Be the Change: Your Role in Advancing God’s Kingdom | Pastor Paula White-Cain | City of Destiny

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Let’s dive into Psalm 83 today. We’re continuing our discussion on the church, which I believe is one of the most important topics. When I talk about the church, I’m not just referring to the physical building, but also to you – the church, the temple, the bride of Christ. Pastor Todd and my husband are invaluable sounding boards for me, and they support me because I carry a deep burden for God’s church. I say this with the utmost respect because the church should be the epicenter of society.

When Jesus Christ came, His mission was clear: He came to seek and save the lost, to restore what had been misaligned since the fall of Adam and Eve, when sin entered the world. Humanity became susceptible to sin, which means “missing the mark.” Although Satan gained an advantage, the Bible assures us that while he may bruise our heel, Jesus would crush his head.

When Jesus hung on the cross, what seemed like a defeat was, in reality, the ultimate victory. When He declared, “It is finished,” He meant that everything was perfectly completed. After 40 days, He ascended into heaven and sat at the right hand of the Father. He took His blood to the heavenly altar, placing it on the mercy seat. Because of this, when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we are made righteous—not because of our own deeds, but because of His righteousness. Through His sacrifice, we now have direct access to God’s throne, where we can boldly receive grace, mercy, and help in times of need.

What an incredible truth that God is with us—Emmanuel. God is truly good. Jesus’ primary mission was to redeem mankind and restore our relationship with God. However, His main message was even more powerful: “The kingdom of God is at hand.” He called us to repent, for the kingdom of God had arrived. Repentance means changing our minds and our direction. The word “kingdom” in Greek is basileia, which refers to God’s rule, authority, and reign.

It’s crucial to understand the historical context. After the Civil War in America, over 600,000 people had died, and there was a significant shift in the mindset of the church. Before the war, Christians were heavily involved in all aspects of society, from education and medicine to politics and the arts. The moral and ethical compass was set by the church. But how far we have strayed since then! Has God changed? No. But what happened? The answer is simple: Satan’s influence. During difficult times, people lost hope in the church, in God, and in Christianity. Many went through faith crises.

We’ve all experienced moments of doubt. For me, personally, it was a faith crisis when I had to watch my daughter fight cancer. I had been laying hands on people and witnessing miracles, but I struggled with my own circumstances. It was hard when I believed God for my marriage, but the changes I hoped for didn’t come. I faced heartbreak when my son battled addiction, despite the fact that he had been raised in the church. These challenges are real, and they make us question and struggle. But even in the midst of trials, we must remember that God is with us. He will use what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for good.

There are lessons learned through the hardships that I could never have understood had I not walked through them. I remember one day, walking through the airport, when David Crank recognized me and said, “Hey Paula,” and then, “If you had known…” I had just returned from a significant meeting, working on various policies and advocating for religious freedoms around the world.

Despite facing personal challenges, God is still at work, and His mission continues through us.

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