AI CREEPING INTO THE PULPIT – Pastor Jack Hibbs Joins Rose

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AI CREEPING INTO THE PULPIT – Pastor Jack Hibbs Joins Rose

Unencumbered by political correctness, undeterred in her mission to spread the truth, unafraid to be a true conservative.
She’s unapologetic. Uncompromising, unwavering, and an undeniably powerful voice.
When we need it, most This is Rose Unplugged.
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Unencumbered by political correctness, undeterred in her mission to spread the truth, unafraid to be a true conservative.
She’s unapologetic. Uncompromising, unwavering, and an undeniably powerful voice.
When we need it, most This is Rose Unplugged.
This podcast episode is brought to you by My Pillow.
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Amazing. We were talking about artificial intelligence and how it’s creeping into every aspect of our lives, and the creepiest creep is into the pulpit.
So I’ve asked pastor Jack Hibbs to join me. I love this guy.
He leads Calvary Church, Chapel in Chino Hill.
And he has a television broadcast that’s called real life with Jack Hibbs. I watch it all the time.
I can’t get enough. It really inspires me and just gives me a real good handle on what’s going on and how I need to live my life.
You can go to jack hibbs dot com to check it out, but I’ve asked him to call and weigh in on this subject.
So, pastor Jack Gibbs, how are you?
Rose, I’m doing good. Thank you so much.
You know, I just I thank you for real life with Jack Hibbs.
It’s been a real blessing to me, and I I really do appreciate it.
And you are so unafraid to speak out, and that’s really important in this day, isn’t it?
I think for all of us.
Yeah. Absolutely. And look, that goes right back at you.
The reason why Rose, you and I do that is because we know what truth is. Yes.
And I think by by knowing that.
And I and I’m not talking about, you know, creating it or my truth or roses.
We know the truth So because of that, you can be, in my opinion, invincible, you know, and I believe that I am until the lord takes me home.
So at at my own peril, so to speak, emotion, unfortunately or mentally reason physically, I’m gonna speak the truth because I know that in my own life, the word of god, the truth of god has set my life free.
I was not born in a Christian church.
I didn’t have a Christian upbringing, but when I heard the truth of god’s word, it so set me free, and it’s so answered questions in my life that I’m now living for 1 and for a message that is greater than I could ever be.
So it’s a joy.
Yeah. It is. And, you know, you you know, you pull from your life experience.
You pull from what you’ve learned. Through reading scripture and being inspired by god and the Holy Spirit.
And then, you know, when you think about how important that is and how genuine and organic that is, And then you compare that to the experiment that happened not too long ago in Germany.
They had this artificial intelligence chatbot beating the service there. And it was an avatar.
It was personified by a man on a very big screen above the Ultra.
And this avatar started preaching, there was about 300 people that had shown up.
It was an experimental Lutheran church service. And it was almost entirely generated by this artificial intelligence.
So there there’s a there’s a concern here because and there were people that said afterwards there was no heart and soul in it.
The avatar showed no emotions at all. Well, duh, it’s not a human being.
And and so you’re having this AI generated sermon.
And how can that on any level compare to something that’s been inspired by god that someone who’s studied the word who’s lived their life following the word.
How does that even compare?
Well, I I am gonna answer your question and the best I can at this time.
And maybe under the file, waiting for more information. Number 1, You’re a hundred percent correct.
I saw that event as well.
Remember, this rose, there were not only 300 people that got into the building, But they gathered an hour and a half in a in in Germany.
That hasn’t happened in hundreds of years in line to go to church in Germany.
Most of the German churches are empty, but people got in line because of this thing that was gonna deliver a sermon.
But when people were leaving noticed and you hit the nail on the head, reporters were asking them, what’d you think?
And by far, people said, there was no emotion to it.
Now, Rose, here is where, again, I’m gonna stand on the truth of god, and it’s this.
People think this is new, and I get it. The technology is new.
But it’s been listen, it’s been waiting in a sense to arrive.
The book of Revelation tells us in chapter 13 that in the last days, there’s gonna be this consummate politician who’s gonna answer the world’s problems, and he’s gonna have an avatar with him.
It actually says that he will have an image that can both speak and breathe — Wow.

and con and will communicate to people. This is Revelation 13. So here’s my this is my opinion.
This is 1 reporter’s opinion. What people said about it lacking life and emotion.
Imagine the day when the antichrist is how he goes by when he’s got this thing, this this avatar thing that I believe, like, times of old during the Apostle Paul in Jesus’ days, What happens, Rose, when this thing gets possessed by a demonic entity?
What happens when some sort of demonic invisible power takes over an object.
This is called idolatry in the Old and New Testament.
But Paulie Palsa Warren, don’t pray to idols because when you do, you’re actually bowing down to demons.
Well, what ifs? This technology morphs as it were where the dark sinister world of Satan winds up to inhabit things like what you saw in Germany.
Yeah. It lacked life. But listen, it’s it’s not path to Satan to mimic a lot of god’s miracles.
We see that — That’s right.

holding your testament. So the believer today needs to be grounded in the Bible more than ever before to navigate these days.
Because the level of just reception. Look, we have we’re seeing left and right. You’re reading.
I read stories about this all the time because it fascinates me, but artificial intelligence.
It screws up so many times. And it’s deceptive and and misleading.
And I remember there was a, gosh, it was a non profit. I think it was a eating disorder hotline.
All of the employees were fired because I think they wanted to unionize.
So they brought in artificial intelligence to do their job.
Well, it turned out that the AI was encouraging people in their disorders rather than helping them out of their disorders.
So there is a level of deception here that I think is something that we have to be really aware of.
Yeah. Absolutely. I mean, Jesus who has never been wrong and he’ll never be wrong said that in the last days leading up to his return, there will be deception of such levels that if it were possible.
Thank god. He said if if it were possible his own very elect would be deceived.
That’s right.
Shield ourselves. How do we deal with this stuff? You and I, Rose, because I know you.
We look at all that’s going on in the world around us through a biblical world view lens.
That’s how we not only keep sane, but that’s how we actually can rejoice knowing Hey, god. Got this.
He wrote this down in advance. It’s called Bible prophecy. He knows what’s coming next.
So this whole AI thing is so you know, stimulating and the young people love it. Mhmm.
All this kind of stuff. But the reality is, look, I’m gonna counter the narrative.
The reality is, how is it that at our church?
I’ve got I’ve got 9 year olds coming forward to accept Jesus Christ and 85 year olds coming forward in the same sermon to accept Jesus Christ.
That’s our of the Holy Spirit. And I don’t think no matter what God has any rivals.
I don’t think god has ring in his hands and haven’t said, oh my goodness.
How am I gonna compete with AI?
I’m sure. I am so sure.
Well, you know, and 1 of the other things I wanted to talk to you about too is we’ve got a huge presidential election coming up, and I don’t want either 1 of us to get behind a candidate in this segment, but I do want to talk about how we should as people who love this country and love freedom because I just talked about in the last segment about our freedoms and how they were laid out for us in the bill of rights according to actually scripture.
And the only reason we were able to to take that power out of the the of of government and put it into the hands of the individual is because there was no entrenched bureaucracy here to stop them.
Now we’re seeing that there is an entrenched bureaucracy that tries to stop us and prevent us from living in those freedoms that were set forth for us.
So when we approach this election because it is very important, we have a whole ton of candidates around.
I’ll be talking about that later on in the show for the listener. How do we approach elections?
How do we decide, what should we base that decision process on?
You know, thank you for asking that question.
Simple truth that I and we as a church apply to every candidate no matter what the office is this.
And, by the way, no matter what their belief, I have voted for atheists to our very moral people.
Comes down to this. There are some key factors, basically, for me, 3 that I look for in a candidate.
Number 1 is the fact that are are they pro life pro life is a big deal to me.
I believe god is offended by America because of our abortion direction. So I look for pro life candidates.
I look for candidates that are also pro constitution, of course, And if I can’t track their previous voting records, let’s say they were brand new look look how look what trump was back in 20 16.
He didn’t have a voting record for us to look at.
But normally a candidate has a voting record for us to look at. Voting records never lie.
The politician may lie. The voting record do not do that. So I look for the value of life.
I look for the value of the family, and I look for biblically based scriptural of foundations, and you someone’s gonna say, Jack, you’re crazy because, you know, we’ve got 2 people running for office and neither 1 of them believe in god.
That may be very true. But what if 1 of them is pro life and the other one’s not? Right.
What if what if the other one’s pro constitution?
And, by the way, listen up everybody, The other 1 just keeps shouting and shouting democracy. Democracy democracy.
We’re not a democracy. We are a constitutional republic. Do our candidates even know the difference between those things?
So — Yeah.

up to us to keep this republic, Ben Franklin, said, And that means every single 1 of us need to know something about who’s running for office in our town, county, or state of nation.
And get behind that person by voting. And and Christians listen. All Christian.
People will say, well, you know, I’m a Christian. I can’t vote because they’re all so wicked and evil.
Wait a minute. Listen, Jesus is not gonna be on the ballot.
I is not gonna come on Air Force 1, In the meantime, we are supposed to pick the best candidates, to lead our nation according to its Judeo Christian values.
And that’s what I do. That’s what our church does.
And for that reason, Rose, I gotta tell you every election cycle, every 2 years, candidates line up trying to get on stage at our church for us to endorse them or pray for them.
So it matters to them. It should matter to us.
Absolutely. And, you know, what I was thinking too, you mentioned democracy and you know, for a while there, those who were promoting socialism, they started talking like I noticed Bernie Sanders and a few others.
I’m not talking about social law. I’m talking about democratic socialism. And I’m like, there is no such thing.
And besides the first time you have an election under Democratic socialism will be the last time that you have a true election.
After that, it’s like a choice between pork and bacon. You know?
Well said.
But, you know, we do.
We live in this and I I really encourage people to listen to jack hibbs dot com and real life with jack hibbs because You know, you really do help, talk about, you know, succumbing to the woke ideology because there’s so much of that right now, and it’s really hard, especially for young people to navigate all of that.
Because you don’t wanna offend and you don’t wanna hurt anyone’s feelings.
But at the same time, the truth is the truth, and and it may not make you feel good.
You know, but, you know, hey, listen, I go to church on Sundays and sometimes that pastor says something that makes me feel bad because I know I didn’t do something right that week, but that’s okay.
That’s okay.
Yeah. Yeah. You know it’s precious, and I mean this.
And I I want everyone to be encouraged by this. When you literally stop.
I had a chance to do this on Wednesday night at church.
When you literally stop and you get eye level to 12 year old, which is actually what happened.
I got eye level with a 12 year old who was emotional, and I just simply said, what’s going on?
They they shared what was going on. And I said this, Rose, listen to this.
I said, do can you will you give me the permission?
To say something to you right now that is going to quite possibly hurt your feelings, but it’s true.
Think of it like a shot or a doctor doing something for you.
Can I tell you something from the Bible that may hurt you first, but it will heal you in the end?
Are you willing? Can I do that? And he said, yeah.
So when I framed it that way, I wasn’t offending him, and he knew it. He knew that I loved.
He knew that I was telling the truth, but I told him upfront.
You might get a little sting Are you willing to hear this? How are you?
I love it. Pastor Jack Hibbs, real life with Jack Hibbs, you can go to jack hibbs dot com.
I love that story, and that was the perfect perfect story to end that segment. Thank you.
Pastor hips, I appreciate you.

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