Be Irreverent | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Be Irreverent | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Message 2416 – Like a Lion!
One of the most overlooked dynamics of a powerful and victorious walk – Abraham had it, Moses had it, Ruth had it, Elijah had it, Paul had it, and so many more. It could be the missing puzzle piece for you to live a life of power.
Monday, August 21, 2023
Messiah told a Pharisee, “He who’s forgiven much, loves much. He who’s been forgiven little, loves little.” Does that mean the Pharisee didn’t have as many sins as the sinful woman? He read Scripture, prayed and gave tithes. He didn’t think he had a lot to be forgiven for. He was just as much a sinner as anyone else, but he didn’t realize it. We’re all infinitely separated from God and need His infinite forgiveness. The one who loves more is the one who realizes they’ve been forgiven more and receives it. Believers who think they really don’t need a lot of forgiveness are the ones who will love less, rejoice less, and live less on fire for God. But those who know the ugliness of their sin and the immense price paid, know that without God there’s nothing. You’ve been forgiven an eternity of judgment. That’s enough for you to become a person who loves much, forgives much, rejoices much and lives all out for God. Because Messiah has done it, and that’s enough for you to live a life of love and joy.
Now it’s important that, again, that original word that he uses to describe that neighbor.
Again, it can mean without modesty. The guy has no modesty. Has no shame, shameless.
How could he commend this guy? It all depends what it’s about.
It depends when you’re when you’re seeking god, is it just about your will and not submit it to his will?
That’s that doesn’t guarantee an answer. It’s when it is the will of god.
And when you’re also when you’re doing it for god’s purpose and glory, whatever you’re asking, it doesn’t mean it can’t be something you enjoy, but you’re doing it for god.
He’s gonna honor that one way or the other.
If you’re just doing it for selfish means in the thing, that motive isn’t right, that that don’t expect it.
But you think, wait, shameless this is not of god. Without shame, have you no shame?
We have a culture that has no shame. Wait a minute, but what did Paul say?
I am not ashamed. So there is a godly shamelessness And there’s a good shamefulness when you have sinned and you’re ashamed and you repent and move on with god.
Good. That’s a good shame. You don’t stay in it, but it leads you back.
When it comes to sin, shame can shame could be a lifesaver because it can lead to repentance and salvation.
But when it comes to the gospel, the things of god, shame is not a good thing.
You should not be ashamed of god. You should not be ashamed of the name of Messiah Jesus.
And especially in a culture that wants you to be ashamed, you have to be like Paul saying, I am not ashamed.
I am not ashamed of the gospel, and he because he was in a he was in a culture that was like ours.
In many ways, it was anti god. And we’re watching this culture become increasingly like that.
So he said, right to the Roman world, I am not ashamed of the gospel.
It is the power of god for salvation to everyone who believes the Jew and the Gentile.
So there is a godly, shamelessness There is, and this Greek word also has about the it also could be translated with no reverence.
No reverence. Wait a minute. Revance is good. We’re supposed to be reverend. Right?
But, you know, you know, we we call ministers Reverend. That means reve that’s from reverence. Yes.
To the things of god, we show reverence, but not for other things.
In other words, we don’t show you’re not to show any reverence to sin You’re not to show any reverence to the gods of this world.
You say, oh, but you have to respect all religions. You have to respect all opinions.
all faith, all are out. No. You don’t. How about human sacrifice, religion? No. We don’t respect that.
How about Buddha religion? No. We don’t respect that. You have to respect all beliefs. Yeah. How about Nazism?
I don’t respect that. Communism, I don’t respect that either.
We respect people Even people who re who believe those things, we respect them, but we don’t respect the thing that’s not of god.
There’s a holy spirit boldness You know, in in in Exodus, when they’re they go, you know, they’re the time of the Red Sea, they sing that song of the lord, and says the in in Hebrew, the lord is my strength, or the lord is my oase.
The word for strength, oase My lord is it, but it also means boldness.
The lord is my boldness. You know, strength and boldness go together.
A person who’s bold in the lord is gonna be strong in the lord.
I’m not saying bold in their ego in the lord.
Bold in the lord, they will be strong in the lord. Listen to this proverb.
Proverbs 28, it says this, verse 1. The wicked flee when nobody’s pursuing them.
But the righteous are as bold as a lion. bold as a lion. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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- The Act of Holy Comparison | Jonathan Cahn SermonTháng 4 21, 2023