How to Follow Your Dream with God X Sarah Jakes Roberts & Monique Rodriguez

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How to Follow Your Dream with God X Sarah Jakes Roberts & Monique Rodriguez

Are you attempting to alter God’s narrative for your life? Monique Rodriguez explains how she embodies the principles of Philippians 4:13. Especially when His story confronts her dreams with difficulty.

Watch the FULL “Choosing God’s Narrative with Monique Rodriguez” episode on the Woman Evolve TV App. For audio-only, head over to iHeartRadio, Apple, Spotify, or Google Podcasts.

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That reminds me of description. People use it all the time.
They’re like, I can do all things through Christ, and they’re using it to kind of, like, choose what they wanna do and be like, I can do it through Christ, but the reality of that scripture, I feel stands so strong in your story.
Which at the end of the day, it’s not that I wanna do it.
It’s not that this is what I love to, you know, I don’t love this position that I am.
And it’s not necessarily what I would have hoped for, but I can get through this if crisis on my side.
And it feels like you are embodying How are you holding on to that mentality? Here you are.
Um, I think for many people, they would seem like maybe you have arrived, right, you have this incredible come money, you were able to have a nice exit but still stay in a lead position to maintain the integrity of the brand.
Like, this feels like most people’s goal.
And yet you’re still very young, and I’m sure you have so much more vision and so many more dreams.
Like, how did you balance this tension of I may be living most people’s dreams, but I’m not finished living out god’s dream for my life.
What does that look like for you?
Well, I think that, you know, I really focus on, um, for me, it’s really being intentional of letting god leave me and not necessarily focus on, like, what people think about me.
And you know, while I may be living out some people’s dreams, most important for me is, like, am I walking in my purpose?

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