hear background noise?
It’s, that’s a, that’s a very tight together wave that is displaying optically sound.
So that even if you couldn’t hear because you, you were hearing impaired, you could look at an oscilloscope and you can see the sound.
Can you, can you get that right? You’ve seen that before?
You’re looking at sound when somebody looks at your heart and you can see or a baby with ultrasound, you hear the or you see the what are you, What are you hearing?
Sound? What are you seeing? Sound according to science that if I say Jesus Christ is Lord according to the theory of science, what just left my mouth is a collection of sound waves that though they dampen over time, the argument is made, it may be dampened to where we can’t hear that anymore.
But sensitive machinery can maybe an animal can, maybe an insect can maybe something else.
Are you with me? And theoretically my word will not return unto me. Void. Why?
Because according to God, spiritually speaking, physics flirts with the idea that His word once launching out of your mouth never gets back to its place of origin without it making an effect.
That’s why you and I as believers. We’ve got a voice. We didn’t have one before.
We’ve got one now And it’s a voice that is intentional.
Isaiah 46 verse nine says, remember the former things of old for I am God and there is no other I am God.
There’s none like me and here it is declaring or announcing the end from the beginning and from ancient times, that’s a promise.
Things that are not yet done saying my council shall stand and I will do all my pleasure.
Isn’t that awesome? Can somebody say amen? I love that. The truth of God’s word is our voice.
And we’ve, it’s a remarkable argument because this is what you and I know we know this to be true because it’s happened to us in salvation.
And we have seen God’s work when we put forth his word, we see the effect.
Second Corinthians chapter one, verse 20 second Corinthians one verse 26.
For all the promises of God in Him are yes and amen to the glory of God through Jesus Christ.
Notice this, God makes a promise and it’s all about exalting his son, Jesus. I love that.
You know why I love it because it doesn’t depend much upon me at all.
God has made a promise that God is gonna keep regarding his son, read the fine print with or without your involvement.
We’ve got a voice because we know what we know.
And that is God’s word is a given promise and God will keep his promises.
You might say, well, you know, wait a minute. How does that affect my life?
I mean, really, who cares about that?
Well, we should care because as we learned a moment ago separated the gospel of God, when verse two says that which he promised before.
Look at our assurance here. This is why it matters.
You see where it says through his profits in the Holy Scriptures. This is awesome.
See what do we know? I want to ask you to write this down.
By the way, this is something going on side note while you get ready to write these thoughts down or these passages down.
I am delighted. This is a God thing. This is, this is the Lord encouraging me.
I have an incredible heart for the Jewish people to know Jesus Yeshua as Messiah. Why?
Because that’s what the exact, that’s exactly what the Old Testament talks about and the Lord is blessing this church right now because I’m hearing from people who have a Jewish background who are steeped in Judaism and they’re writing me or they’re telling me that I don’t know what God’s doing, but I’m listening to you a gentile and some, some of the Jews are coming now to visit.
So they’re sitting in service and they’re looking at you, you’re worshiping and they’re looking at you.
I was told I was looking at people around me trying to figure out what’s going on here.
What are they doing? Did you know that Paul will tell us later in the book of Romans that we as gentiles who love the Lord provoke the Jew to jealousy for God that they look around.
You’re like this. Praise the How long will you?
And they’re going and there’s a witness that they know they should be doing that.
But they’re not why?
Because they, they’re not focusing on the fact that Jesus is the promised Messiah from the prophets in the holy scriptures, the holy scriptures, you know, are the old testament.
Watch this, the profits. I wish we had time to develop this more.
We don’t but write this down if you would. What do we know?
We have a new voice with that voice. What do we speak? We speak. What we know?
Here’s what we know. Psalm two announces that God has a son and that’s just not a theory.
The Bible tells us that in some to the sun is exalted and the sun S O N can become angry and in righteousness some too.
What do we know? We know that psalm 22 says that this son will be pierced in his hands and his feet.
Psalm 22. What do we know for sure.
Isaiah chapter 7 14 tells us that the Sun will come into the world being born of a virgin.
You think that’s a New Testament Christmas story. That’s an Old Testament promise In Isaiah 7 14.
And then what do we know? For sure?
We know that Isaiah 96 announces to us that is none other than God and his life.
And ministry will one day result in Him physically being on earth and he will rule and reign as king over the earth.
He will be the almighty God enthroned as king. What else do we know? Isaiah 53?
Tells us that the Sun will suffer for the sins of the world. This is the redemptive, the priestly work.
If my Jewish friends are listening right now, this is the priestly work of the messiah.
Yes, he’s king, but he’s also priest. Yes, he’s lord. But he’s also the sacrifice. He’s everything.
That’s why we love him were so crazy about him is because he’s everything for us and to us.
And Isaiah 53 announces that he is the sacrifice for not only the nation of Israel but for the entire world.
Isaiah 53. By the way, I’m intentionally giving you verses that your synagogue will not teach on.
And I would simply ask this of you, why are they not teaching on it?
Answer because you’ll discover who the Messiah is and it doesn’t meet the narrative today.
So that’s a big statement. Oh, it’s nothing compared to this next one.
Micah chapter 5: verse two tells us that he has to be born in Bethlehem.
He has to be born in Bethlehem.
I submit to you this morning that there’s one who goes by the name of Jesus who was born in Nazareth just as the old Testament talked about as well or born in Bethlehem, but lived in Nazareth.
Came out of, born at Beth um came out of Nazareth and would listen and would flee to Egypt said the Old Testament.
And when Jesus was born, did not his mom and his step dad take him to Egypt, Micah 5 2.
And then of course, I told you before, you know this verse more than any verse at all.
I use it every week.
I think proverbs 30 verse four, the Bible says that the sun is God.
Proverbs 30 verse four says that he is the very one who God himself.
The Father declares, what is my name? And what is the name of my son if you can tell me?
And of course, we know his name. What are we saying to this?
The Bible declares not Buddha, not Mohammed, not Joseph Smith, not Billy Graham, not the Pope, but Jesus from the Bible is Messiah Jesus is Lord from the holy prophets and from the holy Scriptures.
And if that wasn’t enough, Jesus himself said in Matthew five verse 17, do not think that I came to destroy the law or the prophets.
I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
For assuredly, I say to you listen to this till heaven and earth pass away one jot or one tittle.
The best we can say to that for us in English is one comma or one hyphen.
We’re by no means pass away from the law till all is what fulfilled. That’s awesome.
The Bible here tells us in Romans one that he promised before through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures, meaning that with absolute intent, Jesus Christ has commissioned us to proclaim what the prophets have said according to the Holy Scriptures, church family.
I’ve said this before. I’m gonna say it in the future as I’ll say it.
Now, every one of us without any excuse.
I mean, this, I don’t mean to put you on the spot or make you uncomfortable, but it’s, it’s true.
Listen, you haven’t caught on Sunday mornings here. Uh There’ll be a little element of evangelism.
Other churches are strong evangelistic, uh commitment were evangelistic, but this church is all about disciple making.
We, we happen to be a church that you can get saved here. You’ll hear the gospel.
But predominantly this church is designed by God to strengthen believers so that they go out into the world and be disciples, make disciples of all nations.
Having said that it’s exciting by the way, that’s why we’re in the book of Romans right now.
Some of you have been with us new, I guess, or you’re scratching your head saying what are we doing?
We’re going verse by verse through the Bible here in the book of Romans, it will transform your life.
Why is that important? Because it’s the only way that you can have fulfilled what I’m about to read you.
And Matthew five verse 17, Jesus says, do not think that I came to destroy the law and the prophets.
I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
For assuredly, I say to you till heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle will by no means pass away from the law till all is fulfilled.
The fact of that truth is this part of the fulfillment dovetails perfectly into get ready to write it down.
It is the commissioning of every believer who’s been disciple by Jesus by the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28 19.
Go go. Therefore, I love this.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit verse 20 teaching them.
This is what we’re doing to observe all things that I have commanded you and lo and behold, I am with you always even to the end of the age or the end of the world.
This is amazing why, because here’s what we’re supposed to be doing regarding the law and the prophets, regarding the prophets and the Holy Scriptures.
We are to take this good news to every area of our lives as believers.
You see, Jack, I’m retired. I don’t see many people. You see somebody.
How long has God been telling us to tell somebody?
We know about this gospel. Yeah, forever.
And now look around the world and I see the things that we just came through this last past year and where we’re at right now.
And it seems like the world.
It seems like there was like there’s been a power that’s a foot that is still trying to keep people from talking to each other.
Yeah. How do you know anymore? If somebody has joy on their face?
Sadness, how do you minister to people when you can’t see them?
Is it interesting that God says regarding Moses?
I’m gonna talk to Moses face to face like a man talks to his friend. Poor God.
He didn’t know that Moses someday would have to wear a mask.
I’m talking about the spirit.
I’m not talking about the medical side of things or the supposed science side of things.
I’m talking about the just the spiritual witness of things.
Have you noticed how quiet we’ve become in our culture that if anyone speaks up right now it breaks the silence of the store or of the shop or wherever you’re at or the mall, think of it.
So what should we do as believers?
Let’s pretend for a moment that Satan is actually behind the mask in and silencing of people and to rob them from there.
Joy because right now your joy, my joy, we should be shining on, on a world, they should see us.
So if somebody can invent a transparent mask, that’d be cool, right? But check this out.
Could it be that there’s in this late hour of church history?
Because Christ is coming back. Satan doesn’t know the day or the hour, but he can sense that we’re close, like we sense we’re close.
Could it be that he’s trying to silence people and keep people apart and, and isolate, especially kids?
Let’s keep, let’s, let’s, let’s, let’s get kids to never think again without being veiled to be.
Of course, the veil representing fear. Right. Come on. Think about it.
Now, look, if you’re compromised, wear the mask, I wear it. But by and large, here’s the deal.
You, you have to agree that there’s been a cloak of, of uh of silencing placed upon us.
And what I’m saying to you this morning goes against how we’re being conditioned.
I’m saying proclaim Christ and it seems well, I can’t do it with a mascot.
Listen, do it with a mask on for crying out loud. Do it with a mask.
Do it look, do it in a bubble if you have to, it doesn’t matter.
There’s no excuse, let’s do it.
But God says go to the ends of the world, go to the ends of the earth.
I’m gonna be with you and I want you to do this to the end of the age to do it.
Do it. And I first firmly believe that the sequestering that we’re sensing in the world around us is so powerful that no doubt when youtube or Facebook just listens to what I just said in the algorithm.
It’ll probably pull that conversation that we just had. Why I believe it’s demonic.
I believe that there’s a satanic power that is trying to silence the preaching of the word of God.
What’s next? Removing the gospel from the airwaves, blocking broadcast of hope salvation? Quite possibly.
What do we do then we’re gonna do whatever the next thing is.
But could it be that maybe God is calling his people in the midst of this attack to be silenced?
That now is the time we speak up more than ever before that we refuse to be sequestered and silenced by forces of spiritual darkness.
We’ve got something to say people. We’ve got a voice.
It is spiritual, it is power, it is truth and cheer up.
It has nothing to do with your personal attributes, personality or strengths. It’s all by God.
It’s all from God, it’s through Him. He said go, go means go, go.
Could possibly also mean send today all around the world. Think about it.
We’re reaching more people and I’m stealing this from Dr Ed Heinsohn who called me and said some time ago, he said, I’m driving through Lynchburg, Virginia right now.
Listening to you on the radio.
He said, Jack, have you ever realized that radio ministry today preaching internet, Facebook, youtube television, you reach more people in one day than quite possibly.
Paul reached in his entire lifetime. Think about that, Paul reached everybody through the written word, not by preaching publicly.
He only hit a few people but those few people and this is what we’re trying to adopt.
Those few people couldn’t be silenced, they talked, they spoke, they shared Christian. We’re running out of time.
Jesus is coming back. Tell somebody, tell somebody about his love, tell them, tell them, tell them.
And John chapter 13 verse 30 for the Bible tells us a new commandment.
I give you that you love one another as I have loved you that you also love one another.
Check this out verse 35 by this all will know that you are my disciples.
If you have love one for another, is that awesome? You can listen, you can’t.
The Bible says love covers a multitude of sin. You can fumble and bumble.
But when love is displayed, people are very, very quick to forgive and to forget if they realized he loves me.
She loves me today. The world needs the love of God.
Don’t grow timid, don’t get scared, get up and love.
The greatest thing you can do is to tell people that’s another thing side.
What’s the rabbit hole side?
Whatever it is, how many people have died in our world today alone?
When they could have heard the Gospel?
You don’t think that’s satanic in the hour of need an hour of hurt and fear.
The person is all alone. Family members are not allowed to come and love and speak and give them the gospel.
Don’t tell me that’s not demonic. Secondly, look at this, a new voice.
Listen we speak what we hear, we speak what we know and we speak what we hear.
When he says through the prophets and through the scriptures, check this out.
The holy scriptures say this in Romans 3 21.
But now the righteousness of God, apart from the law is revealed, listen up everyone being witnessed by the law and the prophets, Even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
That’s an amazing statement. Church, we got to get all excited about this.
Romans three verses 21-22 announces this, that the law and the prophets watch prophecy died and were written in stone waiting, wondering searching.
How is all this gonna come to pass? How’s this gonna work out?
And the verse announces and says to us through Jesus, it’s through Christ.
The Old Testament prophets, the Holy Scriptures announce that’s what we hear the Bible.
Listen, we follow Jesus because the Bible has spoken to us that this is who he is.
What else did the Holy scripture say in Hebrews chapter one verse one. Are you sitting down?
This is awesome. Hang on. This is incredible. Hebrews.
One verse one God who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the who prophets has in these last days spoken to us by his son.
Jesus is the last and final word.
What else did the Holy scripture say? Okay. This is wonderful.
This is this is gonna get me all pumped up. Hopefully, you too. Luke chapter 24.
I love this Beginning in Mold 13.
This is, this is Resurrection Sunday afternoon getting towards evening.
Now Jesus, his tomb is empty. Luke 21 13.
Luke 24 13 says now behold, two of them, that’s two disciples were traveling the same day to a village called, which was seven miles from Jerusalem verse 14.
And as they talked together, All these things which had happened or about all these things that had happened.
Verse 15. So it was that while they conversed and reasoned, this is a apologetics.
They’re, they’re, they’re dialoguing and they’re arguing, not in an argument, but they’re arguing. What about this?
Well, the Bible says this. What about that? I thought the scripture meant this?
Well, I thought it meant the other thing. But then how good of that are you with me?
Everybody that Jesus himself drew near and went with them. Can you imagine heat? They’re walking, talking Bible?
It’s been quite a crazy day, right? Unbelievable day. The tomb is empty. What happened? I don’t know.
There’s some verses that suggest that God would know. It can’t be true. Right? Well, maybe it is.
Oh, I don’t know. There’s been rumors people have seen him today and they’re talking, they’re going home.
It’s Resurrection evening. And then the Bible tells us that Jesus comes up alongside them.
Are you kidding me? Would you not like to have been in that conversation. Oh my gosh.
In verse 16 says, but their eyes were restrained so that they did not know him.
They didn’t recognize him and he said to them, what kind of conversation is this?
That you have one with another as you walk and are sad translation. Hey guys, what up?
Why are you so bummed.
Seems to me the more you guys talked the sadder you’re getting, maybe you shouldn’t talk.
That’s a Jewish thing. If you’re gonna be sad, keep your mouth quiet.
But they couldn’t, they couldn’t be quiet. Isn’t this beautiful?
You don’t tell me, God’s got a sense of humor.
He, and by the way, he doesn’t jump out of a bush and then walk up behind them, he wasn’t there and then he’s there by the way in your life.
You think he’s not there? And then he’s there? Okay?
And he just, I would like to have seen it somehow.
I’m like in a hidden camera where they’re just walking along and then about three ft behind them.
This, he just appears, they don’t know it. Hey, why are you guys so sad?
And they look at him and they recognize him, their eyes.
It’s, it’s, it’s withheld from them to see.
Verse 18 says the one whose name was Cleopatra’s answered and said to him, are you the only stranger in Jerusalem?
And have you not known the things which happened there in these days?
Are you where have you been? Isn’t that a great review? What’s wrong with you?
Everybody’s talking about this. It gets better. Verse 19.
And he said to them, look, he says to them, what things is this? Awesome? This is Jesus.
Does he not talk to you like this? Absolutely. Hmm What things, why did he ask?
He wants them to say something because they have something to say.
There’s things that they know there’s, there’s things that they’ve heard, what’s going on guys.
and verse 25 says, then he said to them, oh foolish ones and slow of heart to believe in all the, wait a minute, what in all that the who prophets have spoken ought not Christ to have suffered these things and enter into his glory.
Where do you get that from?
Don’t you guys know Isaiah 53 Psalm 22 don’t you guys know that you were taught that in synagogue all your life?
He’s bringing clarity to them. Verse 27.
Here it goes and beginning at Moses and all the profits.
He expounded to them in all the scriptures, the things concerning himself.
Verse 31 says, then their eyes were opened and they knew him and he vanished from their sight and they said to one another, this is the best part to me, to me.
Listen, I pray all the time.
Verse 32 is I pray that church is like this verse 32 did not our heart burn within us while he talked with us on the road or in church and while he opened the scriptures to us, oh my gosh, we were so bummed and he shows up, he starts talking to us and he starts making sense of it all.
He just expounded the word of God to us from Genesis all the way through, from the prophets to the law and it clicked and the moment we got it, we looked around and he was gone, Their hearts were on fire.
By the way, you can read it later. Luke 24 says they turned around and they ran back to Jerusalem.
Can you imagine like Paul revere man running through the streets, we saw him, he’s resurrected, he’s alive.
We’ve got something to say. We want to tell you what we’ve heard.
We want to tell you what we know. We’ve got something to say. We’ve got a voice.
We have got a voice absolutely precious.
Then finally look at verse three, I say finally because as far as we can go, but we’re halfway through.
Now, our scripture reading segment of verses one through six, we are making great progress. Church.
Um So what else?
Well, we have a new voice because we speak what we learn.
We speak what we learn.
Verse three says, concerning his son Jesus Christ, our Lord who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh.
This statement verse three cannot be any more pregnant with theological power than what it is.
How does Paul in one verse say what could keep you and I busy and Bible study for the rest of our lives.
Seriously, his son go and study that Jesus study that name Christ or Messiah, go study that our Lord.
Just the word, our possessive. We get to possess God.
You can’t possess the gods of paganism, they possess you. Oh, not the God of the Bible.
He allows himself to be owned by you. He allows himself to be brought into your life.
He wants you to grab him.
Come on, what parent, every parent wants their kid of their own choosing to grab them and pull them and say daddy, I want to give you a hug that will melt a giant, right?
What a God we have who was born, what that God would be born from the seat of David?
That makes him not only a human, but it makes him a direct descendant from David himself.
And it says according to the flesh, you know what that means?
It means that there’s a genealogy of Jesus Christ that is pure divine and there’s a genealogy of Jesus Christ that is pure David has to be David.
The word concerning here. It’s kind of a neat word.
You want to mark it down, it means all around. I’m not kidding.
If you’ve been to the movies lately, the word actually means all around you.
You heard that Dobie sound all around you. This is a cool thing.
Uh Just that just this one word concerning, concerning his son, it means this, by the way, if you’re, if you’re a skeptic in the house, listen up, if you’re a Doubter and unbeliever, listen to this that were concerning regarding the son of God, Jesus, it means this all around you is the witness of who Jesus Christ is, his divinity come to earth and human skin of the genealogy of David, which makes him eternal God in human skin.
He alone able to be on the throne of David, which is the millennial fulfillment of Christ being king of kings and Lord of Lords from Jerusalem.
If that doesn’t happen, then we can throw this away. We can just burn our bibles today.
But hallelujah, it will happen and you need to know just that one word concerning all around you in any direction.
You look, it’s Jesus Christ as Lord that he’s come to earth according to the workings of God and of the lineage of David.
It’s Jesus Christ, the God man.
He’s listen, Jesus Christ is eternal God who came into this world to become a man to bring salvation to you.
And I that is the opposite of the cults. The cults say you’re a man.
But if you’re really good, you can become a God and that doctor and came right out of the mouth of Satan himself in the garden when he spoke to Eve, you want to become a God.
Then get real religious. Forget about knowing Him personally.
Forget about God coming down here and loving you enough to show you himself and then to die on the cross.
Now, forget about that. No, you’d be a real good person and you just work the rest of your life perfecting your humanity until you get it and then you’re gonna get a bump in the end.
Maybe it’s a push. But this is what we’ve learned.
This is what we know. This is what we’re hearing. This is why we speak.
Here’s the qualifier Colossians chapter one, we’re almost done.
Church Colossians 1 15 says, he, this is Jesus is the image of the invisible God.
The first born. Don’t let the word throw you the first board, meaning he’s the prototype, meaning when he died and rose again, he’ll never die again.
He’s the gateway, he’s the door. He’s the shepherd. He’s the one. He’s the way, right? He’s the truth.
He’s the life. He is the firstborn over all creation. He’s the creator. Did you know that?
Listen, Wednesday nights, we’re gonna be starting the book of Hebrews.
Oh, are you gonna hear about Jesus being the designer and the creator? Verse 16.
For by him, all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether Thrones or dominions, Principalities or powers, all things were created through him and for Him and he was before all things and in Him, all things consist the atomic glue Jesus holds the atoms together.
That’s What the word means literally. And then finally, this, this is what we learned.
This is what we know in the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God.
He was in the beginning with God. And all things were made through him and without him, nothing was made.
That was made verse 14 and the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
And we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth.
That’s who Jesus Christ is. That’s the Jesus that gives you and I a new voice.
This is what we speak. Well, hey, thanks for listening and we appreciate you.
And of course, we do in this time and in this age, us being together and linking up together to get the word of God out is actually ministry being fulfilled.
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So, listen, keep praying for us. We’re praying for you.
God bless you and we’ll see you back here real soon.

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