If My People – Part 2 (Deuteronomy 28)

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If My People – Part 2 (Deuteronomy 28)

Join us as we launch our 21 days of prayer for our nation – gathering with humble, repentant hearts, seeking God’s forgiveness, and praying for God’s healing upon our nation.

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this special service has been called today if you’re visiting I’m sorry no Bible study today Jesus says my father’s house shall be called The House of Prayer that’s what we’re going to do right now as uh it’s not just the season that we’re in but it’s the predicament we’re in because as you well know uh voting started and uh people are already thank God bringing their ballots here to church this is a ballot collection location you can bring your ballots here here we encourage you to do that and you
don’t have to be a Christian and you don’t have to go to church here and you don’t listen there’s even drive up ballot collection here but by all means do vote as people gave their lives that you and I might Steward this Republic that God has given us but listen I got to tell you what what I’ve got to say today uh is is not pleasant but there’s a time when the Bible tells us that we need to Rend our hearts and not our garments I’m glad the Bible says that I we need to Rend our hearts you know listen you you read for
example when Jesus uh in various times uh made mention where they said uh who who are you and he answered I’m I’m the Son of God and they tore their clothes and threw dust on their head because they viewed him as speaking blasphemy it would have been blasphemy if he wasn’t the Son of God but he was Jesus spoke the truth and the religious establishment went nuts they were proud and they were too proud to repent of their sins everybody listen there’s no such thing as Revival until this first repentance God will never
change that recipe stop talking and stop singing about Revival we need to stop it and you say well that’s kind of harsh let me ask you this again revive what what is God going to revive what witness of the church is worth Reviving that we’ve lost in the last 50 years what is it listen we have to go back further than that when the two great Awakenings broke out upon this nation do you know for example in the Second Great Awakening the NYPD in New York had no crime they didn’t know what to do did you know that they stood on
the street corner and they invented the quartet the police began to sing because they had no crime in New York how’d that happen because the listen the years before that it was absolutely perilous to walk down the streets of New York City people began to cry out in small numbers to God the Bible began to be taught again and God began to move and he took over and the same was true in the great first Awakening for the United States or what would become America in the colonies and so Church um I’ve amended the message from first
service because it was just too hard I must tell you this is your homework you must read Deuteronomy chapter 28 on your own really slow Deuteronomy chapter 28 you want to know where America’s going you want to know where America’s going tomorrow do you want to know how the election’s going to turn out do you want to know what’s in store for the next weeks or months or years ahead Deuteronomy 28 man it’s right there Crystal better than a compass CU Our God never changes and in that chapter he gives a
list of what he will do with a nation that seeks his face and seeks his word or a nation who rejects his face and ignores his word and I don’t need you to publicly respond but as a whole as a nation has America accepted God’s word or rejected God’s word don’t think for a moment as you read Deuteronomy 28 that When God says to his chosen people his precious ones he says to them because you’ve rejected me I will leave you to yourself do you think we’re greater than Israel I got news for you America’s not
in the Bible Israel is do you think that he’s brought us this far and this is a glitch in the road and everything’s going to right itself and things are going to be happy days from here on out no not even the politicians themselves now are saying The Best Is Yet To Come have you noticed that’s evaporated from their argument isn’t it in justifiably so but I want to say today that where America is at now the responsibility of its condition lies solely at the foot of the church it is the Christian that is disengaged
from the culture that has rendered this nation without an anchor or a Rudder so much so many of you already know this so much so that I went to Great pains to put together a sermon prayer I say sermon prayer it was ancient prayers offered in Congress from 1774 to about 1780 and house Speaker Mike Johnson asked me to come to DC and pray at Congress so I prayed and I gave a historic prayer because I wanted to be right you know and I wanted to be historic but I wanted to please God most so I did that and uh then had to get home got on
the plane flew back home and by the time I landed I had 26 members of Congress condemn me and write an open letter of condemnation as a public article and called Mike Johnson’s leadership into question because he picked me to pray the prayer that opened Congress and I’m going to show it to you I’m going to ask you listen and tell me where I misrepresent presed God or abused God or insulted God because um this is a you know news flesh When you pray you don’t pray to Congress you don’t pray to elected
officials to get an answer from them you don’t even get help from them if you live in North and South Carolina in the Eastern regions of Tennessee right now and I need to say this because I never say this I’m inspired last night I went to go pick up dinner called it you know whatever pick it up and there was somebody from the church here and the woman said are we helping Israel at all and it dawned on me and I told her oh my gosh I never announced things like this I never say things like this because I
don’t want the right hand to know what the left hand is doing uh yes we always have been every year we help Israel tremendously and it’s not just during the time of War yes and I said you know what I’m I’m really convicted right now because we never we never say anything to the church I was just always thinking you’re going to hear all about the great stuff you did when you get to heaven and you will I say that to say this in the last couple of weeks you guys have responded to the disasters
of North and South Carolina and the Eastern regions of Tennesse to well over well over a million dollars you’ve responded and by the way this is key responded to and working with Samaritan’s Purse don’t give money to anybody else but Samaritan’s Purse Franklin Graham I’m telling you right now they’re the most efficient they’ll get the job done and there’s no Shenanigans their books are wide open and you can trust them we trust them and I want you to know that our nation is in trouble but the
stories you’re not hearing in fact we’re trying to figure out now how to get real life Network news not just covering Israel now but to start covering what’s going on we’re getting requests from people who are saying will you please report on what’s going on because CNN everybody they’re gone we’ve got horses dead in trees cattle stuck in the in buildings dead we’ve got dead people everywhere and people are not even knowing this we even right now because we seem to be removed from it’s it’s like what
what is that I didn’t see I didn’t see any of that that on the news you’re not going to see it why are you not seeing it why is our listen why is Congress sitting on0 billion that was just given to FEMA I should say why is FEMA sitting on20 billion that Congress gave them cash to help those that are in need and they can’t even get pasted and part of our good friends at Samaritans Pur First Responders the government’s not even letting them in what’s up there’ll probably be a knock on my
door after saying that and I’m not making fun this nation has lost its way because this nation has lost its God but we can pray it may be over this may be the last days and God’s about ready to focus on Israel and the last days commence and I hope soon the church will be going up it might be but if it’s not God has obeyed us he’s answered our prayer as a nation our nation said get out of court and God got out of court our nation said get out of school and we’ve replaced the Bible with pornography get out of
the Civic Square the the the center of the of the town get God out and God is out he obeyed I do not believe that God gave us Co I do not believe that God sent these terrible storms I do not believe that I believe what happened is when God pulls his hand of protection back a vacuum is created and evil fills Satan hates your guts and he hates America in fact that’s not uh that’s not hyperbole because listen when a storm rose up Jesus and the Galilee on a boat stood up and rebu reuke the stormm it’s the same word he
used to rebuke Satan America’s in trouble and we’re not going back the only hope for America I’m looking at it right now is the church to pray to intercede we need to stop playing games people but um let’s look on the screens as to what was so horrible that 26 members of Congress by the way all of them every single one of them Democrats I had to say that why not I’m in a why not let’s see what made them so mad the house will be in order the prayer will be offered by the guest chaplain Pastor Jack Hibbs Calvary
Chapel Chino Hills Chino California let’s pray almighty God and father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ together we come before you in humility as a people in need of your forgiveness your mercy your goodness and your grace for these 250 so years our fathers in this Congress have prayed for your guidance and protection and so we stand here in Humble petition that you today might do the same that this nation and its unparalleled Constitution your great gift to all Freedom loving people might be renewed here and across this land as
a Beacon of Hope to all who seek peace I ask you today Father to bring to us a Great Awakening of righteousness and confidence in you who alone is mighty to save Hear My Cry in this hour of great need that we might be humbly blessed before you in the repentance of our national sins you almighty God are the source of all wisdom and there is no wisdom but that which comes from you so please come upon those here who are the stewards over the business of our nation with your wisdom which comes from above and with your holy fear knowing that
your coming day of judgment draws near when all who have been and are now in Authority will answer to you the great judge of heaven and of Earth for the decisions that they make here in this place I offer this prayer to you father in in the name of Jesus Christ your son and our crucified Savior and resurrected Lord in Jesus name amen so Billy Graham said that prayer is simply a two-way communication between you and God seems obvious right why is it that when we mentioned prayer people have a tendency to get a little nervous about it or to
get or or stumbled about it prayer is simply a communication uh when you talk to your friends think about this when you talk to your friends how often do you do that well it depends on your friendship and the style of your friendship uh what do you talk about have you noticed that your friends when you speak to them you you say hey how’s it going how you doing and they’ll give you a brief answer normally we’ll say something like it’s fine it’s good how’s your wife how’s your kids it’s
good how’s your there’s that exchange and then because your friends the conversation moves into so uh you know what’s what’s on the table before you or what’s happening or what what can I pray for because you’re friends and then they start to share and then it goes a little deeper and then you respond back well you know you can pray for me this way and that’s how that’s how a friendship is by the way do we not El have friendships that are on a continuous basis and then I have friends
that I don’t talk to sometimes 1 2 3 4 years and then I I see them or talk to them again and it’s like we never skipped the beat that’s a God thing you could call that prayer now that you’re praying to them but you’re communicating with them prayer is a two-way dialogue between you and God Charles spon said for the believer it’s intercourse with God it’s how we communicate personality to personality said aw toer it’s the only way that we can relate to God there’s no other way if you’re not a person who
prays you don’t know God do you pray do you seek Him do you do you are you desperate must you seek Him is there an Open Door of communication that God let’s talk I like to look at it this way I’m sure I fail at it constantly but I like to believe that in reality my prayer yet has never ended with a real amen I want to keep the Line open well do you close your eyes or do you get on your knees do you stand up do you went all of the above and drive and everything else Open Door talk walk like Enoch did
with God sometimes people View view prayer as in case of emergency break glass oh my gosh it’s so bad it’s so bad we’ve got to pray or if somebody says let’s pray why what’s wrong it should be the way that we breathe and operate Ian bounds wrote that prayer is the very link that connects us to almighty God there’s no listen family there’s no talking there’s no connection there’s no life there’s no nutrients without the umbilical cord of prayer if it’s cut off you die the believer knows
this listen I believe that God started something publicly it began with Co in my opinion then it began then the next step was BLM and then woke the wokeness and then it was Israel and now it’s I believe God is shaking the church in the world and in America right now you want to know why he’s getting her ready and he’s shaking Jesus said everything that can be shaken shall be shaken only that which can remain shall remain your life my life it’s going to be shaken listen I’m not a prophet I’m
just telling you Bible your life is going to be shaken don’t don’t think that the end of the world has come don’t think that God stopped loving you according to the Book of James we must be shaken because you know what in this life there’s things that get attached to us that God doesn’t want and there’s things that maybe you’ve allowed into your life that God doesn’t want and the Bible tells us that God Isaiah 59 and first John 1 God’s ear is not heavy that he cannot hear you neither is his arm Too Short
that he cannot save you but your sins have separated you from your God so that he will not hear you and he will not save you God says that about his people and so there cannot be a Revival and we cannot start these 21 days without doing housekeeping and that is repentance I think most of you know the answer to this but a lot of people I could ask this question in a seminary and they’d get it wrong but what’s the first word of the Gospel somebody might say for God so loved the world and that’s very sweet but that’s
not the first word you’ll never know the love of God well we’ll never perish we’ll be in heaven forever with God if you want that there’s a prerequisite to it oh he died on the cross for my sins great yes indeed he rose again from the dead awesome true you’re still missing the gospel it was the first word out of Jesus’s mouth concerning the gospel first word of Peter first word of Paul first word of the Apostles it’s repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved and that word repent means is to own
your own sin to stop deflecting it on others stop blaming your mom your dad your kids the government well not I mean the government so I’m kidding the the word metanoia it’s it’s incumbent upon us to recognize that Jack has sinned and I could live a great day I didn’t do this I didn’t do this and I didn’t do this didn’t have one bad thought one bad temper not one L lustful thing passed through my mind uh stayed at 55 M an hour I had a great day and you know what God would say to me he’d say you need to
repent what you need to repent Jack because you’re only focusing on the things that you didn’t commit but you didn’t go and visit the orphans in the homeless and the shuttin I command you to do that and you know that you only focused on one side you didn’t do the bad but you didn’t do any good either those are sins of omission why am I saying this ja why are you saying this because we cannot pray we’re going to pray soon but we can’t pray unless we repent of our own sins you can’t repent of your husband’s
sins you can’t repent of your wife’s sins you can’t repent for your kids you have to repent of your own sins I have to repent of mine in Matthew 6:31 Jesus says therefore do not worry watch the correlation do not worry worry saying what shall we eat what shall we drink what shall we wear would it be a great entrance to a mle for after all these things the Gentiles or the unbelievers the pagans seek for your heavenly father knows that you need all these things but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness
and all all these things shall be added to you therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about its own things sufficient for the day is its own trouble notice the correlation between worry and prayer people who pray are prone not to worry when people worry they’re not prayers Charles Spurgeon said true prayer is neither a mere mental exercise nor a vocal performance you ever heard those people in a prayer meeting dear God I come before you it’s like well you don’t talk like that normally what are you
doing what kind of a performance is that it is far deeper than that Spurgeon says it is a spiritual transaction with the creator of Heaven and Earth he says I pray I do not wish I have God not a genie that’s boldness that’s beautiful and that’s powerful John chapter 15:7 everybody write this down John chapter 15:7 it’s the key to prayer if my if if you abide in me and my words the Bible abide in you and ask whatever you desire or whatever you wish and it will be done for you you want to know how cool that is by the way it has
an Old Testament parallel to it it’s I think it’s psalm 37:4 if I remember right where it says delight yourself in the Lord and he’ll give unto you the desires of your heart you say well wow that’s pretty pretty amazing those listen Jesus said if my word is in you you can pray whatever you want and God’s going to answer you want to know what the premise is the word is inside of you so when you pray it’s the word that comes out of you it’s not like God help me win the lotto today that’s not in the


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