How God Turns Everything For Good X Sarah Jakes Roberts & Erica Cruz

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How God Turns Everything For Good X Sarah Jakes Roberts & Erica Cruz

What you perceive as a curse might actually be a blessing in disguise. This exchange between SJR and Erika Cruz showcases repentance in a bold and beautiful way. Learn more about her story of becoming better today!

Watch the FULL “AImmerse Yourself with Erika Cruz” episode on the Woman Evolve TV App. For audio-only, head over to iHeartRadio, Apple, Spotify, or Google Podcasts.

One night, I called my sons there, and my familiar voice answered the phone.
Um, and, you know, that got me out of bed.
And I went looking for him and I found him with that familiar voice.
And, uh, you know, something just life changing happened that day.
And at that time, I thought that it was a curse, but now I look back and I really see that it was my blessing.
I got into, you know, a huge accident it that day.
Like, I I hit two people with a car, and I never thought that was something that I would do, you know, like, as fun and and and wild and lit as I was. I was not, uh, a harmful person, like, somebody who would physically harm somebody but that was me at my very worst of my old self.
Like, that was it. You know?
Got showed me that night, like, this is where you will be if you do not change.
And, you know, the person who answered the phone and my son’s dad, they burnt hurt very badly.
And for a long time, I had to, like, just, you know, sit with that and think on it, and I spent the night in jail.
And I just saw, like, if you don’t change, baby, this is what it’s gonna be like.
This is it for you. And even now, I’m still dealing with the repercussions to those actions, but in a whole new light.
You know, I’m able to see that my shift is happening.
I’m able to see that everything happens for a reason and that the better I show up for myself, the better the world will feel me, you know, the better my actions will showcase into the world.
And I just, you know, I just take it day by day now, and I’m just doing my best to just still accept all that I had been through.
All the mistakes that I made and still accept that I’m becoming and will be an even better woman tomorrow and the day after and the day after.
So I tell this story about after I I hit It was my ex husband at the time, and he was in the car with someone else.
And I hit the car with them in it over and over again. They called the police on me.
And, um, I had to go to CPS to child protective services because my kids were at home and I was outside.
And I think my daughter at the time, she was like, maybe a year old.
My son was seven or 8. And, um, I just lost it. Like, I just lost it.
And I think one of the things that I know now that I’m able to put into language now that I could have never put into language then is that I think the reason why I was so upset was it had less to do with what was happening because that was not a surprise on paper.
Like, there were a lot of signs that this is probably the kind of that’s what he’s on, you know, But I think I was fighting for what I thought was, like, my dignity, my respect, my identity, and when I was walking out of that CPS office, I just had one thought, and that was like, I can do better than this.
I think I can do better than this.
And that reclaiming of my power, my identity from other people, and a to render to god. Like, okay.
So now here’s my wrap sheet guide. Like, I’ve done this. I did that. I did this.
But if what they say about you is true, like, I wanna know what you can do with what I have left.
And that posture of surrender, I think, is what changed everything in my life.
And it sounds like where you are too.

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