Thankful Thursday Blessings October 10, 2024

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Thankful Thursday Blessings

Dear God, thank You for this day. Thank You for being my strength when I feel weak. I’ve had moments this week when I’ve felt overwhelmed and don’t know how to move forward. But I know that You are my source of strength and that I can rely on You in every moment. Help me to draw from Your power and lean on Your promises. When I feel like giving up, remind me that You are with me, guiding and empowering me. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. I give this day to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect. -Psalm 18:32

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, as I wake to this new day, I thank You for everything I can see around me. Show Your power in my life today and reveal Your goodness. I need to feel Your presence beside me. I adore You this morning for all the good You do for me. Even in the toughest trials, You give meaning to my life. Thank You for Your unconditional love that sustains me, for Your light that guides my steps, and for Your constant presence that never abandons me.

I also ask for those who need Your companionship, who feel alone and are overwhelmed by depression. Let them know You are with them, that You never leave them, and that they can find comfort and peace in You. Protect them from all dangers and keep them safe from the temptations of evil. I pray You fill me with Your Holy Spirit, who knows how to act in my life and gives me what I need to remain calm and at peace.

Thank You for making me feel how valuable I am to You. Thank You for all the ways You care for me, for how You bring fulfillment to my life. I know my help comes from You, for without You, I cannot face the challenges of life. Without You, my life falls into darkness. So today, I ask that You fill me with Your presence and love. Immerse me in the river of Your love so that I can be ready to continue doing what is best for my life.

Thank You for watching over me, for spoiling me, for making me feel secure, and for giving me the strength to keep fighting. I ask for the fortitude and faithfulness to never stray from You. Grant me the light of Your Spirit to always please You and live in alignment with Your will. May every trial be an opportunity to grow in faith, to strengthen my spirit, and to draw closer to You.

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I praise You because every day, You show me that I can trust in You, that You never abandon me, and that Your love is unshakable. Stay with me, Lord, guiding my life so that when adversity comes, I will have the strength to withstand it. Don’t let fear overcome me. You created me to be victorious, to fight and win the battles of each day. Fill me with the courage that comes from the breath of the Holy Spirit so that nothing hinders me in the struggles ahead. Let me face every challenge in Your name, to glorify You, to show my faith in You, and to grow in my relationship with You.

I know You are with me, holding me up and helping me move forward. Strengthen me to keep fighting in Your name. Give me the endurance to keep walking in faith. I stand firm because I believe in You, because I know You will make a way, and because You fill me with all that is good.

Lord, guide me today so I can offer You praises for all the blessings You pour out on me. I place this new day in Your hands. Let me live for You, and in doing so, find true happiness, always by Your side. Amen.

I will dedicate a moment today to read a passage from the Holy Bible, to carry a new teaching from our Lord into my life.

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, the only One who performs wonders. Blessed be Your glorious name forever. May Your glory fill the earth. – Psalm 72

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