When Will I Be What God Says I Am?

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When Will I Be What God Says I Am?

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Coming up next on changing your world.
The difference between this new covenant and the old covenant, in the old covenant, we worked for God.
In the new covenant, he works for us, not in a demeaning type of way, but he’s doing the work.
You’re not doing the work. God’s already seen what happens when you try to do the work.
He is doing the work. Think of that.
The creator of heaven and earth is working in you.
Reunite and ignite with your world changers family at Graceland Conference 2024.
Join us at the World Dome in College Park, Georgia, July 11th through 13th for a 3 day celebration packed with surprises with guest speakers, Gregory Dickow, Andrea Creighton, Inky Johnson, Bishop, Clarence McClendon, and Michael Smith.
Prepare to receive life changing revelation. Don’t miss soul stirring worship with Hezekiah Walker and Brian Courtney Wilson.
Text grace life 1 word to 51555 and get ready for the reunion.
This is your world. Zola’s vowed to make it a better place.
Let every heart that meets to know your love is here to
Go with me to Ephesians 28 through 9 in the NLT.
Ephesians 2 in the NLT. And then Philippians 212. I’m gonna read that in King James and NLT.
I called this this morning, when will I be what God says I am?
When will I be what God says I am?
Have you ever read a scripture and he’s saying that’s you, but then you look at your living and it’s not you?
I mean, you you believe by faith that that’s you.
But then when you get down to looking at, is that being expressed in my life?
It doesn’t seem like that’s you.
So we’re gonna introduce to you 2 terms today.
The standing of a believer, a believer’s stance in Christ, your standing in Christ.
We we have to notice. And a believer’s state, the state of a believer or when I use the word state, I’m talking about the walk righteousness of God.
That’s my stance in Christ. I am the righteousness of god. That’s my stance in Christ.
But my state, my actual walk may not look so righteous. There’s a contradiction here.
You’re telling me I’m righteous on 1 hand and then you’re telling me to do something to become to be that.
You’re saying you’re saying I am righteous and then you’re saying do something righteous.
Now, I know it’s important the stance in Christ is by faith.
I gotta believe that I am who god says I am even though I’m not expressing that yet.
That’s right. Are y’all with me now? Yes. Hallelujah. I am.
So I wanna start off with this to try to set up this contradiction and try to answer this question, where will I when will I be what God says I am?
Because religion, most people only come to church to hear what they already know.
And I’m not trying to do that. We’re maturing, so I wanna dig deeper.
I want to challenge what you say you know.
And then what happens is once I challenge what you say you know, you’re so traditional about what you know.
You’re not hearing what I’m trying to show you, and then you get all upset and say, I don’t know about that.
Well, that’s right. Cause you don’t know everything and I don’t know everything.
But as God causes us each to grow, we can’t be afraid of coming to church and hearing something you hadn’t heard before.
Church should not be just coming to hear what you already know.
If if if I did that if I if I came to church, he would already know.
Eventually, I would like, well I ain’t coming to church. Why? Because I already know.
Preacher ain’t grown, I ain’t grown, so I’m staying home. Okay.
So let’s dig into this. Verse 8. God saved you by his grace when you believe.
So the only thing you had to do to be saved, past tense, is believe.
How many of you believe Jesus 1 day? Alright. So now you’re saved. It’s his work.
You’re saved and all you did is believe. He says, and you can’t take credit for this.
See that? So you brought nothing to the table.
You are saved by unmerited favor and grace of God.
You are you you didn’t get saved because you deserved it.
You didn’t get saved because you did something awesome.
You are saved because you believed in Jesus and you were saved and he says, and you can’t take credit for it.
Wow. I meet a lot of Christians who love to take credit for their life.
I can’t take credit for it. I’m saved and I can’t take credit for it.
I believe Jesus and I’m now saved. That is my stance.
I am saved right now and I can’t take credit for it.
So I get to heaven because I’m saved and I can’t take credit for it.
And I get there, I’m there and I can’t take credit for it.
So why are you coming up there with a long list?
Rue, look at all the stuff I deserve for you to open this gate.
He said, bro, I’m on the gate because you believed and I saved you.
Because what happens is we think God is like walking behind us to pick up our crumbs and we’re like, alright, God, I’m gonna do this and and you you you you help me out, Bill.
And God said, no, no, no. You can’t do none of the work.
There’s not you don’t bring none to the table. I’m the 1 that is doing the work in you.
The difference between this new covenant and the old covenant in the old covenant, we work for God.
In the new covenant, he works for us, Not in a demeaning type of way, but he’s doing the work.
You’re not doing the work. God’s already seen what happens when you try to do the work.
He is doing the work. Think of that.
The creator of heaven and earth is working in you. Oh, Jesus.
So God saved you by his grace when you believe, and you can’t take credit for this.
It is a gift from God. Now here’s something that’s gonna come up.
We have confused the gift with the payment or the earnings.
You work and you earned money.
When you get a gift, you don’t work for a gift.
I don’t know what it is.
We just can’t get out of the mentality of what you have, you didn’t work for.
What you have, you didn’t earn. What you have, you didn’t deserve.
And there’s always this part on the inside of a human that says, but I got to do something to feel like I deserve it.
We even get like that during Christmas sometimes. People give gifts to you.
And now eventually, you say, well, I know they gonna get me a gift, so I’m going to get them something.
So they deserve something because, you know, they they gonna get you something. Well, it’s not a gift anymore.
A gift is something that is free of charge. You didn’t earn it. You didn’t work for it.
You don’t deserve it. It’s not anything that you bought to the table or qualify for.
It is something that was extended to you that all you have to do is receive.
I declare that the body of Christ has a receiving issue. They don’t know how to receive.
They keep trying to work and sweat for something.
He says God saved you by his grace when you believed and you can’t take credit for it.
It is a gift from God. Verse 9.
Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done.
Most of us got saved in the midst of all the bad stuff we have done.
Salvation is not a reward. You’re not rewarded with salvation. It’s a gift.
Salvation is not a reward for good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.
He says it’s a gift so nobody can boast about it.
You can’t talk about how you deserve to be saved and how awesome you are.
It is a gift that comes from God. I am saved.
It is settled because I believed. I am that’s my stance. I’m saved.
Now my stance is not I’m saved if I’m flawless. I’m saved if my conduct is good.
I’m saved if I wear a church dress or a church collar or I’m say see, all you see all these qualifications?
You get saved for free, and then after you get saved, the church starts charging you to maintain your salvation.
It starts charging you to maintain your salvation, and we still we say you’re acting look at you post to be saved.
Now I’m charging you to maintain it.
It’s it’s kinda like, you know, yesterday I had to call and I had to renew my club membership for my car insurance.
Well, they didn’t give it to me as a gift.
But this is a gift God gave you. You shouldn’t have to renew your salvation.
That’s good. And now, it’s in it’s in question now because your behavior did not line up with your stance.
I am saved not based on my behavior.
I’m saved based on my belief in Jesus. And he gave me a gift. And it’s my gift.
It is my gift. And I’m saved.
No matter what I do, I’m saved and I’m not going to lose my salvation unless I stop believing saved, if you give it time, uh, my my state is gonna catch up with my stance.
Let me stop. Everybody with me? Yes, sir. Alright.
Because you you you gone god gonna be able to do stuff he’s never been able to do before as soon as he can get you out of his way, you keep trying to do his work.
Stay tuned for the continuation of today’s message right after this.
Join Creflo and Taffy Dollar for a 3 day life changing celebration, July 11th through 13th at World Changers Church International for our annual Grace Life Conference.
We’re kicking off this year’s conference with inspirational singer and songwriter, Doe Jones.
General session times are 10 AM and 7 PM. Ministers and leaders don’t miss the 5 PM just for you.
Text grace life 1 word to 51555 and register today.
Now for the conclusion of today’s message.
Philippians 2 verse 12 in the King James.
He says, wherefore my beloved, as you’ve always obeyed not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence.
Watch this. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Well, wait a minute.
I thought I was saved. Well, you are. You’re saved by your faith in Jesus Christ.
But why did he just tell me to work out my own salvation and do it with fear and trembling?
See, these are the contradictions that cause splits in churches and different denominations and then stuff like that.
You know, I’m saved. No. The Bible says you gotta work out your salvation. You you see?
And they think they they think they got 1 up on you. I’m saved.
Now you gotta work out your salvation.
But basically, what they’re saying is you’re when you’re saying my stance is I’m saved in Christ and no man has anything to do with that, what they’re saying is now you got to work out your own salvation.
You better watch out what you doing.
And so you immediately go to work because you see this scripture now.
So you see 1 verse, Ephesians 2 speaks of a thing has been fully accomplished.
While another verse was Philippians 12 refers to it as in a process of completion, 1 is in process, the other one’s finished.
1 is an uncompleted process, the other 1 is completely finished.
And so what we’re gonna see here is is the power that’s released when you believe in the finished works of Jesus Christ to help what’s not finished or unfinished to eventually catch up what with what is finished.
Now, let let me use some scriptures to explain this.
There’s no way I can explain this to you without scripture.
You have to see that it’s in the Bible and I’m not messing up.
I’m not making some kind of a a new doctrine. Hebrews 10 and 10 in the King James. Watch this.
Let me give you another illustration here. Hebrews chapter 10 and 10.
Now here he says, by the which will, we are we are sanctified we are sanctified, set aside, wholly through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ and its once and for all.
So right here, he says your sanctification is fully accomplished because of Jesus Christ and it’s fully accomplished once and for all.
So I say, here’s my stance as a believer, I am sanctified already. I am holy already.
I am sanctified by the body of Jesus and what he sacrificed in that body, and I’m sanctified once and for all.
Once and for all times, I’m sanctified. Say out loud, I’m sanctified. I’m sanctified. Alright.
So Jesus is responsible for you being sanctified, not you. Jesus is responsible for you being sanctified.
Again, look at first Thessalonians 523. Here is sanctification. Now watch this.
Now watch this. This is interesting.
523 says, and the very God of peace sanctify you holy and I pray God your whole spirit, soul, body be blamed to the coming of the Lord and and he goes faithful to he to do it.
Look at birth the first part of this. The very god of peace sanctify you. Wait a minute.
I thought he already sanctified. Past tense me. Why is he sanctifying me right now?
Here, sanctification is an incomplete process. He’s praying that God of peace will will that he will sanctify you.
It it is it is an incomplete process. 1, Hebrews 1010, it’s a finished process.
Uh, 1st Thessalonians 523, it’s an accomplished or unfinished process. Look at Hebrews 1014. Hebrews 1014.
I read a couple more scriptures and then add some more talk to this.
Here again, verse 14, for by 1 offering he hath perfected forever them are them that are sanctified.
Alright. So I’m sanctified. My stance is I’m sanctified by Jesus Christ.
And then he says, I’ve been perfected forever. Because I’m sanctified, I’ve been perfected forever.
So in Christ, I’m sanctified right now. In Christ, I am perfect. I am perfect right now in Christ.
In Christ. But now watch this, 2nd Corinthians 13:11. He says, finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect.
What? Be perfect. Well, I just read that I’m already perfect.
He said be perfect.
So why should those who have been perfected forever be told be perfect?
I just read it. We just read it.
You’re perfected forever, and he turns around and says, be perfect. My stance is I’m perfected forever.
My walk or my state is in process. Not there yet in process.
So this contradiction, it’ll leave when you understand that 1 refers to the believers standing in Christ or his position before God.
He is, for example, positionally sanctified or set apart for God’s eternal purpose.
He’s perfect in god’s sight because he’s in Christ.
So all of who you are and all that has been settled about who you are is only because you’re in Christ, period.
It’s because you’re in Christ.
Now in the other case, it refers to believers’ life on the earth which is called his walk or his state.
His earthly life should be holy set apart for god’s use. He should live perfectly before God.
He’s not doing it right now. He should. He should. He should.
But wait a minute. I’m already perfect. You’re in Christ. But what’s your state right now?
You ain’t perfect now. You just cut somebody out last night.
But see, look, look at what I’m saying. What’s your perfect in your stance?
You’re perfect when you curse them out.
You’re holy when you did something unholy.
You’re righteous when you did something unrighteous.
Your state won’t change your stance, but your stance is working to change your state.
Don’t get like, some of y’all looking at me confused.
You know you ain’t perfect. It that’s why it amazes me whenever you point at somebody else’s issue, you have to be subconscious or consciously saying you don’t have 1.
That’s why I don’t know why Christian folks judging folks.
It’s like you already know you are not there where your stance is. You already know that.
How is it that you’re gonna be critical or judgmental about somebody else’s state.
When your state and where your stance is, their state might look raggedy, but the stance is intact.
And if they keep believing that listen.
You remember that time I told you I I was counseling this guy and he had a problem with smoking weed, and he said I tried everything.
I said, here’s what I want you to do.
I said, every time you think about smoking weed, I want you to say I’m the righteousness of god.
He fell out laughing. He’s like, what? I said, I want you to say you’re right.
Even if you get it up, then you start smoking. I want you to say you’re the righteousness of God.
He was like, what? And he did it.
He said, he lit it lit it and put it on his mind.
He said, I’m the righteousness of God. He’s lit it. I’m the righteousness of God.
He he put it on his mouth. He says, and then it dawned on him. Wait a minute.
I’m I’m the righteousness of god. What happened?
The day there’s coming a day that you’re gonna believe your stance.
Watch this.
And what you have to recognize is you’re not responsible for this progression. God is.
Now now now hold on.
Let me show it let me show it to Let me you you see how I got a I got a precess on and over again.
But if you when you get this, oh, all all that struggling you’re trying to do to be what you can’t be without him.
He started it off. He started you at the finish line and not at the starting line.
He went and bought you all the way up to the finish and said, you’re righteous, you’re holy, you’re perfect.
Alright. That’s where you are. He called the things that be not as though they were.
He called the end at the beginning.
Look at these 3 scriptures with me real quick.
Uh, Philippians 1 6 in the NLT. These are fascinating scriptures. Philippians 16 in NLT.
Look what he says. And I am certain that God who began the good work within you, you didn’t start it, We’ll continue his work.
Whose work? His work. He will he will continue his work until it is finally finished.
When is it gonna be finished? On the day when Jesus Christ returns.
Is there a difference between who God says you are and what you see in yourself every day?
Don’t worry. God’s not done with you yet.
Creflo Dollar uncovers how God works to line up your stance and your state in his series, when will I be what God says I am?
I am the righteousness of God. That’s my stance in Christ.
But my state, my actual walk may not look so righteous.
Your state won’t change your stance, but your stance is working to change your state.
Because you’re not responsible for this progression.
God is. All 4 messages of this revealing series can be yours today.
Get yours by calling the number on your screen, scanning the QR code, or visiting creflo dollarministries.org, and clicking e store today.
Do you wanna live a life of grace?
Reunite and reignite at grace life, the reunion from July 11th through 13th at the World Dome in College Park, Georgia.
Ignite your faith with Creflo and Taffy Dollar and an unmatched lineup of speakers, including Andrea Creighton, Gregory Dickow, Inky Johnson, Michael Smith, and Clarence McClendon.
I always know that every time I come, I get a a good convicting word, and I felt that, you know, grace life and the message behind that was something I really needed to hear.
It is mind blowing to have the doctrine broke down to a level where anyone can understand.
If you need to be encouraged, energized, if you need to know purpose, grace life encourage us to live even more so for Christ every day.
Save your spot at the reunion. Text grace life 1 word to 51555, or visit creflo dollar ministries.org.
No matter where you start, all roads lead home to grace life.
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There’s something about the mercies of God when others wanna count you out and stone you and all kinds of things, the pointing fingers, but thank God for Jesus being right there.
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Salvation is the beginning of a new life for a believer.
It is from this point that we can move into the fullness of who God has called us to be and see the manifestation of the finished works of Jesus.
It is 1 of my greatest pleasures to help people, uh, to understand who Christ is and to lead people to Christ.
If you would like salvation today, pray this prayer with me, very simple prayer.
Heavenly father, I believe in Jesus.
I believe that he died, that he rose again, and that he lives today. Come into my life.
Save me. I receive you as my savior. In Jesus’ name, amen. Listen.
If you prayed that prayer with me, that’s how simple it is. Welcome to the family of God.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of Creflo Dollar Ministries.

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