Abraham: GETTING INTO THE VORTEX: THE BIG ONE – Esther & Jerry Hicks

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Getting Into The Vortex: The Big One

We are encouraging you to embrace the concept of vibrational reality. Are you aware of this? There is a reality and a vibrational reality, and the latter precedes the former. In simpler terms, everything in your physical reality has a vibrational counterpart before it manifests in the world you can see and touch.

Within the Vortex of Creation, all that you desire is gathered and held by the forces that create worlds for you to experience. Your goal is to feel your way toward it. Today, we’re discussing how to get into the Vortex. On Monday, the book Getting Into the Vortex will finally be released. Jerry and Esther have been eager to share it with you, knowing it holds the power to help you.

Do you know its secret? It plays unique music in a specific rhythm and asks you to match your breathing pattern to it. The rhythm is unusual—three strong breaths in followed by five breaths out, a pattern different from what you might expect. It requires so much of your focus that it keeps you from dwelling on worrisome thoughts. By focusing on the music, you move into a space of less resistance, and in the background, we are speaking to you about everything the Source within you knows about what matters to you.

This is a tool to help you enter the Vortex, but you don’t necessarily need it. All you need is to acknowledge the existence of the Vortex, desire to enter it, and recognize when you’re there. Once in, it helps to notice which thoughts pulled you out and avoid them by focusing on thoughts that help you maintain your vibration.

We want you to realize that much of the effort you’ve been putting into things—effort to meditate, focus, accomplish goals, or improve your world—has been fueled by your awareness of what you don’t want. Unfortunately, most people are offering their effort from outside the Vortex, which is why things can feel difficult.

To illustrate this, we’ve been experimenting with the Money and the Law of Attraction affirmation cards. Many people believe that affirmation cards are helpful, so they buy them hoping they’ll attract more money. But often, they’re doing this from a place of worry or fear. They affirm statements like, “I want more money,” or “I am the creator of my own life experience,” yet this approach tends to reinforce their current state, keeping them stuck.

When you’re outside the Vortex and making an effort, there’s often a backlash because it activates a defensive energy within you, keeping you stuck in your current reality. It’s like having an argument with a friend—no matter how much you talk, neither of you budges.

Affirmations made from outside the Vortex can feel counterproductive, almost like you’re affirming the opposite of your true desires. But if you find yourself accidentally in the Vortex—perhaps while enjoying a sunrise, hearing a song that moves you, or petting your cat—the experience is entirely different. From inside the Vortex, affirmations feel natural because there’s no vibrational resistance. The feeling shifts when you approach your desires from a place of alignment, not from struggle.

Do you understand what we’re trying to convey? Affirmations only work from inside the Vortex, where you are aligned with your desires.

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