The ONE THING We Must Do BEFORE January 20th | Kirk Cameron on TBN

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In today’s conversation, I want to discuss the concept of “preparing the ground” for revival. This phrase resonates deeply with our faith journey. It’s about readiness—about setting the stage for God to move mightily among us. The Bible speaks clearly on this in 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land.” This verse emphasizes our responsibility to take action through prayer, repentance, and seeking God’s presence.

To prepare the ground for revival means doing our part while trusting God to do His. We know that only God can send a spiritual awakening and bring healing to our nation. But what is our role? We are called to pray, seek His face, and turn from our sinful ways. This preparation sets the foundation for God to work in powerful ways.

A Prayer for America’s Future

Reflecting on America’s spiritual state, I recall George Washington’s prayer for our nation. He prayed that the Lord would help people understand the great and wonderful laws of Scripture, recognizing that no society can truly prosper without them. Today, I echo that prayer. I ask God to bring revival to this land and to embolden pastors across America to teach the Scriptures with courage and clarity. Pastors must address issues that society finds controversial but are clearly outlined in the Bible. We need to help our youth discern right from wrong and stand firm in their faith.

I also pray for a new generation of believers to rise up—one that will advance the gospel and usher in another Great Awakening. We need leaders who will faithfully preach the Word of God and live it out in their daily lives.

Praying for Unity and Conviction

As we look at the challenges in our culture, I am praying for two key things. First, I pray for the family of God—the church—to be united. Jesus emphasized the importance of unity among His followers, and this remains critical today. My prayer is that believers would stand confidently in their biblical convictions, resisting the pull of cultural narratives that contradict God’s Word.

At the same time, I pray for compassion in how we communicate those convictions. It’s possible to hold firm beliefs while showing love and grace to others. We must embody both conviction and compassion, reflecting the beauty of the gospel in our interactions. The church must remember that we are first and foremost citizens of God’s Kingdom, called to represent Him faithfully on earth. As Jesus prayed, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” we too should desire God’s Kingdom to manifest in our nation.

A Prayer for a Broken World

The second focus of my prayer is for the broader world—a world that is searching for truth, unity, and belonging. People are asking, “Is what Jesus said really true? Can we find peace and purpose in Him?” My prayer is that through the power of the Holy Spirit and the faithful witness of God’s people, many would come to see that the gospel is indeed true and life-changing. I pray that hearts would be opened to the reality of God’s love and that they would experience the peace and belonging found in Christ.

Strengthening Christian Families

One of my biggest prayers is for Christian families to anchor themselves in God’s Word. In a world full of distractions and fragmentation, we need to be intentional in building strong, cohesive families. Parents must invest time in teaching their children biblical truths and guiding them in the ways of the Lord. I believe we are seeing a shift—families are seeking God’s wisdom on how to raise their children with a biblical worldview.

This intentional discipleship will impact the culture in profound ways. In the next 10 to 15 years, as these children grow into adulthood and assume leadership roles, we will witness a cultural transformation. I am hopeful and excited about what God has in store for future generations.

Asking God for Wisdom

Finally, I regularly ask God to give us His wisdom. James 1:5 reminds us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” Our nation desperately needs God’s wisdom to navigate the challenges we face today. We need divine guidance on how to protect our environment, strengthen our communities, and uphold moral values without getting entangled in political agendas.

The church must rise above partisanship and focus on God’s truth. We need to address real issues with biblical wisdom, ensuring that our actions align with God’s will. I pray that churches will become beacons of hope and truth, leading people to Jesus and fostering lasting change in our communities.

In Conclusion

As we prepare the ground for revival, let us do our part by praying, seeking God’s face, and turning from our wicked ways. Let us pray for unity within the church, the strengthening of Christian families, and the boldness to stand firm in our convictions while showing compassion to others. May God grant us the wisdom we need to navigate these times and bring about a spiritual awakening that transforms our nation.

Let us remain faithful in prayer and trust that God will bring healing and renewal to our land. Together, we can prepare the ground for revival and witness the power of God at work in our midst.

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