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There are signs of the times all around us, pointing us to prophetic passages of Scripture. Learn to read those signs in order to live in light of the imminent return of Jesus Christ.

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Now, open your hearts to what God’s word has to say to you.
Here is Jack Hibbs when you look up, by the way in the gospels and for that matter, in the new testament, there are three prevailing greek words used for our english word, watch.
And the first usage of the word means to keep awake, to be watch or watchful literally, or in a figurative sense, is to be in the state of vigilance, every believer is to be in a mindset of being vigilant, to being watchful alert to keep watch.The bible tells that of us. If you’re a believer and a follower of jesus christ today.
You know, reading your bible that God’s word commands us to be watchful and I might submit to you.
That’s not an easy thing to do. It’s hard.
The second word used in the greek language again, only one in english because our language is so lackluster compared to the greek or hebrew.
The second meaning used by jesus and the apostles is the word to set a guard or to set as it were a military security post.
It means to continue watching to be on guard or like a guardian to keep your eyes open and I love this and to keep your eyes on the horizon, the christian is to be somebody walking and living in this world that has their eyes on the horizon.
Imagine that for a moment, think of that place yourself in a moment in that thought that as a believer in school, at work, in this world, at home, whatever we’re doing, we are to have the end in sight and the end will appear as it were on the horizon.
It’s from the point of the horizon that an enemy or a friend comes, it’s on the horizon, Jesus said, I’m coming back and in the great second coming when he returns to Earth to stay, he says, I’m gonna come like lightning flashes out of the east, under the west, incredible.
And then the third word means to be uh sleepless. That doesn’t mean you never go to sleep.
It means that your soul, your spirit is so primed and so loaded with bible that you’re walking.
Listen, you’re walking with God, you’re understanding the days and the age in which you and I live in, we’re discerning the times and the seasons, you know, the bible tells us to do that.
Everybody that as a christian. The bible says we are to be discerning the times and the seasons.
And I just want to ask you, there’s no need to answer out loud when you look around the world and you discern the times and the seasons.

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You come to the conclusion that there is that shaking tremor as it were. That’s in the globe today.
And there’s a reason for that. An important reason.
All of it can be summed up with three words. Always be waiting, waiting when you’re waiting.
You’re watching when you’re waiting. You’re scanning the horizon. Think about it when you’re waiting.
Imagine yourself on the street corner waiting to be picked up by somebody who’s promised to come.
You’re looking down the street, are you not? You’re listening? You’re watching.
And the bible says that regarding the believer, that’s how we should be living our lives.
Hebrews 9 28 says so, christ was offered once to bear the sins of many.
He said, I thought he died for everybody.
Oh, he did die for everybody, but not everybody takes advantage of it.
So christ was offered once to bear the sins of many, to those who eagerly wait for him.
He will appear a second time apart from sin for salvation.
The term apart from sin for salvation means that when he comes to address whoever these people are who are eagerly waiting for him, Sin is not the issue that’s already been taken care of at his death.
Are you with me? He’s coming back for those who are eagerly waiting for him.
And my question is, are you eagerly waiting for him?
In Philippians chapter three verse 20 Philippians 3 20 for our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior.
The Lord, jesus christ. You see how this should mark us that we’re waiting and watching were eager.
We can’t wait for christ to return. Listen, check your heart, take your pulse.
If the thought of jesus coming today, for you bothers, you scares you.
That’s the spirit of God telling you you’re not ready. You need to get ready.
Now I want to make something very clear.
You see Pastor, what if a christian is not ready when he comes? Does he not get raptured?
No, he gets raptured. The bible says this, that if somebody’s not ready when he comes, they will be ashamed of themselves at his appearing.
Can you imagine going up covering your face? Oh, boy. Oh, is it?
It’s like getting sent to the principal’s office. No, you want to be excited about us coming.
You want to live your life as though it will be back today. Amen.
First Thessalonians, Chapter five verse one begins by saying, but concerning the times and seasons brethren, you’ll have no need that I should write to you for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.
If you stop right there, people will say, I don’t study this stuff because he’s gonna come like a thief in the night.
Maybe for you, not for me. See that’s arrogant.
No, it’s not because I read verse four keep down, look down, keep going, but you brethren are not in darkness so that this day should overtake you as a thief.
You know, when people you know, jesus isn’t coming back, we don’t know, it’s not don’t worry about it.
Watch out for those people. The bible said you’d bump into people like that in the last days, where is the promise of his coming?

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The bible says, they’re gonna say So, having set that up people, we want to look at some things that are going on in our world today.
When you see these things number one regarding a oneworld global government.
But boy church, listen up if you start listening and reading to these globalists speaking and this is the season for globalists to be speaking.
They’ve got their G20 gatherings, they got their world economic forum gatherings, Okay, we’ve got the pope now meeting with people up at Mount Sinai to create a new 10 commandments and he’s calling the world to repent and ask for forgiveness of the earth for how we’ve treated her?
We have to have this. Are you kidding me?
And all of these world leaders have come together to meet up to have to ask the earth to forgive us for drinking Pepsi out of plastic or whatever in the world is going on.
Ladies and gentlemen, whatever is happening, there’s a global push in all of these various areas.
And so I want to show you a few things.
Number one Pope calls for global unity ahead of Grand imam. Meeting in bars.
Now, the imam, the grand imam is the leader of that particular Islamic division of Islam Islam.
The house of Islam is divided into two factions.
And this particular imam will meet up with the Pope and they’re calling for global unity. Global unity.
And how do you, how are you going to get people with with different religious beliefs to unify, create a topic that they can all relate to whatever you do, don’t get into religion because we’ll kill each other.
John Kerry spills the beans at U N. C O P 27 meeting.
They want to replace capitalism with a new economic system.
There’s a call in the world for a one world global government and its intermingled with faith.
And I want to ask you, do you know your bible enough to know that the Book of Revelation chapter 17 and 18 says that during the tribulation period, there will be government mingled with religion.
There’ll be a one world government and a one world religious system. Did you know that?
I’m old enough to be so radically impressed by all of this because when I was a young believer, none of this stuff was going on.
And now it’s national or international news and then somebody popped up at the G 20.
Do you guys know what the G 20 s it was this last week G 20 the 20 big nations that influenced the world, basically the G 20 is a bunch of leaders from those nations getting together to figure out how to control you, take your money and make sure you’re really happy about being broke while they all have your money.
And then somebody shows up who’s not even a national member, he’s not a national leader.
Now you gotta turn up the volume guys, because I don’t know on stage, I can’t hear the guy, he’s hard to understand.
Listen, listen to this. If you look at also challenges, we can speak about the multi crisis, multi crisis, economic, political, social and ecological and institutional crisis.
But actually, what we have to confront is a deep systemic and structural restructuring of our world to fix everything.
We must have a restructuring of our world. For those of you who know history and bible prophecy.
Listen, the babylonian empire is recorded in the bible as being the most powerful single despotic led empire of all time under nebuchadnezzar, anybody know who defeated the Babylonian Empire, the middle Persian the means and the Persians defeated the Babylonians by the way that’s written in the book of Daniel Before it ever happened.
Do you guys know who defeated the means and the Persians?
His, his his dad’s name was Philip alexander the Great, the Greeks who defeated the Greeks, anybody know the romans who defeated the romans?
Oh, listen to that perfect answer. None of you know good for you.
You can’t know. Rome was never defeated.
It got so big and so powerful that it broke into two flanks the east and the west.
And then it just dissolved over time. No one ever defeated Rome.
That’s why the bible says in the last days, out of the two flanks of Daniel’s great image of statue of the world empires, nebuchadnezzar’s the head, the Middle Persian Empire, alexander the great in the Greeks and the roman empire east and west.
It says that in the last days when christ returns to earth, it says there will be the existence of two ft with 10 toes and the 10 toes represent 10 kings and out of the 10 kings, the bible says, listen, it sounds crazy.
10 kings, There will be one that will arise out of the midst of them, which is the 11th And the 11th 1 will put down three of them and he will take over all of them.
And the Bible addresses him as the Idol Shepherd, the son of perdition.
You know him as the antichrist or Mr 666. It’s never happened before.
We’re waiting so to speak for the toes to pop up.
Just know this that at this time and and for most of our lives for many of us there has been an attempt to establish originally that U. S. E.
United States of europe was their initial statement and they drafted a constitution. It was horrific, It was stupid.
They all said you know what, we can have a constitution like America but we have to leave God out.
So they did and it didn’t work.
Then they then they decided we have to have our own currency.
Remember that many of us remember that the Germans had the deutsche mark and then the now the british, they went back to the pound and then I guess the british never went to the Euro, did they?
They stayed at it because they’re smarter than the average bear. But the european union’s falling apart.
It’s not a union, it’s a mess. See what do you bring that up?
Because the the roman empire was based in all of europe and the bible says there’s gonna be a reconstitution of that ancient empire in the last days and the book of Daniel says that in the last days of the kings that rule, that empire christ will return and it gets pretty graphic.
It says that he will come as a mountain coming out of the heavens and strikes.
The image in its feet and crumbles it in all of its pieces and of his kingdom and of his rule on earth?
There will be no end. Next thing is the clergy hold a multifaith climate repentance ceremony as U. N.
Summit wraps up in Egypt quote. The pyramids were lit up to welcome world leaders to the U. N.
Climate summit in Sharm el Sheikh.
Egypt in what almost looked like an end of the world Trade show sponsored by coca cola and other big corporations.
The C. O. P. 27 began as all other climate summits with the dire warning that life on earth would end if climate change isn’t stopped.
The clock is ticking, warned U. N.
Secretary General Antonio Guterres quote, We we are in the fight of our lives and we are losing greenhouse gas emissions keep growing global temperatures keep rising.
We’re on a highway to climate hell, he said with our foot still on the accelerator.
Why is the climate argument divided? Why is that camp divided up so much?
Listen, if it’s such a big deal, why aren’t all scientists who study data on the same page?
I want to just lay that out too because the young people right now said, I can’t I can’t believe you’re saying that, will somebody arrest him quick Please.
No, no simple question. Global scientists who study meteorology and history.
Why aren’t they on the same page? The camp is divided into two camps.
Why just why think about it.
Why is man all of a sudden capitalizing on his ancient history that it’s really easy to control people if you can create a crisis, right?
And it’s easy to do that.
If there’s no God in the picture, Mark R.
Ben Hoff said at this last G-20 meeting, every country needs a minister of the future.
What in the world does that mean I tell you why I don’t like that kind of talk, but yet it’s biblically accurate.
Is way way back, I’m gonna be off.
But please search it way back Belgium Prime Minister um Henry Speck said, we are in a leadership crisis at the U.
Or the League of Nations. We’re in a leadership crisis and we need a leader.
He said, be it a devil from hell or an angel from heaven. We need a leader.
Well, he’s, his prayer is about to be answered these days.
The bible spoke about another quote from john green economic growth doesn’t mean anything unless it’s inclusive growth.
You know what that means, anybody, socialism, you know how to think. Yeah, critical thinking.
What’s he saying? Oneness When man talks about oneness only God can do oneness.
When man talks about oneness. The guy that’s usually talking about it is the guy that’s wanted to be number one in the oneness, but they’re creating something.
But not really if you know your bible, it’s already dawned on you.
These people are talking about Romans chapter one That in the last days man will depart from worshiping God and will worship nature, creation, creeping things on earth, four footed things and man, and you see when you divorce God from your thinking, man becomes the one who calls the shots and man will eventually seek to deify himself.
The bible says that this one leader that will take possession of europe and then use that as a base to attempt to take over the world, will draw up a peace treaty with Israel for seven years.
And the bible says in the middle of the seven years On the 1260th day, he will break that agreement with Israel when he stands in the temple in Jerusalem and declares himself to be God, Jesus said in Matthew 24, that when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken by Daniel, the prophet standing in that place, come down from your house top and run.
There’s a political leader that’s coming and he’s going to be amazing notice again, how the world is leaderless today, I’m not saying it’s happening next week, I’m not saying it’s happening this year or next year.
I’m just saying that all of these things that were just taking pieces of the bible has anticipated, that should cause us to sit up and take notice this.
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