America and the Rise of Paganism

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America and the Rise of Paganism – From The Anti Mythological Redemption

“The same nation that was formed after the pattern of Israel now follows after the pattern of its moral descent, its spiritual departure from God. As it was with Israel’s descent, so too with America’s. It began with a complacency toward God, then spiritual confusion, then the merging of God with idols, and then, ultimately, the rejection of His ways. Just as with ancient Israel, America began ruling God out of its life, turning, step by step, against His ways, at first subtly, and then, more and more, brazenly.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future

America long regarded as a Christian nation or the leading Christian nation is increasingly becoming a post Christian nation, an anti Christian nation, the Bible says there will be a great falling away while we’re watching it.
We’re watching it. The upcoming generation is the least Christian on record.
Having the least concept of any biblical view is being indoctrinated from kindergarten against God.
But you see man is made to worship.
So as American culture departs from God, what happens other gods get in.
It’s no accident at this moment right now in American history, you know, it’s exploding witchcraft.
There are more witch witches in America than Methodists. Now, new age beliefs are exploding.
Satan worship is exploding. Many of you were stunned to hear recently, the story of a rapper who is a favorite of Children posting a video performing sexual abominations with the devil in hell.
Mainstream culture has fallen so far from God. What happens?
It falls victim to other worship, other gods, other religions and these movements aren’t rational.
They are religions actually a Pagu in faith, a Pagu in religion.
And if you speak against it, you are blindly attacked and canceled.
It’s written, God gave them over to a delusion. This has happened to the extreme left, also the extreme right?
It’s no accident that key leaders in what, what has become a movement was a protest but also riots, they chanted the names of or, or spirit gods of Africa and said they were empowered by them or that liberal legislators in California are now trying to have the Children trained into praising the gods of the Aztec religion.
That’s, that’s human sacrifice. Do you know that the House of represent the Congress opened this year?
The first session with a prayer not to God, the God of the Bible, but to brahma, a pagan God.
So the rise of witchcraft, the occult religious doctrines, it’s all part of the same thing.
The turning away from faith. These are all substitutes for God.
They compete against God because they’re substitutes for God.

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