Light It Up | Jack Hibbs Special

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Light It Up | Jack Hibbs Special

God is able to light us up from the inside out, discerning and exposing the sin in our lives. We deceive ourselves when we think our secret sin is hidden from Him. Get more truth by watching now.

Well, I had an opportunity to fly with the LAPD.
And in that helicopter experience, it was quite amazing because when we were over a crime scene, there was the announcement made light it up and they turned on that incredible spotlight that exposed everything.
In fact, you could see people running and trying to hide from that incredible overwhelming beam of light.
Listen in life. God lights it up in our lives.
He lights up the issue of sin in our lives so much so that I don’t know how he’s able to do this other than the Holy Spirit, he’s able to light us up from the inside out.
He’s able to discern and to expose the thoughts that are going on in our lives. It’s quite amazing.
You can’t hide from God. You can hide from others, but you cannot hide from God.
And sometimes we deceive ourselves into thinking that if nobody knows and if I haven’t been caught yet, then maybe I’m okay.
I just want you to know friends as we get into the Bible, you’re gonna find out that God’s love for you is so great that He will light up the issues of your life in my life that are displeasing to Him.
Why does he do this? Because He doesn’t love us as he don’t like us.
Of course, he loves us and he wants to be with us, but he is God and he dwells in light.
And so when he reveals the sin in our lives, it’s because he wants to draw closer to you.
And I did you get that?
He doesn’t want to expose your sin and my sin to beat us up.
It’s the opposite of what you and I have been thinking he wants to expose what’s wrong so he can make sure that his son is the one by which we emanate.
We reflect the Lord Jesus Christ. So grab your Bibles and let’s get into the study called light it up.
I’m gonna encourage you as a believer.
Just the believers. I’m speaking to at this moment, judge yourself right now and ask yourself, am I living with God on a daily basis?
On an earn merit works level? Am I okay with God?
Because I’m doing good? I hope not.

Maybe you’re here today and you don’t know God at all.
You know, you have a clue what’s going on in here. You just got here before the game starts.
You’re wondering, wait, so what’s up? You mean? God knows my thoughts? Yeah.
The Bible says He knows your thoughts before you think them. But God is light.
The Bible says, so I’m gonna ask, I’m gonna show you what’s going on right here right now.
So guys, let’s, let’s turn down the lights. That’s pretty good.
Okay. So watch this. You’re in the dark.
The Bible says without Christ, we walk in this world without the light, we’re in the dark.
The Bible says before we come and know His salvation, we are in darkness and then God will begin to speak to you and it might be at some point uh at a, at a distance, there’s some light, but it’s a little bit vague and then like gets a little bit closer.
You’re learning more. You’re hearing more.
You’re, you’re wondering about life and about the meaning of life and about who Christ is and should I read the Bible?
And when you open up the Bible, watch this and I don’t want to hurt anybody, but this stuff begins to happen and you begin to be exposed more and more to the truth until something happens to where God dials down right on you.
And when that happens, guys, you can turn the lights on when that happens in life.
That is God speaking to you and watch what happens in that moment.
You are going to respond in a legalistic way such as tell me what to do, show me what steps I need to do to be approved by God.
When that spotlight of God’s conviction comes upon you, that is not the right response.
The right response is to say I am in the light. You got me and watch this.
When we are in the light, we notice things like lint hair.
The closer we get to him, the more is revealed.
If ever, you know, in a, in a Christian experience, somebody who’s proud and arrogant and they’re a Christian.
I can tell you one thing they’re far from God.
The closer a believer is to the Lord Jesus Christ, the less they are of themselves, the greater He is and the more real and reality that life will be.
Psalm 119 verse one oh four. Psalm 1 19 104. Listen to this through your precepts.
I get understanding in other words, read the Bible.
I get to know more about myself and who God is. Therefore, I hate every false way.
Now you want to be careful how you read that he’s not talking about.
You hate every false way of somebody else he’s talking about. You hate every false way about yourself.
How does that happen by studying his precepts?
You see, and of course, the famous verse verse 105, your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path is that also God’s word beautiful.
No two churches. This when, when it comes to the reality of salvation, AM I mean when it comes to the reality of salvation?
The first thing is this verse 14 is to know that deception of sin.
No, it Sin is very deceptive, it’s very dangerous.
You can’t have salvation without recognizing that sin has already in fact deceived you.
You must have the great need of experiencing forgiveness. Watch this regarding the deception of sin.
He says in verse 14 for we know that the law is spiritual but I am carnal sold.
Understand there’s some powerful words right here.
Spiritual meaning this for we know that the law is spiritual, holy pure God’s will.
But it goes on to say, but I am Carnal, the word in Greek is Starkey knows are routed from the word Sark or sharks and not shark Sark pertaining to the flesh, the material things of man, the animalistic desires of the base human existence passed on by Adam’s fall and I wrote this down.
I added this next part S T D S T D. Yep, spiritually transmitted disease.
Every one of us is S I N positive because of Adam and Eve, none of us had to learn sin, right?
You didn’t go to junior college and learn how to lie.
You already knew all that stuff before you entered first grade. It’s in us.
But the light of the law magnifies that reality. And the mirror of the law shows me.
So you think about Adam, this is amazing thing because Adam and Eve cover everything regarding whatever situation we could be in life.
Number one, God told them both don’t touch that tree and don’t eat of that fruit because God gave them free moral agency if they didn’t have choice.
And then you got robots and nobody wants to have a love relationship with a robot.
They had a choice. Adam was somewhere. We do not know where the snake comes along.
Satan’s possessing the snake and he talks to Eve, he talks her into thinking that there’s a better life than what God’s given you.
All you need to do is eat this fruit because God has been holding out on you and you’ll see that this taste way better and you’ll know so much more.
And here’s the killer Ive. You’ll become a God.
The Bible says she was deceived and she ate the fruit and then Adam shows up.
Adam doesn’t sin. The Bible tells us that Eve is the one who sinned. Adam did something worse.
She said, what could possibly be worse than sinning against God? Adam did it. He transgressed.
So Adam shows up yet unfaltering in nature. He could have and I wish he would have.
I’m sorry to say this, but don’t you? He could have said Eve, where’s your light?
You’re like, I mean, you’re like naked.
Yeah, I just talking to the snake over here told me to eat this and I’d be, I’d be like a God if I ate it, Adam could have listened.
A Adam could have said, Well, I don’t know, but I predicted about 900 years, you’re gonna die because you are clearly spiritually dead right now because your light bulbs going out girl and tough for you.
I tell you what, see this pile of dirt over here.
I’m just gonna hang around over here until he pulls another rib out of me and makes a new one.
I get a brand new one.
See, Eve, the Bible tells us that Adam didn’t do that. Adam transgressed what that means.
It means that Adam thought about God and his relationship with God.
And then Adam looked at Eve, she must have been a cutie because the Bible says that Adam chose to be with Eve.
That’s why Jesus Christ is called the last Adam.
He came into this world to associate with us, took upon himself the form of a man and he got into our sinful situation to rescue us from what Adam plunged us into.
And Jesus died on that cross and he rose again from the dead to bring us salvation.
It’s pretty amazing. But Paul makes this incredible admission, which is true and everybody knows it.
I’m carnal and I’m sold under sin. What does that mean?
That means we struggle with the sin nature. But Christian here’s the beautiful thing about it.
Only the believer in the house are watching right now understands. Yes. My Christian life is a battle.
I just contend every day with the things of this world good for you.
So do we keep going don’t stop.
The world has been duped, the world is in the grip and whatever lust and passions lead them.
They have no power to resist. Not true for us.
Galatians chapter five verse 24 says, and those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit. That’s an amazing statement.
See Jack, which one is it? Am I a Christian or not?
Well, let me ask you, are you having to struggle and deal with the crucifying of your desires every day?
Do you understand the difference? Am I me or is it in your life?
It’s just you only you or for the rest of us?
Can we say I’ve got the Jack that I wanna be the Jack that I’m giving to Jesus, the Jack that is now wanting to go to heaven.
And then there’s the Jack that visits me from the past and says, hey, what about this?
And the New Jack has got to say to the old Jack, sit down, get thee behind me, Satan, right?
There’s the rebuking of yourself. How does that happen? The Holy Spirit is at work in you.
By the way, the more you take intake of the Bible, the more active that dynamic becomes, it’s awesome.
First John Chapter one, if we say that we have fellowship with God so don’t respond.
But do you fellowship with God and walk in darkness. Oh, do you fellowship with God?
Is that what you say? But you hate your brother or your sister?
Do you say that you have fellowship with God?
But you can’t live without a line of cocaine or, or the drink or the drug?
Do you say you have fellowship with God?
But you’re sleeping around, we lie and do not practice the truth.
But if we walk in the light as he is in the lights, isn’t that amazing before Adam and Eve fell?
The Bible says that they walked with God in the garden and the Bible says, God is light.
And the ancient Hebrew rabbis told us that Adam and Eve were clothed with light. They weren’t naked.
Remember they, since they realized they were naked, after they sinned, they were clothed in light.
Can you imagine what kind of, what did that look like? It’s awesome to think.
But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ, his son cleanses us from all sin.
You see verse seven, that’s called revival.
If we say that we have no sin, said, this is like those Pharisees, the weirdos, the self righteous, just if IRS of theirselves, we deceive ourselves.
And the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins.
This is an amazing statement if we confess our sins. So the term is Homola joo.
It means to say the same word.
If you say the same thing about sin, that God says about it, that’s called confession.
God, I know that this is going on in my life.
That little sweetie at the water fountain at the office, who’s not your wife? God is saying, stop it.
And in that moment when He’s speaking to you and he’s speaking to you all the time, he’s saying to you, stop it and you will either repent that’s exhibited by confession and listen to this.
Nobody needs to know the thought is in your mind and you’ve been flirtatious.
And God says, you need to cut this off right here right now.
That’s the Holy Spirit preserving you, loving you.
Listen, it’s God judging you so you can live if you say, yeah, it’s okay.
It’s okay. Really? You should read what happened to David. Okay.
The Bible says, can you take fire and bring it to your bosom and hold it without being burned.
Maybe it’s some fantasy thinking about possessions or about romance or about something in nobody sees.
So it’s okay. And God says, you belong to me. What are you doing? Your mind is fixated.
Your passions are going somewhere else and it’s not sanctified. It’s not sanctioned. It’s wrong.
But if we confess our sin, he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all in righteousness.
If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him God a liar.
And his word is not in this church. Did you hear that? Listen to the reality of God’s word?
We’re not perfect. But if you could, wouldn’t you be?
But this life, this old life dogs may day and night.
The beautiful thing is 46 years ago when I met Jesus, a war began not with me and Jesus.
We were warring before that. Jesus and I got together and went to war against me.
And I’m happy about that.
My little Children, he says in chapter two, verse one, my little Children, these things I write to you so that you may not sin.
But if anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ, the righteous. Wow.
I’m so grateful for that right now.
Every single one of us should thank God for this wonderful, wonderful truth that God knows exactly what we’re made of and he knows where our passions lie and is your heart after God does His word excite you and you want to live for him.
And the second thing under this point is this and that is No, the believers frustration in verse 15.
It’s a beautiful thing for what I am doing. Says the apostle. I do not understand. This is so weird.
I thought when I became a Christian, I could walk on water.
Why am I battling these thoughts?
Why do I have old things try to rear its ugly head to reinsert itself in my life.
I don’t understand this. Well, how come Paul?
Well, here’s the reason why, for what I will to do my will.
What I decided to do to yield my will to do that. I do not practice.
Have you ever gotten up in the morning?
And you told God this is gonna be a great day?
God, I’m not gonna blow it. It’s gonna go great. Here we go.
Paul says, I know this. I’ve done this.
That what I will to do By the 5:00, I wind up figuring out I don’t practice it.
And what I hate that I do. Can you believe the honesty of the Bible?
Look with all due respect, friends.
You’re gonna find this in any other religious writings, but it’s so awesome because it is so real.
God is not writing off our ability to go sin.
God is saying, listen, here’s the reality of the matter. I know you and I have saved you.
But the last final step of your total redemption is your body and that’s gonna come at your death. Christian.
We gotta get this around our heads once and for all death, for the Christian is graduation.
It’s not the grave, read your Bible to be absent from the bodies, to be present with the Lord.
The frustration though is in the here and now I know what to do.
Now, I have to be honest with you, you guys, you know where I live, people see me everywhere they see Lisa and I, everywhere and I look normal.
Right. I would think I look normal. I mean, I got pants on. I got this shoes on.
I’m wearing a shirt or something.
I’m not, you know, running around, you know, I’m not pushing a shopping cart around Albertsons with vodka and whiskey.
You don’t see that, do you, you Chomos and almond milk and lot of peanut butter when you see us at a restaurant?
Am I hiding the bottle? Hi. How are, you know, listen, I’m going somewhere with this.
I’m not, you know, I’m not in L A in some back alley massage place.
No, I don’t have to be. You want to know why?
According to God, he knows every thought in my head and I could look to you stellar.
You can look to me stellar.
But without Christ living in you, there’s a whirlwind of filth in my mind.
That’s why God says I don’t judge according to the external, I look into a man’s heart.
Isn’t that amazing if you want religion, go somewhere else.
If you want to meet Jesus, you’re in the right place because he’s not, he’s not content to hang on a cross around your neck.
Now he’s close, he’s near your heart, but he’s got to get inside and he’ll never barge in.
You gotta invite him in. So listen, earlier on, in our study, there was a challenge and I’m wondering if you caught it, if you missed it.
I want to give it to you again. It’s this R U S I N positive.
Do you have a S T D C? What do you mean? S I N positive?
Are you sin positive? The answer to that is yes. You and I are sin positive.
I don’t have to convince you of that. And then S T D, what does that mean?
Sin transmitted disease? We got it from Adam and Eve.
You and I have to teach our kids to tell the truth, don’t we?
They already know how to lie as cute as they are.
They already know how to steal from their brother or sister.
They already know how to snag a cookie from the kitchen.
But at the same time, tell you, I didn’t eat any. Where did they get that from?
You never taught him that the Bible says that we are S I N positive and that situation has been transmitted to us in the sin nature that came from Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis.
And I know that might sound radical to you or that might sound even crazy to you.
But the truth of the matter is God knows and down deep inside you actually know.
So friend, listen, we want to help you with your walk with Jesus Christ. That’s why we’re here.
And so the greatest thing that we can do is to help you know, Jesus more.
That’s why we are so excited about these programs and you can do that by going to Jack Hibbs dot com and you can connect with us there and by doing so you can find us on Facebook, Instagram and other platforms that are available.
But please, by all means, always grab your bible, pick it up and read.
And as you do that, you’ll find yourself in the word of God as the word of God speaks to you, as you read it, it’s reading you.
So God bless you my friend in your pursuit of knowing God.
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Welcome to Real Life Radio with Jack Hibbs.
God’s word never will return. Void God’s word is spirit, its power and it has its effect.
So I want to encourage you to grab your Bibles, open them up and get ready to learn from God’s word.
God did not give us Bible prophesy to scare us, but to prepare us.
But I think you’re gonna get a lot out of it.
And one of the great reasons you are the light of the world.
Jesus said you are the salt of the earth. How does that happen by the power of the Holy Spirit?
You’re going to get excited about what Jesus Christ wants to do in and free you.
Jack Hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history, which brings some great opportunities to share with the world.
A powerful no nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth.
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