Becoming A Different Person – Sarah Jakes Roberts
Becoming A Different Person
“God wants your anger, suspicion, depression, aggression, frustration, bitterness, laziness, procrastination… Chiiillleee, God wants your truth, whatever it may be!”
― Sarah Jakes Roberts
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
Hey, family. Welcome to the official youtube page of one. I’m excited that you’re here.
This message is getting ready to bless your life.
I want you to stay connected to the incredible things that are happening in this movement.
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And if you want to partner with us and some of the great things that we’re doing all over the world, you can give as well.
Now it’s time to get into this word. I love you. God bless you. Let’s stay connected.
Is anybody grateful to be activating tonight? I will first activate of 2022.
If you are so glad that you’re here, can you just type? I’m thanking God in the comments. Thank God.
Thank God. Thank God. My brother just posted.
He said a million didn’t make it, but I am one of the ones who did.
I am so grateful that we have another a year to start over to show up in the world differently.
And it is an honor to serve you through active.
And I am especially excited because it is my first activate since my tonsils were stolen.
They were robbed right out of my throat.
And God has brought me to a place where I can speak again and I could not wait to come in fellowship with you to chat with you to share with you what God has been saying to me.
Because I recognize that when we come together, this is a sacred moment. This isn’t us just doing something randomly.
But someone’s connected. I feel you. Someone’s connected because they need to hear from God.
Someone’s connected because they need vision for their next someone is plugged in tonight because they’re searching for a word from God.
And I just believe that you are in the right place at the right time for the word that God wants to give you.
And if you know someone who was in need, I’m gonna give you 30 seconds to grab your phone.
Send out a text message, invite your friends to church, invite your family to church. Don’t be greedy.
Make sure that everyone connected to you gets the breakthrough that you’re gonna receive.
I love the way that God works that everything is in decency.
And in order, I thank God for the other team of pastors who have been holding down activate.
And I recognize that I could not have spoken a week sooner or a week later, but God works everything in order.
And I just believe that there’s a momentum connected to the messages that you have been receiving and especially especially our Chief Shepherd, our pastor, our visionary, my husband, pastor.
There’s a momentum happening at one online. I don’t know if you know this, but there’s a momentum happening.
And if you are plugged into the movement, don’t just plug into one service, don’t just plug into one speaker, but the spirit is moving through momentum through all of us and you don’t wanna miss anything that God is doing or saying in the earth.
I wanna get into my word.
I am in second Corinthians chapter five verse 17. My subject is simple.
It is becoming a different person, becoming a different person. I thought about naming it, activating metamorphosis.
But you know what metamorphosis is one of those weird words that you know, you’re gonna stumble over while preaching.
So I just broke it down to something I know I can say without my stolen tonsils trying to rob me again.
Ok. Second Corinthians five and 12 5 and 17, my apologies.
And it says, therefore, we know many of us know this scripture.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, all things have passed away, behold, all things have become new.
Now, all things are of God who has reconciled us to himself through Jesus Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.
That is that God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself.
That means that God came through Christ because he wanted to reconcile everyone who was in the earth back to Him.
We started with God, but we got away from God.
So God became Christ so that He could pull us back to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.
Now then because we have been reconciled, we are ambassadors for Christ as though God were pleading through us.
We implore you on Christ’s behalf.
Be reconciled to God for He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
That means I’m not without hope because I am in Christ, I have been reconciled in such a way that I have access to righteousness where there was once a breakdown where I feel insecure, who are you, wherever, you’re feeling insecure, wherever you’re feeling inadequate, wherever your fear is.
I want your fear to know that I have access that that excess allows me to tap into the righteousness of God, not the righteousness of money, not the righteousness of the industry, not the righteousness of my family, but the righteousness of God through Him.
I wanna pray with you and I wanna share with you what God revealed to me about becoming a different person.
Spirit of the living God, we welcome you wherever we are, we recognize that your presence is hovering, but just because your presence is hovering, it doesn’t mean that it has invaded our habitat.
So spirit of the living God invade our space, invade our mind, invade our heart, invade our spirit.
Have your way. Great God that you are. We didn’t just come here to stay the same.
We came so that something could be activated down on the inside of us.
And we don’t know what that something is.
But we know that if you would just breathe in the room, if you would just allow your presence to fall wherever we are, then that something that you place down on the inside of us would come alive.
Like never before God blessed me to deliver this message, allow it to come out the way that you intend.
Not the way that I studied. Have your way in Jesus name. Amen.
I don’t know about you, but this is the time of the year where I try to resist the trap of the whole New Year, new me thing.
But I can’t help but wonder what are some areas of my life with this fresh year that I wanna focus on?
I’ve got a full year to make a change to make a difference within my life.
And most of the time I set out my goals and the goals seem like they are attainable and that they are within reach based on who I am.
But this year feels a little different.
This year, I am burdened with the reality that in order for me to become the type of person who achieves those goals, I myself am gonna have to become a different person that anyone’s testimony.
You have a goal, but that goal is not attainable for this version of who you are.
This version of you may not have the discipline, this version of you may not have the communication skills.
This version of you may not feel knowledgeable enough for what is ahead of you.
You’re stepping into a relationship and you’re wondering, I don’t know if I have what it takes to be vulnerable.
I’m gonna have to be, become a different person to raise this child.
I’m gonna have to become a different person to lose this weight.
I’m gonna have to become a different person to lift on this level, to speak on this level, to be in charge of my, of my business and my organization and my team on this level.
There are some things that we have to do in life that we ourselves cannot do and stay the same.
We’re gonna have to become a different person to get it done.
If you’re like me, you have these moments where you feel the frustration internally when you realize that you need to become a different person.
But you just don’t know how the frustration of knowing you need to be different but not really knowing.
Where do I start or how do I begin?
What are the decisions that I need to make in order to activate this change when we’re in those circumstances where we focus on the fact that we need to become a different person.
What we end up doing is we miss out on us actually creating vision for who we need to become.
That means that we focus so intently on. I need to be different. We beat ourselves up.
I need to be different. Something’s gotta change. Something’s gotta shift down on the inside of me.
But what is that shift? What is it specifically that you wanna change?
I wanna speak up instead of silencing my voice, I wanna learn to become more vulnerable.
We use these blanket statements to help us understand that I need to change.
But we have to become specific about exactly what needs to transform in our life.
If we’re going to experience the metamorphosis that comes with becoming a different person.
When’s the last time you got specific about what needs to change?
When you stop saying I just want my life to be different.
What in your life do you want to be different? What in your relationships? Do you want to be different?
Because how can we wage war on an adversary that we have not assessed?
How can we wage war on a demon that we won’t look at?
How do we wage war on an addiction that we will not confront?
It is not enough to say that I wanna be a different person.
If you are not willing to be specific about what it is, you wanna change therapy is powerful, but it is even more powerful when you come in there and you say this is what I wanna change.
I’ve got a negative way of thinking. I’m insecure about what happened in my past.
I feel like I’m an impostor in this role.
When you give that therapist something to work with, they get eager, they get it activated themselves because they recognize now I’m dealing with someone who’s got a pinpointed area of acute pain that they wanna see transformed.
That’s not always everyone’s testimony though.
When it comes down to becoming a different person, it’s not always you have this internal frustration that’s making you wanna change your life and change your identity.
There are also moments when God exposes you to a version of yourself that you never thought that you could be when God exposes you to an opportunity to a calling to a ministry that is so beyond who you are.
And you think to yourself, God, I, I’m just satisfied with where I am.
I’m finally happy with what’s happening in my life and now you’re exposing me to something that is so beyond me.
And I know that in order for me to lay hold of it, I’m gonna have to become a different person.
God, how could you put me in ministry? I’m gonna have to become a different person to do that. God.
How could you set me up to move to that city?
I’m gonna have to become a different person for this role.
There are moments when our life is completely fine and complacent and yet God exposes us to how He sees us.
I feel my help coming. You see what happens when God sends us a word.
And sometimes that word comes through an experience and sometimes that word comes through an opportunity.
That word is meant to be a mirror that is exposing you, not to how you see yourself, but to how God sees you.
And when God sees you a certain way, he won’t just allow you to stay comfortable when you could step into the change agent that he needs in the earth.
And so God will expose you until you become hungry to become a different person.
This is exactly what happens with Moses. Moses is minding his good holy ghost business.
Is anyone else just like mind your business ministries? I am. It is me. Ok. I belong.
Moses is minding his business.
When God allows this burning bush to appear in front of Him, he has found a life that makes sense for him.
There is no drama, there is no stress, there is no pressure, there is no conflict, there is no confrontation.
And now all of a sudden there is this burning bush and God saying to Him that I see you differently than the life that you’ve set up for yourself.
I see you differently than who you are allowing yourself to show up as in the world.
Who are you? I feel like this is speaking directly to you that right now God is trying to say to you that I see you differently than who you were showing up as in the world that I know you are content to stay the same.
Mm I know you’ve got precedent for how other people act around you and that precedent makes you believe that this is perfectly fine and for them, maybe it was fine.
But for you, God says I see you differently. I see you differently than how you’re showing up.
I see you differently than how you speak. I see you differently than how you think.
And unless I interrupt your regular programming, you may stay connected to a version of yourself that is smaller than how God sees you.
And Moses is standing there looking at this burning bush and God is calling him higher.
God is standing there looking at Moses and telling Moses, I see you differently.
But in order for you to step into who I’ve called you to be, you’re gonna have to become a different person.
Moses gives God like premium top shelf miss me energy right there when the bush is burning.
And God is saying I want you to go back to Egypt.
I want you to have a face off with pharaoh. Moses is like miss me with that.
I am not the one I can’t do it. He has all of these excuses.
But one of the things I love about Moses is that though his mouth was saying one thing, his presence and his actions were saying another thing his mouth was saying, I can’t do it, but he never turned his back to God and went back to doing what it was that he was doing before.
Then he stayed there and allowed himself to wrestle with God.
He allowed his inadequacy to wrestle with what God was saying.
He allowed his insecurity to wrestle with what God was saying.
I feel like someone has been saying one thing about what you’ll never do about who you don’t think you can become.
But on the other hand, your presence, your actions, how you keep exposing yourself to ministry, how you keep showing up for that opportunity, how you keep creating that music and dreaming about those plays and writing down every dream that comes into your mind.
Your actions are saying one thing you say you don’t want it, but your actions are saying that you’re actually planning for it.
You say you don’t want it, but your presence is telling me that you wouldn’t mind being stretched, you wouldn’t mind being exposed and Moses stays in position even though his mouth is saying one thing.
And I love what happens in this scene in the Bible because Moses is inadequacy and God’s identity have a confrontation.
That’s exactly what has to happen for all of us.
When we’ve come to a place in our lives where it is clear that I’m gonna have to become a different person.
You don’t get to just step out of your inadequacy and into this new role.
You gotta sit in that inadequacy for a minute. You gotta let that inadequacy wrestle with God’s word.
How else are you gonna be healed unless you allow that inadequacy to be vanquished forever?
I don’t know who you are, but you’ve been running from inadequacy. You’ve been running from your insecurities.
You’ve been living your life in such a way that you never have to feel inadequate again.
And I hear God saying that until you sit in that inadequacy, until you sit in that insecurity, you’re never gonna be able to run very far because what I have for you, I don’t want your inadequacy to sabotage you think you can build a life separate from what God has called you to do.
But I hear God saying there are limits to that life.
There are restrictions to that life, that life is gonna fall apart because that is not the life that I ordained for you.
But the life that God has ordained for you was gonna require that you sit in your inadequacy.
You’re gonna have to feel like you’re not good enough.
You’re gonna have to feel like you don’t have all the answers.
You’re gonna have to release your need to be in control so that you can depend exclusively on God.
And Moses sits in that inadequacy and God says, I’m waiting for on somebody who doesn’t mind sitting in the space of inadequacy, who doesn’t mind sitting in the place of insecurity so that my presence can wrestle with you.
My presence wants to wrestle with you.
I hear God saying that if you would allow yourself to be all the way exposed that I can expose you to my presence.
And when your exposure meets God’s exposure, then a beautiful picture is developed because my exposure met the ultimate light.
My exposure allowed me to see that that thing I was insecure about is the very thing that God wants to use to catapult me.
That thing that I was insecure about.
God says, my glory can still get in that, that my presence can still change that, that I can transform it.
God says I’m ready for you to start seeing yourself the way that I see you.
I’m ready for you to start seeing that ministry the way that I see it.
It’s not just a little ministry, it’s not just a little marriage, it’s not just a little family.
It’s how I’m gonna move through the earth and I need you to see it the way that I see it and I need you to put some weight on it because it’s meant to shake the earth.
And until you realize that you were called to shake the earth, you will think that you are a small player in the big world.
And I hear God saying you were a big player and you have no idea how big the world is.
I’m calling you too. But until you grow up, you’ll never see it. You gotta grow up for this.
You gotta grow up for this. This isn’t just becoming a different person. You gotta stretch yourself for this.
You gotta be disciplined for this. You gotta be exposed for this.
And let me tell you something, your hunger will never forget the fact that it has been exposed.
Your hunger for more, your hunger for more will never forget that it’s been exposed.
Exposure is more powerful than inadequacy.
If God exposes you to a version of yourself that you never thought you could be, even if you go back to the same city, even if you go back to that same couch, even if you go back to that same family, what hits your spirit can’t get out of your spirit.
Exposure is more powerful than inadequacy.
That means I’ll go back to this same city, but it’ll be in my head.
How you use me beyond what I thought was possible.
I’ll go back to that same relationship, but it’ll never get out of my head.
How you told me I could be whole, how you told me how I could be healed.
I could go back to the same bar, but I’ll never forget the word I received when I was sitting in that church.
That’s why it doesn’t matter what happens with our Children.
As long as we expose them to the presence of God, I believe that what I’ve exposed you to is gonna be poured out of you.
When life gets finished a glory exposure, you wanna become a different person, it’s gonna require a glory exposure and you’re gonna have to grow up into it.
Moses wrestles with God until God modifies the plan.
God doesn’t give up on Moses because Moses doesn’t wanna do it.
He modifies the plan. God will modify the plan but he will not cancel the demand.
That means if God has placed a demand on your life, even if the plan has been modified, it did not cancel the demand.
God has called you to the nations but you got stuck in your own mess.
You got stuck in your own Shane. You got trapped somewhere that you never thought you would be.
The demand is still on you. The plan has just been modified.
We serve a God who knows how to modify the plan to still get you to the same destination.
I used to think that I became a preacher because I got pregnant and God told me you got it all wrong that you are always gonna be a preacher.
I just modified the plan to include your own decision making, but it didn’t change the demand that was on your life.
I don’t know who you are and I don’t know what plans have been modified in your life.
But I feel like someone ought to let you know that even though the plan have been modified, the demand has not been canceled.
God still wants oil out of you. God still wants breakthrough out of you.
God still wants generational curses to be broken through you. The plan may be modified.
But if you are watching this, if you are still here, the demand has not been canceled.
We are not random. We are not just here floating through life.
I’m waiting for the moment when the plan and the demand get together and allows me to collaborate with God from the place of my own insecurity, from the place of my own vulnerability.
The plan and the demand come together because what God has decided to do in the earth must happen by any means necessary.
Yeah. So when I go to my text in second Corinthians, I recognize that in this moment, Paul is writing to the Church of Corinth because he wants them to understand what happened when they receive Jesus as their savior.
When you decided to begin following Jesus, it means that you can’t keep functioning the way that you used to function.
You have to become a different person. Because what is the use in salvation?
If I’m going to live a life that causes me to continue to drown, drowning in shame, drowning in fear, drowning and insecurity.
I love this text in Second Corinthians because it says that if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, all things have passed away.
Behold, all things have become new the way that the scripture reads. It almost seems as if it happens instantly.
But if we use Moses as an example, what we recognize is that when God gets ready to transform a person that God has already made a decision in heaven, that Moses is someone new.
But Moses still has to get a revelation about the new thing that is down on the inside of Him.
What we see happening in the story of Moses is specifically when God begins speaking to Him, is God pulling out that new thing that he’s done down on the inside of Him.
I wish I could say it the way that I hear it in my head.
But God comes down because He recognizes that Moses is a new creation.
But Moses doesn’t realize He is a new creation yet, when you say this prayer of salvation and for those of you who haven’t had an opportunity to do that, we’re gonna do it at the end of the service.
But you say the prayer of salvation.
Let me tell you when I was a little girl, I said the prayer of salvation every Sunday.
And when I mean little girl, I mean, in my twenties, OK?
I mean about 18, 1916 15 because I just didn’t know, OK.
And every time I said that prayer over and over again, nothing in me changed.
Because at the end of the day, I was praying for salvation and sameness at the same time not realizing that if I’m gonna function in that salvation, I have to realize that there are some old things in me that have to pass away.
And in order for me to step into that new creation, I have to be willing to confront those old things.
I was wondering when I was studying for this text, what does it say about God that aligning with that new creature?
That new version of ourselves often means that I am placed in a position and have to play a role that leaves me saying to myself.
I don’t know if I can do this.
Part of the reason why I said the prayer over and over and over again is because I wasn’t really sure that I could live the life that I thought a believer was supposed to live.
I don’t know if I can do this.
What I missed in those moments is that God was not counting on me.
Somebody needs to hear this that God wasn’t counting on me to be the change.
God was just hoping that I would make space so that His presence could come in and create the change.
God is not betting on us to save the world. God is betting on himself through us.
God is not betting on us to change our families.
God is betting on his work through us to change our families.
God is not betting on us to be good spouses and good partners because He knows we raggedy, we are incapable of doing that.
But he also knows that because we are willing to be a part of his divine nature that if he is able to inhabit us, then he can work through us in such a way that he can still get the glory.
This text speaks to what happens when we collaborate with God.
Do you wanna become a different person?
The kind of person who can step into those rooms, the kind of person who can step into those opportunities to write that book and, and create that music.
If you’re gonna become that person, you’re gonna have to be willing to collaborate with God in order to make it happen.
And I know in this world of self help pt talked about this on Sunday in this world of self help and do it by yourself and you got this and you, you, you, that collaboration seems like it is unnecessary.
But if we’re gonna become a different person, the kind of person that doesn’t change the moment the wind blows, we’re gonna have to be willing to collaborate with God.
That’s what Paul is saying to the Church of Corinth in this text is that you’re not gonna be able to do this unless you become someone new and you cannot become someone new unless you collaborate with God.
And so my question to you is where do you need God to collaborate with you?
Maybe I should say that differently.
Maybe the real question we need to be asking and our prayer and meditation is God.
Where do you want to collaborate with me? What is in my life?
What is coming out of my mouth? What’s in my heart?
What’s in my actions that are in need of collaboration with God?
Because undoubtedly there are fears, there are inadequacies that we cannot master on our own, but through collaboration, we can overcome those things, old things versus new things.
My old way of thinking versus my new way of thinking.
My old way of speaking versus my new way of speaking.
All of those things I lay out before the presence of God.
And I say God, here are my old things and you carry my new things and I need collaboration so that I can lay the old things down and lay hold of the new things.
I wanna talk to you a little bit practically about how we become a new person.
The only change that is long lasting is the change that happens within us.
Sure, there are external benefits, maybe you’re trying to change your weight, but there has to be an internal decision about who I’m gonna become and what I’m gonna change.
What discipline am I gonna implore so that I can achieve this external, this physical goal or destination.
When we think about this practical way of becoming a new person, I think it’s important for us to recognize that a new thing can’t happen in your spirit without there being reconciliation, not with your fears, but with God reconciliation, reconciliation.
When I look this word up in the Greek, it literally meant to be different, to be different.
That means that to be reconciled with God means that I am going to come together with God so that I can become different with God.
Whatever we reconcile with, we take on the identity of that thing.
When I reconciled within myself, that I could only live from a place of fear that I could only live from a place of shrinking, that I couldn’t have some levels of confidence that I would always have low self esteem.
That was reconciliation. To make a definition of about who you are. To make a declaration about your identity.
A declaration about your potential, a declaration about your promise and your destiny is to make a reconciliation and to live within that reconciliation because you believe that no more is possible for you.
But to be reconciled with God is to take the limits off of who you are.
To be reconciled with God. Is to never to never be without creativity, to be reconciled with God means to never be without prophecy to be reconciled with God is to never have to wonder what you’re gonna speak about.
When you walk into a room to be reconciled with God, means that I am no longer insecure to be reconciled with God means that I cannot have anxiety to be reconciled with God means wherever God’s presence is, God is gonna assume whatever is in God’s presence.
That’s why you can go from being reconciled with stress and reconciled with overwhelmed and into a worship service.
While all of a sudden things lift up off of you, because I’m now reconciled with God and God is an all consuming presence.
He is an all consuming fire.
And when I reconcile myself with the presence of God, there were some things that cannot be reconciled with the presence of God, that means that my shame can be reconciled with the presence of God.
God says, I can’t use that in this reconciliation. My fear can be reconciled with God.
I can’t use that in my reconciliation. My anxiety can be reconciled with God.
So even if it’s just three minutes of worship, that’s three minutes that, that pain has to get off of me.
That’s three minutes that, that anxiety has to get off of me.
And I don’t know who you are, but you’ve been struggling with your mental health and you’ve been wondering, God, am I always gonna have ebbs and flows and I hear God saying that it may take some time but don’t give up on the reconciliation because when God gets finished, depression can’t be reconciled with God.
When God gets finished, anxiety can’t be reconciled with God.
And yes, God may use a therapist and yes God may use medication.
But when it’s all said and done, you’re gonna be reconciled with God because God is that by any means necessary.
God, that means when you come up short, I’ll send Jesus to pull you back up where you belong because I’m that serious about you being reconciled with me.
Do you know who your God is?
Your God says you started with me and I don’t lose my Children along the way.
That means I’ll do whatever is necessary to wrap my arms around you.
I’ll send a stranger, I’ll send a youtube video.
I’ll send a video on social media because I’m running after you. I’m chasing you down. You gotta be reconciled.
Who are you? I hear God saying come back. Who are you?
I hear God saying I still have plans for you. Who are you?
I hear God saying you can still become different. Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?
I hear God saying you can still break the generational curse.
I hear God saying that you can still create the breakthrough.
If you’re willing to be reconciled with me, somebody needs to break up the reconciliation they’ve made with the past, break up the reconciliation you’ve made with low self esteem, break up the reconciliation you’ve made with addiction.
You’re not always gonna be addicted. You’re not always gonna be depressed.
You’re not always gonna wonder whether or not you have what it takes.
I break that reconciliation in the name of Jesus. And I call you back to who you are in God.
You are the righteousness of God. And through Christ Jesus, every chain that holding you down, it must be broken.
Every chain that’s got wrapped around your mind. It must be destroyed in the name of Jesus.
The name that is above all names. I’m calling you to become a different person.
I’m calling you to step out of your fear. I’m calling you to step out of your anxiety.
You’ve been you long enough. It’s time to be who God has called you to be.
You’ve been who they needed you to be long enough.
It’s time for you to be who God has called you to be.
I hear God saying step into your own, step into the land I gave you step into the territory.
I have reserved with your name on it. I hear God saying it’s gotta be you. It’s gotta be you.
It’s gotta be you. It’s gotta be you. It’s gotta be you. It’s gotta be you.
No one else is gonna do it. Stop looking around, no one else is gonna write it.
Stop asking them to do it.
It’s gotta be you and no you cannot do it on your own.
But remember God is not betting on you, God’s betting on his power to work through you through, oh God, God, through your power.
God, you’re gonna do it through your power.
Not by mind, not by power, but by your spirit.
God, anything that’s gonna change in 22 2022 is gonna change through the spirit of God.
Anything that’s gonna be birthed that changes the world is gonna be birthed through the spirit of God.
And you’re wondering where is the flow gonna come from?
Where’s the momentum gonna come from? Where’s the power gonna come from?
Where is the confidence gonna come from? God? I’m down to my last.
When is the last time you were intentional about a fresh reconciliation with God?
Maybe how you reconciled with God?
Three months ago, a year ago, six months ago, 10 years ago, that reconciliation is outdated.
Anyone who runs a business and does accounting understands that 10 years ago that reconciliation has nothing to do with my present circumstance.
You need a fresh reconciliation for a fresh season.
I hear God saying that you’re not finished being made new and because you’re not finished being made new, you need a fresh reconciliation for where you are now a fresh reconciliation for that job, a fresh reconciliation for that vision, God, so many things that we want to do in 2022 and we’re gonna have to become a different person to do it.
But maybe the only way we get into the womb that will allow us to change is if we reconcile with you a fresh, I wanna pray with you.
As I was speaking, I felt so strongly in my spirit and maybe it’s just for me, maybe it’s for someone else watching, but I felt like God was asking me to lay down my old reconciliation.
Hm. Hear God saying that I wanna do a new thing.
I wanna do something fresh, something that you have never seen out of you.
I hear God saying that yes, this is the perfect time of the year to start over, but it is also the perfect time of year to build again.
I hear God saying that this is gonna require a sacrifice.
I heard that word so strongly sacrifice, Moses had to sacrifice.
He had to sacrifice a life that he loved that he was comfortable with for a calling that made him feel awkward and inadequate.
And yet he did it anyway because all things have passed away and he is now a, a new creature.
But sometimes it takes some time for earth to catch up with what’s happening in heaven in heaven.
Every victory has already won and heaven, we’re all new creatures in heaven.
There are no fears, there’s no anxiety, there’s no insecurity, there’s no worry, no doubt, no depression down here on earth.
We a little bit raggedy and yet our job is not to take on the nature of this world.
Our job is to reflect heaven and from that posture, we have to be willing to confront old things and laid down the old things for someone watching.
The idea of having a mind that isn’t divided, that isn’t hoping for breakthrough and hoping for transformation and hoping for powerful opportunities, but also talking yourself out of them for someone to lay down that way of thinking would be to lay down an old thing.
But I hear God saying, I want your old stuff.
I want that old way of thinking. I want that old way of being.
I want that old way of speaking. You can’t speak like that to yourself anymore. Come on conversations.
You can’t speak to God, you can’t speak to others like that anymore.
I hear God saying, I want that bitterness. I hear God saying that I want that fear.
I hear God saying that I want those old things that keep you limited because I have a new thing for you because you’re in Christ.
I wanna pray for those who are watching.
You’re watching this message and you’re thinking to yourself.
I do wanna become a different person but not just any different person.
I wanna become that new creature that was promised to me when I first got saved.
I wanna become that new creature you’re talking about. I never been saved in my life.
I don’t even know how I stumbled across this video, but I am intrigued, how do I become this new creature?
First of all, let’s pray for her.
You to recognize that the path to becoming a new creature happens through our relationship with Jesus.
The following the life of Jesus by recognizing that the life of Jesus is literally the only way we can be saved.
The only way I can come out of my pain, out of my disease, my ease inside the ease in my body.
It happens through the blood of Jesus. I believe in the cross.
I believe that what happened on the cross is still reaping power even into this day.
I believe I’m living in the overflow of what happened in that moment and there is room for you in that overflow too.
Then I wanna pray for those of you who are watching this and you didn’t know it.
But this is a memorial service for your old things.
All things are gonna pass away so that those new things can live.
Do you hear me? The old things are passing away so that the new things can live God.
Thank you for Jesus. Thank you for making Him who had no sin. He had no fear.
He had no trauma, not the kind of trauma that changes us God.
You took Him and you made Him who had no sin, all of my sin, all of my weakness, all of my thoughts, my self deprecating thoughts, my suicidal thoughts, God, you took all of those self harm thoughts.
You took all of those inadequate thoughts and you placed it in his body and you nailed those things to the cross and you buried them.
Those old things have passed away.
There’s a version of me in heaven that I didn’t even know existed.
And that version of me is free from all of those things because when Jesus was raised up, I was raised up to free and victorious, a new creature.
And so God, we’re praying that we would have a collision with that new creation, that new identity that took place because we received the promise of Jesus over our lives.
God, you know, every old thing connected to this message, old ways of promiscuity, old ways of drinking old things, God, you know them all lying, lack of integrity, you know, all our old things and God now like never before we want to be different.
We wanna be free, we wanna be sober, we wanna be clean, we wanna be disciplined, we wanna be confident, we wanna be empowered, we don’t wanna pull ourselves back when you’re calling us forward.
And so spirit of the living God, we grant you access to the old things, rip it out, take it out God perform divine surgery as only you can do, highlight the areas in their lives.
God where those old things are out of control and give them the strength to exercise through your spirit, the ability to arrest those old things and put them to death and let the new things emerge.
God, I thank you that you’re even this week gonna be exposing them to new things, new things, new things that only the new creature can see new things, that only the new creature would say new thoughts that only the new creature would think God.
I thank you for the new things that are gonna be harvested as a result of this sacred moment.
God, I pray that you would take this word and allow it to take root that it would produce fruit, God and that that fruit would make us ambassadors just like our scripture said that we would become ambassadors of your glory and of your transformation and that we would win other people not to a life of rules and limited living, but to a life of victory and freedom and love and joy.
That is only possible because we have collaborated with you. Thank you God for this word.
Seal it in Jesus name. Amen.