The Full Meaning of Grace Pt.2 – Episode 3

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The Full Meaning of Grace Pt.2 – Episode 3

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Coming up next on changing your world.
Now most believe we need to do works to prove we are saved.
Most people believe that we need to do works to prove that we’re saved.
And and I call that the gospel of performance.
First, evolve, salvation isn’t something you have to work for.
Salvation is a free gift god that is received how, by faith. You don’t work for salvation.
It works for you. Hey, everybody.
I wanna give you a personal invitation to attend the grace life conference of the reunion, July 11th through 13th.
It’s a reunion. It’s a gathering of believers and its freedom.
When people understand grace, they are empowered to change. So don’t miss this opportunity.
I’ll see you at Grace Life 20 24 July 11th through 13th. I’ll see you there.
This is your world.
Let every heart
are changed.
If you have your bibles, go with me to the book of Romans chapter 11 and 6, and Romans chapter 4, and verse 4 uh, right before we get into this morning’s sermon, I wanna tie up some loose ends from last week.
And, I I was just I went home after church yesterday, and and we we I mean, yes, last week and started thinking about this and it’s it’s it’s gonna come up.
So I might as well go over it to make sure that you have an understanding when it comes up, and it concerns work.
Uh, Romans chapter 11 verse 6 in the NLT.
He says, and if by grace, romans it won’t Romans 11, yeah, verse 6, and NLT.
And since it is through god’s kindness, then it is not by their good works.
For in that case, god’s grace would not be what it really is free and undeserved.
A lot of people think that god’s grace comes by your good works.
They believe more in the gospel of performance. Than they do in the gospel of grace.
And what he says is it becomes by your good works, then, uh, it would not be what it really is.
Free and undeserved. The grace of god is free and undeserved, but we still have people in the body of Christ that insist that you you need to have some good works in order to get favor.
And they and they give you requirements of what you need to do in order to get the favor of Well, it wouldn’t be grace the favor of god if it is something that you have to work for.
It’s free and undeserved. Alright. Look at Romans chapter 4 and verse 4.
Romans chapter 4 and verse 4 in NLT.
Now, notice he says here, when people work, their wages are not a gift.
It’s not a gift when you get paycheck, you worked for that.
That was something that was owed to you.
So when people work, their wages are not a gift but it’s something they have earned.
And grace wouldn’t be grace if it’s something that you have earned.
So work as a means of obtaining god’s favor and grace are completely excluded from this gospel of grace.
God’s grace always acts first on behalf of man before man can act on behalf of god.
God’s grace works first on behalf of man, equipping him, and now man can work on behalf of god, of an exhibit uh, uh, illustration of medicine.
1st, John 4 19. The Bible says, we love him. Why? Because he first loved us.
Had he not acted on man’s behalf first, we wouldn’t be able to do what we needed to do second.
That’s how this grace works. But now here’s the thing that came up when I got home last week.
What about Philippians 2 12? Go to Philippians 2 12 in the King James.
Philippians 2 12 says work out your own salvation. See, they’re past a dollar.
The bible says work out your own salvation. And and I thought, man, I need to talk about that.
That’s gonna come up in somebody’s conversation.
And, uh, in verse 12, he says, wherefore my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and with trembling.
Now most believe we need to do works to prove we are saved.
Most people believe that we need to do works to prove that we’re saved.
And and I call that the gospel of performance.
First of all, salvation isn’t something you have to work for.
Salvation is a free gift from god that has received how by faith.
You don’t work for salvation. It works for you. Let me say that again.
You don’t work for salvation. Salvation works for you.
Working out our salvation is very different from working for our salvation.
When Paul tells us that we need to work out our salvation, He is simply explaining that the wonderful gift that we freely receive from god is inside of us.
And we bring out those beautiful attributes and character traits. We bring it out by faith.
Faith, the oath of the greatest level of faith is rest.
Faith is a rest, but it is faith that works, not us.
So working out what is on the inside of us happens by faith.
It’s not happening by good works. Salvation is a gift made available to the whole world.
So when he says work out your salvation, He is saying, by faith, receive all that you have been gifted with.
Receive salvation sozo. Receive your healing, your deliverance, your prosperity, your wholeness, and how do you do that by faith, not by doing works to deserve it.
Does everybody understand that? Alright. If you don’t understand it, I’m gonna stay here all the time.
Did you get that? Alright. Well, pastor, we didn’t have no problem with it.
Well, just in case one of those small Christians come up to you and try to tell you, you’re supposed to work your salvation.
I don’t know what down them talking about. This is you work it out by faith. You don’t work.
You work out your salvation. You don’t for your salvation. Your salvation is a gift. Amen?
Now let’s let’s pick up where we left off last week. And and begin this sermon.
The first thing I wanna do is we’ve been talking about grace and what it is And this series, we’re talking about a deep deeper definition of grace or a fuller meaning of grace.
Now this is we define Grace. I gave you this definition last week.
Grace is the unmerited abounding provision.
It’s the unmerit abounding provision of this unrestrained operation It’s the unmerited, uh, unmerited, abounding, always growing, or increasing provision of the unrestrained operation of god’s infinite love.
The unrestrained operation of god’s infinite love.
Now this infinite love can only come through Jesus Christ on behalf of mankind, on behalf of man, especially for those who depend on him.
It is this unmerited, abounding provision of the unrestrained operation of god’s infinite love that comes through Jesus Christ, on behalf of man, especially for those who depend on him.
And last week, we began to to break that down.
And we are we were talking about the 7 facets of grace.
The first one that is that grace is the operation of god’s love.
The second one we talked about was god’s love is infinite.
And the third thing we talked about before we dismissed last week was god’s grace is unmerited.
Now, today is the most important message I promise you that I have ever preached.
And at the time, all of them were the most important ones, but now this is the most important Man, after I finished praying this morning, the lord said to me, he he says, we we gotta get this out.
I said, god, I agree. We gotta get this out.
Because I saw this scripture this morning, Ken, in Zachariah 1210, that said that in last days, when all of this stuff going on, that god is gonna pour his grace out on the house of David.
And I said to myself, and they gotta happen that we gotta make sure they understand it before that time comes.
And then he went on, he says, yeah, I’m pouring my grace out on those who crucified me.
Yeah. He presented this up to his own people, and they didn’t receive it. So listen to this.
This is so, so very important.
I think it’s gonna I think a lot of things about the grace of god’s gonna fall in place today after this.
So if you don’t mind, I’m gonna stick really close to my notes at this very beginning.
I’ll step away, but I need to make sure you get this. Okay? You ready? You got your antennas up?
You got your pads and your pins ready? Alright. Let’s do this thing. Grace.
Number 4, when we’re talking about the 7 fold definition of Grace, Grace is the unrestrained operation.
Of of the love of god. And now we’re gonna get into that.
Now, while it is true that sin cannot limit god’s infinite love.
Sin cannot limit god’s infinite love.
There is something which is also infinite.
That completely restrained that love. Now, this was before Jesus did what he did.
Sin cannot limit god’s infinite love, but there is something which also is infinite that completely restrained it.
In other words, there’s something that’s also infinite that if it were not dealt with, god wouldn’t be free to love mankind the way that he can today.
And what is that other infinite item?
This restraining force the only force that can restrain god’s love was the infinite justice of god.
The infinite justice of god which demands that sin must be punished according to the Holy Law.
So there’s god’s infinite justice God’s infinite justice, if it is not satisfied, will restrain god’s infinite love.
And what is that justice?
It demands that sin must be punished according to, uh, to according to the law of god.
Now, once you get this, you’re gonna see how how a lot of stuff falls in place.
Now, why is that so? Because of this, god was not free to do for sinners, all that his love desired.
Jesus had to come.
He will at one time, he couldn’t do all that he wanted to do for sinners until this issue was dealt with.
In order that love might operate freely, and without restraint, something first had to be done to satisfy every demand of god’s justice.
You see, if god’s justice were to be satisfied by the center, then he must lose his life.
Before Jesus died, in order to satisfy god’s justice with the sinner, he’s gotta lose his life.
For the law demands that the sinner must die. You remember the scripture in Romans 623?
He says the wages of sin is what? Death.
So in order for god to be a a a a god whose love is not being restrained, that’s gotta be satisfied.
That’s gotta be satisfied. You you you you you just don’t sin, and there’s no justice that comes with it, unless his justice is fully satisfied.
If you understand that, say amen. But if the center be put to death, think about this.
If the Senate be put to death, no opportunity remains for love to operate in his behalf. Cause he did.
So it’s clear that if god’s justice was to be satisfied, and love left free to operate, but god himself had to supply back which was needed to satisfy that infinite justice.
God’s love found a way to satisfy his own justice. Look at god.
God’s love found a way to satisfy his own justice and thereby set free or set love free to operate without restraint.
God find a way to satisfy his justice. It had to be paid for.
Whatever they did, that’s what that’s what that’s what you’re seeing in the old testament.
When you did something, somebody had to die.
Even, you know, at the bottom of of Mount Sinai when they received the law, when when everything opened up, and and they all fell and went straight to hell.
God god’s justice, that was justice. God’s justice had to be satisfied.
I’m so glad that’s not like that today.
See, I want you to appreciate your almighty god who said, I gotta find a way to satisfy my justice so that my love won’t be restrained.
Now look at first John 4 and 10 in the NLT.
1st John 410 in NLT, and then first John 2 and 2 in the King James. Alright.
1st, John 4 10. If you’re there, say amen. This is real love.
Not that we love god, but that he loved us and sent his son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.
Now, we’ve heard that, for the most part, he sent his son to take away our sins.
But today, you’re gonna learn about how did all of that happen?
Because his son can’t take away our sins until this infinite justice has been satisfied.
So let’s go to 1st John 2 and 2 in the King James.
Somebody says, well, I feel like I’m in school. Oh, you in school this morning?
You gotta get this. Alright. So here’s this word, propitiation.
And verse 2 says, and he is referring to Jesus, he is the propitiation for our sins.
And not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. Alright.
Now, watch this carefully. The work, propitiation, if you just separate it and define it on an own, it means compensation, it means payment, it means peace offering, and it also means ransom paid.
Oh my god. Compensation pavement peace offering ransom paid.
Now I thought about it, and I’m like, Oh, wow. I gotta study a little deeper.
I gotta study a little deeper. Look at what I found.
Propitiation, It is that which satisfies divine justice.
That which satisfies divine justice. It was the payment that satisfied divine justice.
It was the compensation that took care of divine justice.
It was the ransom that was paid to take care of god’s divine justice.
Somebody says, well, how’s that sold? Well, I can see it.
Jesus had to become the payment and take upon everybody’s sin and say, god, I am the satisfaction and the payment and the compensation for every thing that anybody would do wrong, is that enough to satisfy your justice?
Yes. It is.
So that is enough to take care of every man’s sin.
Now, I’m free to laugh with no restraints. Glory, be to god.
So apart from the death of Christ, god cannot deal with fallen man on any other basis than the law and just this.
If you take Jesus out of this situation, subtract the the ransom and the payment out of this situation.
The only way that god can deal with mankind is through the law and through justice, which means the wages of your sin, you would have to die.
It had Jesus not shown up to pay the ransom Every time you some would some of us would have been dead.
I’d have been gone. I’d have been gone. You better think be thankful for god.
You’d have been gone. You would have been dead and inhaled because that justice was infinite.
But when Christ died, the restraint upon god’s love was removed and love set free to act.
God’s love is free to operate in grace.
That’s why when you start acting crazy, out of grace, his love can still be on your crazy self.
And stuff happened that you no one’s supposed to happen for you, but it happened anyway because he’s just has been satisfied, and there are no more restraints on his love.
Grace then is more than love.
It is love operating rightslessly in view of the fact that the penalty for sin has been paid.
Something was done. Listen to this. Some thing was done for god on the cross.
Think of that. Think of that.
Something was done for us on the cross, I know, but something was done for god on the cross.
What was it? He became free to fully exercise his love without compromising his justice.
Oh my god. Did y’all get that?
Oh, alright. So put make it personal. He is free. To love me without compromising his justice.
In other words, all the stuff you do that don’t line up with god’s word.
And I’m not talking about breaking the big 10. I’m talking about your bad attitude, your little nasty comments.
I’m talking about all the stuff you do to people And see, God, what grieves the Holy Spirit, even today, is how we treat people.
I’m talking about all of that.
If if if Jesus hadn’t ran get been to ransom to to fully satisfy his justice, then there’s no way God could turn his turn his turn his face or turn his head away from the stuff that you’ve done.
But, see, every time he look at your bad behavior and you’re seeing, he came help but to look at you through Jesus, the sacrifice, and the ransom, and he sees that his justice has been satisfied So now he can fully and freely love you with love that’s running you over trying to do you good and make you happy.
And the Bible says, the goodness of the lord will change your mind, change your direction.
I don’t know I don’t know if y’all I I’m about to fall out up here.
I don’t know if y’all What?
So that’s so now you see when people come up and they try to condemn other people.
They’re ultimately saying that Jesus’ ransom was enough of a payment.
For grace, to be free and undeserved Love then.
Yeah. Give me a moment. Wow.
Now that’s just how how great thou art?
You see you seem you understand when I say I I got to serve him.
I got to praise him.
I got to take all of the dog and night and the talking.
I got to take all of it, but look at what he has done for you and for me.
Look at what Jesus came as the compensation for what you couldn’t afford.
Even you going to hell would not have been enough to satisfy and pay everything that he did.
And and I don’t understand people trying to talk about Jesus. Dog got Jesus. I don’t believe in Jesus.
He was just a man, but he was your pavement.
If it were not for Jesus, You would not receive the mercy and the grace and the love and the forgiveness.
That’s why your crazy will never be able to match his grace.
Oh my goodness.
Oh my god.
I’m not I’m not talking some doctrinal teaching for a debate.
I know this is true.
Have you ever had god to do something for you that you know you didn’t deserve?
Have you ever had god to open up a door in your life and you know it should have stayed closed?
Go, repeat it, god.
Have you ever had god save somebody in your family, and you they they were no good for nothing dirty, but he saved him anyway.
Sanctified him. Field him with the holy ghost.
And if that’s not enough, look at what is done for you.
Are you searching for a deeper understanding of god’s grace?
In the series, a deeper definition of grace Creflow Dollar gives a solid understanding of our covenant and a true picture of our god.
Grace is the truth. Anytime you hear Grace, It’s Jesus. Jesus is the source of grace.
The very same grace that brings salvation also teaches those who are saved, how to live pleasing unto god.
Growth in your spiritual life can only come by grace. He will work out his plan for your life.
And you know what? He’s working out that plan right now.
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Salvation is the beginning of a new life for a believer.
It is from this point that we can move into the fullness of who god has called us to be and see the manifestation of the finished works of Jesus.
It is one of my greatest pleasures to help people, uh, to understand who Christ is and to lead people to Christ.
If you would like salvation today, pray this prayer with me. Very simple prayer.
Heavenly father, I believe in Jesus.
I believe that he died, that he rose again, and that he lives today. Coming to my life.
Save me. I receive you as my savior. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Listen.
If you prayed there, prayer with me, that’s how simple it is. Welcome to the family of god.
Thank you, partners and friends.
Your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of creflo Dollar Ministries.

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