How to Know You Are in God’s Will – 3 IMPORTANT Signs
How to Know You Are in God’s Will – 3 IMPORTANT Signs
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
I wanna talk to you about something very important.
You’ve heard that it’s important to walk in the will of God.
And perhaps you’ve even heard messages on how to walk in the will of God.
But I wanna give you biblical truths that will reveal to you whether or not you actually are in the will of God.
I’m gonna give you three very important, very telling signs that indicate that you are in the will of God.
You don’t need to live in confusion.
You don’t need to continue second guessing yourself wondering God, am I doing? What pleases you, God.
Am I where you want me to be Lord? Where do you want me in this season?
You can know the will of God with perfect confidence. You don’t have to second guess the will of God.
You can look to the scripture with the help of the Holy Spirit and see that you are centered in the perfect will of God.
Number one, the first sign is a biblical lifestyle.
Now, this really is the simplest way to know that you’re in the will of God.
If you want to know God’s will, you must know God’s Word.
If you’re serious about knowing God’s will, then you need to get serious about knowing God’s word.
There is in our generation, a biblical deficiency, a lack of scripture, a lack of truth.
And because of that lack of truth, there’s confusion, there’s second guessing. There’s constant wondering.
The scripture says this in Romans chapter 12 verses one and two, I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies, a living sacrifice wholly acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world.
Or as some translations say, be not conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove.
What is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Now, there’s a great misconception concerning this portion of scripture.
Romans 12 1 and two, you may have heard that there are three different wills of God.
There’s the good will of God, the acceptable will of God and the perfect will of God.
And some will say that you can live in the permissive will of God, which is basically a lesser level of obedience or a lesser commitment to the Lord as if we have a choice.
Well, I’m gonna live maybe not in his perfect will and do everything he asked of me.
Maybe I’ll live in the permissive will or the acceptable will or the good will.
Well, no, these descriptions are all describing the will of God. God’s will is good and acceptable and perfect.
There are not three different wills of God.
There is one will of God and that one single will of God is good, is acceptable, is perfect.
His will is perfect, but we are not.
So God’s standard that will, that he has for our lives remains the same.
The word which reveals the will of God is the standard against which we measure all things.
We measure our lives against the word. We measure our character against the word.
We measure our behaviors and our thought patterns against the word.
And as we do that, we actually center ourselves in the will of God.
So we may not be perfect, but the will of God is perfect.
That’s why the will of God is the standard that we aim for. That is the plum line.
That is the reference point. That is the focal point that we strive toward.
We must aim to live according to that will your life can be an offering poured out for God’s pleasure.
I’m gonna say that again. Your life can be an offering poured out for God’s pleasure in prayer today.
That’s what I was saying to him.
I was saying, Lord, I just want my life to be pleasing to you. I want my conduct.
I want my speech, I want my thoughts. I want my actions.
I want the way I treat my wife, the way I treat my daughter the way I treat my friends to just be an offering poured out unto you.
I want to be a living sacrifice. And that’s what it means to live in the will of God.
And when you live in the will of God, you’re living according to the scripture.
So it’s impossible to live according to God’s will.
And according to the patterns of this world, at the same time, if you want to live according to God’s will, then you have to give up worldly opinions.
You have to go against what culture says.
You cannot take your cues from culture, you cannot take your instructions from your politics.
You cannot take your instructions from the media points of this world, social media and television and radio and the music industry.
All of those things will lead to deception and darkness.
It’s only when we center our lives and pattern our lives after the will of God based on the word of God that we begin to become centered in the will of God, which is pleasing to him.
Now, I want you to know the way to do this because it’s really simple.
The scripture says this in James chapter one verses 22 through 25.
But don’t just listen to God’s word, you must do what it says.
Otherwise you are only fooling yourselves for if you listen to the word and don’t obey.
It is like glancing at your face in a mirror verse 24 you see yourself walk away and forget what you look like.
But if you look continually into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says, that’s the key phrase right there.
And if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.
You want to know if your life is being lived according to the will of God, then compare your lifestyle to the word of God.
The word of God is the mirror. The word of God is what gives us our spiritual reflection.
The word of God is what highlights things in us that need to change.
And as we go through the scripture, learning the heart of God, as we look to the Bible to understand His will, we will see things in the word of God that contradict our nature.
We will see truths in the word of God that contradict our opinions.
If you read the Word of God and you never find anything that contradicts your opinions, then you’re not looking closely enough.
I’m gonna say that again. If you read the word of God and you’re not finding things that contradict your opinions, then you are not looking close enough.
Why? Because there are things in all of us that need to change.
Every single one of us have areas in our lives that can reflect Christ in a better way.
And when we read the word that becomes again, that spiritual mirror.
So number one, if you want to know that you’re in God’s will, the first sign is a biblical lifestyle.
Does your lifestyle match up with what the word of God says? Compare your lifestyle to the word of God.
So I wanna give you somewhat of an altar call right now.
Maybe you’re watching live, maybe you’re watching the replay. This is your altar call.
I don’t want you to be ashamed of these truths in the word of God.
I want you to make this public declaration by writing three simple words in the comments, right?
I choose holiness. What is holiness? Holiness is simply to live according to God’s standards.
Write that in the comment section right now, I choose holiness, make that your commitment and don’t write it casually.
I want you to truly in your heart of hearts determine that you will compare your lifestyle to the word.
And if there’s anything that contradicts your lifestyle in the word that you will adjust the way you live around God’s word, which reflects perfectly God’s will.
So sign number one, a biblical lifestyle. Now, you don’t have to settle for confusion and doubt.
I know so many believers who walk in this confusion. Am I where God wants me to be?
And it’s almost a fear. You know, confusion often leads to fear and they say things like, well, I’m not really sure what God wants me to do.
And because they’re not sure what God wants them to do, they either get stuck in, in action or they move too quickly.
In presumption. Either one of those are detrimental.
This is why we must find the balance, which is to live right in the pace of grace to live right in the flow of the spirit to move as he moves, not to walk ahead of him, not to lag behind, but to walk beside him to move.
When he moves to move, as he moves to go at his pace, you don’t have to settle for confusion and doubt.
The Bible says this in Isaiah chapter 48 verses 20 to 22. Now this, this is a strong one here.
You know, sometimes you’ll read things in scripture that come across very harsh, this is very harsh.
So prepare yourself here, Isaiah 48 20 to 22.
1st, the prophet is describing the state of God’s people and then he describes the state of the wicked.
Watch the difference here. Verse 20.
Yet even now be free from your captivity, talking to the people of God, leave Babylon and the Babylonians seeing out this message, shout it to the ends of the earth.
The Lord has redeemed his servants, the people of Israel, they were not thirsty when he led them through the desert.
Isn’t that awesome? That miracle of not being thirsty when going through the desert?
He divided the rock and water gushed out for them to drink. Verse 22. Watch this now.
But there is no peace for the wicked says the Lord, there is no peace for the wicked wickedness will produce torment.
Wickedness will produce confusion. Wickedness will produce doubt and second guessing and wavering wickedness is detrimental to your walk with God.
Now, as I said, you don’t have to settle for confusion and doubt.
So sign number two that you’re walking in the will of God is peace of mind, man.
You can be going through the most difficult circumstances.
I’ve seen people go through circumstances where they lost very close loved ones.
I’ve had friends who’ve lost Children, friends who’ve lost spouses, friends who’ve lost businesses, friends who’ve lost everything and in the middle of those storms, they’re rooted in the middle of those storms.
They’re calm in the middle of those storms. They have their bearings. Why?
Because they built their houses upon the words of Christ.
They didn’t build upon themselves, they didn’t build upon worldly things, they built upon Jesus Jesus as the center.
Now, sign number one, which is a biblical lifestyle is the simplest way to know you’re in God’s will.
That is really the starting point. You want to start walking in God’s will.
It begins with walking according to the word.
And then there are things in our lives where we can’t find in chapter and verse.
There are things about our lives that really aren’t revealed in the scriptures. What spouse you should marry?
Yes, in principle, the Bible gives us some descriptions that help us to identify good spouses.
There are things you wanna know like where should I live? When should I start the ministry?
What school should I go to? Where should I work? Those questions aren’t answered specifically in chapter and verse.
And that’s why we often need other ways that the spirit speaks to guide us in those specific areas.
So number one was a biblical lifestyle, but number two, peace of mind, that is a powerful indicator that you’re walking in the will of God and the opposite of that is true.
If you have no peace of mind, you are probably not in the will of God.
I’m just gonna tell you the truth.
If you lack peace in your mind, it’s because you’re not focused on Him.
And if you’re not focused on Him, there’s no way that you can be properly following him.
In order to follow him, I have to see Him and in order to see Him, I have to focus on him.
So if I lack peace of mind, it shows me, I’m not focused on Him.
And if I’m not focused on Him, there’s no way I can follow him.
Now, the scripture says there’s no peace for the wicked.
Why is that their minds are tormented by sin? Their minds are tormented because they’ve gone wayward.
I think about the fact that there are all sorts of pressure points on my life.
Ministry, family, finance, friends, connections, travel, writing, studying, there are many responsibilities that have been placed on me.
And I take those very seriously.
But if I’m being transparent with you, if it wasn’t for the presence of the Holy Spirit on my life, I’m just gonna be real with you right now.
If it wasn’t for the presence of the Holy Spirit upon my life, I would be 1000 pieces on the floor.
Why? Because the pressure of ministry is more than I can describe. Sometimes.
Think about the fact that people attack me.
You, you would not believe the ugly things that people say about me and to me and to my family, you would not believe the way that people even preachers come against me.
Now, you know, I’m a man of peace and I don’t attack other ministries.
But that doesn’t mean I haven’t had ministries attack me. I’ve had people come against me.
Now, of course, the Holy Spirit himself deals with those people.
But you know, sometimes it can be difficult if I’m not centered in Christ.
If I’m not centered in the will, it can be very difficult to maintain that peace.
In fact, it’s impossible to maintain that peace without Him.
But I thank God for the presence of the Holy Spirit on my life who sustains me in the storms, who upholds me under the pressures of ministry the pressures of all the responsibilities that are placed on my shoulders.
That’s to the credit of the Holy Spirit. That’s what he does now.
It’s almost like I’m living in a bubble. I’ll be honest with you, not ignorance but confidence.
I’m not saying, I don’t know what’s going on or nothing bad ever happens to me.
No, no, no, that’s not what I’m saying.
I’m saying that even in the middle of tragedy, there are things that happen in my life that are tragedy.
They’re tragic. Now, I don’t go sharing everything on social media, but there are tragedies that I’ve experienced.
There are heartaches I’ve experienced. But you know who sustains me in all of that?
The Holy Spirit, his presence strengthens me. That peace of mind comes. Why?
Because I’m right in the will of God. When you’re in the will of God, there’s no shaking you.
You know, in the will of God, it’s not like suddenly all your troubles go away.
It’s not like suddenly nothing bad ever happens. It’s not like everything starts to go perfect.
No, life just continues to happen. There are good things and bad things that come into your life.
But what does happen when you’re in the will of God is that even in the middle of the difficult times, there is strength, there is a firm foundation upon which you stand.
But when you’re living outside of the will of God, nothing can bring peace.
Let me say that again when you’re living outside the will of God, nothing brings you peace.
In fact, people lose sleep because they’re not in the will of God.
People lose sleep because they’re in sin because they’re in disobedience. Well, think of Jonah.
You’ve heard of Jonah and the whale.
I’m more interested in Jonah and the wind because the wind came from the presence of the Lord.
It was the Holy Spirit who corrected Jonah on his course, the Holy Spirit that wind came to destroy Jonah’s means of disobedience, that ship.
And on his way, on his path of disobedience, the Holy Spirit disrupted everything.
There is no peace for the wicked. There is no peace for those who run from the call of God.
There is no peace for those who live in sin.
There is no peace for those who walk in disobedience, shunning the will of God shunning the things of God and doing everything they can to keep God out of their minds.
There’s no peace in their hearts.
They’re unfulfilled, aimlessly, wandering through life with no purpose, grasping for something of substance but ultimately lost in their disobedience.
This is why something I’ve observed here.
This is why some of the most people, the most miserable people you will ever meet are backsliders.
People who’ve stepped away from the things of God.
Second Peter 2 21 says this, it would be better if they had never known the way to righteousness than to know it and then reject the command that they were given to live a holy life.
How scary is that truly the most miserable people I’ve ever known are backsliders.
People who’ve walked away from the things of God don’t let that be you.
Now, I believe this word is important.
If you believe the same, do me a favor and leave a like on the video, whether you’re watching live or on the replay, leave a like and that’ll help others see this.
If you believe others need to hear this message, this truth filled message then leave a like on the video right now.
Number three, this is the third sign and really with this third sign, I’m actually gonna clarify my second point.
So sign number one, a biblical lifestyle. Sign number two, peace of mind.
These are signs that you’re in the will of God.
Now sign number three is gonna be a balance, not a contradiction, but a balance to sign.
Number two, see sign number two is peace of mind, but you do realize that things aren’t always going to be peaceful in the will of God.
I mean, think about the life of Paul the Apostle.
He spent so much time in prison that that’s basically his ministry headquarters.
Paul’s ministry headquarters was prison, that was his life in and out of prison.
Ridiculed, persecuted, beaten, abandoned, rejected all of those things.
So it’s not that when we walk in the will of God, everything is perfectly aligned the way we want it.
But that peace of mind is internal. So sometimes God’s will will make you nervous.
I wanna say that again because maybe you didn’t think you heard me clearly.
Sometimes God’s will will make you nervous.
You know, there are people who plateau in ministry or get stuck in their spiritual walk or get stuck in life or stuck in their business.
Why? Because they stop reaching ahead.
They settle where they are not because necessarily they’re comfortable, but because they’re afraid to take that next step.
You know, this new thing that we’re doing here, maybe when you watch this, it will be years from now.
So this won’t be a new thing.
But as we record this now, we just started making efforts to expand ministry operations to Texas.
We keep a base in California.
We’re not getting rid of that studio and then we’re expanding to Texas now that took faith.
This is taking faith. This is a big step.
It would have been much more comfortable to stay in California, right? We had a great foundation there.
Things are happening. Everyone’s comfortable, no risks, everything is stable financially. I said, you know what?
I gotta follow the will of God. We have to expand his kingdom.
We have to continue to reach for more. So we took a step of faith and here we are.
Do you think that it was, it was without any hesitation that we did this. No.
You know, sometimes when you do the will of God, it’s going to scare you.
The Bible says this in Matthew chapter 26 verses 38 39.
Watch this now, then he sayeth unto them. This is Jesus speaking just about to be crucified.
He knows what’s coming. He’s going to be crucified. This is what he says.
My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death. Terry, ye here and watch with me.
And he went a little further and fell on his face and prayed.
Does this look to you like Jesus is comfortable?
Does this look to you like there’s nothing in Him that wants nothing to do with the cross?
No, if you, if you, if you think that you haven’t read the scripture saying, oh my father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me.
So he’s asking let there be another way.
If there’s a way out of this, I don’t really wanna do this. That’s what he’s saying.
He’s like, I don’t really want to do this. I’m not really comfortable doing this.
This is not really the easy thing to do. Nevertheless, not as I will, what a powerful prayer.
Nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt nevertheless, not my will, but your will be done.
That should be the prayer for our lives. Sign number three is a need for faith.
There is that stretching? Don’t mistake a lack of comfort for a lack of peace.
Don’t mistake nervousness for a lack of peace.
I can’t tell you how many I’ve heard how many people I’ve sat across the table from how many times I’ve been in conversation with people who could have gone for more, who could have stepped into what God had for them.
But they talk themselves out of taking steps of faith and they lie to themselves and they try to spiritualized their fear by saying, well, I just don’t feel peace in my heart.
Where in the Bible does it say that if you do the will of God, that it will always be comfortable?
Now, remember I gave you a sign number two, that peace of mind is a sign that you’re in the will of God.
But don’t mistake peace of mind with no discomfort.
Don’t mistake peace of mind with no hesitation, no peace of mind.
Is that calm and that trust and that stability, despite the doubt, despite the discomfort, despite the risk, because sometimes God will ask you to do things that in the natural appear to be risky.
Don’t mistake nervousness for a lack of peace.
Sometimes God will ask you between faith and foolishness is whether or not God has spoken, if God has spoken, it’s faith, if He didn’t tell you to do it, well, then it’s foolishness.
Now, some people back out of God’s will because their natural minds and their natural emotions are disturbed people say things like, well, you know, I was gonna do it but I just felt uncomfortable.
So I, I step out of it and I’ve seen people miss opportunities.
I’ve seen ministries plateau and stagnate and then shrink because they ceased taking steps of faith.
If, where you are doesn’t require faith, you’re not in the will of God. Come on.
If, where you’re going doesn’t require faith, then you’re not going into the will of God.
Since when does God put us in a place where we don’t need him?
You see, if you need God, you need the miraculous.
If you need God, it means you’re doing things outside of your own ability.
But if you’re doing things in your own ability, if you’re doing things by your own wisdom, if you’re doing things on your own timetable, well, it requires no faith at all because everything you do is in your own hands.
Faith is putting more responsibility in God’s hands and stop trying to control everything.
Now, indicators that you are in the will of God has nothing to do with nervousness or warfare.
You know, some people they say, well, you know, we went to go do it but it wasn’t simple.
So we backed out. No, there was too much resistance. So maybe it wasn’t the will of God.
Think about what Paul encountered trying to spread the gospel everywhere. Do you, do you think that Paul the apostle?
Do you think it would be good if Paul the Apostle said, well, I was in a shipwreck and people were mean to me and they wouldn’t let me preach and there were too many closed doors.
So maybe it’s not God’s will that I spread the gospel to the gentiles. What if Paul the Apostle did?
What many of us do? Well, there was too much resistance and you know, if it was the will of God, it would just happen.
What, what foolishness is this? I’ve seen people start projects and then they get attacked by others online saying, well, if this was really God, you wouldn’t have to raise funds.
If this was really God, you wouldn’t have to plan for it.
If this was really God, you wouldn’t have to try.
If this was really God, you wouldn’t have to try to extend all that effort thinking that God’s just going to do it without us.
No, that’s not how God has chosen to work in this world.
God has chosen you and I as partners and he’s looking for faith to join his power to, he’s looking for faith to join with his ability.
That’s what he needs. He requires it because that’s how he designed it.
Now, he of course, could not need it if he wanted to.
But God designed this world and God designed the spiritual dynamics of this realm in such a way that he requires a partner to work in the earth.
Now, at any moment he could cease doing it that way.
But that’s how he’s chosen to do it now. Indicators are not.
Well, I wasn’t nervous about it so I, so I did it or there was no warfare.
So I did it. I remember the first studio we were trying to build.
Um, it took us like three or four years just trying to get the vision off the ground.
And I remember talking to this one pastor, he asked me straight up.
Keep in mind this was, this was years ago.
We’re just starting a ministry just starting the first broadcast, just trying to get the equipment.
And I remember it took us like two or three years to get the broadcast going because it was technical and financial and we had to train the crew.
It was this long process. And I remember I sat across from this pastor.
Keep in mind I was younger then I was about maybe 17 years old, 16, 17 years old.
I was already kind of discouraged and just trying to push through and persevere and do what God called me to do, do what I knew God called me to do.
And I’m sitting across on the pastor who under the guise of wisdom tells me this.
He’s listening to me and I’m just telling him, yeah, we’re trying to get this studio off the ground.
It’s been a couple of years and we’re trying to raise the funds. We’re trying to find the people.
We’re trying to find the networks. It’s just a lot of pieces to pull together.
And he says, he asked me this. He goes well, is that really God then?
So he said to me, he said, is that really God then is that the Lord?
Because if it was God’s will, it would be easy.
And thank God that the Holy Spirit spared me in that moment because I didn’t listen to that advice.
Know why. Because sometimes the walk of faith is a challenging one.
But if where you are doesn’t require faith, you’re not in the will of God.
That just means you’re doing everything on your own ability. Now.
Good, bad tragedy, blessings, efficiency and delay all of these things happen to everyone all the time.
In Matthew 5 45 the Bible says in that way, you will be acting as true Children of your father in heaven for he gives his sunlight watch this.
Now he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike.
In other words, good things and bad things happen to the wicked and to the holy period.
The only difference is that those who are filled with the spirit of God have that internal peace.
But sign number three, remember, you will have to exercise faith. It’s not always gonna be comfortable.
Hebrews 11 6 says, and without faith, it is impossible. Listen, to this language here.
Without faith, it is impossible to please God.
You can’t do it because anyone who comes to him must believe two things must believe that He exists.
Number one, and number two, that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
So there’s two things that you have to have faith. For.
Number one, you have to believe that He exists now as a believer. That’s standard. You’ve got that.
That’s the first level of faith in God to even believe that He exists.
The second level is to believe that He rewards those who seek him. He rewards those who do his will.
He’s a man of his word. He is a God who keeps his word.
Come on, his word does not fail.
If you are daring enough, bold enough faith filled enough to believe God at His word, miracles will follow you.
You know, this ministry has grown exponentially and is continuing to grow as many of you can see.
Why is that nothing to do with me?
All I know is I listen to the Holy Spirit, the ministry growth.
All it’s been is one step of faith after another.
And whenever we get too comfortable, I say, ok, we got to correct something here because there’s no faith required for where we are.
I remember one time years ago, our ministry had come to this place of comfort, financially, things were smooth.
Our events were doing well. Our media was taking off and we just started coasting, you know, coasting on that success as people would call it really, truly success is whether or not you’ve obeyed God.
But that’s a different message for a different time.
But we were just kind of coasting on the fruitfulness, I’ll say of the ministry.
And you know, the Holy Spirit asked me since when does it take no faith to operate a healing ministry that shook me to my core.
He said that to me. He said, since when does it take no faith to operate a healing ministry?
And it shook me. I said, here I am preaching faith and reaching for more and then we’re comfortable.
And so then I said, Lord, I don’t ever wanna get comfortable. I’m gonna continually reach for more.
This is why we have to continue to step out because without faith, it’s impossible to please Him.
So the three signs, three very clear signs that you’re in the will of God sign number one, a biblical lifestyle, measure your lifestyle against the standard of the word sign.
Number two, peace of mind. Do you have peace in the midst of the storm?
Sign number three, which is a balance too, not a contradiction of the second point, a need for faith.
If where you are doesn’t require faith, you’re not in the will of God.
Simple, keep moving with the steps of faith. Now I’m gonna pray with you.
But before I do, if this message has challenged you and you love hearing sermons and teachings on topics like the Holy Spirit, prayer, spiritual warfare, evangelism, the call of God, and topics like those.
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When you do subscribe, let’s pray now.
And let’s ask the Holy Spirit to give us the boldness to walk in his will.
Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to continue to guide us in that good and perfect will of God father in the name of Jesus.
I lift that one to you. Now, who desires to please you?
Who desires to be that offering poured out? Lord, spend us for your glory.
We pray and Holy Spirit.
I pray even now that every bondage would be broken, help us to conform to your word and your will help us to live lives that please you, we honor you, Lord, we love you in the mighty name of Jesus.
We pray. And I want you to say it because you believe it. Say amen.
Well, I do want to ask something of you if you enjoy this ministry, maybe your life has been blessed by the the sermons.
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You’ve seen the thousands that have been saved through the work of this ministry, which is the Lord’s ministry.
Uh Maybe you’ve gone to the Holy Spirit School, which is our free online bible school.
However, your life has been impacted, I need your help so that we can continue to impact more people.
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You can also give a one time gift to help sustain the work of this ministry.
Help this ministry continue to expand.
If you love souls, you love the Lord, you love the gospel and help us take the gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit all around the world to events, media, and live streams.
Do that. Now by going to David Hernandez ministries dot com slash donate at that link.
You can give a one time gift or you can sign up to become a monthly ministry partner.
So whether your gift is large or small, one time or monthly, it counts.
So you’re watching, don’t just say, well, there’s thousands who will see this and they’ll all give.
I want you to be the one you to be the one to say I’m gonna take up that responsibility.
Maybe you’ve been meaning to partner with this ministry.
Well, there’s no better time than now to become a monthly supporter.
Maybe you’ve been meaning to give a one time gift, help us continue to reach the world by giving a one time gift again.
Go to David Hernandez ministries dot com slash donate.
- The Weather Or Not Channel – A | Jack Hibbs TodayTháng 5 18, 2023