Under The Shadow Of The Almighty – Part 2 (Romans 11:7-18)

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Under The Shadow Of The Almighty – Part 2 (Romans 11:7-18)

Discover the promise of dwelling under the Almighty’s shadow and how it applies to both Jews and Gentiles. Uncover the surprising reasons behind the Jewish people’s blindness and the path to their restoration. Explore the liberating truth that can free you from the burdens of failure and legalism.

church family uh Romans chapter 11 you guys know this is our second uh installment on this chapter of what we’re looking at and that is under the shadow of the Almighty we often think of that only exclusively as an Old Testament uh blessing but it is a blessing to anyone who will put their faith in the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob think about it the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and by the way as we get further along in the weeks ahead you’re going to get very excited as a gentile to find out that we’ve been grafted into
what is called the Commonwealth of Israel and you say what what grafted yeah the Bible’s going to tell us the word grafted and you’re going to find out the meaning of it it’s going to blow your mind can I can I just cheat I can’t hold it back you can cheat we’re gonna listen not now but later we’re going to get to this grafting thing that Israel listen Israel believing Israel that the core is the root and the root is Abraham and that Abraham it was the promise was given to him to be a father
of many nations not one many how does that happen because God told Abraham that the just shall live by faith are you with me that opens up salvation to anybody and when you read the Old Testament so many times especially Isaiah that the Gentiles shall shall come and seek your light that the Lord will be the Salvation to not only Judah and Jerusalem but to all Gentiles who look to him I love that I love it that when it talks about us being grafted in I didn’t know this but when you graft like a Vine a grape vine
when you graft it together the grafting when it takes place is so powerful that even under a microscope you cannot tell where the grafting took place within six months time it’s impossible to tell why do I say that because listen there was a time when France had a disease and all of the wine vineyards of France was going to be decimated France was going to lose their status of being the wine producer of the world it was over they couldn’t stop the disease guess what happened somebody sent them roots from
California from Napa Sonoma and mesino to France they began to graft the French Vine to the California Vine and it turned out that the California root was resilient to the disease that was killing the French winery the grapes and and it made him stronger and it saved the entire French industry and this guy went on to show you that there’s no French wine anywhere in the world that you can drink that’s not laced with the strength or the stability of the California rot take the California root and think of
Abraham that’s a Bible study for some other time Romans 11 I’ll start out what then Israel has not obtained what it seeks but the have obtained it and the rest were blinded just as it is written God has given them Spirit of super eyes that they should not see and ears that they should not hear to this very day and David says King David and David says quote let their table become a snare and a trap a stumbling block and a recompense to them let their eyes be darkened so that they do not see bow down their back always wow verse 11 I
say then Paul is speaking have they stumbled that they should fall certainly not the word in Greek is perish the thought but through their fall which is the word stumble not fall fall down but their fall as a stumble to provoke them to jealousy salvation has come to the Gentiles now if their fall is riches for the world and their failure riches for the Gentiles how much fullness amen for I speak to you Gentiles in as much as I am an apostle to the Gentiles I magnify my Ministry if by any means I may provoke to jealousy those who are my flesh and
save some of them did you all hear that this is a Jew talking to Gentile Roman Believers and he’s saying if by any means I may provoke to jealousy those who are my flesh and save some of them that is key verse 15 for if their being cast away is the reconciling of the world what will be their acceptance or what will their acceptance be but life from the deadly the lump is also holy and if the root is Holy so are the branches and if some of the branches were broken off and you you being a wild Olive Tree were grafted
in among them and with them became a partaker of the root and fatness of the Olive Tree not boast against the branches but if you do boast remember that you do not support the root but the root supports you and all God’s people said amen amen so we’ll learn all about that oh you can be seated we’ll learn all about that California stuff and the French Connection and all of that uh when time comes but it is thrilling to see that we have have a God who has not only given us the Bible but he’s the God
of all nature he’s the God of all creation and that’s why I’ve often said to you that I’m a big fan I love science I love the sciences and um I didn’t pay much attention to them when I was in school to be honest with you by the way I didn’t pay much attention to History either um I had a terrible curse I could look at what was in the book and take a picture basically with my eyeballs and stored in my memory just long enough for the day of the test and then uh get an A and then if you ask me
that same question three weeks later I wouldn’t know the answer uh having a good memory is not a good idea you need to stay at things you need to keep at it and uh for me personally the fact of the matter is that when I see what what God did in creation uh as I began to honestly appreciate I I I did that after I became a Believer I might have studied science in school or biology in school or whatever it is in school I didn’t pay attention couldn’t tell you a thing about it I didn’t care about it until I met the
Creator God and then you look at the Bible by the way this is always fun don’t ever back away from some sort of an argument or debate when somebody wants to argue you that there is no there is no God because uh science is the answer excuse me really what in fact science strengthens the argument for the creation of God because science tells you how things work that’s all it can tell you God tells you in the Bible why he gave these things that work you can bake me a cake but if you don’t tell me why it means nothing to me
it’s just a cake but if you tell me I baked you a cake because of this reason now it means something are you hearing me so if you just huddle on science and don’t get God into your science your science will never have a meaning or a purpose it can only tell you how things work what you want to find out about is why was this given in the first place why do you have life and God gives us the word of God and in the very beginning Genesis 1 verse one I said this a few weeks ago I want to say it again the Bible tells us that in the
beginning who and in the Hebrew word it’s Elohim L God word ending I am I am plural the very first verse of the Bible causes you to stop and think wait a minute what’s going on here we believe in one God but there’s a plurality to his existence and listen if you don’t read Old and New Testament you’re not going to find out the meaning to this God of Genesis 1:1 it will be possible you are to read the full counsil of God now I understand and I made a post yesterday inviting all of my Jewish
friends and all of my Jewish enemies to join in on this service to let people know that I cannot contain myself any longer in Romans chapter 11 I want to grab every Jew I know and I know some Jews and I’m just going to say it right out in the open you already know down deep inside my in fact I told him you are my favorite Jew and he said that’s not true I said it is true he said it’s not true I go what do you mean he said you don’t you follow Jesus I saides of course he said well then that makes
me your second favorite Jewel and I said I want you to follow Jesus I’m talking about I’m talking about Dennis Prager I love that man he loves me and it’s a wonderful relationship my goal in life is to get him to see his Old Testament scriptures and I don’t think he’ll mind because he’s such a straightup guy there’s been times when I have had Bible and he’s opens up his Hebrew Bible on his uh phone and we’re looking at it and I’m asking them what is it what about this verse in Jeremiah what about this
verse in Proverbs what about this verse in psalm and he’ll look at it and he’ll look at it and he’ll say oh yeah what’s for dinner and that’s how that’s when you know that’s when you know God is at work Israel contrary to CNN is God’s chosen people they were they are they’re going to be Romans chapter 9 deals with their past Romans chapter 10 deals with their current and here’s what I’m telling you every week Romans chapter 11 deals with their future but we’re at a point in
human history friends right now that their future is just about happening oh it’s like the flowers blossoming right now you and I are living so to speak timeline at the end of Romans 10 and at the opening of Romans 11 and Romans 11 is all about The Reawakening of Israel in the last days but the whole study series comes from that great Psalm of Psalm 91 verse one we read it last week I’ll just remind you of it again it’s incred incedible and for those of you who don’t know and I’m I’ve asked again I’ve asked
a lot of Jewish friends to tune in from all over the world if they would just tolerate this according to the Bible the scripture says a Pharisee Jew by the name of Saul we know him as Paul the Apostle said that all the promises given by God are yes and amen in Christ in Messiah so it comes down to regarding the promises of God if you want them the key is knowing who the Messiah is and the Bible from Genesis to Revelation gives you identifying Ministry words events statements prophecies that confirm who Israel’s Messiah is and the Messiah of
the world he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide Under The Shadow of the almighty and that is for those who know God personally for example if Abraham were here today wouldn’t that be fun he’d say amen that’s true if David were here today he’d say I know what that’s like I wrote it Joshua would say the same thing on and on it goes but we now in the 21st century we’ve experienced the same thing I sure hope you have I I hope you’re a follower of Christ because if you if your life is
one that’s dedicated to him in the word of God your life is thrilling and you’re you’re going to want to know what it’s like to dwell under the shadow in the secret place to be with the most high God because that becomes your absolute and ultimate protection so Church let’s just dive in if if you uh if you missed last week go online catch up there we’re going right now to the second argument under the shadow of the almight is this and that is where God desires you to be unburdened unburdened the first thing that we saw
was this it was God’s desire in verses seven and eight of this chapter for you and I to see beyond you remember that God wants us to see beyond and this is what I love of course I love many things about this book but what’s so great is that when we talked about uh seeing Beyond we saw this in three ways that it’s this word that uh that the psalmist wrote this word is a light and a lamp unto my path andto my feet right it’s this it’s this Bible the word yeah but isn’t there mistakes in the Bible well
I’d like you to find one why don’t you find one and then write a book and become a billionaire you’ll be the only one but go ahead knock yourself out see see what you can find by the way I get a little fair warning uh some of the most famous apologists for Christianity now and throughout history had been those who were atheists trying to disprove the Bible wrong and they were so devoted in their research that they wound up discovering that it’s true so go ahead and attack it if you’re ready if if you’re okay with losing I’m
fine with that too God says in Isaiah 1:18 come let us reason together sayeth the Lord and the word in Hebrew is come let is reason the word is uh come let’s argue together you let’s have an argument I love that you go argue with God all you want you’re going to lose but listen when he wins he doesn’t flaunt it in your face when he wins you get saved you come to a personal relationship with the Creator and he’s awesome and so when we saw last time the fact that he wants us to look Beyond in
verses seven and 8 we want to learn from Israel’s mistakes because Israel listen every time from Egypt out what happened to the first generation for 40 years remember Church remember from where they departed which is most for some reason people think mostly it’s it’s like from uh Cairo it’s more the region in Egypt where Memphis is at they left out from that region and they crossed over and everything is going great Moses is leading them the children of Israel are following him it’s going
pretty good um and then they cross over by God’s miraculous provision and what would have been an 11-day walk to Kadesh Baria turned out to be a 40-year Wandering in the wilderness and the Old Testament tells us in Exodus and in Deuteronomy and in Leviticus and in Jeremiah and in Isaiah Amos it was because of of unbelief sometimes in life is your life like this imagine your life right now think about your life and you’re wondering why your life seems to feel like you’re going in circles I want to suggest to you that
your actual touchdown might only be so to speak 11 days away but the Bible says because Israel did not obey God and you know that read it that they wandered for 40 years in the wilderness how many people are sitting here today that have been wandering struggling with God kicking against God because you refuse to have God be in charge of your life I would suggest to you the god that created all science and gave us the Bible the one who controls all past present and future the Eternal God you ought to give him the steering
wheel see what happens he’s good for your life both now and forever and so it’s this book that brings us to see beyond right to the edge we talked last time this Bible takes us to the edge and Beyond we get to read this book and look into the future you know what listen I don’t know if you know this or not I don’t know all of you that are here today but I know something you may not know and the way I know it is because I’ve read the book did you know that there’s a day coming that according to the Bible Israel is
going to allow someone to give the thumbs up for them to rebuild a temple in Jerusalem did you know that did you know that did you know that right now there’s a group called The Temple Institute in Jerusalem and they’re getting ready to build the new Temple and the Bible said this thousands of years ago sad thing is the person who’s going to give them the permit to build to build it is the one that you know in the New Testament as the Antichrist the Old Testament calls him the son of predition we can know the future Through
the Bible right to the edge and Beyond also we can see through the fog we learned that last time as well and then we also learned in closing last time that God has given us the ability to see beyond the temporal things that Israel was given all of these promises by God and remember he made a covenant with Abraham himself and uh did I tell you guys this on Sunday or was it Wednesday night about Abraham being put to sleep by God last Sunday remember that was it last Sunday okay so he remembers so it was all God’s
doing and this is where people get a little but what’s my part believe believe in the biblical definition of believing we would use the word have faith normally people think of believing but listen believing must take you to Faith a lot of people believe that Jesus Christ existed a lot of people believe that the Bible’s the word of God but they don’t trust him or they don’t trust it are you with me and so it’s not real to them it’s just religion to them just give me some dos and don’ts will you and
I’ll be on my way and God will have nothing of that he doesn’t want anything to do with that it’s not about the temporal and there’s no Nation sorry if you get upset with this it’s just pure Bible there is no Nation ever Under the Sun that has ever been given the promises nor has the promises now to lean upon if they just would but Israel see what about America what about it did you know our founding fathers borrowed the promises that God gave to Israel to build this nation did you know that oh I can feel the mail coming in
right now America was just a remarkable miraculous anomaly and I personally believe that America served its purpose as a place of shelter almost like a big brother waiting and in the late 1800s you guys know this 1880 1890 when the Zionist movement began to happen it was the United States all the way up to 1948 that stood behind Israel being the nation we’ve served our purpose I pray that God might have mercy on us but Church listen up the promises God gave to Israel if he doesn’t keep them you and I don’t have
any oh but that’s okay he’ll keep them so here it is verses 9 and 10 it’s this God wants us to be unburdened and so verse n tells us and this is remarkable unburdened in the area of failure to be honest with you Romans 11:9 and David this is shocking for a Jewish heart and a Jewish mind to hear David wrote this you can write it down in your notes it’s Psalm 69 David wrote this and he says something very convicting King David and he’s speaking to those who are of the nation of Israel but do not
believe he says let their table become a snare and a trap a stumbling block and a recompense to them notice David sets himself out and apart from watch everyone those who do not believe he’s not talking so much about in this case the Gentile Nations that’s a given he’s lamenting his own countrymen and then 2,000 years or I should say 1,000 years after him Comes A Man by the name of Saul of Tarsus we know him as Paul the Apostle and he says my heart breaks over my over my countrymen just like David
and the whole issue was who’s going to save us who’s going to deliver us who’s going to be our atonement do we really believe that a sacrificial lamb the blood of an animal is going to make man innocent of his sins and that was the faith of Abraham Abraham trusted God and the Bible says that Abraham believed God and the Bible says that God accounted that to Abraham as righteousness thus the the Bible says in habc 4:4 the just you finish it you’ve heard it for years the just shall live by faith that’s an Old Testament
passage and by God’s grace we live it in the new you’re to be unburdened from the demands listen nowhere you cannot find for me anywhere in scripture where the Bible tells us in Old and New Testament to burden the follower of God with rules and regulations ations to the point of breaking now God gives us the Ten Commandments because they’re perfect the problem is I’m not and that’s why God told Moses in the day that the children of Israel break this law they’re going to need to offer
up an innocent animal for the atonement of their sins for the covering of their them breaking the law God’s law points us to the need of Christ listen God’s law is the one that points us to the need of an atonement for salvation so but here’s the amazing thing about it is didn’t Jesus say why don’t you take from me why don’t you wear my yolk why don’t you get linked up with me and you’ll find out that my burden upon you is light and the load is easy see we’ve been conditioned that if
we’re not sweating in our religious order that we we must there must be something wrong listen what’s wrong is that there is no way for you and I to reach God from here you can’t do it he reaches from Heaven to us and he unburdens us don’t you want to be unburdened by worry are you are you crippled by fear worry whatever it might be and so David himself man this had to sting David himself said let their table become a snare the word table here is a place I I forgot to put the Hebrew word down you
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