An Inconvenient Time – Sarah Jakes Roberts
An Inconvenient Time
God’s Messages
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
I believe. And I don’t know if you’re like me, that this is not just by coincidence or happen stance, but that God literally designed for us to come together in the spirit.
Listen, we don’t have to be in the same room.
All we have to do is come together in the spirit because when we come into the spirit, the spirit knows all things and the spirit meets us, right where we and so I’m praying already that the breakthrough that you’ve been looking for has already taken place and that this is just gonna be icing on the cake that you’ve already got vision that you’ve already got strength that you’ve already got wisdom to run your race in a fresh new way.
And so spirit of the living God is gonna fall like never before.
And when it falls, it’s gonna meet each of us exactly where we are. So let’s get into this word.
I’m gonna be an exodus too. This isn’t an unfamiliar text.
As a matter of fact, I know because you guys are always feeding off of the word and it’s so rich and abundant that for some of you, this is just gonna be like you could recite it, word for word.
But I believe as I was studying that God gave me a fresh perspective and I wanna share that perspective with you, especially as we talk about God pushing and propelling us into purpose, gonna be an exodus too.
I’m gonna start in verse seven.
Like I said, most of us know the story of Moses and his entrance into the world.
After 400 years of slavery. God sends a deliverer at a time when the first, when the sons of the Hebrew Children were supposed to be being murdered, he sent a deliverer whose life he would preserve so that he could ultimately bring the Children of Israel out of captivity.
So I wanna to dissect a little bit how Moses came into the world.
And there are three women who played a pivotal role in his purpose and his deliverance being incubated so that it could ultimately come to fruition.
And he would become this hero in the faith that we know him as I’m gonna start in verse seven.
This is after Moses’s mother has had him, he’s grown and she realized she can no longer hide him anymore because like I said earlier, that the sons of the Hebrews were supposed to be murdered because they were growing so strong and mighty.
But his mother had a clue that she wasn’t gonna allow this to happen to her child.
And so she kept him for as long as she could.
But the time came when it had to be out of her hands, how many of us can relate to that?
There are moments when we do all that we can, but we know that there are some outcomes that are out of our hands.
And so she creates this arc and she puts him in the river and she tells his sister to watch over him and she watches over him and he ends up floating to the area where Pharaoh’s daughter was out taking a bath.
And that is where we are.
When we pick up in verse seven, it says, then his sister, this is Moses sister said to Pharaoh’s daughter, shall I go and call a nurse for you from the Hebrew women that she may nurse the child for you.
And Pharaoh’s daughter said to her go. So the maiden went and called to the child’s mother.
Then Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, take this child away and nurse him for me and I will give you your wages.
So the woman took the child and nursed him.
And verse 10 says, and the child grew and she brought him to pharaoh’s daughter and he became her son.
So she called his name Moses saying because I drew him out of the water.
Three women here all with a different purpose, all in an inconvenient time.
That is my subject for those of you who like to take notes in inconvenient time.
Father, this word has been marinating in my spirit for quite a few days now.
And it is my prayer that you would allow this word to flow like the very river that brought Moses to Pharaoh’s daughter.
And that as this word flows, that it would meet my sisters exactly where they are, that it would meet your daughters right where they are father and that it would bring deliverance to them.
Father send a word that meets them right in the middle of their circumstances and causes them to be set free.
Father God, we know that you knew 2020 was gonna be taking place exactly how it has unfolded.
You knew exactly where we would be exactly in this moment.
And father, we know that you send a word and it does not return into you void.
And so father, I’m asked that you that, that you would fill this word out, that it would take on a new life and that it would breathe father fresh, fresh, anointing over your daughter’s father.
And that there would be supernatural breakthrough. Like never before we proclaim deliverance.
In the name of Jesus, we proclaim breakthrough in the name of Jesus.
We proclaim that it is done, it is sealed in heaven.
And because it is sealed in heaven, it must be sealed in the earth, Father God.
We come into alignment with what this moment is supposed to be. And we say have your way.
Great God that you are. Leave nothing on the generation from what takes place in this moment in Jesus name.
I pray. Amen. And amen again.
I don’t care if you’re in a room full of people or somewhere by yourself.
I want you to say amen. I want you to bring your spirit into alignment with what God already knows.
This word is gonna be. You see, just because we don’t have a neighbor to nudge.
Now, the way that we used to be doesn’t mean that we can’t come into agreement with what God is doing in the spirit.
As a matter of fact, I want someone to get their expectation up.
As a matter of fact, I want feared saying that you’re just one praise away from being positioned properly, that you’re just one breakthrough away from being positioned properly.
I know you got things to away so convenient praise.
I want, I’m sorry, something to give it to me.
And that when you give me an inconvenient praise, I can give you an inconvenient breakthrough.
One that eyes don’t understand one that people can’t wrap their mind around, but I can give you the type of breakthrough that radically shifts your life.
And so I want you to bring your spirit into alignment with the expectation of what this moment is supposed to be.
I feel God stirring already and I’ve been praying like I said, that God would just sit on this word because I don’t know if you’re like me every now and then I take a moment and I say, wow, 2020 has really been on one.
Ok. It has really, really been one of the most challenging years that I know that this country, this nation, this world has faced for quite some time.
And every now and then my husband and I, we sit back and we talk about just the many ways in which 2020 has been challenging.
And I think one of the things that I keep coming to understand is that one of the reasons why 2020 has been so challenging is because what used to be convenient and easy to do is now inconvenient, simple things like going to the grocery store, you could just pick up your keys and walk out of the house.
Now you gotta make sure you’ve got your mask and your gloves and your hand sanitizers.
There are some things that we were able to avoid before 2020 because it was inconvenient.
But 2020 has made a demand that we confront things that are inconvenient because listen, if we don’t confront the things that are inconvenient, then we can’t accomplish what must be accomplished in our households and our businesses and our churches and communities, you know, when my husband and I get tired of our kids, I mean, when we need to connect with the spirit away from the Children, we would just go to the movies or go and have a nice dinner.
That was our way of escaping the inconvenience of someone knocking on the door every five minutes.
But we can’t do that. Now, we’re used to having an escape when things are inconvenient.
And I feel like one of the greatest struggles of 2020 is that there is no escape from inconvenience.
When they told me that we were gonna be connecting like this.
They told me that they wanted us to push to, to really push and propel you all into your purpose using God’s word.
And I couldn’t help but think about how inconvenient purpose can be. You.
See if we think that in that purpose is about our comfort and about things going the way that we want them to and about having an environment that doesn’t require sacrifice and doesn’t require us to cost uh to pay anything.
Then we’ll end up thinking that purpose comes easy.
We’ll look at other people’s life and we’ll say to ourselves, wow, that came so easy for them.
But in order for me to do that, I would have to be inconvenienced. I would have to move.
I would have to relocate. I would have to go back to school. I would have to be inconvenienced.
And so we end up staying stagnant because we recognize that sometimes inconvenience costs too much.
But like I said, if there’s any gift that 2020 has given us, and sometimes I promise you.
It doesn’t feel like a gift.
It is the reality that inconvenience can be confronted that sometimes the only way to progress is not to avoid the inconvenience, but to look at it dead on and say it must be in, it must be inconvenient.
But I’m gonna confront it anyway. It might be a struggle, but I’m gonna confront it anyway.
It may be difficult, but I’m gonna confront it anyway.
I wanna talk to somebody who’s been struggling with inconveniencing and feeling like just because I’ve been inconvenienced, doesn’t mean that I can’t move to the next level.
There’s gotta be somebody who’s watching this message right now and they’re beginning to size up what they were once calling inconvenience.
And I hear God saying that we have to come to a place where we are willing to say it may be inconveniencing me.
But at the end of the day, my obedience is greater than the inconvenience.
Can you overcome inconvenience in order to be aligned with obedience when God calls you to do something, when God calls you to move, when he calls you to write, when he calls you to start that business, when he calls you to raise those Children, when he calls you to go into therapy, are you willing to be inconvenienced to get it done?
You see, because purpose isn’t for those types of people who must have everything positioned properly in order for them to flourish.
Purpose is for the, those types of people who say I’m the rose that grew from the concrete.
I’m the girl who didn’t have all of the support and I didn’t have the family structure to make things easy.
But what I decided is against all odds that I don’t mind being inconvenienced. I’ll raise the Children by myself.
If I have to, I’ll roll up my sleeves and go and work two or three jobs if I have to inconvenience.
Avoiding in convenience is a luxury. There are some people who have decided it may cost.
I may have to get on the bus. I may have to scratch some things together.
I may have to learn. I may have to stretch.
I may have to have to break out of my shell.
But at the end of the day, I don’t mind being inconvenienced to get it done.
And no, I may not always look cute doing it and no, I may have to save and scratch in order to get it done.
But what is ahead of me is greater than the inconvenience that is in front of me.
So I’m willing to overcome this inconvenience because my obedience depends on it.
You see, I don’t know about you, but I’m one of those people who recognize that inconvenience is nothing when I’m doing what God has called me to do.
That inconvenience is our earthly thing, but nothing is inconvenient for God. So when I get more of God’s spirit.
I swell and I become someone who doesn’t mind inconvenience because I recognize who’s working down on the inside of me.
God has never been inconvenience. It never cost him anything to be God. And I wanna be like God.
So I gotta come into alignment where I decide it doesn’t cost me anything to be.
Do it on this show. I’ll do it on this show. God.
If you want me to do it in an empty room, I’ll do it in a and doing it, the convenience glory.
I don’t mind being inconvenienced for glory.
And that’s where we got to live.
And that’s why 2020 has been training us because we’re gonna come out of this.
And when we come out of this, God is still gonna be looking for people who don’t mind being inconvenienced.
So you’re inconvenienced, but you’re watching this.
And I’m telling you my job, God told me my job was to help you face it anyway, to recognize it might be inconvenient, but we gotta go to therapy, it might be inconvenient, but I gotta go back to school.
It might be inconvenient, but I have to get it done anyway.
Because if you can’t be inconvenience, then you can’t be in purpose.
I’ll tell you why, purpose and inconvenience go hand in hand.
You see that word, purpose has been hijacked by the culture so much that some of us don’t even know what purpose is.
Is it my gifts and my talents. Is it something that I’m good at?
Is it something that I’m passionate about?
But I want you to know that the way that I believe God sees purpose is connected to deliverance, that purpose is not just that thing that’s gonna make me rich and famous.
That’s the culture hijacking that word, purpose, purpose. I like to define it.
Like this is the thing that I do in the earth that requires me to need God.
The most purpose is what I know allows God to work through me to set someone else free.
If you have a purpose and I want you to write this down and you’re, you’re questioning what purpose is, you’re trying to figure out what your purpose is.
I want you to know, I want you to see rather can you draw a line between purpose and deliverance?
What is set free as a result of my purpose?
Who is set free as a result of my purpose?
You see, because when you can see the deliverance connected to the purpose, then you don’t mind facing inconvenience because you recognize if I’m not inconvenienced, then they aren’t set free.
That’s what happens when purpose becomes bigger than you is when you say to yourself, it may cost me on this end.
But if it means that they’re free on that end, then I don’t mind paying the price to be aligned with what God is doing in the earth And I believe now more than ever that God is looking for women who do not mind being inconvenienced in order to produce purpose.
That’s why I love this text so much because this text is about three women who are living in an inconvenient time.
And in spite of the inconvenient time that these three women are living in.
God has still assigned them with a purpose and a destiny that would allow deliverance to be manifested.
Because once again, nothing is inconvenient for God.
God’s not looking down and saying I might, should wait until they’re no longer in captivity.
And then I’ll go about doing my plan.
God’s not inconvenienced by what’s happening in the world because God is greater than anything that is happening in the world.
And that’s why He doesn’t need for us to be comfortable in order for His plan to be manifested.
He just needs a few women or a few men who don’t mind being inconvenienced.
These three women, these are the three women that God’s gonna use to help manifest the deliverance that the Hebrew people need three women.
Sometimes we think we need a large army that we need several people in order to effect change, that we need at least as many people on our side as there are on that side in order for us to affect change.
But I hear God saying that I really just need a few.
That’s why you have to be careful when you start forcing us to do things on the internet because all of a sudden the capacity is taken off of who we could have touched and maybe we would have had 5000.
But now we have access to 20 1000 because God said I’m gonna take the limit off of it.
And even in those 20,000 women, I only need one or two or three women who don’t mind being an army.
A few. You see, you have to understand in order to make something like this happen, it may affect 20,000 people, but there’s 20 people on the other end who are bringing deliverance to 20,000 people.
I’m reminded of Romans eight when it says that greater is he that is in than he that is in the world that speaks to me that even if it’s just me and God as the army, that, that’s all I need to effect change for the thousands.
God says I only need an army. A few. Everyone else may need a room full of thousands.
Everyone else may need millions of people in order to get it done.
But when God gets ready to do something in the earth, you better watch out for the people who have the least.
You better watch out for the people who have a few things going for Him.
I only have a few things I hear David and five smooth stones.
I only have a few things working for me.
But God knows how to take my few things and multiply them until they create amazing change.
I may only have a few disciples.
But Jesus said, I only need 12 disciples to get done what I need to get done.
And here we are 2000 years later talking about what Jesus did with him and 12 other people.
How is it that Jesus has been able to touch the lives of millions, perhaps even billions.
And it was just him and 12 disciples because God says, I know how to use an army of few.
Why am I laying this down?
Because I want you to recognize that you may not have everything that you need, that you may not have the team and the qualifications.
You may not have the experience that you’re looking for.
But I hear God saying that you just need a few. I just need a few.
I just need a few. I just need a few crazy women.
I just need a few women who don’t mind being inconvenience.
I just need a few women who don’t mind doing what I say do when I say do it, I just need a few women who are gonna bring deliverance.
I don’t know who this is for.
But I hear God saying that you wanna break a generational curse that is played generations of women who came behind you and you only feel like I’m just one woman.
I just got one idea. I just got a few opportunities and I hear God saying, baby, that’s all.
You only need a few things. I hear God saying, I’ll take it and I’ll multiply it.
That’s why God isn’t afraid of a few because God can take a few things and multiply it until it becomes a great thing.
You’re looking at a few things right now just a few years ago and yet God breathed on that preaching and now it’s been multiplied.
It’s not because I’m so good. It’s because God knows how to multiply a few your word.
I want you to grab it. It. I want you to grab it.
I want you to, they go through some things in order to be inconvenienced for breakthrough.
I know about bringing deliverance with an army of you.
There’s somebody watching this and I hear God saying, you and God are the only army you need.
I hear God saying that if you stay in line with me, you won’t need the studio to write the check.
You won’t need the big names to endorse who you are.
All you need is God working down on the inside of you and you’re willing to be inconvenienced to get it done.
Somebody’s been up till two and three o’clock in the morning researching things that they don’t have no business looking up being through, going through what they’ve gone through.
God say that somebody who doesn’t mind being inconvenienced, know what it means to open up the windows of you out a blessing.
You don’t have room enough to receive. It means that God said I will inconvenience myself to bless you.
And so when God gets ready to bring Deliverance to the Hebrew Children, he uses three women.
He uses three women, an army of few to bring deliverance to many.
An army of few. We may be few but we are mighty. I’m thinking about Gideon and his army.
There are an army of few and here we are just like an exodus in an inconvenient time.
And yet Deliverance is still necessary in an inconvenient time.
If we sit back and let the inconvenient time, dictate who we are in the earth, then we have discounted who God is in the earth.
But when we come to a place where we say to ourselves, it may be inconvenient on the earth, but it’s already done in heaven.
Then we position ourselves to be the bridge to allow what’s happening in heaven to invade the earth.
That’s why there are some conversations that will literally be beneath us.
Because at the end of the day, I’m focused on making sure that heaven touches earth.
And these three women, these three women who God uses in this inconvenient time, they are just an army of few.
But these three women play a pivotal role in bringing Deliverance.
I wanna tell you about these three women because I believe that these three women, one of them, or perhaps you’re all of them are down on the inside of you.
And I think it’s important that you recognize the divine identity that God has given you in an inconvenient time.
I studied these women because I recognized that purpose is gonna cost us something this year that for God to propel us into purpose means that we’re gonna have to be willing to become someone in an inconvenient time.
And when I studied these women, I wanted to see who they were in an inconvenient time because like I said, I believe that there is a version of them down on the inside of you.
These three women, moses’ mother, Moses’s sister and Pharaoh’s daughter.
These are the three women that God uses in three different functions in order to manifest deliverance.
Three different women, three different functions. One goal and that is to bring deliverance.
Let’s talk about moses’ mother in Exodus two and two.
My Bible tells me so the woman conceived and bore a son and she saw that he was a beautiful child.
She hit him three months. So she knows that as a male child, he’s supposed to be murdered.
But she saw that he was a beautiful child in an inconvenient time.
And so she made the decision to hide him.
Moses’ mother, her purpose in an inconvenient time was to birth and nurture deliverance. OK.
That’s good to me at first when I was studying this, I was saying to myself that her role was to birth deliverance in an inconvenient time.
You see, there are some of you watching and God has been telling you that it’s time for you to birth, but the time isn’t inconvenient.
And so I admired this woman because she birthed in an inconvenient time.
But as I studied a little bit more, I realized that it, it’s not enough to just birth in an inconvenient time.
If you’re not gonna nurture it, you see, there are a lot of people who can birth ideas, they can birth vision, but you have to be willing to nurture that thing that you birth or you could end up killing it.
So she births and she nurtures Moses who will be deliverance.
Your, your purpose has to not just be birth, but you have to nurture it.
You have to tend to it. You have to sacrifice for it in this time.
Can you imagine what it was like to be moses’ mother with a male child?
She had to change the way that she functioned and who she allowed into her home and who she allowed to stay out of her home because she recognized that she was trying to nurture something that shouldn’t be able to exist.
I feel that for somebody that if you’re gonna birth this purpose, that it may not be able to be birthed in the environment that you currently have set up and you’ll end up birthing something but don’t have the environment to nurture it properly.
And I hear God saying that if you’re gonna birth this vision, if you’re gonna birth this nonprofit, if you’re gonna birth this degree, if you’re gonna birth this business, if you’re gonna birth this promotion, I don’t know who I’m talking to, but I know God has been speaking to some of my sisters.
If you’re gonna birth it, I want you to think beyond birthing it.
I want you to start thinking about what is it gonna take to nurture it?
Who am I gonna have to become?
What is my environment gonna have to look like in order for me to nurture it?
That’s one of the greatest lessons that I’ve learned in business.
Sometimes I would just start something and I thought it was enough to birth it, but it’s not enough to birth it.
If you can’t nurture it, it’s easier to birth it than it is to nurture it.
It’s easy to push out an idea. It’s easy to start a website.
But when it’s time to fulfill those orders and it’s time to meet those customers demand.
That’s when you start to nurture what you have birthed.
You’re watching this and I want you to look beyond birthing your purpose and ask God, do I have the proper environment to nurture it?
God helped me to understand the environment required to nurture this purpose.
This is how you know it was purpose though because the scripture makes sure to tell us.
And to that she looked at this male child and she saw that he was a beautiful child.
That word beautiful actually doesn’t mean beautiful in the way that we’re used to defining it.
It actually means good. It was a Hebrew word that was translated beautiful, but it was good.
I love this about this woman because it means that she looked at this Hebrew child and she saw good where someone else would have saw loss.
That’s how you know its purpose.
It’s because someone else would have looked at that child and said, oh God, I’m gonna lose you.
But this crazy woman who God is using to nurture deliverance, looks at it and says, this is a good thing.
I want you to look at that business and I want you to be able to say when I look at it, do I only see the loss that could occur or do I see it as good in spite of the environment that it has to exist in, in spite of the inconvenient time that I have to bring it forth in.
Can I look at it and see it as good when someone else would have seen it as loss?
Because when you see it as good, there are some things that are too good to let go.
When you see it as lost, you may end up sacrificing it. You may end up surrendering it.
But this woman, she looked at Moses, she looked at this child and she said you are too good to let go.
You’ve got too much going for you for me to just let it go.
And I feel like that’s what God has been birthing down on the inside of you, that anointing because it’s not just a gift or a talent that purpose that God is incubating and, and nurturing down on the inside of you is too good for you to let it go, man.
I feel this prophetically for somebody body that you’ve been going through the motions.
And every time you try to get this purpose off of the ground, you’re inconvenienced by, by one law or one by one barrier or the other.
And I hear God saying more clearly than ever that this thing is too good for you to let it go.
And that’s why you can’t release it the way that you wanna release it.
You wanna quit the job, you wanna walk away from the ministry.
But every time you get ready to walk away, you feel God pulling you back.
And I hear God saying that’s because I’m trying to tell you too good to let go.
That anointing is too good for you to walk away from that grace is too good for you to abandon.
I hear God saying it may be inconvenient but that doesn’t mean it’s not good.
That’s the word that he’s been trying to say we think because it’s inconvenient, that it means it’s not good.
And I hear God saying that just because it’s inconvenient doesn’t mean that it’s not God just because it’s inconvenient, doesn’t mean that I can’t use it anyway.
As a matter of fact, it needed to be inconvenient in order to be a delivery for her.
Why would God send deliverance to something that’s already been set free in order for there to be deliverance.
It’s gotta be in a tight space and it’s gotta feel too tight and you gotta feel like you’re losing it and you gotta feel like I’m crazy for signing up for this thing.
And God says that’s how, you know, it’s positioned properly for breakthrough because when you become who I’ve called you to be every barrier that’s been closing in on you, you’re gonna stretch with one good stretch and when you stretch everything that’s gonna be broken small right now, it’s heavy right now.
You’re tired right now. But I hear God saying I put you in a can break out of that box.
So when you break out yourself, every Yeah train and it’s going to grow is going to develop, keep nurturing the way way I’m going to send somebody who understands what it is that I’m inside of you.
And I hear God it’s only gonna work. It’s only gonna work.
If it feels like it’s threatened, it’s only gonna work. If all hell breaks loose.
I know this is crazy and it’s not even in my notes, but I hear God saying it’s only Deliverance.
If there’s war against it, it’s only deliverance.
If it feels tight, it’s only deliverance in order for there to be breakthrough.
It’s gotta feel small but it’s too good to let go.
It’s too good for you to walk away. I wanna move on.
But I feel like this is speaking to someone. This is too good of an opportunity.
This is too much anointing. This is too much power.
There’s too much possibility for you to pack up your toys and go home.
I hear God saying, I know you were hurt before. I know you’re scared to bring it out.
But I hear God saying that you got it healthy. Deliberate.
This one is different.
There were many Hebrew sons who were born in that time and some of them didn’t make it, but this one is different.
This isn’t like the other ones. This isn’t like the last time.
This isn’t like that time that made you shut down before this one is different and it’s too good for you to let go.
So moses’ mother has to readjust everything in an inconvenient time to hang on to something that’s too good to let go.
God, this ministry, God, this marriage, God, this child, this child is driving me crazy.
I don’t know what to do with them. God, but there’s too much good in it to let it go.
There’s too much good in it for me to let it die.
God, I may have to be on my last and I may have to pull some things that I’ve never had to work with before.
But this thing that you’re doing down on the inside of these, your daughters, God is too good for them to let go.
If that’s your word. I don’t know who you are.
If that’s your word, I want you to settle into a truth that it’s ok for it to be inconvenient and it’s ok for it to be harder than anything you’ve ever done before.
It’s ok for you to not know how it’s going to survive, to know that God is gonna help it survive because there’s help on the way you just birth it, you just nurture, it.
Don’t just have the idea, nurture the idea and help is gonna come when you need it.
It’s not time yet. She hid this child for three months before she needed help.
That means there was a time period when it was just her and the child, when it was just her and the purpose when it was just her and what God was doing and she nurtured it until help came and when it was time for her to let it go, and that meant that didn’t mean let it go as in letting it die.
But time for her to allow it to have a new chance of survival because there is this moment when it goes from being just you nurturing and birthing and idea to when you have to realize that this is too big for me and I need help and I need support so that it can survive.
See that is the crossroad of purpose that a lot of times we don’t make it to and sometimes when it gets too big, we think it’s too big and I’m supposed to quit.
And I hear God saying no, it’s too big. Now, you have to give it the best chance of survival.
And Moses’s mother says it’s too big for me to hide, to myself.
It’s too big for me to keep down on the inside of me.
Now I have to give it the best chance of survival.
So she makes an arc and the Bible says that she uses bull rushes and she uses asphalt and she pitches this tent because at the end of the day, I’ve got to give it the best chance of survival.
There will come a time in you development, there will come a time in your purpose where you realize this is too big to stay down on the inside of me anymore.
So now I need to give it the best chance of survival.
That means I may have to plug into my word in a different way.
It means I may have to register for an online conference, but what’s happening down on the inside of me.
I have to give it the best chance of survival in moses’.
Mother gives Moses the best chance of survival.
That first woman, her first purpose was to birth and nurture deliverance.
The second woman, moses’ sister, her responsibility and this is the responsibility of some of you watching is to protect Deliverance.
In Exodus two and four, it says, and his sister stood a far off to know what would be done to him.
Her purpose was to protect Deliverance in an inconvenient time.
Sometimes we spend so much time talking about birthing and nurturing purpose that we discredit.
One of the most powerful roles in purpose. And that is protecting the deliverance.
That means you may not be birthing it, but you are qualified to protect it.
Not everyone is meant to birth and nurture some people come along so that they can protect what God is doing in the earth.
I know how to protect Deliverance. Protection is different than just watching.
You see, his sister wasn’t just watching from afar.
She was protecting him from a are the difference between watching and protecting is I’m only watching until something tries to intervene with the deliverance.
If something tries to intervene with the Deliverance, then it is my job to activate the anointing that God has given me to protect what God is doing in the earth.
That’s why I said some of us have all of these roles some of us may just have one of them, but all of us in some way ought to be able to connect to these three women because his sister was called to protect Deliverance.
I believe wholeheartedly that each of us should have something in our life that we consider as our role to protect what God is doing in the earth.
I’m protecting the purpose of what God is doing in the earth.
I’m protecting the deliverance of what God is doing in the earth.
What’s unique about this instance with moses’ sister whose purpose was to protect Deliverance is that she didn’t know that what she was protecting would ultimately deliver her.
I talk about serving your way up.
You see, in that moment, she didn’t know who Moses was gonna be.
We have the beauty of hindsight because we’ve heard this story so many times, but in the moment she was just protecting what God is doing.
I wanna make sure that it stays safe.
I wanna make sure that nothing, no weapon formed against it will prosper. That is my role.
That is my position in this is to make sure that I protect that deliverance, that if anything comes up against it, that I will intervene.
But little does she know that the very thing that she is protecting would ultimately deliver her.
That’s a word for somebody who has been protecting people’s vision over and over again that you think that you’re just protecting their vision.
But God says, I’m making sure that everything that you protect ultimately gets into a position where it can deliver you.
That very thing that you been serving. I hear God saying is how you’re gonna end up getting your breakthrough.
There are some people who hustle their way up. There are some people who connect their way up.
There are some people who do whatever it takes in order to get a come up.
But I hear God saying there is a special anointing for people who serve their way up. I believe it.
And I’ve said it over and over again that when God gets ready to do something in the earth that he uses servants, he doesn’t use the people who have the big eagles.
He doesn’t use the people who have pride. They are a God all unto themselves.
I like to use people who know how to serve their way up.
I like to use people who understand that.
My job, my purpose here on the earth is to make sure that glory touches down on the earth.
And when glory touches down on the earth, that’s all that matters. To me.
His sister’s role was to watch and protect the deliverance and to trust that while she was protecting that God was watching.
And the last one, the last person, the last woman that we see in this role in this story is Pharaoh’s daughter and Pharaoh’s daughter.
Oh my God, I feel this. There’s an anointing on this. I don’t know who you are.
Pharaoh’s daughter’s role was to sustain deliverance. We’ve got birth and nurture deliverance.
We’ve got protect deliverance. But Pharaoh’s daughter, her role was to sustain the deliver.
And let’s go to Exodus two and six.
It says when she opened up the ark, she saw the child and behold the baby wept.
So she had compassion on him and said this is one of the Hebrews Children.
This is important because she recognizes that this is someone who has set deliverance in motion.
And she had an opportunity here and that opportunity would have been that she could have turned that Hebrew child in to the authorities and said that this is one of the ones that you’ve been looking to kill.
But instead she created an environment to sustain the deliverance that started before her.
Why do I feel like this is important because there has been deliverance that has occurred in your family?
And if you are not careful, it may not have started with you, but it will end with you.
See, you can’t look at what God has done in your family and just say that that was good for the other generations.
When we look back at our family, we ought to be looking back and saying God, what is the grace and the anointing that worked out well for my family that I wanna make sure echoes throughout the next generations.
Sometimes we focus so much on the generational curses that we let the generational blessings fall to the ground.
And I know everything hasn’t been perfect.
And I know perhaps there are some things that we wanna break off of our families, but there are some things that we ought to say to ourselves.
I will not let that thing in with me. There is an anointing on my father and my mother’s life.
And when I see them function in that anointing and I see the breakthrough that comes through them.
When they surrender themselves to God, there is a part of me that says, this has got to stay in the earth, my husband and I, we talk about it all of the time when we see some of the great heroes of faith who were alive in our generation pass on, we say to ourselves that this has got to stay alive in our generation.
And I hear God saying that the breakthrough that we’re gonna have for the next generations will be dependent on how well we carry the breakthrough that we’re already standing in.
I hear God saying, you don’t realize it because that breakthrough existed before you took your first breath.
But the fact that you are standing where you are standing is the fact that God is because God has delivered the generations that came before you.
And I just need an army of a few women who say to themselves.
I still got some generational curses to break, but I have some generational blessings that need to be sustained.
I got some generational blessings that I won’t let fall to the ground.
We used to say things like back in my grandmother’s day, that wouldn’t have happened.
But I hear your grandmother saying from heaven that it could have been back in her day.
But it could be today if there would be one person who said I won’t let it die on my watch.
I wish I had a few grace girls who would look back over what they’ve seen in other generations and would say to themselves, I’m gonna make sure that stays alive.
I’m gonna make sure integrity stays alive. I’m gonna make sure breakthrough stays alive. My sustain.
What happened before me? I hear civil rights leaders saying matter and I need someone to make sure that they carry on this time in saying that’s mad have a place where we can come and encounter God.
It serving the less fortunate than and we can’t let that thing die with.
Had one or two.
He was three crazy women is gonna be delivering anything connected to me.
You can use me in an and help me be the one who says things what’s already in the earth.
I hear somebody, I feel like somebody needs to make sure that the anointing that’s on your family’s life stays in the earth.
Your family has an anointing connected to them. Your generation has an anointing connected to them.
I know they got some problems and some issues, but there is an anointing connected to this thing.
And if you’re so busy looking at what went wrong, you won’t see what went right and that anointing will fall to the ground and he will be, didn’t realize that they had a few things going for him.
My family had a few things going for them and I’m going a few and multipliers until there’s a breakthrough.
I’m gonna take that few and I’m gonna make sure it is sustained in the earth.
That’s exactly what Pharaoh’s daughter does.
She makes sure that deliverance doesn’t end with her.
It didn’t start with you, but it might end with you if you’re not intentional about saying this needs to stay in the earth, this breakthrough, this servant hood, this anointing the spirit of community.
It’s gotta stay in the earth generosity. It’s gotta stay in the earth, giving and giving and giving.
I’m sitting up here preaching and I’m thinking about how my husband tells a story about his grandmother who would just give, give, give, give.
And now I see my husband and he’s constantly giving, giving, giving.
That’s a generational anointing that has been sustained through his actions.
What are you gonna sustain that has already been placed in the earth?
My assignment was to talk to you about purpose about God, pushing and propelling us into purpose.
But I feel like I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t take the time to let you know that purpose, his most powerful in an inconvenient time.
But it is not impossible in inconvenient times.
Did you hear that purpose is not impossible? In inconvenient times?
Purpose is not impossible.
And inconvenient times you’re watching this and tears are streaming down your face because it feels impossible because of the times we’re in.
How can I birth and nurture this deliverance in this inconvenient time? Moses’ mother taught us how to do that.
How can I protect this deliverance in an inconvenient time?
It’s inconvenient for me to be watching and nurturing and, and protecting what God is doing and someone else, how can I do this?
I would rather just go home and worry about myself. Why do I have to protect what God is doing?
It feels so inconvenient. And I hear God saying that’s possible in an inconvenient time if you don’t believe me, go look at what I did with Moses’s sister, God, how can I sustain this legacy of generosity and faith?
Faith, faith like my grandmother had faith, like my great grandparents had faith, like, like the people in my community had God.
How can I keep the faith in spite of all that’s happening in the news and happening in the world?
God, how can I have the faith of those people who came before me?
And I hear God saying it is possible to sustain deliverance.
If you don’t believe me, just look at what I did with Payroll’s daughter.
You see the Bible is so rich because it shows us about God’s history.
It teaches us about the character of God.
It shows us His rhythm and how he shows up in the earth.
Sis, you’re watching this in 2020 has been nothing, if not inconvenient.
Every time we turn around, what we used to be comfortable with has been shifted and changed in some way.
And yet the fact that you’re even receiving this message is possible. That purpose is possible in inconvenient times.
First, Baptist Glenarden has gone through great lengths to create this environment for you and even us here in Los Angeles, we’ve gone through great lengths to make sure that this gets to Glenarden so that we can make sure that the mission of the kingdom is not halted because of an inconvenient time.
We may be limping.
We may be hobbling and we may be tired, getting it done.
But we have stayed in our position of purpose.
My prayer for you is that you would maintain your position even in inconvenient times.
I wanna pray for you.
I wanna pray that you would assume your identity as a daughter of the most high.
And that as you assume that identity, no matter how old or young you are, that you would do so with the knowledge that inconvenient times, that’s an earthly thing that’s a fleshy thing.
Forgot though. What we call inconvenient is slight work for him.
You serve a God who looks at what we call inconvenient and says that’s nothing.
It’s never a matter of whether or not God can.
It’s only a matter of, if it’s in his plan, if it’s in my plan, it’s already done.
And if it’s not in my plan, you gotta trust my plan has taken into account what you really need in this moment.
And I’ve got a plan for that, that supersedes what you need. I wanna pray for you.
If you can, I want you to cup your hands like you’re receiving something.
If you can’t just open your heart.
But I believe that God is gonna pour out fresh vision, fresh strength, fresh power, fresh hope, fresh faith that He’s gonna allow His spirit to just rest on you in a fresh, new way.
And some of you, you need it so bad, so bad, it’s so dry down in your spirit, so empty, so broken, so hurt and so many questions.
But I hear God saying I am the God of inconvenient times.
I am the God of Brokenness and I am the God of disappointment.
And I have a plan through the midst of it all.
Father, my prayer is that our hearts would be open to receive this connection with you.
God, wherever there is a woman with her heart open and her hands cuffed.
Father, I pray that you would pour out your spirit just like you promised in that you would pour out your spirit.
Oh God. And that we would begin to prophesy over these dry bones that are in our soul, these dry bones that are in our spirit.
Father, we need to breathe life again, father.
And because you are life, it’s, it is my prayer that you would begin to breathe.
Like never before over every woman who’s watching this message that the wind of God would meet her down in the depths of her soul.
And that when the wind blows, it would blow away fear, it would blow away anxiety, it would blow away isolation.
I come against depression. In the name of Jesus.
I send the wind of God the breath of God over every person who is depressed right now in the name of Jesus.
I call forth the spirit of God that’s down on the inside of you. And I speak overflow.
I speak increase in the name of Jesus.
So God, I speak that you would allow your promises to stand up in them like never before.
For your promises, God are yes and amen. Father, I’m coming back for my sister.
I wanna be like Moses sister, protecting what you’re doing down on the inside of her.
And I intervene in the spirit realm. Father over every principality, over every demonic threat, over every darkness and depression.
And I say loose your heart in the name of Jesus.
I say loose your grasp in the name of Jesus who the son has delivered. My God.
He said free is free. Indeed.
So father, I just every single pull down every stronghold and may she rise up and take her position.
Inconvenience as the woman breakthrough power, fresh, anointing I be creativity.
It car come into your marriage, come into your finances.
We decree it in heaven and so it must Jesus.
We pray, may every grace girl watching this receive it.
Let it take fruit and let it produce fruit. In Jesus name.
I pray amen and amen again for first Baptist church, Glen. We love you.
We’re with you in the spirit, you’re stuck with us and there’s nothing you can do about it.
I wanna make sure that you allow this word to replay and all of the words you receive this week and let it replay and let it become your new identity.
Walk into this thing, let it push you, let it propel you, let it take you to the next dimension of God.
And we’re gonna look back on 2020 and realize that we were birthed in this season that was inconvenient and we’ll remember that forever and ever.
I love you. I can’t wait to be with you again.
God bless you.