Start Your Year With Momentum | Steven Furtick
A Shift in Momentum: Embracing Change and God’s Timing
Have you ever wondered if this could be the moment when everything truly changes? Maybe this is the year. The year you receive a breakthrough. The year you achieve your goals—a promotion, a new opportunity, or even a renewed heart. Maybe this is the year you let go of anger, control your temper, and realign your attitude. What if this is the moment that sets everything in motion?
But deep down, we know that transformation doesn’t happen in an instant. We’ve lived through enough to understand that change is a process—it builds over time. We don’t expect everything to shift overnight just because a new year begins. Instead, we seek something even more powerful: momentum.
Momentum is what truly creates change. The Ohio State Buckeyes prayed for it in their game, but they never got it. In life, momentum can shift quickly—you might be progressing with an exercise routine, feeling strong and disciplined, only for a minor setback, like twisting your ankle, to throw everything off. Suddenly, all the effort seems lost, and moving forward feels impossible.
That’s why we gather—not just to watch the clock change, but to find the strength to push back against the obstacles that hold us back. And that brings us to the story of Paul and Silas, two men who experienced incredible spiritual momentum.
Paul was called to preach to the Gentiles, and at first glance, you might not realize how significant that was. But trust me—Paul had momentum. The council in Antioch had just commissioned him for his second missionary journey, sending him and Silas out to spread the Gospel. Their journey covered 1,400 miles—all because Paul received a vision from God.
And God didn’t just give Paul a mission; He also sent help. Sometimes, when we pray, God answers by sending people into our lives. Paul not only had Silas, but he also gained a young disciple named Timothy. Timothy was committed—so committed that Paul circumcised him to avoid offending the Jews, and Timothy willingly accepted it. That’s dedication!
With a divine commission, faithful partners, and unstoppable momentum, Paul continued preaching. His journey led him to Philippi, a city that later received one of the most joyful letters in the Bible—Philippians. But back then, Philippi didn’t even have a proper Jewish synagogue, which required ten men to be established. Instead, Paul found one woman—Lydia, a merchant who sold purple cloth. She believed in God but hadn’t yet heard about Jesus.
Paul recognized the divine setup: God had arranged this moment. Lydia heard the Gospel, accepted Christ, and became the first believer in Philippi, starting a church in her home. The Gospel was spreading. The momentum was building.
But momentum doesn’t come without opposition. Just when things were going well, Paul faced a challenge. A woman followed him everywhere, mocking and contradicting his words. She became a distraction, trying to derail his mission.
Have you ever experienced something that constantly follows you, holding you back? Maybe it’s not a person but an internal voice—doubt, fear, or past failures whispering in your mind.
Paul reached a breaking point. One day, he turned around and rebuked her in the name of Jesus…
(Stay tuned—because this moment was just the beginning of a powerful shift in Paul’s journey.)