The Gathering Storm – Jack Hibbs

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The Gathering Storm – Jack Hibbs

In today’s episode, Pastor Jack and Erick Stakelbeck delve into a range of topics including the war against Israel, the upcoming election, and the biblical implications for America’s future. Plus, get a glimpse into Erick’s remarkable testimony. This is an episode you won’t want to miss!

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[Music] hey everybody you want to stay tuned for this very special podcast we’ve got a very special guest I think you’re going to recognize who he is so stay tuned real life presents the Jack hibs podcast with intention and boldness to Proclaim truth equip the Saints and impact our culture today if this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ then make sure you leave us one of those five star ratings to us that’s like saying amen or yes then that will encourage others to

listen now open your hearts to what God’s word has to say to you here is Jack Hibbs well everybody we are here at this podcast in a very special moment and we’ve got a moment of time we were able to grab our special guest uh in between really Studios as soon as he’s done here he’s got to run over uh to the people in Fox News and Los Angeles I’m talking about Eric stelck and um we’ve known each other for a while we first met I think had a prophecy conference that we hosted here it’s been been some

time but um Eric we love you and I want to encourage in fact by the time we end this you’re going to get all of the links and all all of the connects on how you can follow Eric because uh he’s got a podcast he’s got various tele televised daily televised program going on because he doesn’t have enough to do he just keeps uh add in more but we’re just going to dive in and more than anything uh you can learn so much about him but we want this time to be somewhat personal I mean we’ll talk about some

prophecy stuff and what’s going on current events but Eric um I want to know um our our audience wants to know how have you come along in your relationship to the Lord and everybody asked me is Eric Jewish is Eric Jewish uh is stle Beck Jewish so what is who is Eric stck well Pastor Jack I could flip it while I’m in Israel and use stack Berg rather than stackle Beck but uh stackle Beck’s actually German not Jewish and the funny thing is we did the whole ancestry.

com thing a few years ago my wife and I I have no Jewish blood in me at all she is 1% ashkanazi Jewish that’s enough so that’s enough so now it’s an inside joke in our family dad you’re the big Israel guy but Mom is Jewish isn’t that funny um but what a long and winding road it’s been Pastor Jack by the way you mentioned too the first time we met eight years ago almost to the day of this podcast summer 2016 we first met here at the prophecy conference and Amir sarfati was here as well yes that was the All-Star team that

was amazing but for me grew up very unlikely Story Only God grew up in a workingclass neighborhood in Northeast Philadelphia uh family had no money dad was an electrician workingclass Sal of thee guy very well read very intellectually curious a student of History loved Israel and knew the Bible so Pastor Jack every day I’m out playing basketball talking Eagles Sixers Flyers Phillies with all the guys in the neighborhood I’m coming home with these incredible dinner table conversations with my dad about King David about

Stalingrad about the Netanyahu family this was very rare where I grew up needless to say yeah and by the way Benjamin Netanyahu grew up or went to high school didn’t grow up went to high school about 15 minutes from where I grew up so my dad had a great sense of pride in the Netanyahu he said they’re local boys yeah cuz they went to high School outside of Philadelphia bib’s dad taught as a professor in Philadelphia so he spent his high school years at sheltonham High School in Philadelphia this is remarkable it’s amazing and I

interviewed BB last year I said okay I need I’d met him before hadn’t interviewed him I said I need to break the ice here I said Mr Prime Minister sheltonham High School and he went on for 10 minutes he loved it he fond Recollections about Philadelphia his time in high school so we had a good interview after that I’m curious now his brother and I’m I’m drawing a blank of his name his brother who died y of course now was was Yoni in that mix in Philly sheltonham High School oh my isn’t that something yes small world and

my dad was very proud of that so I knew these names I was 14 15 years old hearing all these names and and up into the we hours with my dad and I had never picked up a Bible for myself yeah but I listen to my dad tell Bible stories talk about prophecy I was raised Catholic my mom was a devout Irish Catholic uh but my dad was raised Methodist before they kind of went off the rails uh and his mom knew the Bible his mom loved Israel and he remembered The Rebirth of Israel he was a young kid 1948 he remembered it

that’s right and he retained he drifted he had a very tough life my dad grew up in a very very rough area of Philadelphia a place called Kensington it’s notorious now for the drug trade uh but he retained that knowledge of the Bible from his mom and he passed it on to me now I was living in the world Pastor Jack I have to say I’m 21 years old and and I’m not walking with the Lord I believed in God and and I feared God I had that old that Catholic fear of God uh but wasn’t walking with the Lord

long story short my Dad gives me a book by Hal Lindsay no the late great planet Earth no way yes incredible incredible what are the odds he my dad was in a Bible study at his Factory where he was an electrician and a group of guys were talking prophecy talking Israel they’re big how Lindsay fans they give the dad my dad the book he passes the book off to me and I have to say I was not walking with the Lord at the time I was 21 years old living in the world but everything in that book I said wow as as an observer of world events and I

followed it all very closely I said man the chest pieces are moving and this is unfolding now and I went to confession as a good Catholic boy at the time I went to confession confession and and the priest said it’s been 3 years why have you come back and I said well I just read this book and I explained everything in the book and he said you can’t take that seriously it’s it’s all allegory sad it was very sad and I said I don’t know so I left the church and um that day and the gears were turning in

my head end up moving to Washington DC and for the first time in my life I was around Bible believing Christians other than my dad uh in my neighborhood were called Bible Thumpers where I grew up yeah sure Bible Thumpers and whack Jesus Freaks Bible Thumpers yes so now all of a sudden I’m in DC around quote unquote Bible Thumpers people who’d gone to DC to change it to change our country for the better and these people had such a great impact on me they just loved on me great and I actually started reading the

Bible for myself this after 911 and it was like the scales were lifted from my eyes and working at CBN before TBN got a job at CBN News Pat Robertson now I didn’t know the Lord yet I knew I believed in Jesus I believed he was my savior but there wasn’t the heart relationship sh you had the personal relationship I wasn’t a new creation in Christ yeah and people there just lovingly and gently witnessed to me and just just lived out their faith it’s funny my wife would come to work with me and say for different Gatherings or or

get togethers and she’d say these people are so nice what is it about these people yeah I said it’s Jesus they really live out their faith uh so finally 2009 took the plunge it’s a longer story but my first trip to Israel in November 2008 was the game Cher for me and God just moved in a powerful way in me when I was in Israel surprise surprise in the land and I got back in August 2009 gave my life to the Lord there’s much more to it of course but that’s that’s the cliffnotes version isn’t it amazing for those who’ve had a

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