The Modern Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (Selected Scriptures)
Honoring the Holy Spirit: A Vital Message for the Church
Now that I’ve completed my teachings on the New Testament, I find myself in a unique position—free to preach on whatever is placed on my heart. As I determine the best direction for my sermons moving forward, I see this as an incredible opportunity to explore a topic that has long been on my mind: the Holy Spirit.
For 25 years, I have preached through the four Gospels, focusing on the person of Christ, the nature of God, and His divine attributes revealed in Scripture. But now, it is time to give due honor to the third member of the Trinity—the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is often the most forgotten, misrepresented, dishonored, and even blasphemed member of the Godhead. This is a troubling reality. When Jesus cleansed the temple in John 2, He echoed the words of Psalm 69: “Zeal for Your house has consumed Me.” He was grieved by the dishonor shown to God, and I, too, feel a deep sorrow when I see the Holy Spirit misrepresented in the church today.
Many within modern evangelical circles, particularly in Pentecostal and Charismatic movements, falsely attribute words, actions, and experiences to the Holy Spirit—things He has never said or done. Claims of visions, revelations, voices from heaven, prophetic messages, speaking in tongues, out-of-body experiences, trips to heaven, anointings, and miracles are often presented as works of the Spirit when they are not. These are falsehoods that mislead believers and dishonor God.
Scripture is clear: God desires to be worshiped in spirit and truth (John 4:24). Yet today, reckless and unbiblical teachings about the Holy Spirit run rampant. This is a serious and dangerous offense. The fear of dishonoring the Holy Spirit should cause every believer to pause and reflect.
In Matthew 12:31-32, the religious leaders of Israel committed the unpardonable sin by attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to Satan. Today, we see the opposite—many falsely attribute the works of Satan to the Holy Spirit. This deception must be confronted with biblical truth.
As we move forward in this teaching, my prayer is that we will gain a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit, His true work, and how we can honor Him rightly according to God’s Word. Let us seek wisdom, discernment, and a renewed commitment to truth in all that we do.