Abraham Discusses Jerry Hicks’ Transition to Non-Physical Source Energy, Translated by Esther Hicks
Recorded on December 10, 2011, in Phoenix, Arizona
Esther had recently purchased a beautiful new cover, which she planned to wear that day. Tracy had helped her pick it out, and it was perfect—black with ruffles and sparkles, exactly what she liked. As she took it from the closet to pack it away, Esther was sure she heard Jerry’s voice saying, “Did someone die?” So, she chose to wear the blouse that Jerry liked the most. And here you are—everything aligned.
This leads to a great question: Why did Jerry leave now, and how does it fit perfectly into his and our greater expansion and joy? The answer lies in understanding that there is very little separation between the physical and Non-Physical realms. The deeper message here is that we are all connected in such a way that the physical and non-physical experiences are less different than many think. Humans are often so focused on death that they forget to fully live.
It’s time to bridge the gap. A bridge—a concept we’ll explore further, though we encourage you to contemplate it. We’re also a bit tired of always providing the answers for you, so take some time to think about it yourselves.
As we’ve mentioned before, whenever someone transitions into the Non-Physical, there is always more curiosity and more interest in the interaction. Esther has had profound experiences with Abraham but, like many of you, wonders what it’s like to reemerge into the Non-Physical. Over time, as questions about this process grow, more clarity will come.
The essential truth is that none of you came into these physical bodies to stay forever. You came to experience life and let it inspire you. Sometimes, the greater inspiration comes from the Non-Physical clarity. When your questions are answered and your life experiences are complete, your journey continues by reaching for new experiences, new questions, and new understanding.
Regarding the Non-Physical, this is what we want you to hear. Jerry’s intense desire for life didn’t diminish when he transitioned to the Non-Physical; it was actually inflamed. This energy remains present—there is no separation. We, as Non-Physical energy, are the same as you, and you, as human beings, are an extension of that Source energy. There is no real division between what you call Non-Physical and Physical.
This will be a personal discovery for Esther, and it already has been for Jerry. For anyone interested in following this path, there will be many more signs and experiences to help guide the way. One day, Esther was editing at the kitchen counter in San Antonio when her sister Becky noticed a bird hovering outside the window. This wasn’t a hummingbird, but a large bird behaving like one—hovering right outside Esther’s shoulder. It’s aerodynamically impossible for birds to hover in such a way unless influenced by Non-Physical consciousness, showing there is no true separation between the physical and Non-Physical realms.
Over time, we hope to diminish the fear surrounding death. The concept of death is, in truth, non-existent. No one avoids the transition—it’s a natural part of existence.