Babies Came up With The Word for ‘Father’ | Jonathan Cahn

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Babies Came up With The Word for ‘Father’

To get Jonathan Cahn’s full message “The Abba” #2405, go here: (Go To Message #2405).

A culture at war with fatherhood, and the amazing picture that God gives of the Father’s heart to you, and the amazing revelation of the Abba. What the name of God has to do with you as a baby..

Monday, May 29, 2023 – You’ve Heard… But I Say

Messiah said more than once these words: “You have heard that it was said, but I say to you.” He now says the same words to you. And what it means is this: everything you’ve heard before, the old voices, the old temptations, the old life is not to you anymore, but what Messiah says is to you. When you’re being tempted, don’t take it as being to you anymore. If the enemy is talking, don’t take it personally, it’s not to you. But take the things Messiah says to you personally. When you read the Bible, it’s for you personally. If God gives a command, take it to you, personally. God so loved you, He gave His only Son. All the other voices, the temptations, the condemnation, the intimidation, it’s not to you anymore. Take the Word of God, the Word of Messiah as completely personal, totally relevant to you here and now. It will make all the difference in the world to your life. Because Messiah is talking to you, even right now through this teaching; it’s to you personally, so listen to His voice. It’s the only thing that matters in the end, because He just happens to be talking to you.

I want to seal this by taking up something I shared on Mother’s day.
A strange thing when you to mothers, but it applies to us when you go across the earth and you hear the languages of Europe, of Europe, the nations of India, of the Orient, of Africa, of Russia, of the Middle East.
Onward, the languages are very different, most of them from continent to continent.
But the word for mother is virtually the same or a variation of the same word all across Chinese Indian, Russian, German.
It has that Ma Ma Ma, in some way, Hebrew, what about the word for father?
And I, I shared the reason for this with mother. So what about father? When you go across the world?
You see a different phenomenon. It’s similar but different.
But it’s, it’s actually very similar, but there’s some differences with father.
There’s not one sound like because that’s linked to the child needing milk, but it’s, you don’t have one sound like that.
Nevertheless, there’s a similarity Italian Italy. Well, you know it, Papa Swedish different language. Papa German, very different.
Papa, East Asian Turkish, Russian, Papa, Polish Tata, Chinese, Baba papa is used is another one in Hebrew Baba in a same papa.
But you know, it’s not one sound but it’s almost one sound. It’s very similar.
Tata, same papa, Baba, almost all the same.
Why the word for father was not created by parents. It was created by babies.
Babies came up with that word.
We use that word to this day because babies came up with it in the, it wasn’t adults teaching me, it was babies teaching adults.
It was the Children. It’s a baby word because it’s one of the first things a baby can say.
One of the first things. Each of us that you said the first sound before you could say all these things, we say all these things.
When you were expressing yourself, you said something like that.
You said or you might have even spoke in Hebrew and you didn’t know it first up.
But unlike the word for mother, ma mama, it’s not bound by a specific need.
It’s the child here just expressing himself or herself.
It’s the first expression of the child’s heart, the child’s joy, the child’s song, the child, the child love.
The thing is, it’s the most simple of words that a baby came up with.
Listen, this the most the baby came up with a word has become the name of God.
Was that what we call God? Father? That’s much more adult. Father.
Our father who art in heaven. That’s very adult.
Where’s the word father come from, father comes from an ancient Sanskrit word from which we get the Greek and Latin word father German is, wait, how the word comes from?
Papa? They added that ending but it’s papa. The baby came up with father.
Even the word our heavenly father came from a baby’s lips that it came from a baby.
We from that word, we get the word patriot means of the fatherland.
We get now what? There’s a war against the quote, patriarchy, hate the patriarchy.
But the word comes from, from the need of a baby among our first cries ever was that we still need the father.
I don’t care how old you are. You still need the father. Hi, I’m Jonathan Kahn.
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