Stop Running From God-FULL SERMON | Joyce Meyer

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Stop Running From God-FULL SERMON | Joyce Meyer

Join Joyce Meyer in the full sermon “Stop Running From God” as she explores the themes of facing fear and finding freedom. Joyce shares personal stories and biblical insights, encouraging viewers to stop running from God and embrace the call on their lives. Discover how confronting hidden fears and trusting God can lead to true freedom and a powerful relationship with Him.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

[Music] [Applause] people ask me all the time are you are you thinking about retirement and I’m like how do you retire from a call of God on your life I Kevin I mean he doesn’t like unall you when you get to be a certain age so I don’t know I guess I’ll just keep going as long as you’re out there and want to hear me all right all right we’re doing a series this weekend on facing fear and finding Freedom father we thank you for the word this morning and that you’re going to bring things out that I don’t even know

that I’m going to say because you know what the people need and so I ask you to speak not just at them but to them something that will make a big difference in their life in Jesus name amen all right I’m convinced that we probably have a lot more fear than what we might want to think about our rec recognize and and a lot of the fears are kind of covert you know they’re like they’re hidden in other things you know like some people might think well a parent just worries about their child but worry is actually a manifestation of

fear it’s us saying I’m afraid my need is not going to get met so I’m going to worry about this and try to figure out something I can do just in case God doesn’t come through how many of you know we like to have a backup plan don’t we just in case go God doesn’t come through we want to have a backup plan and I’ve experienced a lot of fear in my life being raised by a man who abused me I was entrenched in fear and fear has torment first John 4 says fear has torment the other thing

about fear that is so detrimental to us is it keeps us from going forward fear drives you backwards it causes you to run from things and so we got a really good start last night I thought and uh if you didn’t get to be here you might want to order the CD from last night’s teaching and this morning I want to talk about uh it’s time to stop running from God I said it’s time to stop running you said well I’m not running from God I’m in church well that doesn’t mean that you’re not

running from some things that God wants you to do are some things that he wants you to deal with that maybe you haven’t gotten around to dealing with yet I remember when God confronted me with that it was time to deal with my abusive past put a book in my hands and I started reading the story about a woman who’d been treated exactly like I was treated by her father and when I started reading the things she was saying I mean the stuff started coming up from way down deep inside of me where I had it buried how many of you know we’re good

at burying things amen and uh remember I threw the book down and I said out loud I will not read this I’m not going to read this and the Holy Spirit spoke to me and just simply said it’s time and see the thing is is when God lets you know however it is he lets you know that it’s time for you to deal with something in your life and stop just ignoring it then you need to deal with it then because there’s an anointing on it then for God to help you find the Breakthrough that you want and it’s our

secrets that make us sick it’s all the things that we keep buried inside that we’re so afraid to look at we’re so afraid to face we’re so afraid for anybody to know and so anybody who’s going to have a really intimate powerful relationship with God is going to have to be open to letting him do some digging you know I noticed last night that it seems like the encouragement that I get when I say hard things is coming from right over here I don’t know it’s time to stop running you know

we run from God from responsibility from hard work from intimacy from the past from difficult people from our sin we run from ourselves we run from truth we run from commitment and even avoiding something is a type of fear evading it procrastinating about it boy procrastination let’s look at something in Exodus 8 that will show us the dangers and really I guess I’ll just go ahead and say the stupidity of procrastination I was trying to think of a nicer word but nothing came up so Exodus 8 beginning in verse

two now God had told Moses go tell Pharaoh let my people go and just in case you haven’t figured this out yet when God said something he means it okay that’s that’s just kind of the first guideline of getting along with God when he says something he means it and uh he’s not going to change his mind just cuz you don’t like it he means what he said and so when God said let my people go he really meant you are going to let my people go but Pharaoh did not want to do that and so God uh started

bringing plagues on Egypt one after another well now we’re down to a certain plague if you refuse to let them go behold I will Smite your entire land with frogs and the rivers shall swarm with frogs which shall go up and come into your house into your bed on your bed in the houses of your servants and upon your people and into your ovens into your kneading bowls and into your dough now just think just let’s just let’s don’t just read this I mean frogs in the toilet you back out of the driveway crunch crunch crunch frogs in the

driveway I mean I’m sure frogs are great little animals but I I don’t know maybe you love frogs but I don’t care for them much and um I think it’s another thing you can’t control you never know when they’re going to hop and see I was talking last night how we are afraid of things that we can’t control a turtle I can do but a frog is a different story so God didn’t Smite the land with turtles he smited the land with frogs just you get in bed and there’s four or five frogs in bed with you I mean it would

just be woo creepy and so the Lord said to Moses verse 5 stretch out your hand and your Rod over the rivers and boy here came the frogs and then verse seven The Magicians did the same thing and so now they had more frogs double frogs verse eight then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and said entreat the Lord that he would take away the frogs and my people people and I will let your people go that they may sacrifice to the Lord and Moses said to Pharaoh you got to watch this Glory over me in this dictate to me when I shall

pray the Lord for you your servants and your people that the frogs may be destroyed from you and your houses okay Pharaoh when I ask God to get rid of the frogs the frogs are gone so when do you want me to pray and Pharaoh said tomorrow now I want to ask you what kind of brand of stupid is it if you want to [Applause] spend tomorrow it’s like really see he was still trying to get his way still afraid that if he gave in to God’s will that things were not going to work out good for him and I wonder how many times in our

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