The One True Faith – Sunday Service

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The One True Faith – Sunday Service

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praise God you can be seated let’s receive our offering before we get into this morning’s teaching oh [Applause] wow if you need an offering envelope raise your hands uh I was just looking and saying to myself there are enough people in here this morning just enough people in here this morning to start a revolution [Applause] we going to start a revolution I’ve got people in Asia working on technology to try to get the gospel of grace around the world in one year when they first heard it they and talked to me about it and they
said let me get back with you in 4 days they contact me and they say we got the team we got the know how we got the technology we can do it so in a few Sundays I’m going to show you me speaking in um Spanish Korean and it’s not a a cheap copy the technology has it coming out of me like I’m speaking it because it’s using my voice speaking in their language and now I can preach the gospel in every language on the planet watch so uh we’re going to start Revolution amen so if you don’t want to
be part of you get out of here because if if this if this if this teaching touches you today you going to be caught whether you agree with it or not you’ll never be able to get it out your head cuz the Holy Ghost is going to sit on you some of you have to make sure your wig tied down real tight this morning cuz you going to want to throw that baby boy let’s receive our offering 2 Corinthians chapter 9 in verse 6 in an NLT he Compares our giving into the kingdom of God he Compares it to a farmer who plants uh seed he said
remember this a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop because the farmer determines how much he wants to receive back he says um but the one who plants generously will get a generous crop so he moves into generous giving now verse 10 for God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat let me let me say this to you God will take care of you God is going to be the one that’s going to provide some seed for you you don’t have to sit up here and wonder about well I don’t know I ain’t got
nothing to give today if if you when you want to give God will provide seed for you to give God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then not only the seed but he’ll give him bread to eat in the same way that God takes care of us he will provide an increase go back the same way that God takes care of us he will provide and he will increase your resources y’all need to get ready I’m telling you the glory is coming to your house he will provide and he will increase your resources and then produce a great
harvest of generosity in you so he says I’m going to give you seed to seow and when you give generous and then I’m going to produce that Harvest of generosity in you he says I’m going to do that you’re going to want to do it because I’m working in you not because I tell you you going you don’t you going to go to hell if you don’t give 10% but he want he wants you to give out of your heart generously now watch this next verse yes you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be
generous I just got got off a week vacation and I Purp purp in my heart because I’m believing God for this digital Global Outreach that everybody I saw everybody that would serve me any capacity people at the restaurant people getting a luggage I was going to make them have a wow moment and T said you bought all that cash S I said yeah this my seed I’m I’m giving all this away before I come back and listen the last person I encountered I mean every one of them like is is this for me they spoke good English this for
[Applause] me but I never forget this guy who came and got the locked luggage when I was checking out I said here man this is for you and he said you made my day I see it that’s what I’m trying to do when you get that real true Faith operating in you it’ll move you to want to do something to make somebody’s [Applause] day you’ll be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous and when we take your gifts to those who need them they will thank God you know when I don’t even know whether these people
were saved or not but I know one of them uh said thank God you’ll thank God watch this so two good things will result from this ministry of giving he CS it a Ministry of giving most people in in the world they despise you even talking about giving in church and here the Bible calls it the ministry of giving there’s a Ministry of giving he said there are things that are be good things will result from this ministry of G giving two things the needs of the Believers in Jerusalem will be met well here College Park wherever
you are and they will joyfully Express their thanks to God as a result of your ministry of giving they will give glory to God for your generosity to them and to all believers will prove that you are obedient to the the good news of Jesus Christ you’re obedient to the faith of the good news of Jesus Christ father we thank you for this opportunity to give we thank you for the opportunity to to make somebody’s day thank you so much for for this church that gives so we can feed the people that showed up this past week in
abundance we were able to feed them all thank you Lord that in this ministry of giving somebody will give you glory and thanks and that you will always take care of us so we can continue to be generous in this ministry of giving we praise you for it now in Jesus name amen amen go ahead and receive the offering this morning I mentioned about giving we had a load of people I don’t know what’s going on but the parking lot was full this past week feeding people and thank all of you who came out to volunteer we
were able to successfully feed everybody that came through somebody says I don’t know feed we feed people every week that’s what we do you can call us the feeding church and I’m telling you it’s it’s because of your generous giving that you allow these things to happen all right so um forgive me if I shed a few tears this morning I forgive you if you shared a few tears this morning I need you focused and let’s focus on something because I’m going to attack a traditional way of thinking that we all
thought was okay and even when you hear it you will pause to think H even in my notes as I was putting this together there were certain areas I circled and said I’m not ready to say this yet cuz I’m not sure if I believe it and then when my final round of going through this teaching last night I I went back and scratched it I said oh now I get it so I’m telling you what I know I know what’s getting ready to happen in your head but I believe God I ask God to show up this morning in a magnificent
way so that you can can operate like never before I’m going to talk to you about this subject I want to talk I’m going to call it this the the one true Faith the one true Faith where’ you get that from Ephesians 4 and 5 I just want you to see it right quick before we start the one true faith and in Ephesians 4: 5 he says there is one Lord there is one faith and there is one baptism there’s one Faith there’s not two three different Faith it’s not you got a faith and and and and then there’s
one Faith there’s one Faith the faith you have is is the one he has there’s one Faith there’s one Faith now let’s start this from a practical place now did I pray okay father thank you for this opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you that Revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by a satanic or demonic Force speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind none of me and all of you it’s in Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen all right so this is my
Bible this is the book where supposedly we get all of the truth that we live by but there’s one thing about this Bible that we hadn’t spent a lot of time talking about is that this Bible was not written in English originally the English language was not the original language for this Bible the original language for this Bible Old Testament mostly was originally Hebrew and the New Testament that we live by and study came from a Greek language so this Greek language as well as this Hebrew the Greek language is so vastly
different from the English language that’s that’s the first thing you got to understand it’s so vastly different from the English language sometimes you come across a word where there is just no equivalent in English and if you read the Greek translation of the Bible sometimes it it seems like well they need to put a a conjunction or something in there to hook it up but that is important and for some reason over the years as Ministers of the Gospel I don’t know if we ever thought it was important enough to share with
the congregation it’s the stuff that they share in seminary with the preachers and and and it’s it’s it needs to be shared with the congregation and uh and because our Bible is translated into English we tend to read it with an English understanding in other words words understanding it from the perspective of our English Western culture and so we end up understanding or rather misunderstanding it from our Western way of thinking so what happens is we don’t realize that the culture the people and the
language is different from ours and that has to be in your head wonder what was missing out of this scripture or wonder if there was a word that was substituted by someone’s prerogative let me give you an example go to Matthew chapter 28 and verse 19 Matthew 28 and verse 19 and 20 he said go go ye therefore and teach All Nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit uh teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I’ve commanded you and lo I Am With You Always even until the
end of the world so when Jesus told his disciples to go and we know the story The Great Commission here he told him to go and make disciples we read this from our Western understanding and we interpret it from our church culture and language and here’s what we hear we he go and do the Great Commission in other words we are to go and evangelize we ought to go and spread the gospel we ought to go and get people uh uh uh to to repent and and to repent of their sins and and go and get people saved that’s what I’ve understood
all my life that’s what you’ve understood all your life okay but if we understand the language and the culture of the day we would understand what Jesus meant by go so I want to put the Greek word for go POA and the Greek word for go it means to pursue one’s Journey Journey it means to lead it means to order one’s life and in the Greek if you remember your English words this word go is a participle going so what he is saying is in your going make disciples in your everyday life make disciples
Everywhere You Go Make Disciples and whatever you do whenever you’re at work make disciples whenever you’re at school make disciples when you go hang out with friends make disciples when you go to church make disciples or even when you go for a walk make disciples what was he saying he didn’t say go like you had to have a mission trip to do it he says I want you to use your everyday living and your everyday life and I want you to be an example of a disciple and what I’m say what he’s saying is in your going make disciples
because they going to hear what you say in your going make disciples because they’re going to see how you respond to this when you’re going make disciples because they see how you going to react with that and everything you do when you go to school make disciples because you become the epistle that everybody else reads and by reading your living and your everyday life you make disciples but you couldn’t see that in the English interpretation from the Greek we had to go back to the Greek to find out what that said and even in
Romans 17 for excuse me Romans 14:17 we talk about the kingdom of God and you know the question is what does the kingdom of God look like well Romans 14:17 says for the kingdom of God is is not meat it’s not drink it’s righteousness peace and joy and the Holy Ghost who’s on the inside of us and we’re looking for some Kingdom he says the kingdom is is is on the inside of us it’s not about what we do it’s not about what we don’t do it’s about Christ in us and the day you got born again Christ
got on the inside of you it’s righteousness it’s peace it’s joy in the Holy Ghost and all of which are finished and in US righteousness is finished and it’s in You by way of the Holy Ghost Joy is finished and it’s in You by way of the Holy Ghost peace is is finished and is in You by way of the Holy Ghost when Jesus came Jesus is the kingdom of God Jesus is righteousness he’s peace he’s joy and he has now entered on the inside of you Hallelujah and and it’s righteousness peace and joying the Holy
Ghost that’s finished and it’s in you now understanding that we we read in English translation and understanding what we read in English translation may or may not accurately reflect what we uh wrote in and translated in our in our our original English language it may reflect what we’re reading May reflect the translators personal belief it may reflect his personal understanding of God and so think about this in English nouns are the essential part of a sentence a noun is an essential part of a sentence but in Greek it’s all
about the verb in Greek is all about the verb and the Greek verb each have moods they have tenses the tenses they have voices moods tenses and voices you understand there are some language like some of the language in Chinese you can say the same thing but it’s all about tones you can say something in Chinese aahah or aahah they mean two different things but Christians over here who reading scriptures in English we don’t think about that kind of stuff but in Greek it’s all about the verb there it’s
all about the mood it’s about the tense it’s about the voice let me show you the tense of the New Testament and this is important the tense of the New Testament is arist tense this denotes a default the default tense in the Greek in other words the tense in the New Testament is always the finished tent finished is the default tense of the New Testament scripture and so when we talk about something something being in the aist tense it is completed tense it is the done tense it is the finished tense in other words it
doesn’t need to be done again and in fact it can’t be done done again this tense says it’s done and can’t be done again this tense says it’s done and can’t be undone it can never be undone that’s the tense of this Greek language glory to God while English is built primarily on the present tense the arist tense in Greek is the default tense and it says in this it says in so many words it’s finished it’s the default tense it is finished so the New Testament the New Covenant of the New
Testament is a is is in is written in the tense of done completed finished can’t be undone let me give you an illustration on that now cuz I’m I’m getting excited about the tents but you know where I’m going so let me give you an illustration of this look at Luke 23 and: 34 Luke chap 23 and: 34 is everybody still on the bus see some people just want to hear about want to come to church hear about Shakra mhach and abedo and they want to hear about Daniel and Lions Den they want to hear about three Hebrew boys I
wants to know more cuz some of you say I’ve been in the line den and they ate me up I got in the fire and all my clothes were burnt so what does this aist tense look like in Luke chapter 23 and uh verse 34 Jesus said father forgive them now remember what tense this is Father forgive them for they know not what they do and they parted his reignment and cast slot so so he’s he’s on the cross all right so what he just said is going to be in that that that arist tense forgive is an is an arist tense it is
finished the father is not forgiving anyone today why because he has comp he has completely and fully forgiven us finished done forgiven that’s it in fact in fact when we mess up and ask them to forgive us we’ll always hear him say forgiven why cuz it’s done oh God for forgive me forgiven not because he’s right now forgiving us for what we’ve done but because forgiven is who we are finished so do I have to receive his forgiveness if it’s already given yeah absolutely of course but it but it’s received by
understanding that he’s already completely and fully forgiven us the day I understand that I am forgiven and he’s completely and full of forgiving me and it can’t be done I’ve received it based on what I have I Now understand when I understand something I can receive it and today I understand that I can’t get no more forgiveness than what I already [Applause] got Jesus made his mind up to forgive you before you even formed into a fetus when you came here you were forgiven y’all understand what I’m
saying he’s not forgiving you you know you go and you mess up and you say oh Lord I messed up and there’s some things you don’t realize so you say oh Lord I messed up oh God please for me you you don’t realize what are you what what is it you don’t real you don’t realize that he already forgave you so there’s something that has to happen you got to realize what already is you think God is present tense present time right now oh Lord forgive me and then you say forgive me and then
you pretend you heard him say uh okay I’ll do it right now but you’re not going to hear him say that what you going to hear him say when you going to say Lord forgive me he’s going to say forgiven he responds to you he responds to you in the arest tense he’s not responding you in the present tense he not even responding you in the past tense he responds to you in the tense of the finished any time you talk to God he going to talk to you about the finished oh Lord Make Me righteous you’re righteous you
remember when Abraham did that Lord I believe make you’re righteous yes yes because he did all that before you were born nothing we do surprises God it’s not like you do something now God got to figure out a way to work this thing out you did something now God got all God like it ain’t like God in have all out and mess up again come on y’all let’s do this he it’s it’s finished you and I have got to come into this this new realm this realm of the Finish we got to start operating from


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