Living Courageously as a Child of God

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As humans, we have fallen into a nature that includes cowardice. From a young age, we are born with this instinct. However, through spiritual rebirth, we receive a new nature, being recreated in Christ Jesus for good works.

Hello everyone, and welcome to the American Campfire Revival! I’m Rex, your pastor and friend, and I’m thrilled to be here with you tonight by the warm glow of our campfire. If you have friends or family who are feeling discouraged and in need of hope, please invite them to join us. Together, we will pray and discuss where we can find the confidence to be strong, courageous, and unafraid. We’ll explore the secret to cultivating that courage and bravery.

First, I want to share a message from our sponsor. God calls fathers to act justly, love mercy, and serve humbly as spiritual leaders of their families. Unfortunately, many men today are stepping back from this vital role, leaving a noticeable void in our society. In Trail Life troops across the country, men are coming together to encourage one another and unite in their mission to raise boys into men who lead with humility, strength, and integrity.

Godly fathers don’t just appear out of nowhere; they are trained and guided. They need to experience what is good and right if they are to uphold these values throughout their lives. Let’s make a difference by committing to show boys what healthy, biblical masculinity looks like. You can join an existing troop or start a new one at your church. To learn more, visit

Rex, you are one of my personal heroes, along with Dr. Marshall Foster, both of whom are featured in my new book, Born to Be Brave. The premise of my book is that God warns us that cowards will have their place in the Lake of Fire. When He saved us, He gave us a second birth to be brave. The new creation aspect of our lives means that the old self is gone, and the new has come. As it says in Scripture, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation,” one filled with courage—not timidity—because God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.

Indeed, we are all fallen, and part of our fallen nature includes cowardice. We often avoid facing the truth, leading us to lie. We shy away from reality, preferring to pretend. When we are born again, we receive a new nature that allows us to be recreated in Christ Jesus for good works. Jesus exemplified bravery, boldness, and courage.

In my book, I mention several heroes, both from the past and present. I often wonder if I would have the courage to do what they did. For example, would I have the bravery to act like William Wallace, the pilgrims who crossed the ocean, or George Washington? The stakes can be high, and the pressure can be overwhelming, which can easily paralyze us with fear.

Take Joshua, for instance. He felt immense pressure when he was called to succeed Moses. Moses had led the people of God through the wilderness for 40 years, a monumental task. He received the tablets of the law on Mount Sinai and guided the Israelites through numerous challenges. Now, Joshua had to fill those enormous shoes, leading the Israelites into the Promised Land—a land inhabited by giants where battles awaited.

Joshua was likely naturally brave, but the weight of the mission must have been daunting. He knew that victory was critical, and failure could result in significant setbacks. This is why, in the first chapter of Joshua, God tells him three times to “be strong and very courageous, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” This mission was impossible from a human perspective, but God assured Joshua that by meditating on His law and following it, he would find success and prosperity.

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