The Story of God Confirming Through The Radio | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Story of God Confirming Through The Radio | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Every believer is called to be a priest. Discover the keys of the priesthood and the investiture that shows you how to fulfill your calling.

Check back later for the next part.

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But god doesn’t call those who are worthy or those who are able.
He enables those whom he has called.
When I came to the lord, I was in college.
I knew I was called to ministry god interrupted my life dramatically.
And I knew I was to go into ministry, but I didn’t know what. But I ministered anyway.
I’ve been asked to lead a bible study, so I lead a bible study.
I brought food to the to the homeless and the word in New York City with others.
I was asked to help start a congregation. That was an outreach at the time when the messianic flavor.
And when I was asked to do that, I said I can help out as long as I can.
I’ll help you. But one day, I have to leave because Scott called me to full time ministry.
I don’t know what that is yet, but I will help you. So I helped them.
And they had a they had a pastor.
They had a leader, but I was I was like the 3rd guy helping.
And then one day, One of the the the one who asked me, Gary Selman, called me on the phone so I have to meet with you in a diner.
So I met. He said, He said the one who was was leading is leaving, and I’m asking you to lead Beth Israel.
And I said, I can’t. I said Beth Israel was for the meantime, I was doing this and, you know, the lord had me.
So I was I’m doing about Israel, but that that’s the but that was to help you, but that’s not the and then he said, well, not the ministry.
He said, well, maybe it is the ministry. I went back to my car.
I turned on the radio, and a guy is speaking on Christian Radio in New York about malachi, the book of Malachi.
And he says this, for the lips of a priest should preserve knowledge and men should seek god’s counsel from his mouth.
He is the messenger of the lord of hosts. Now he didn’t say it like that, though.
He said for the lips of a Cohen should preserve knowledge.
Now now I don’t know anybody on Christian radio who would ever said that in that way, except this guy.
His name was Phil Goebel, and he was only on the radio for that set time.
He wasn’t Jewish, but he had a messianic heart. And he said the he said the lips of a cocaine.
Culhane is what the Bible translate as priest, but it’s not the kind of priest we think of in the west.
Event, a son of Aaron, the one who ministers in the temple.
And the reason it struck me for those who know or don’t know is my heritage or lineage is from Aaron.
And so And so what I don’t know why he chose to say that word in Hebrew at that moment.
I know god knows it because he knew what it what it would have done by me hearing it.
And I just happened to be in the parking lot of the diner.
And I I just been asked to go into full time ministry, and I happen. I was reluctant, and I had just turned on the radio at that exact moment, and he said it.
God knows everything. He’s in everything.
And that and that was the very first confirmation I got to say yes to full time ministry.
And a word that went back 1000 years And it was linked to to the ministry that now was being asked to do, which was of Messiah, which is of the new covenant, and god was connecting it to the temple of Jerusalem, of Aram.
And, basically, because if you’re born of god, if you’re born again, you are a priest of god.
You’re called for ministry to take this as the lord.
I didn’t plan it to match up with membership, but take this as from the lord.
It’s something that, you know, it’s like god is saying, you know, what you, Jonathan, you’re only gonna be able to fulfill your calling through the Messiah through the new com.
There’s no other way you could be a priest in this world, and it’s not about me.
It’s all of you. The Bible says you are a royal priesthood.
That’s not just a nice word, nice phrase. That’s real. Yeah. If god says it, he means it.
Means you are a priest as much as they were a priest in the temple.
You are a priest as much as the high priest was a priest.
The lord said in the new covenant, what you your calling is just as holy.
Just as sacred as the minister in the temple of Jerusalem.
Your life is holy, and god Everything about your life is to be holy for god.
And the word the lord gave me today is about clothing the garments, the holy garments, that they says you will make garments that they might minister.
And clothing, you know, when they say clothing makes the man, well, I don’t believe that, but with a priest, it kinda did.
A little while back on a Friday night, I gave a message called the Mick Nas, which is or the sacred undergarments of the priest.
It’s gonna overlap with this, but I’m not gonna be speaking so much about the garments I’m gonna speak about the day that the priest took on the garments, the day that they entered into ministry because it has to do with a rising you fulfilling rising to your calling.
Exodus 29 says this.
This is what you shall do to them, you will consecrate them to minister as priest to me.
First key, they had to be holy, Holyliness is linked to your calling. It’s linked to your ministry.
Gotta go together. In the ministry, we are to behold.
You’re gonna minister to god the minister on the temple had to be holy.
Are there people in god who minister and they’re not holy? Yes. But it won’t last forever.
God has a way. You have to view your calling as holy. Treat your calling as holy.
At the same time, many of you are the other way.
You’re focused more on your own weakness and your unholdiness and you feel you’re not worthy.
You can’t serve in ministry. Because you’re not worthy because of this sin and that sin and this this failing and this weakness.
But the fact is nobody, none of us are worthy, in ourselves, none of us are adequate.
Paul said our adequacy comes from him.
So here, you’re I’m not worthy of my calling in myself, and you’re not worthy of your calling in yourself, but god doesn’t call those who are worthy or those who are able.
He enables those whom he has called. He doesn’t even call the holy. He makes them holy.
And that’s key in this verse. Some of your bibles might read, you shall hallow them.
Huntsigrate them, hallow them. But the word in Hebrew is the word kadash. Try it. Kadoj. Kadoj.
Now this is a word you’ve heard it. You’ve heard things like it.
Kadoj kadoj kadoj holy, holy, holy is the lord.
It can be a noun, an adjective, holy, Khadosh, but this is not a noun. It’s not an act.
This is a verb. This is holy in the Bible. This is the holy as a verb. It’s an action.
So it says you shall codash them. You will, what you can translate. You shall holify them.
You shall holy eyes them. You know, that they were not worthy, but you become worthy because they weren’t worthy.
They have to be made holy. Khadosh Kadosh. Kadosh.
I don’t know one example in the Bible where someone’s called of god and they and they I’ve called it and they say, sure it was it’s me.
I’m I’m more than I’m overqualified. Of course. Of course. I they don’t. That’s not it.
When he called the profits, the reaction was I’m not worthy. The reaction of Moses, I’m not worthy.
The reaction of of of Jeremiah, not worthy.
What make you adequate is the fact that, you know, you’re not adequate without god, but with god is your adequacy.
And also Kardash to make holy also means cleansed.
In 1st Corinthians, it says for it says this. 1st Corinthians, it says, some of you were sexually immoral.
Some of you were drunkers, addiction, addicted, adulterers, idolaters, greedy, abusers, dishonest, homosexual, but you were washed, you were sanctified.
In other words, we’re all in the same boat.
We’re all sinners, but he could dust us It’s not about being holy. It’s about becoming holy.
And and and and by the way, if I just read this verse in Canada, by that law, that verse is illegal, but it doesn’t matter.
We’re not in Canada. And even if we were in Canada, it’s not about Canada. It’s about god.
God has the power to cleanse us and change us and make us really matter who we are.
Now the priests were separated on that day. They were given special clothes linked to it.
So so this is what’s happening here if they’re gonna fulfill their calling, they’re gonna minister, they have to be separated to god and separated.
Now when we think of separation, we think of separation from, I’m separated from. And, yes, that’s true.
He separated them. First of all, he separated Israel from the world.
Then he separated the leave tribe of Levi from Israel, then he separated the priest from the levites, then he separated the high priest from the priest.
So it’s separation. So, yeah, have to be set. So to fulfill your calling, you have to be separate.
You have to separate from that, which is not your calling.
You can’t do that, which is not your calling, and fulfill your at the same time, you’re doing 2 different things that are in conflict.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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