Abraham: THE LAW OF ATTRACTION – Part 1 of 5 – Esther & Jerry Hicks

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Abraham-Hicks Publications Presents The Law of Attraction – Part 1 of 5

Welcome! Esther and I are here to enjoy this experience, and you are here to make something happen. So, let’s invite Esther and her friends up, please. Say good morning to Esther! Hello, goodbye, good morning!

We are thrilled that you’re here today. Coming together for the purpose of co-creating is a beautiful thing, wouldn’t you agree? This is co-creation at its best. You bring so much more than just your beautiful physical bodies. You didn’t just drag yourselves here, sitting in your groups on chairs. In fact, you also bring your broader, non-physical self along with you.

Just like Esther relaxes and eventually allows her vibration to rise to match our frequency, there is a seamless connection between the non-physical and physical aspects of existence. This connection happens continuously in almost every part of your world, except when it comes to the human race.

As humans, you often find yourselves worrying and fussing over things. In your socialization, expansion, and interactions, there is a lot to focus on. However, we want you to reclaim your place as extensions of Source Energy. We want you to remember that you are eternally Source Energy, and that you are primarily vibration. While you are magnificent in your physical form—flesh, blood, and bone—you are, at your core, vibration.

When you understand that you are primarily vibration, you can begin to merge the Source energy within you with the vibration of the thought patterns you’ve developed throughout your physical journey. It is impossible to experience life in your physical body without making conclusions based on your observations.

What we’ve observed is that many of you direct most of your vibrational energy in response to what you see. Do you understand that you are vibrational beings? The sounds you hear are vibrational interpretations. Even what you see is due to your eyes interpreting vibration.

Your senses—taste, smell, touch—are all ways of interpreting vibration. Even the physical body you inhabit is just an interpretation of vibration. Throughout generations, humanity has left breadcrumbs of history and legacies behind, and as each new generation is born, it becomes a part of the stable foundation you call life on Earth. You begin to observe patterns, hear words, and adopt the conclusions of those who came before you.

This continuity is important for expansion, but we want to emphasize that you did not come here to be historians, to merely repeat what others have observed, or to simply note what is. You came to move beyond what is into what is becoming.

Why is this so important to us? Because we know we are eternal beings. We don’t need to tell you this for it to be true. You didn’t summon us to explain something that would stop evolution if not understood. That will not happen. Your exposure to contrast is what fuels the expansion of your desires.

As soon as a new desire or preference emerges within you, the Source Energy from which you came aligns with that expanded idea and becomes it vibrationally. Just like everything you see on Earth was once a thought—vibration that evolved into thought forms, and eventually physical manifestations—so too is everything in the process of becoming. Everything that will exist in future generations is born from the thoughts of this current time-space reality.

We want you to understand that while the non-physical realm is vast, and much thought has been given to the existence of this planet—its orbit, its perfect relationship to other planets—the true progression of Earth is shaped by those like you. You are the ones living on it, exploring it, and making new conclusions about how life can be improved.

As your preferences expand, the Source within you follows and becomes that expanded version. Whether you realize it or not, you are driving the expansion of this universe.

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