Believing by Resting – Wednesday Service

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Believing by Resting – Wednesday Service

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father we thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you Lord that Revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force and father I pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind none of me and all of you Lord give us anointed ears to hear Let Us hear it Lord let us hear what the spirit of God is saying tonight and we just praise you for it in advance in Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen come on give the
Lord a big hand clap of Praise amen you may be seated I um I think this is going to be the most radical session we’ve had right now no no seriously uh I was looking at it uh today and I’m thinking man God I don’t know man and I started doing those brackets with question marks and then had to just study it all through I I don’t know if it’ll be that radical with you but the the fact that I know I’m going to say it is something that you probably thought maybe three sessions ago but uh this is going to be a
blessing I’m I’m going to talk to you about something very interesting Believing by resting because when you look at if you can remember me uh saying at one time or probably many times that to authenticate your belief you’ve got to enter into rest okay so how do you how do you know if you’re really believing something because you’ve entered into rest now I want you to take everything we’ve talked about over the last has it been a month yet close to it and uh I want I want you to to look at some stuff because I’ll go
so far in this study and then I need a break so I can okay let me let me let me listen to what we’re saying make sure we we got stuff together um but I’d like to start tonight in a place of just kind of let’s just think our way through this right quick well not quick but I want I want us to think our way through this and I want you to pick up some of the stuff that we’ve said so far and we’re going to mainly deal in the book of uh Romans chapter 10 and and it’s a it’s a huge deal there cuz what we got to deal
with is going to completely go against every religious bone in your body you’re going to have to reew your mind where this is concerned so one of the things that we’re learning is that we have the tools to be able to look up the verses in Greek and I believe that that is an essential Thing Once you understand that languages change and we see that it’s all about the verb in the Greek it’s it’s all about the noun in English and sometimes we find when we translate from one language to another language some of
the language that we’re going to may not have a word to to to use in in in in uh place of that and I don’t know why people don’t know that’s that’s important you you can’t get your English version of the Bible and say this is the word right out of God’s mouth no I mean when it was written out of God’s mouth we we we see it in Greek translated in other languages but translated in English as well so we need to back up that’s the significant I’m I just laugh every time I think of my dear
sister she calls off she says y’all need to stay away from that Greek we don’t need be talking about no Greek but um we got the tools to look and see exactly what was being said here so that we won’t get off course and then I think what’s happened is we’ve gotten off course for a hundred years we’ve gotten off course and to go back and to to re-evaluate this I think is big big big so we we’ve trusted in translators we’ve trusted in theologians we’ve trusted in and biblical commentaries
interpretations and translations and I think we’ve done it far too long trusting men who didn’t have an understanding of watch this finished and so we read these verses thinking like this you know if I can just have enough Faith or if I can can just believe enough not realizing and resting in the truth that there is only one faith and it’s his faith and it’s his faith in us we’re simply reflections of that one faith and we’re reflections of God’s faith we’re reflections of the Faith of Christ now I hope you caught
those two key words based on how we were thinking you know we haven’t realized and we hadn’t learned how to rest in the truth of that Faith Of God realize and rest that’s going to come up again tonight so let let’s think about something what what has happened as a result of us translating it um the versus faith in Christ I mean has there been a consequence of us of us looking at it and saying well faith in Christ so the the translators allowed for only one interpretation putting our faith in Christ and that that’s all we’ve all
that’s all we’ve known our whole lifetime is faith in Christ because of of what the translators allow so what happened they forced upon us their own interpretation decision of what the verse means and what happened is you start ruling out the passages reading and you start saying that it is Christ’s faith and not our own faith that’s what we’ve been doing it’s Christ faith not our own faith and so these faulty interpretations have been passed down from centuries resulting in believers
who believe the finished works of Christ is conditional upon putting our faith in Christ and that’s what’s happened that the mindset is that the finished works of Christ are conditional based on you based on us putting our faith in Christ that’s what’s happened and I don’t I don’t care what you look at go back and look at how you studied go back and look at how you believed and it’s all about it is conditional all of the finished works of Jesus Jesus said it is finished and then that wrong translation moved us in the
mindset of oh I’ve got to I’ve Got to Believe Believe In Christ in order to get what’s finished if I can do something to get what’s finished it wasn’t finished right okay let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s inch on here now but what if these verses had been appropriately translated as the Faith of Christ how might this have been a a change in in just the theology over here in the western world would we have thought that salvation justification Redemption would we have thought it was
conditional if we would have got the right translation or would we have understood that all was finished for all everything was done it was completed and we would have understood that it required nothing on our part it required nothing all of the teachings I did last year has set us up for this it required nothing on our part but that one translation kept bringing back it’s conditional it’s Condition it’s finished but it’s conditional almost like oxymoron it’s finished but it’s conditional it can’t be finished it
can’t be finished if I am responsible for finishing it based on what I do I think y’all understand what I’m saying amen how this in the Baptist Church if you understand what I’m saying say Amen say it again now say like you mean it all right [Applause] so all right now so let’s let’s get in Apostle Paul here a little bit um because for Paul our faith is not conditional it’s not a condition of our our justification or our Salvation And if you read Paul carefully it was not a condition of that let’s start off
tonight in Ephesians chapter 2 and 8 and let’s see from Paul’s perspective on this issue of faith in Christ versus the Faith of Christ and Ephesians 2 and8 he says for by Grace you are saved and and you remember that’s that’s that word is a Soo salvation package by Grace you are delivered you are sound uh preservation is there all these things are finished by Grace you are saved you got it through faith it notice it came through faith it came through God’s the Faith of Christ being the origin of your salvation his faith
being the origin of of uh of your salvation and this is not of yourself so right after that he says it he says it came through faith not yours this is not of yourself it came through faith not yours okay it is a gift of God so if it’s a gift of God it came through the faith of God right now the mirror Bible I’m falling in love with the mirror Bible I somebody sent me I don’t know who it was they sent me this gigantic New Testament mirror translation with all of the studies as they were derived from the Greek to that
thing it’s too big for me to bring on the pool pit with me but boy I’m tearing that thing up at home amen I’m like wow so the mirror Bible says this it was a Grace thing from start to finish it was a Grace thing from start to finish even the gift to believe simply reflects his faith even even even believing it’s a reflection of his faith so the notes in this in this verse says that Grace reveals who we are and the faith of God persuades us of it Grace reveals who we are and Faith P persuades us of all of the things that
we are Oh Glory Grace tell let me call Pa Grace tell you who he is and Faith trying to get you to to to to believe it and to to take hold of it you know and to and to and to walk in it now so what he’s saying here is Grace completely Grace successfully Grace 100% saved us all Grace somehow you saying well I got saved because I met the condition he said no you didn’t have I said I’m going to scream tonight you didn’t have nothing to do with it all right what happened one day you realized you realized and you rested in
what you what you saw there so putting our faith in Jesus didn’t result in our Salvation we had zero contribution to our salvation and both Grace and Faith are his gifts in US Grace and Faith are his gifts in her all of that was of and not of your own faith and look at Romans chapter 1:17 this is I I just got to be honest with you I thought I had Romans 7 117 figured out I I pretty much have it but when it got to that Faith uh faith in Jesus and and and Faith to Faith Faith to Faith I’m going to tell you
right now it’s God’s faith meeting his faith that is embodied in US God’s faith faith to his faith in us get a picture of that now his faith his faith faith to Faith Faith God’s faith to his faith that’s that’s that’s embodied in US Faith to Faith all right look what he says in Romans chapter 1 and uh and in verse 17 where it talks about from Faith to Faith uh look what he says here he says for therein is the righteousness of God it’s revealed from his faith to his faith in us as it is written the just shall live
by his faith and his faith in us oh my goodness all right so it talks about faith to Faith the subject of the sentence if you’ll notice the subject of the sentence is not the believer or even the believer’s faith what’s the subject of the sentence righteousness the righteousness of God the righteousness of God and how it is revealed through the gospel that’s the subject here the righteousness of God and how it’s revealed to the gospel it is God’s righteousness revealed or in the Greek pointing to Source or origin
so our ra our righteousness is revealed from the origin and the source of the faith of God and that Faith Of God is Faith embodied in US glory to God so the faith of Jesus unto the believer’s faith so God’s righteousness is revealed in the origin of his faith God’s righteousness is not revealed in the condition that we met God’s righteousness is revealed in the origin of his faith let me let me get another word say uh God’s God’s faith is the source of our righteousness amen God’s faith is the source of our
righteousness praise God his faith came because I mean his right the righteousness we have came to us as a gift and so if if we missed this part the origin of Faith the origin of faith is responsible for all of the gifts the the origin or the source the source of of of of of his faith the source of his faith produced righteousness the source of his faith produced Redemption the source of his faith produced healing the source of his faith it all came from the source of his faith we were we were the the mistranslation makes it seems like
it came from you meeting the conditions by your faith soone said what’s the big deal why you making a big deal of this because I’m trying to get you to understand you don’t bring nothing to the table and start praising God for the gifts that he’s given unto us amen we will AR listen if we if we miss that part right there we will always strive to have enough of our own faith you’re going to always be working to have enough of your own faith Until you realize that the source of all we have is of his faith and by knowing that it
is of his faith you will stop striving to see if you got enough of your own faith think about that well maybe I didn’t get well CU I didn’t have enough Faith or maybe I didn’t get the promotion because I didn’t have enough Faith see when you when you when you renew your mind and saying all of these have come in into my life because his faith is the source of all the things I have it is not based on the limitations of what you thought you needed to do to have faith in order to to gain certain things so we don’t have
to believe in our own faith now I I have to make this clear when I say our own faith I’m talking about the idea that you have a different Faith than the faith of God I do understand that the faith of God is now embodied in us okay he’s dealt to to every man The Measure of Faith so we have the faith of God in us but when I make reference to our faith I’m talking about that old that old belief that you know we have our own personalized individual faith that we have to grow and we got to do these things with it you know what I’m saying
in order to be able to achieve uh What uh to receive for example my faith is the condition to me getting the gift of righteousness and what he said was no God says it’s my faith that gifted you with righteousness it’s already finished and I need you to realize that so you can receive it I need you to realize that let me give you a definition of realize this it’s going to keep come up is to become fully aware of something as fact become fully aware of something as fact I am fully aware that I am the
righteousness of God I have I have I I realize I I realize that I am fully aware that I’m the righteous God and I am fully aware that I am saved and born again and and I’m fully aware that heaven is not uh this thing I’ve got to sweat over to see if I’m GNA get in I’m fully aware that I’m heavenbound I’m fully aware that I’m the righteousness of God and I am fully aware of the gifts he’s given me and so by becoming aware of something and realizing something then you say Well
since it’s already done I might as well go ahead and receive it yes sir that’s that’s what it means to realize that most of most most well all all sinners in the world are just one realization from Heaven wow and it’s just waiting on us to help Heaven’s waiting on us to help convince them yes sir of what Jesus has already done for them but religion wants to complicate this now you got to wear a long dress now you g all all this weird stuff and and and you know you know the devils are freaking out like shut him up and I
am so surrounded by the protection of the angels of God it is just such a blessing of the Lord because what what what happened now what happened I I have I have come to the place of realizing I don’t have to wonder if I’m protecting so there’s no fear amen y’all hear what I’m saying so what once you realize that something is done you go ahead and take it that’s that’s receiving you you can’t receive something until you realize that uh and become aware of that thing is a fact it’s not a religion it’s not
nothing it’s a fact that I am the righteousness of God it’s completed done and won’t change it is a fact that God has already commanded his angels to watch over you L you dash your foot against the stone you ain’t got to uhoh we got to send the Angels they done been [Music] sent you just got to realize that you are under Angelic protection Oh Glory to God and Devil B Ben I want to mess with you don’t mess with somebody who realize who they are there you go I rais my voice again Lord have mercy we simply need to realize that it
is his faith in us the power to walk in healing prosperity deliverance and wholeness is by resting in his faith in us as us through US realizing resting Faith to Faith is his faith lived out as our faith faith to Faith his faith lived out as our faith it’s his faith Oh Glory that I’m living out y’all ain’t hearing what I’m saying boy it’s his faith it’s it’s his faith and and we’re living out of his faith I I I’m I’m living out of his faith my faith is a reflection of his
faith and his faith is now embodied Hallelujah and I’m living out of his faith Glory I need y’all to get what I just said I’m not please understand what I’m saying you’re living out let me let me change words you’re living out from his faith I’m not looking at your faith I’m living out from the only one Faith one Lord One Faith one there only one faith I’m living out from that one Faith so when it when when when I look at healing I’m I’m Healed out from his faith that has
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