Baal Khalamote | Jonathan Cahn

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Baal Khalamote

Baal Khalamote #2265. The fascinating and deep mystery of the Messiah as revealed in the story of Joseph Continues. Joseph becomes the master of dreams & reveals Messiah as the Dream Master.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

In the first century, Caesar issued a decree: anyone robbing or disturbing any tomb in Nazareth or Judea was to be executed. What’s strange about that? Who on earth were less likely to touch a dead body than the Jewish people who had laws against it? And as for Nazareth, it’s not even mentioned in the rabbinical writings. So why did Caesar issue a decree there? Undoubtedly, a report or rumor came to him about Yeshua, Jesus of Nazareth, and an empty tomb. The accusations in Matthew 28:13 of tomb theft only prove that the tomb was empty. But nobody could have made it empty except God. The only One who disturbed the tomb was God. So the Nazareth Decree is further evidence that the tomb was empty. So, if you are with God, you have the same power – to disturb tombs. Disturb the tomb of the old self, the old habit, the old situation. You have the power to make things come alive that were dead. Go into that dead situation and make it come alive by the power of God. Go in there and disturb that tomb.

We are moving forward in one of the series.
We’re doing several different series on Friday and we’re changing them.
Uh We rotate them, but this one is one opening up an amazing foreshadow of the Messiah in the first book of the Bible.
And I love this because it’s deep and it just glorifies the Lord.
And um and it, and it’s, you may be as I’m sharing this, you may see other things that I’m not even talking about because this is so rich.
What’s in here? This is the foreshadow of Messiah.
It is the actual account of the man called Joseph or Joseph.
And let’s begin, let me just, we’re not at this part, but we wanna just kind of recap.
So in this genesis 37 open up or as we look to look to verse one, Jacob lived in the land where his father had sojourned in the land of these are the records of the generations of Jacob Joseph when he was 17 years old, was pasturing the flock with his brothers while he was still a youth along with the sons of Ilha, sons of ZPA, his father’s wives and Joseph brought back a bad report about them to their father.
Now, Israel, that’s Jacob loved Joseph more than his, the rest of his sons because he was the son of his old age.
He made him a very, very color tune.
His brother saw that his father loved him more than all his brothers.
And so they hated him and couldn’t not speak on friendly terms with him.
Then Joseph had a dream and he told his brothers when they told it to them, they hated him even more.
Ok? And he tells his dream. So it begins with Joseph the dreamer.
He has a dream and the dream he has is one of sheaves of grain of his brothers.
12 of them bowing down to his.
Then he has another dream where where basically the sun, the moon and the stars are basically bowing down to him.
And so, and so his brothers hate him even more because of the dreams, but also because he’s the beloved he’s loved even more.
And so the amazing thing beyond the story, the story is real and it happened and I was actually in the West Bank not long ago where in Samaria we’re gonna go there on the mystery.
Do you actually see where Joseph was? But it is also an amazing shadow of the Messiah Joseph.
Even the rabbi saw the story of Joseph as being a shadow of the Messiah who was gonna come.
Now, they didn’t know it was Jesus, but they still spoke about saying this is what Messiah is gonna be like.
We’re gonna talk about dreams. Uh Actually the, the, that’s what it has to do with, it has to do with the man who was the master of Dreams.
You see the title here is in Hebrew. Uh But I’ll try that. OK?
That’s not, not so easy, but Bob, that means the Lord of Dreams or the Master of Dreams or the dream master.
That’s the word used in this text. And it’s an amazing title. Dreams. We all have them.
And uh you know, we always get, if you’re a pastor, you always get people coming up and they will say here’s my dream.
What does it mean? And it could be from the Lord.
Most of our dreams are just dreams but the Lord can speak and I’ve seen that as well in my life.
Occasionally something can be of the Lord. Well, this will have to do with that aspect.
Now, dreams that are from God, then there’s another way we use the word dreams and that is the dream.
I have a dream for my life. I have a dream. I have a desire, I have a vision.
Well, that’s the other thing. So this is all gonna touch on that as well.
But this is as we go through this, it’s gonna be deep, so focus because there’s some deep things here and uh but it’s very rewarding.
What’s here. First of all, we’ve got Joseph Joseph, his real name is Joseph, which means he shall increase.
He is the son, the beloved son of the father. Well, Messiah is the beloved son of the father God.
Joseph is rejected by his brothers. Messiah is rejected by his brothers. Joseph is stripped of his clothes.
Messiah is stripped of his clothes. Joseph is handed over to the gentiles. Messiah is handed over to the gentiles.
Joseph goes down, descends, begins a descent to Egypt. Messiah descends to death. Joseph is taken for dead.
It’s a type of death. He’s taken as dead. His father believes he’s dead. They say he’s dead.
The brothers say he’s gone. So he goes to the type of it.
But Messiah actually goes through the reality of it.
And so Messiah, just as Joseph is separated from his family, Messiah has been separated from his family for 2000 years.
There’s only been those the Jewish people who have believed in him.
But by and large, Messiah has been separated just like Joseph.
So it’s amazing because the rabbi said this one is a shadow of Messiah.
And so, but what does that mean?
It means that the Messiah is gonna be somebody you rejected, it’s gonna be somebody who’s separated from Israel.
So there’s only in other words, there’s one and that’s Jesus or yes, you.
So when Joseph comes to approach his brothers, his brothers see him coming and as they see him coming.
They, they say, and this is verse 19, they said to each other. Here comes this dreamer, OK.
Sarcastic when they say that when they say that you read that in your English, but it doesn’t capture the Hebrew.
Here comes this dreamer, but what they called him was here comes the master of dreams.
Here comes the dream master or the Lord of Dreams, they reject him, they strip him as we said, they throw him into a pit and then they sell him to passers by who are going to take him down as a slave, take him down to Egypt.
He goes to Egypt in Egypt.
He is, he is falsely accused because the the wife of his master tries to seduce him.
He rejects that. She accuses him of raping her. And so he is thrown, falsely accused, thrown in prison.
He had done nothing wrong, innocent and yet he’s falsely accused another shadow of Messiah.
It says in Isaiah 53 Isaiah, when he does that amazing prophecy that speaks of Messiahs coming.
He says though he had done no wrong, no wrong, he was, he was yet he was accused, he was, he was judged, he was punished a shadow.
This is all a shadow of Messiah Jesus who’s gonna suffer for the sins of others, not because of him in one of the rabbis, yet in one of the ancient writings of the rabbis.
And sometimes we look at this because it’s amazing because they don’t, they are denying Jesus.
So we don’t follow them, but they actually are bearing witness of Jesus without trying to, which is a powerful witness.
It’s a hostile witness. The rabbi said, you know, today, they will say that Isaiah 53 when it talks about the suffering savior, it’s not about Messiah, it’s about Israel.
Well, well, we’ve got writings from more ancient times where those rabbis are saying clearly Isaiah 53 the man who suffers for our sins is the Messiah.
One of them is called Jonathan. A translation says on Isaiah 52 53.
It says that the verse uh it says, behold my servant, the Messiah.
It’s saying this whole all this is about the Messiah and the one who’s gonna suffer.
But it also says he shall prosper in Isaiah 53 52 53. It talks about Messiah also prospering.
So you got a picture of Joseph going down and down and down.
And then all of a sudden he’s gonna start prospering when he gets to the bottom, he’s gonna start rising up.
That is a, that is a foreshadow of the Messiah who’s going to descend and descend and humble and get lower and lower and lower.
Until when he gets to the lowest point of death, he’s gonna be raised up to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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