Don’t Disturb Me – Pt 1 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

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Don’t Disturb Me – Pt 1 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

We all have the opportunity to do good for people on a daily basis. Learn how you can show others what Jesus is really like, on this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

hey thanks for watching Joyce’s YouTube channel we pray you find encouragement and exactly what you’re looking for here did you know that these videos that you watch for free are available with the help of our Joyce Meyer Ministries Partners as a result people are learning how to apply God’s word to their lives and come out of some really dark places if God’s using these teachings to bring you closer to him let me encourage you to join us and become a partner today join the team that is sending his word

around the world you can do big things together with us scan our QR code now and begin sharing the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ everywhere this program is made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries maybe we should study the stops of Jesus maybe we should look more at the things that he stopped to do because they’re the kind of things that he wants us to do Jesus was interruptible I’m Joyce Meyer and I believe that God can heal you everywhere you [Music] hurt welcome to Enjoying Everyday Life

I’m just going to be UPF front with you Choice’s message today is going to challenge you to the core so watch now as she encourages all of us to get out there and start doing what we say we believe I want to share with you a message tonight that is it’s been one that’s been very important to me and something that has really helped me in my life and I hope that it will help you it has a funny little title it’s called don’t disturb me you might be thinking what in the world is that about well you know I

think a large majority of people in the world today that’s just their attitude I’m busy I’m going somewhere I’ve got my plan I’ve got my thing I’ve got my day figured out and so if you got a problem don’t bother me with it well you know Jesus wasn’t like that now we stay in a lot of hotels and in hotels they always leave us one of these to put on our door but today people are wearing them on their bodies right now I’ll just wear this around for a little bit just so you get the

picture we have such a huge opportunity in front of us today but we’re going to have to get more like Jesus and a lot less like a carnal selfish self-centered Christian who just goes to church and thinks that’s all there is to it you know just because go to church that doesn’t make you a Christian I could go home and sit in my garage all night and it wouldn’t make me a car Jesus said I want you to go and bear fruit so maybe I just like to ask you tonight to think a little bit this next week about what kind of fruit are you

bearing in your life are you coming here and just being fed and you love that you love for somebody else to do all the work and dig out all the messages and just feed you all the good stuff but what are you doing with it I hope a lot I’m not accusing anybody I hope that every message you hear you hear it with the intent that you’re going to do something with it now we’re going to use the parable of the Good Samaritan tonight and I want you to listen to it like maybe you’ve never heard it before there was a Pharisee and he said

to Jesus what must I do to inherit eternal life and he said You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind and all your strength and you shall love your neighbor even as you love yourself I say those two scriptures out loud every morning because that’s what God has called us to do is to love him and to love people amen and we throw that word around so much we love ice cream we love God and sometimes we don’t know what the difference is but we have to learn how to love the way God

wants us to love and I’ll just throw this out because I like to say this at some point in every message I preach if you’re going to love people you have to be ready to be very generous with forgiveness and I just wonder how many people are here tonight that are mad at somebody nobody okay that’s good are offended Christians give the devil more ground in their life through unforgiveness than through any other thing I’m going to say it again Christians give the devil more ground in their lives through unforgiveness than through

any other thing let’s remember the Lord’s Prayer father forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us well do we really want him to forgive us the way we forgive other people we got to be quick to forgive hard to offend right y not touchy so he said well Lord I’ve been doing that since my youth but in order to justify himself he said so who is my neighbor well that’s a good question to ask who is my neighbor anyway is it the person that lives next door in reply Jesus said A man was going

down from Jerusalem to Jericho when he was attacked by Rober now I want you to use your imagination and I want you to kind of see this story and not just listen to it this man’s walking down the street all of a sudden he gets attacked by robbers they stripped him of his clothes beat him and left leaving him half dead so they took his clothes they beat him up he was Bloody he must have took taken a very heart beating because they said he was half dead a priest happened to be going down the same road and when he saw the man he passed

by on the other side uh-oh have you ever been going down an island church and you saw somebody that you knew if they stopped you you were going to be in for a long story that you didn’t want to hear and so you pass by on the other side come on now sometimes we avoid those people that are needy because we don’t want them pulling on us we don’t want to be disturbed we’re here to go to church we’re here to be spiritual a priest you know I think he might have been on his way to church and that’s why he was in such a

hurry and so he didn’t have time to mess with this guy who was bloody and beaten up and half dead so he just somebody else can do that and he crossed the street and passed by him then a levite came by and when he saw the man he also passed by on the other side of the street and Levites were part of the Jewish priesthood they did all different kinds of jobs and so this also was a religious man I’m sure he went to synagogue and he followed all the rules and regulations but you know Jesus really got on to the

Pharisees because he said you follow all the rules and regulations but you won’t lift a finger to help anybody and then there was a Samaritan now you know the Samaritans the Jews hated the Samaritans you know it’s kind of interesting to me because a lot of times real religious people actually hate the people that are out doing something to make a difference in the world I’ve had more judgment and criticism from people that are doing nothing religious people are not always very nice and we’re supposed to be

nice matter of fact they hated the Samaritans so bad that they wouldn’t even go through Samaria they didn’t want anything to do with it well the Samaritans believe that Judaism and the Jewish Torah had been corrupted over time and they no longer followed the Ten Commandments are all the rules and regulations but I just wonder if we only had two choices if God had two choices take somebody that follows all the rules and regulations but never lifts the finger to help anybody are somebody who maybe doesn’t


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