The Hanukah End Time Mystery: The Apostasy | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Hanukah End Time Mystery: The Apostasy | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Hanukah end time mystery revelation reveals the end-times & ancient mystery – the end-time Israel connection – the Great Apostasy – an ominous White House event, and what is now happening in America and around the world.
To get Jonathan’s newest prophetic book: The Josiah Manifesto – or his other bestsellers: The Return Of The Gods, The Harbinger II, The Oracle, The Paradigm, The Book of Mysteries, The Harbinger, & more – Go to Amazon or anywhere books are sold.
Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy. Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)
People have a picture that it’s gonna be suddenly evil comes on the world.
That’s if the Antichrist just flew in from another world, turns everything upside down, takes over some evil government comes into power.
That’s not the way Hanukkah happened. It’s not the way it’s gonna happen in the end times either.
First, there will come an apostasy.
Now the menorah in the temple had 7 lights.
But the Hanukkah maneuver called or the Hanakkah has 9 lights.
Why 8 for the 8 days or the 8 knights of Hanukkah, and the one in the middle or the end called the shamish, which means the servant that lights up the rest.
The Bible says that Messiah is the servant of god, and he lights us up.
And so I’m gonna say the blessing and the blessing that is said all around the world, and it’s gonna begin it begins this weekend.
And this is the blessing. There’s 2 main ones.
I’ll do it with this.
I’ll share Let’s ivonne hodlikh ne.
Shell han who come. Blessed are you. Oh lord, our god.
The sovereign of all existence who sanctifies us and commands us to light the lights of dedication.
Blessed are you, Lord god, king of the universe, who performed great wonders for our ancestors.
At this time, in that place.
And so the lights of Hanukkah, the lie or the lights of dedication In the gospel of John, it says something that most believers have seen, but they don’t realize what it is that most Jewish people have no idea of it.
It says in John Tim, and it was the feast of dedication.
It was wintertime in Jerusalem, And yes,hua Jesus was walking in the temple in Solomon’s portico.
And the Jewish people came around him and said, How long will you keep us in suspense?
If you are the messiah, tell us plainly.
And he said, I have told you, this was Hanukkah.
This is Messiah, Hanukkah, his Hanukkah words. And you know what he said?
That’s when he said, my sheep hear my voice. And I know them, and they follow me.
And he said, you know, he said, I bear witness. He said, are you the Messiah?
He said, I and my father are one. On Hanukkah, he is the light of the world.
Now there is also the end time mystery of Hanukkah.
We’re gonna get into that tonight in a message.
But the actual menorah that was lit up on Hanukkah was nothing 9 branch or the 8 branch, but the 7 branch.
This represents the 7 branch for 8 days. Lit. And so we’re gonna light up that.
We also do it another time.
We do it on next week We’re gonna especially do it in a special way because the rabbi said, you never can light this up.
This is the temple 1. You can’t light up the 71 until Messiah has come.
Every year, we light it up because we know Messiah has come.
And so but tonight, we’re gonna light it up for with the messianic prophecies next week, but Now as the the scriptures on the light of god, this is representing the temple menorah.
In the beginning, God created the heavens of the earth, and he’s his spirit was on the darkness, and he said, let there be light.
And there was lights. The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light.
Those who dwell in the shadow of death the light has shown upon them.
And he said, I am the light of the world.
He who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.
And he said, you are the light of the world.
So let your light so shine that they will glorify your father in heaven with your good works.
And so it is written.
We have the prophetic word made more shore as a lamp shining in the darkness until the day dawns and the morning star arises.
For god who said light shall shine out of darkness as the one who has now shown in our hearts with the light of god, the glory of god in the of Messiah.
Hanukkah, the most spiritual or the most personal part of it, It’s about the rededication of the temple.
What does the Bible say? It’s amazing because today, we don’t have a temple in Jerusalem, we know there will be, but there has not been for 2000 years.
And yet the Jewish people have been celebrating the dedication, Hanukkah, dedication of the there’s no temple, but the Bible says now you are the temple of god.
You are the temple of god.
And so a really cool thing because not only are you the temple of god, but the story of the the account of Hanukkah is really a a an incredible revelation of our salvation because we were the temple of god, but we became we were born to be.
We were to be the the house of god’s dwelling, but we became defiled, like that temple.
We we had idols. We had We had desecration to file men. But then Jesus comes into the temple.
Messiah comes in. He says, open up, comes in and he cleanses our our life.
He cleanses us from idols, cleanses us from sin, and then he lights up our life.
From the inside from the dark from the the darkness that he lights us up.
So no matter what else goes on around us, we’ve got a light inside of us.
But, you know, it’s easy, even as the temple of god, it’s easy to let the light kind of burn low, the fire burn low.
It’s easy to get idles that they slip back in. And defilement slip backs in.
So it’s always a great thing on Hanukkah to reconsecrate, rededicate its dedication, our hearts and lives to god.
This week, it came out a survey.
And let me let me even say before, what we’re gonna do, what I’m gonna share tonight is is the part of the end time mystery of Hanukkah, what it has to do with you, and it goes up to even things that happen this week.
So this week, They had a survey was in the news. Might surprise you. I don’t know.
But about 4 out of 10 Americans believe we are living in the end times.
40% of America. That means that more Americans than there are born again believers believe that it’s the end times.
People who are not even born again, that we’re living in fact even this is a really weird, even those who are of other religions outside of Christianity, about 30% of them believe we’re in the end times.
I don’t even know how that happens.
Even those who are of the Democratic Party, leading or leading Democrat liberal about 35% of them believe are in the end times.
And get this of agnostics and atheists together about 23% of them believe we’re in the end times.
I don’t know how that works. Why do people believe that? Well, because we are.
And because of the times we live, there’s a sense of it.
Hanukkah, I shares the most detailed revelation of the end times of the holy days of Israel. Most detailed.
To name, give you just one example, Hanukkah involves The account of Antioch is this evil man who’s asked who call himself epiphanies, which means god manifest, enter the temple of Jerusalem, defiled it, and the Bible says that that’s gonna happen again, but it’s gonna be the Antichrist.
It says in Daniel that this one He defiled it. It was the abomination desolation, made it desolate.
It’s gonna happen again in the in the book of Revelation. It’s gonna happen again. Paul said it.
The the antichrist Antiochus is a foreshadow of the antichrist.
And what happened in Hanukkah is a foreshadow of what’s gonna happen in the end times.
And what happened with the Maccabees is a key for how we are to live in the end times.
That’s right. There’s a lot here.
But I’m gonna focus on just 2 of the most significant things of keys linked to Hanuk and the End Times.
And even bring events of the last month, even this last week, into it.
Daniel Levin, you can open up where you can just listen.
Daniel 11, and Daniel 11, the prophet sees what’s gonna happen in Hanukkah.
But, also, it’s a shadow of what’s gonna happen at the end.
So it kinda things start merging with the Antichrist, but he says this.
It says, then he will turn back and vent his fury, Antiochus. Symbol of Antichrist against the Holy Covenant.
His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the temple fortress. He will invade the beautiful land.
It was really an inside job at the beginning.
In fact, Antiochus who desecrated the temple was led into the temple by the high priest who was apostate.
And that too is a revelation of the end times.
People have a picture that it’s gonna be something evil comes on the world as if the antichrist just flew in from another world, turns everything upside down, takes over some evil government comes into power.
That’s not the way Hanukkah happened. It’s not the way it’s gonna happen in the end times either.
First, there will come an apostasy. Paul says it.
Thessalonians, the day will not come until first comes a great falling away.
Greek word apostasia Uh, we get the world is going to prepare for it.
As Israel’s apostasy prepared for antiicus, America’s and the world’s apostrophe is gonna prepare for the antichrist.
Musiding just come. The way it was prepared. The times were prepared so with the antichrist.
The culture will prepare for it. The way will be opened for it.
The spirit of Antichrist will already be here before he comes. It’s already here. So it is in everything.
Antichrist It can mean the opposite of Christ Messiah.
It can mean against the Messiah instead of the Messiah in place of the Messiah, So the so the door is gonna be opened by a culture or a nation or a civilization that first turns away from the Messiah away from the faith, away from the Bible, to be open to what is in place of Messiah.
What is a substitute for god, substitute for Messiah, and then ultimately against him?
So amazing thing because this is that’s what’s happening all around us right now. This was written.
The wording that Paul gave, there’ll be a great fall in the way it was written in the 1st century.
In the 1st century, that was amazing.
The idea that this faith that only was was part of it was only a small fraction of a fraction of people of the world where he believers, but he’s talking the whole the world is gonna be covered with this faith, which it has been.
There’s gonna be a great falling away from the faith that hadn’t even spread to the world yet, but now it is.
I was on TBN and a panel with a panel of prophecy experts, and we were asked, what do you believe is the greatest sign of the end times?
And I said, I’ll give you 2. One is Israel. Israel back is back. It has to be.
And the second, which nobody else went into, is the apostasy.
The apostasy is the sign of the last days that is with us every day.
You can see signs of it everywhere, every day, television, internet. It there.
So big, so universal, and it’s only accelerating. And do you know which nations are leading it?
The very same nations that once had the gospel. The west, Europe, America.
They are the ones who are spreading anti biblical values, the war on gender, the killing of the unborn, the twisting of sexuality, even the vilifying of the gospel is coming from the nations that had known the gospel.
It’s not like with a cold war. Cold war said America Christian, Russia Godless.
That’s not how to how it is down.
Now nations all over the world see America, not as a city on a hill, they see it as a darkened culture, apostate culture.
That is morally corrupt and spreading it to the world.
We just saw the Biden administration released a Russian arms dealer.
Trafficker for a ladies basketball star who was caught with drugs in Russia.
Now that whole trade out outrage many people, but I saw an interview with a Russian prisoner who was released that that guy.
And, you know, the interviewer asks him, do you hate America? He says, no. No. No. Not at all.
He says, but America is losing its Christian values. He says it’s losing its families.
They’re losing their country. He said it’s not the same country.
He said America used to be a model for the entire world.
The city he said the city on the hill, but now it’s losing it all.
America and the West are apostasizing.
The nation that used to lead its children in its public schools in the lord’s prayer all over the country, that nation is gone.
As I wrote in the return of the gods, it is transforming paganizing, apostasizing.
It’s no accident that the western nations are leading it because that’s what apostasy is.
You have known something and you fall away from it.
In order to have the antichrist, you first had to have the Christ and fall away.
Turn away from the Christ. You’ll get the antichrist.
It’s those very nations that have the potential for the greatest evil.
The greatest evils in the world in modern world have come from the west. Even communism came from the west.
Not theism came from the west. Fascism came from the west. What’s happening now came from the west?
Because when you turn away from god, you get worse.
And as we continue this on Sunday, but something else I will also mention, an amazing discovery also came out this week in from Israel the first ever such discovery, and it all had to do with the ancient events of Hanukkah first time in human history.
Just came this week. And it has to do with the end times, and it has to do with the message that I was led to give you on Sunday.
There is no just but let’s bring this home down.
There is no question We are living in an age of apostasy. There is no question.
This is a sign of the last days the Bible said it. You’ve got it. The answer.
So what’s the the answer is in how the Macabees responded because if this is a the shadow of what’s happening now, we have a shadow of how to overcome.
And I’m just gonna say this. I’m just gonna finish with this.
The first thing that happened was this.
They were defeated until this one guy, the father of the MacKabees, mathathias.
He stands up and he says, that’s it. That you’ve crossed the final law. That’s it.
I am not I am not bending with this. I’m not I’m not going with this anymore.
I’m not even gonna I’m not gonna just sit anymore. I’m drawing the line right here.
And the thing is that’s when the revolt happened. That’s when god anointed him.
And the key is You have to draw your line in this act. Draw your line.
If you don’t, the culture is going down, and it will take you down with it.
Matathiah said this is enough. No more. This is too much.
If you don’t draw the line in the sand, there is no stopping it in your life.
Just as for the churches that hypothesized, it began with a little weakness.
Let’s just give in a little bit if they’re gone. Example, you’re a parent.
You thought Disney was safe, maybe it used to be. But every year, things get darker.
Something else is introduced step by step, 1st subtly, 1st a little bit, then it becomes more brazen, then it becomes more major, then it becomes, well, it’s not a side issue anymore.
So where’s your line? What are you gonna allow your children to watch? Where’s your line?
You have to draw the line or you’re gonna be taken.
There I think because if this all happened years ago, you’d say this is bizarre Get rib. This is horrible.
Get it out of my house. But now because it happens step by step, draw your line.
The key is he made his center. So he drew his line and he made a stand.
You know, apostasy means to fall away from the stand.
Well, the key about a the end times is you have to make a stand.
That means drawing the line wherever you have to do, whether it’s do whether it’s children’s programming for your children, whether adult programming for yourself.
What you will watch, what you won’t watch, what you will do, what you won’t do, what you will obey, and what you will not obey.
It means making a stand. Matathias said, I don’t care what the rest of the nation does.
I am not gonna I am not gonna let this happen anymore. I am standing.
You’re gonna take the same thing. Same attitude. I will not do that.
I don’t care if they take away my job. I will not do that. I will not defile god.
Not don’t be afraid to say no.
That’s all you know, a bully is a bully until you say no.
I don’t care the prices they seek to deplatform me, defund me. I don’t care.
I will not burn the incense to Caesar 1st century. Make your decision now.
I will not bow my deed a bell. Days of Elijah. Draw the line now. Make the decision now.
Make the commitment now. You know, you I will not do that. I will not go along with that.
When that that’s it. I don’t care of. And the other the most important thing as well.
Last thing, If you’re gonna stand against the falling away, you gotta be holding on to something.
If the whole world is falling away because they don’t have a grounding, they don’t have a they don’t need anything to stand on.
The Macabees didn’t just resist. They obeyed god. They had faith. They held to god.
You need to do the same, especially now. You gotta get that bond that you have to god stronger.
This is Jonathan Khan. Thanks for watching.
The Josiah manifesto and all my books you can get anywhere, Amazon, wherever books are sold.
That’s if the Antichrist just flew in from another world, turns everything upside down, takes over some evil government comes into power.
That’s not the way Hanukkah happened. It’s not the way it’s gonna happen in the end times either.
First, there will come an apostasy.
Now the menorah in the temple had 7 lights.
But the Hanukkah maneuver called or the Hanakkah has 9 lights.
Why 8 for the 8 days or the 8 knights of Hanukkah, and the one in the middle or the end called the shamish, which means the servant that lights up the rest.
The Bible says that Messiah is the servant of god, and he lights us up.
And so I’m gonna say the blessing and the blessing that is said all around the world, and it’s gonna begin it begins this weekend.
And this is the blessing. There’s 2 main ones.
I’ll do it with this.
I’ll share Let’s ivonne hodlikh ne.
Shell han who come. Blessed are you. Oh lord, our god.
The sovereign of all existence who sanctifies us and commands us to light the lights of dedication.
Blessed are you, Lord god, king of the universe, who performed great wonders for our ancestors.
At this time, in that place.
And so the lights of Hanukkah, the lie or the lights of dedication In the gospel of John, it says something that most believers have seen, but they don’t realize what it is that most Jewish people have no idea of it.
It says in John Tim, and it was the feast of dedication.
It was wintertime in Jerusalem, And yes,hua Jesus was walking in the temple in Solomon’s portico.
And the Jewish people came around him and said, How long will you keep us in suspense?
If you are the messiah, tell us plainly.
And he said, I have told you, this was Hanukkah.
This is Messiah, Hanukkah, his Hanukkah words. And you know what he said?
That’s when he said, my sheep hear my voice. And I know them, and they follow me.
And he said, you know, he said, I bear witness. He said, are you the Messiah?
He said, I and my father are one. On Hanukkah, he is the light of the world.
Now there is also the end time mystery of Hanukkah.
We’re gonna get into that tonight in a message.
But the actual menorah that was lit up on Hanukkah was nothing 9 branch or the 8 branch, but the 7 branch.
This represents the 7 branch for 8 days. Lit. And so we’re gonna light up that.
We also do it another time.
We do it on next week We’re gonna especially do it in a special way because the rabbi said, you never can light this up.
This is the temple 1. You can’t light up the 71 until Messiah has come.
Every year, we light it up because we know Messiah has come.
And so but tonight, we’re gonna light it up for with the messianic prophecies next week, but Now as the the scriptures on the light of god, this is representing the temple menorah.
In the beginning, God created the heavens of the earth, and he’s his spirit was on the darkness, and he said, let there be light.
And there was lights. The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light.
Those who dwell in the shadow of death the light has shown upon them.
And he said, I am the light of the world.
He who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.
And he said, you are the light of the world.
So let your light so shine that they will glorify your father in heaven with your good works.
And so it is written.
We have the prophetic word made more shore as a lamp shining in the darkness until the day dawns and the morning star arises.
For god who said light shall shine out of darkness as the one who has now shown in our hearts with the light of god, the glory of god in the of Messiah.
Hanukkah, the most spiritual or the most personal part of it, It’s about the rededication of the temple.
What does the Bible say? It’s amazing because today, we don’t have a temple in Jerusalem, we know there will be, but there has not been for 2000 years.
And yet the Jewish people have been celebrating the dedication, Hanukkah, dedication of the there’s no temple, but the Bible says now you are the temple of god.
You are the temple of god.
And so a really cool thing because not only are you the temple of god, but the story of the the account of Hanukkah is really a a an incredible revelation of our salvation because we were the temple of god, but we became we were born to be.
We were to be the the house of god’s dwelling, but we became defiled, like that temple.
We we had idols. We had We had desecration to file men. But then Jesus comes into the temple.
Messiah comes in. He says, open up, comes in and he cleanses our our life.
He cleanses us from idols, cleanses us from sin, and then he lights up our life.
From the inside from the dark from the the darkness that he lights us up.
So no matter what else goes on around us, we’ve got a light inside of us.
But, you know, it’s easy, even as the temple of god, it’s easy to let the light kind of burn low, the fire burn low.
It’s easy to get idles that they slip back in. And defilement slip backs in.
So it’s always a great thing on Hanukkah to reconsecrate, rededicate its dedication, our hearts and lives to god.
This week, it came out a survey.
And let me let me even say before, what we’re gonna do, what I’m gonna share tonight is is the part of the end time mystery of Hanukkah, what it has to do with you, and it goes up to even things that happen this week.
So this week, They had a survey was in the news. Might surprise you. I don’t know.
But about 4 out of 10 Americans believe we are living in the end times.
40% of America. That means that more Americans than there are born again believers believe that it’s the end times.
People who are not even born again, that we’re living in fact even this is a really weird, even those who are of other religions outside of Christianity, about 30% of them believe we’re in the end times.
I don’t even know how that happens.
Even those who are of the Democratic Party, leading or leading Democrat liberal about 35% of them believe are in the end times.
And get this of agnostics and atheists together about 23% of them believe we’re in the end times.
I don’t know how that works. Why do people believe that? Well, because we are.
And because of the times we live, there’s a sense of it.
Hanukkah, I shares the most detailed revelation of the end times of the holy days of Israel. Most detailed.
To name, give you just one example, Hanukkah involves The account of Antioch is this evil man who’s asked who call himself epiphanies, which means god manifest, enter the temple of Jerusalem, defiled it, and the Bible says that that’s gonna happen again, but it’s gonna be the Antichrist.
It says in Daniel that this one He defiled it. It was the abomination desolation, made it desolate.
It’s gonna happen again in the in the book of Revelation. It’s gonna happen again. Paul said it.
The the antichrist Antiochus is a foreshadow of the antichrist.
And what happened in Hanukkah is a foreshadow of what’s gonna happen in the end times.
And what happened with the Maccabees is a key for how we are to live in the end times.
That’s right. There’s a lot here.
But I’m gonna focus on just 2 of the most significant things of keys linked to Hanuk and the End Times.
And even bring events of the last month, even this last week, into it.
Daniel Levin, you can open up where you can just listen.
Daniel 11, and Daniel 11, the prophet sees what’s gonna happen in Hanukkah.
But, also, it’s a shadow of what’s gonna happen at the end.
So it kinda things start merging with the Antichrist, but he says this.
It says, then he will turn back and vent his fury, Antiochus. Symbol of Antichrist against the Holy Covenant.
His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the temple fortress. He will invade the beautiful land.
It was really an inside job at the beginning.
In fact, Antiochus who desecrated the temple was led into the temple by the high priest who was apostate.
And that too is a revelation of the end times.
People have a picture that it’s gonna be something evil comes on the world as if the antichrist just flew in from another world, turns everything upside down, takes over some evil government comes into power.
That’s not the way Hanukkah happened. It’s not the way it’s gonna happen in the end times either.
First, there will come an apostasy. Paul says it.
Thessalonians, the day will not come until first comes a great falling away.
Greek word apostasia Uh, we get the world is going to prepare for it.
As Israel’s apostasy prepared for antiicus, America’s and the world’s apostrophe is gonna prepare for the antichrist.
Musiding just come. The way it was prepared. The times were prepared so with the antichrist.
The culture will prepare for it. The way will be opened for it.
The spirit of Antichrist will already be here before he comes. It’s already here. So it is in everything.
Antichrist It can mean the opposite of Christ Messiah.
It can mean against the Messiah instead of the Messiah in place of the Messiah, So the so the door is gonna be opened by a culture or a nation or a civilization that first turns away from the Messiah away from the faith, away from the Bible, to be open to what is in place of Messiah.
What is a substitute for god, substitute for Messiah, and then ultimately against him?
So amazing thing because this is that’s what’s happening all around us right now. This was written.
The wording that Paul gave, there’ll be a great fall in the way it was written in the 1st century.
In the 1st century, that was amazing.
The idea that this faith that only was was part of it was only a small fraction of a fraction of people of the world where he believers, but he’s talking the whole the world is gonna be covered with this faith, which it has been.
There’s gonna be a great falling away from the faith that hadn’t even spread to the world yet, but now it is.
I was on TBN and a panel with a panel of prophecy experts, and we were asked, what do you believe is the greatest sign of the end times?
And I said, I’ll give you 2. One is Israel. Israel back is back. It has to be.
And the second, which nobody else went into, is the apostasy.
The apostasy is the sign of the last days that is with us every day.
You can see signs of it everywhere, every day, television, internet. It there.
So big, so universal, and it’s only accelerating. And do you know which nations are leading it?
The very same nations that once had the gospel. The west, Europe, America.
They are the ones who are spreading anti biblical values, the war on gender, the killing of the unborn, the twisting of sexuality, even the vilifying of the gospel is coming from the nations that had known the gospel.
It’s not like with a cold war. Cold war said America Christian, Russia Godless.
That’s not how to how it is down.
Now nations all over the world see America, not as a city on a hill, they see it as a darkened culture, apostate culture.
That is morally corrupt and spreading it to the world.
We just saw the Biden administration released a Russian arms dealer.
Trafficker for a ladies basketball star who was caught with drugs in Russia.
Now that whole trade out outrage many people, but I saw an interview with a Russian prisoner who was released that that guy.
And, you know, the interviewer asks him, do you hate America? He says, no. No. No. Not at all.
He says, but America is losing its Christian values. He says it’s losing its families.
They’re losing their country. He said it’s not the same country.
He said America used to be a model for the entire world.
The city he said the city on the hill, but now it’s losing it all.
America and the West are apostasizing.
The nation that used to lead its children in its public schools in the lord’s prayer all over the country, that nation is gone.
As I wrote in the return of the gods, it is transforming paganizing, apostasizing.
It’s no accident that the western nations are leading it because that’s what apostasy is.
You have known something and you fall away from it.
In order to have the antichrist, you first had to have the Christ and fall away.
Turn away from the Christ. You’ll get the antichrist.
It’s those very nations that have the potential for the greatest evil.
The greatest evils in the world in modern world have come from the west. Even communism came from the west.
Not theism came from the west. Fascism came from the west. What’s happening now came from the west?
Because when you turn away from god, you get worse.
And as we continue this on Sunday, but something else I will also mention, an amazing discovery also came out this week in from Israel the first ever such discovery, and it all had to do with the ancient events of Hanukkah first time in human history.
Just came this week. And it has to do with the end times, and it has to do with the message that I was led to give you on Sunday.
There is no just but let’s bring this home down.
There is no question We are living in an age of apostasy. There is no question.
This is a sign of the last days the Bible said it. You’ve got it. The answer.
So what’s the the answer is in how the Macabees responded because if this is a the shadow of what’s happening now, we have a shadow of how to overcome.
And I’m just gonna say this. I’m just gonna finish with this.
The first thing that happened was this.
They were defeated until this one guy, the father of the MacKabees, mathathias.
He stands up and he says, that’s it. That you’ve crossed the final law. That’s it.
I am not I am not bending with this. I’m not I’m not going with this anymore.
I’m not even gonna I’m not gonna just sit anymore. I’m drawing the line right here.
And the thing is that’s when the revolt happened. That’s when god anointed him.
And the key is You have to draw your line in this act. Draw your line.
If you don’t, the culture is going down, and it will take you down with it.
Matathiah said this is enough. No more. This is too much.
If you don’t draw the line in the sand, there is no stopping it in your life.
Just as for the churches that hypothesized, it began with a little weakness.
Let’s just give in a little bit if they’re gone. Example, you’re a parent.
You thought Disney was safe, maybe it used to be. But every year, things get darker.
Something else is introduced step by step, 1st subtly, 1st a little bit, then it becomes more brazen, then it becomes more major, then it becomes, well, it’s not a side issue anymore.
So where’s your line? What are you gonna allow your children to watch? Where’s your line?
You have to draw the line or you’re gonna be taken.
There I think because if this all happened years ago, you’d say this is bizarre Get rib. This is horrible.
Get it out of my house. But now because it happens step by step, draw your line.
The key is he made his center. So he drew his line and he made a stand.
You know, apostasy means to fall away from the stand.
Well, the key about a the end times is you have to make a stand.
That means drawing the line wherever you have to do, whether it’s do whether it’s children’s programming for your children, whether adult programming for yourself.
What you will watch, what you won’t watch, what you will do, what you won’t do, what you will obey, and what you will not obey.
It means making a stand. Matathias said, I don’t care what the rest of the nation does.
I am not gonna I am not gonna let this happen anymore. I am standing.
You’re gonna take the same thing. Same attitude. I will not do that.
I don’t care if they take away my job. I will not do that. I will not defile god.
Not don’t be afraid to say no.
That’s all you know, a bully is a bully until you say no.
I don’t care the prices they seek to deplatform me, defund me. I don’t care.
I will not burn the incense to Caesar 1st century. Make your decision now.
I will not bow my deed a bell. Days of Elijah. Draw the line now. Make the decision now.
Make the commitment now. You know, you I will not do that. I will not go along with that.
When that that’s it. I don’t care of. And the other the most important thing as well.
Last thing, If you’re gonna stand against the falling away, you gotta be holding on to something.
If the whole world is falling away because they don’t have a grounding, they don’t have a they don’t need anything to stand on.
The Macabees didn’t just resist. They obeyed god. They had faith. They held to god.
You need to do the same, especially now. You gotta get that bond that you have to god stronger.
This is Jonathan Khan. Thanks for watching.
The Josiah manifesto and all my books you can get anywhere, Amazon, wherever books are sold.
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