Jack Hibbs : God Can Not Fail You

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Jack Hibbs : God Can Not Fail You

Friends, it’s a fact that God cannot fail you. He simply cannot. I understand that many people may feel emotionally hurt or disappointed, thinking that God let them down or broke His promises. But this is never the case—it’s impossible for God to fail. The truth is, God never fails you. What often happens is that we misinterpret situations or fail to fully understand God’s plans. But listen, stay with me as we dive deep into this important truth. We’re starting in Romans chapter 9, where God reveals His message to us.

In Romans chapters 9, 10, and 11, Paul takes a moment to reflect on Israel’s relationship with God. Romans 9 addresses Israel’s past with God, Romans 10 discusses their present relationship, and Romans 11 focuses on Israel’s future with God. Despite the profound truths revealed here, sadly, many pastors and churches avoid teaching on these chapters because they are considered too controversial or difficult to understand. These chapters address themes of God’s election, salvation, and the role of Gentiles. But fear not, my friends, we’re going to explore this together.

Remember, the Bible is meant to be studied, and the answers are there not to frighten us, but to prepare us for what’s to come. We don’t need anything beyond the Bible itself—the Holy Spirit will guide us and lead us in understanding. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible reveals one message: Jesus Christ, the Messiah (Yeshua HaMashiach), is the Savior of the world. It may sound radical, but let’s see what the Bible really says. Grab your Bible and join me in this study. God cannot fail you.

When God speaks, He speaks truth. His word is sovereign and secure. As it says in Romans 9:6, “But it is not that the word of God has failed.” When some people reject His message, it’s not because God’s word is ineffective—it’s because they refuse to believe. Jesus Himself dealt with this issue: people had taken God’s revelation and turned it into a man-made religion with rules and traditions. But God desires a personal relationship with each of us. His love for us is everlasting, as He draws us with loving kindness.

The word “draw” means He gently pulls us in, but He never forces us to love Him. That would not be a true relationship; it would be tyranny. God’s love is clearly shown in Scripture, and it’s powerful. Romans 9:6 teaches us that God’s word, the Logos, is alive and active. The Logos is the embodiment of God’s thoughts. Think about it—when Jesus came to Earth, He was the living embodiment of God’s will. Watching Him, we saw God’s thoughts, ideas, and plans come to life.

Jesus is the very manifestation of God’s will on Earth. He is the embodiment of divine thought, an expression of God’s perfect intelligence, communicated to us. The Logos, in its essence, is meant to be spoken of and shared. It is not to be hidden away. Jesus Christ, the Word of God, was meant to be announced to the world: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.” This is the powerful message of salvation—Jesus died for our sins and rose again for our justification. God’s Word cannot fail.

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